TRANSFER GUIDE Williamson College Associate Degree in Leadership 2014-15 Catalog ORI 101 Ori entation LD 101 Goa ls, Pri orities & Atti tudes LD 211 Foundations for Li fe & Money Engl ish Composition Communication General Humanities/Fine Arts Li tera ture Hi s tory Ps ychol ogy Soci al Science Sci ence or Ma thematics LD 301 Bi blical Concepts of Leadership *MGT 301 Es s entials of Management BL 403 Bi blical Ethics LD 471 Ca s e Studies i n Leadership MGT 381 Orga ni zational Behavior OR BL 341 Acts : The Ea rly Church BL 201 Ol d Tes tament, Genesis-Esther BL 202 Ol d Tes tament, Job-Malachi BL 212 New Tes tament Survey El ective El ective LD 289 As s ociate Degree i n Leadership Ca pstone Argosy University (AU) Bachelor of Arts in Psychology 2014-15 Catalog SEM. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT 1 n/a 3 Open El ective 3 Open El ective GENERAL EDUCATION 3 ENG101 Compos ition I 3 General Education Communications Requirement 3 General Education Humanities Requirement 3 General Education Humanities Requirement Determination of Social Science, Humanities, General Education 3 or Open El ective is dependent on the content of the History cours e PSY101 General Ps ychology/General Education Social Sci ence 3 Requirement 3 General Education Social Science Requirement General Education Natural Sciences or Ma thematics Requirement 3-4 Open El ective LEADERSHIP, BIBLE & THEOLOGY 3 Open El ective 3 Open El ective 3 Open El ective 3 Open El ective SEM. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 Open El ective 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 Open El ective Open El ective Open El ective Open El ective Open El ective Open El ective 3 3 3 3 3 1 Remaining Bachelor of Arts in Psychology Degree Requirements General Education Na tura l Sciences Ma thematics General Education Electives COM180 Interpersonal Effectiveness COM180 Interpersonal Effectiveness ASP100 Ski lls for Success or General Education El ective Waived with completion of associate’s degree or a minimum of 60 transfer credits and 2.0 cumulative GPA – student must complete an additional 3 credit General Education course to satisfy the 42 credits of General Education requirement Core PSY210 Ps ychological Statistics PSY260 Chi l d a nd Adolescent Development PSY302 Res earch Methods PSY310 Soci al Psychology PSY350 Phys i ological Ps ychology PSY362 Pers onality Theories PSY363 Cogni tive Ps ychology PSY369 Ca reer Choices i n Ps ychology Argosy University ǁ http://www.a rgos ǁ 1-800-377-0617 SEM. 3-6 3-6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Williamson College Associate Degree in Leadership 2014-15 Catalog SEM. Argosy University (AU) Bachelor of Arts in Psychology 2014-15 Catalog SEM. PSY381 Abnormal Psychology PSY430 Ethi cs i n Ps ychology PSY492 Adva nced General Psychology Psychology Electives or Optional Concentration Students enrolled in the BA in Psychology degree program are required to successfully complete four psychology elective courses (12 credit hours ). Students may select one of the optional concentrations that will be applied to this requirement. (*Note: While the courses below may fulfill the requirement of completing elective credits, some of these courses may not meet the additional requirement of attaining 42 upper division credits. Students should select electives based on the total number of lower- and upper-division credits transferred to Argosy, and the remaining number of credits in each category.) PSY230 Ps ychology i n the Community PSY250 Wri ti ng in Psychology PSY301 Chi l dren & Vi olence PSY303 Introduction to Cri me & Ca uses PSY304 Huma n Sexuality PSY307 Adul thood a nd Aging PSY308 Abnormal Child & Adolescent Behavior PSY309 Ps ychology of Exceptional Children PSY311 Chi l d, Family, a nd Community Relationships PSY312 Di versity PSY313 Ps ychology of Gender PSY320 Industrial/Organizational Ps ychology PSY370 Introduction to Addiction a nd Addictive Behavior PSY382 Pos i tive Psychology PSY383 Lea rning and Behavior PSY384 Sensation a nd Perception PSY400 Couns eling Theories PSY405 Interviewing Techniques PSY415 Ps ychological Assessment PSY422 Forensic Ps ychology PSY450 Hi story a nd Systems of Psychology PSY481 Substance Abuse a nd the Family PSY494 Substance Abuse Treatment in the Cri minal Justice Sys tem PSY496 Substance Abuse Assessment PSY497 Substance Abuse Tre atment PSY498 Ps ychology a nd the Cri minal Mi nd PSY499 Ps ychology Fi eld Experience a nd Seminar Optional Concentration Advanced Studies in Psychology Child and Adolescent Studies PSY383 Lea rning and Behavior PSY301 Chi l dren and Violence PSY384 Sensation a nd Perception PSY308 Abnormal Child and Adolescent Ps ychology PSY415 Ps ychological Assessment PSY309 Ps ychology of Exceptional Children PSY450 Hi story a nd Systems of Psychology PSY311 Chi l d, Family, a nd Community Relationships Criminal Justice Human Services PSY303 Introduction to Cri me a nd Ca uses PSY370 Introduction to Addiction a nd Addictive Behavior PSY422 Forensic Ps ychology PSY383 Lea rning and Behavior PSY494 Substance Abuse Treatment in the Cri minal Justice Sys tem PSY400 Couns eling Theories PSY498 Ps ychology a nd the Cri minal Mi nd PSY405 Interviewing Techniques Organizational Psychology Substance Abuse st BUS320 21 Century Lea dership a nd Beyond PSY370 Introduction to Addiction a nd Addictive Behavior MGT411 Huma n Resource Ma nagement PSY481 Substance Abuse a nd the Family PSY320 Industrial/Organizational Ps ychology PSY496 Substance Abuse Assessment PSY415 Ps ychological Assessment PSY497 Substance Abuse Treatment Open Electives (minimum 33 credits, determined on transfer credits above) 3 3 3 Total Credit Hours Required to Complete Bachelor of Arts in Psychology at Argosy University 120 Transfer of Credit/Degree Requirements Argosy University ǁ http://www.a rgos ǁ 1-800-377-0617 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Williamson College Associate Degree in Leadership 2014-15 Catalog SEM. Argosy University (AU) Bachelor of Arts in Psychology 2014-15 Catalog SEM. Students may tra nsfer a maximum of 72 l ower division or 90 tota l semester credit hours *Lower di vision courses (100-200 l evel) taken that are similar in content to Argosy required courses as determined by the appropriate Argosy offi ce do not need to be retaken; however, the upper division (300-400 l evel) credit must be replaced with a nother upper division elective. The following are requirements for the BAP degree: o A mi nimum of 42 upper division credits o El even psychology core courses, or 33 credits o Four ps ychology electives, or 12 credits, or one optional concentration consisting of 12 credits o El even courses, or 33 credits, of Open Electives Argosy University ǁ http://www.a rgos ǁ 1-800-377-0617
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