Transit Communications Power Generation Cadastre Mining Bentley CONNECTION Events and The Year in Infrastructure 2015 Conference Special Sponsorship Packages Now Available! Bentley has special sponsorship packages available that will get your publication’s name and messaging in front of leading executives and professionals in the world of architecture, engineering, construction, and operations (AECO). A single sponsorship package provides a range of valuable marketing opportunities at Bentley events taking place between March and November 2015. Multiple Regional Events Around the Globe • CONNECTION Events – 30-City Technology Roadshow • Bentley is redefining infrastructure project delivery through the introduction of its new CONNECT Edition. To introduce this new platform of products, we’re putting our infrastructure subject matter experts on the road, presenting keynotes and hands-on training in 30 cities worldwide. These CONNECTION Events will feature two-day events that include: »» Bentley Keynote Speakers »» Microsoft and Azure – Benefits of Cloud »» Industry Tracks for Government, Manufacturing, Mining, Oil and Gas, Transportation – Road and Rail – and Utilities – Water, Wastewater, Electric & Gas »» Application Seminars featuring tracks for: AECOsim, APM, AutoPIPE, Bentley Map, Bridge, Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater, Offshore, OpenPlant OpenRoads, SITEOPS, and Structural »» CONNECTION LEARNing Day: Hands-on learning for the CONNECT Edition »» These sessions will introduce attendees to the CONNECT Edition and its common environment for comprehensive project delivery spanning design modeling, analytical modeling, and construction modeling. Additional sessions will focus on new technology and best practices for industry-specific workflows. Global Event Focused on Thought Leadership • The Year in Infrastructure 2015 Conference, being held Nov. 3-5 in London, U.K., is Bentley’s annual global gathering of leading executives in the world of infrastructure design, construction, and operations. It features a series of industry keynotes from notable leaders in infrastructure, presentations, forums, and interactive workshops. Attendees can explore the intersection of technology and business drivers, and how they are shaping the future of infrastructure delivery and investment returns. • Engaging thought leadership industry keynotes, forums, and summits provide networking opportunities with infrastructure professionals from around the world. • Be Inspired Award winners in more than 15 categories are recognized for engineering excellence during a gala celebration. As a sponsor of all of these events, your publication’s name will be prominently placed before thousands of AECO professionals, providing your organization with extensive brand awareness and lead-generation opportunities. Available Packages Platinum Conference Sponsorship Package - Power Generation Transit Cadastre Communications Mining Gold and Silver Conference Sponsorship Packages Sponsor Benefits Gold Sponsor (Only 4 spots available) Silver Sponsor Pre-Event – Branding Promotion on event websites: Publication’s logo, 100-word profile, and banner ad on CONNECTION Events and YII Conference websites with reciprocal links to publication’s website. a Eblasts: Two (2) email blasts to registered attendee list sent on publication’s behalf by Bentley--one eblast before one CONNECTION Event and one eblast before the YII Conference. a Logos: Sponsor button in all CONNECTION Events and YII Conference promotion eblasts. Promotion on event websites: Sponsor button will link to dedicated sponsor webpage with publication’s logo and reciprocal link to publication’s website. Social Media: Sponsor will be recognized in Bentley’s posts on social media channels (Facebook and Twitter) for a four-week rotation as part of pre-event promotion for YII Conference in August, September, and October. Bentley will post weekly for one month prior to Bentley CONNECTION Events. Postings to include rotation of cobranded ads provided by Bentley and sponsor, as well as posts on Twitter and Facebook with #YII2015 hashtag and #bentleyconnect15. a a a a During the event – Face Time, Branding, and Much More One three-minute video loop can be shown on main stage screen during Breakfast hour and at Registration during the YII Conference (video only, no audio). a Sponsor logo included in On-Demand Video Presentation: Placement in CONNECTION Events on-demand video webinar series for 12 months. a a Recognition from the podium by Bentley executive at CONNECTION Events and YII Conference. a a App: One full page four-color ad and logo in the YII Conference app. a Logo in the YII Conference app. a a Signage: Logo on event signage at CONNECTION Events and YII Conference. a a Magazine Rack a a a a 2 1 *Table Top: One six-foot tabletop in common area, including signage at CONNECTION Events and YII Conference. *Tabletops not available at all locations. Please contact your local representative for availability on specific locations. Registration Passes Power Generation Transit Cadastre Communications Mining Post-Event Branding Continued branding on CONNECTION Events and YII Conference for up to three months post event. a a a a Logos: Sponsor button in all CONNECTION Events and YII Conference promotion eblasts. Promotion on event websites: Sponsor button will link to dedicated sponsor webpage with publication’s logo and reciprocal link to publication’s website. Eblasts: Two (2) email blasts to registered attendee list sent on publication’s behalf by Bentley -- one eblast after one CONNECTION Event and one eblast after the YII Conference. a Publication to Promote CONNECTION Events and YII Conference ENewsletters: Bentley CONNECTION Events and YII Conference banner ads in publication’s eNewsletter. a a Eblast: One eblast for Bentley CONNECTION Events and one eblast for the YII Conference to be distributed to publication’s subscriber list on Bentley’s behalf. a a Website: Bentley CONNECTION Events and YII Conference banner ads posted on publication’s website, preferably home page leaderboard placement where possible. a a Advertisements: one full-page four-colour print ad in publication’s magazine for each event (Bentley CONNECTION Events and YII Conference). a a Online Calendar: Publication to post Bentley CONNECTION Events and YII Conference in online calendar and event’s listing. a a Social Media: Publication to post weekly for one month prior to Bentley CONNECTION Events and one month prior to YII Conference. Postings to include rotation of cobranded ads provided by Bentley, as well as posts on Twitter and Facebook with #YII2015 hashtag and #bentleyconnect15, and Instagram and Google+ where available. a a For more information on this special sponsorship package, please contact Christine Byrne at [email protected]. Space is limited! © 2015 Bentley Systems, Incorporated. Bentley and the “B” Bentley logo, are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. Other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.
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