381 Sarehole Road, Hall Green, B28 0AL

Committee Date:
Application Number:
Application Type:
Target Date:
Hall Green
381 Sarehole Road, Hall Green, Birmingham, B28 0AL
Erection of single storey rear & first floor side extensions and single
storey detached outbuilding to rear
Mr Iylas Gul
381 Sarehole Road, Hall Green, Birmingham, B28 0AL
2nd City Design
[email protected]
Approve Subject To Conditions
Consent is sought for a single storey rear and first floor side extensions to the
property and a detached outbuilding to rear.
The proposed single storey rear extension is to be sited to the rear of the existing
utility and projects along the boundary with No.383 Sarehole Road. This extension
would be 3.2m deep, 2.3m wide and would have a maximum height of 3.4m.
The first floor side extension would be sited above the existing ground floor store
and utility and would be 2.3m wide. The proposed extension would be set back from
the original front wall of the property by 300mm, set down from the main ridge of the
roof by 200mm, and would project the full depth of the dwelling. This extension is
proposed to have a box gutter to contain the extension within the boundary of the
application site. This is an amended scheme to address the Reasons for Refusal of
the previous application.
The outbuilding would be sited at the far end of the garden. The plans demonstrate
that the outbuilding would leave a gap of 2m to the rear boundary, 0.95m to the
boundary with No.379, and 1.6m to the boundary with No.383. The structure would
be 5.75m in width, 5m in length with a hipped roof to a maximum height of 3.5m.
The structure is proposed to be used as a gym, bathroom and storage. A total of six
trees are proposed to be removed as part of this development.
The application is reported to Planning Committee as the applicant is related to a
member of staff.
Proposed Elevations
Proposed Floor Plans
Proposed Outbuilding
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Site and Location Plan
Site & Surroundings
The application site comprises of a traditional styled hipped roof semi detached
property that is located within a residential street of similar styled properties. The
property has an existing flat roofed side extension that projects along the boundary
with the neighbouring dwelling No.383. There is a large mature rear garden that is
defined by 1.8m high fencing and additional planting either side adjacent to the
dwelling. The far end of the garden is defined by low level open fencing to No.379,
1.8-2m high fencing to No.383 and approx. 2.6m high corrigated metal fencing to the
rear. There are a number of mature trees at the far end of the garden.
No.379 is the adjoining semi that reflects the original style and character of the
application site. No.383 is a similar styled detached dwelling that has a side garage
and utility that projects to the boundary with the application site.
Site Location
Street View
Planning History
2014/00441//ENQ - Permitted Development enquiry for a hip to gable roof alteration,
installation of dormer window and single storey rear extension – Confirmed as
Permitted Development.
11/12/2014 (2014/06605/PA) – Permission refused for the erection of single storey
rear & first floor side extensions and single storey detached outbuilding to rear –
Refused on the grounds of design, with the proposed extension not being set back
or set down from the original dwelling. Appeal Allowed.
Consultation/PP Responses
Adjoining residents and local ward Councillors have been notified. One response
has been received regarding the potential use of the outbuilding for accommodation.
Network Rail: recommend risk assessment and method statement (RAMS) to be
submitted to Network Rail Asset Protection once works have commenced.
Policy Context
The following local policies are applicable:
Birmingham UDP (2005).
Draft Birmingham Development Plan (2013).
Places For Living (Adopted Supplementary Planning Guidance 2001).
The 45 Degree Code (Adopted Supplementary Planning Guidance 1996).
Extending your Home (Supplementary Planning Document 2007).
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The following national policies are applicable:
NPPF- Delivering Sustainable Development (2012).
Planning Considerations
The application has been assessed against the policies outlined above. The
principal matters for consideration are whether the proposals would safeguard the
visual character and appearance of the original property, the amenity of the
surrounding street scene, and the amenities of neighbouring occupiers.
I consider that the design and scale of the extensions are acceptable. The proposal
would not compromise the existing character or architectural features of the
property, or have a detrimental impact on the general street scene. The proposal
would be in accordance with the general principles contained within 'Extending Your
Home' (SPD). Although not significant changes to the recently refused application,
the submission has provided a set back and set down to the roof which would help
reduce the effect of the development and bring it in line with policy.
The extensions would comply with your Committee’s 45 Degree Code and the
distance separation guideline as outlined within 'Places for Living' (Supplementary
Planning Guidance) and ‘Extending Your Home’ (SPD) would be met.
I consider that the scale, mass and design of the proposed outbuilding is acceptable
and would not form an excessive addition within the curtilage of the application site.
The design of the structure is such that it complies with the design principles
contained within your Committee's adopted design guide 'Extending Your Home'
(SPD), and would have limited impact on the visual amenity of the property and with
no impact on the character and appearance of the general street scene. I consider
the outbuilding would not have an undue effect on the neighbours in terms of light,
overlooking or outlook.
The retained garden area would exceed 70m2 and would comply with your
Committee's minimum garden size guidelines.
My Tree Officer has identified that the trees to be removed are not important
specimens and they have of limited amenity value. As such, no objections have
been raised to the proposal.
Network Rail have raised no objections subject to a risk assessment and method
statement (RAMS) being submitted once works have commenced.
Notwithstanding the comments regarding the proposed use of the detached
outbuilding, the plans indicate that the structure would be used as a gym, with a
bathroom and store room. A condition is attached to ensure that the use of the
outbuilding remains incidental to the main dwelling house.
The appeal against the December refusal has been allowed, two days prior to
publication of this Committee report. The current proposal will remain for
determination unless it is withdrawn by the Applicant prior to your Committee
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This application is recommended for approval as the proposal complies with the
objectives of the policies as set out above.
Approval subject to the following conditions:
Requires the scheme to be in accordance with the listed approved plans
Requires that the materials used match the main building
Requires that the approved scheme is incidental to the main use
Limits the approval to 3 years (Full)
Case Officer:
Catherine Golightly
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Figure 1: 381 Sarehole Road Front View
Figure 2: 381 Sarehole Road Rear View
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Figure 3: 381-383 Sarehole Road Rear View
Figure 4: 381 Sarehole Road Rear Boundary
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Location Plan
This map is reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her
Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or
civil proceedings. Birmingham City Council. Licence No.100021326, 2010
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