REPORT OF THE HEAD OF COMMUNITY WELLBEING AND DEVELOPMENT 5 May 2015 APPLICATION NO: P/2015 /0170 COMMUNITY: Abenbury WARD: Holt LOCATION: 8 KELSO CLOSE LLWYN ONN PARK WREXHAM LL13 0QN DESCRIPTION: DEMOLITION OF EXISTING CONSERVATORY, TWO-STOREY REAR EXTENSION TO PROVIDE ENLARGED KITCHEN WITH BEDROOM OVER AND SINGLESTOREY REAR SUMMER ROOM EXTENSION DATE RECEIVED: 09/03/2015 CASE OFFICER: JS AGENT NAME: MR A ROBERTS APPLICANT(S) NAME: MR A ROBERTS ______________________________________________________________ P/2015/0170 THE SITE A detached house located at the end of the cul de sac of Kelso Close. 9 Fontwell Close Two storey part of extension PROPOSAL As above. The proposed two storey extension is adjacent to the side elevation of 9 Fontwell Close. 223 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF COMMUNITY WELLBEING AND DEVELOPMENT 5 May 2015 HISTORY None. DEVELOPMENT PLAN Within settlement limits, and UDP policies PS2 and GDP1 apply CONSULTATIONS Community Council: Local Member(s): Site Notice: Other representations: Consulted 12.3.15 Notified 12.3.15 Expired 3.4.15 2 neighbours notified, and one objection received raising the following: • The proposal will remove afternoon and early evening sunlight from 3 ground floor rooms (kitchen, utility room and downstairs cloakroom) at 9 Fontwell Close. • The extension will project beyond front wall of own property. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Impact on neighbours: The extension will be located on the rear the property, and slightly unusually this elevation will be located near the front elevation of the neighbour’s property at 9 Fontwell Close. Despite this relationship, I do not believe that the extension will cause unacceptable visual amenity issues for this neighbour, and nor does it cause any visual harm to the character of the area. It must be observed that 9 Fontwell Close has a large single storey projecting element in the front of this property, and this projection is immediately adjacent to the area intended by the proposed 2 storey element of the application proposal. Also the appearance of this single storey element actually reduces any strong visual element for this front elevation in relation to the proposal, and it is noted that their front projection extends a considerable distance beyond the rear elevation of the neighbours’ proposed rear elevation. The position of the 2 storey part of the proposal will however cause some loss of sunlight to existing side facing ground windows at 9 Fontwell Close. However it is noted that these affected windows, are either a secondary window to the room or they are only giving light to non-habitable rooms. The extension will not cause loss of light to other habitable rooms and complies with 45 degree tests in relation to their nearest bedroom window. Therefore, the amenity relationship with this neighbour is acceptable is acceptable in this instance. 224 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF COMMUNITY WELLBEING AND DEVELOPMENT 5 May 2015 With regards to the other adjoining neighbour (10 Kelso Close) the amenity impacts are acceptable as the proposal will replace an existing conservatory in this location, and no representations have been received. CONCLUSION Although the proposal will have some amenity impacts for existing occupants of 9 Fontwell Close, the impacts are not to be significant in this instance. RECOMMENDATION: That permission be GRANTED CONDITION(S) 1. The development hereby permitted shall be commenced before the expiry of five years from the date of this permission. 2. The development shall only be carried out in strict accordance with the details shown on the approved drawing(s) numbered 2015/04/01 and contained within the application documentation. 3. No facing or roofing materials shall be used other than materials matching those used on the existing building. REASON(S) 1. To comply with Section 91(3) of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990. 2. To ensure that the development fully complies with the appropriate policies and standards. 3. To ensure a satisfactory standard of appearance of the development in the interests of the visual amenities of the area. NOTE(S) TO APPLICANT You should ensure that any difference between the plans approved under the Town and Country Planning Acts and under the Building Regulations is resolved prior to commencement of development, by formal submission of amended plans. All works relating to this development which are audible beyond the site boundary should be carried out only between 7.30 and 18.00 hrs Monday to Friday, and 08.00 to 14.00 hrs on a Saturday, and at no time on a Sunday or a Bank Holiday. Outside these times, any works which are audible beyond the site boundary have the potential to cause unreasonable disturbance to neighbouring premises. The applicant is advised that the Council has the option to control construction noise by serving a Control of Pollution Act 1974, Section 60, Notice where deemed necessary, and failure to comply with such a Notice can result in 225 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF COMMUNITY WELLBEING AND DEVELOPMENT 5 May 2015 prosecution. The applicant should adhere to the times given above wherever possible. For further information and advice regarding construction noise please contact the Council's Housing and Public Protection Department on 01978 315300. ______________________________________________________________ 226
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