Important Notes about the 16x9 Template

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#AdobeSummit @pradeepj2010
29-30 April, 2015 | ICC, ExCel, London
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Guided Optimisation with Adobe Target
Pradeep Javangula, Head of Engineering for Adobe Target
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Machine Learning driven Sherpa as a guide to your optimisation peaks…
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#AdobeSummit @pradeepj2010
Adobe Target as a Data Driven Content Optimisation Service
SELECT n from content repositories
ON a named location on a given channel
SUCH THAT KPI is optimised
USING named algorithmic model(s)
WHERE user & current context parameters
CNF targeting rules
Testing rules
Relevance rules
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#AdobeSummit @pradeepj2010
Technical Model – what it does under the hood…
Impression - High Dimensional Data Vector
Conversion Optimisation
{ (demographics:
age, gender, income, education, …
geographical location:
zip, city, state, lat, long, …
placement meta-data:
keywords, content category, …
behavioural data:
in market status, audience segment, …
marketer side data:
search, cart actions, product/category, …
Automatic Matching
Rules Engine
Marketing Content Vectors
{ (experience templates,
dynamic element meta-data, …)
(rich media assets – flash files, images, videos, …)
(product/service offers – price, category, reviews, …)
(targeting business rules – demo, behavioural map)
Behavioural Landing Pages
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#AdobeSummit @pradeepj2010
Adobe Target as a Data Driven Content Optimisation Service
Bullseye – Administration & Collaborative Workflow
granite & shared cloud services application
Web Services API
User Profile
audience manager
Explore vs. exploit
Delivery Edges
campaign rules engine
Optimisation &
Learning Models
Content Processing & Search Engine
crawl, ingest & index for retrieval
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tagged creative
reviews, social &
manufacturer feeds
#AdobeSummit @pradeepj2010
Information Retrieval
Guided Optimisation – concept outline
With models and algorithms, we guide the user to:
 Take action on opportunities for improvement of conversions
 We will recommend automatically the experiences that are likely to result in the right lift
 Provide tools to enable testing, targeting, recommendations & optimisation with 1-click
 Provide an automated optimisation assistant out of the box
 Demystify automated algorithms
How do we do this?
 Historical data analysis
 Offline application of algorithms and simulators
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#AdobeSummit @pradeepj2010
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#AdobeSummit @pradeepj2010
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#AdobeSummit @pradeepj2010
Adobe Target’s Automated Personalisation –position statement
FOR all marketers who want to extract the most performance out of their efforts
WHO would like to auto-optimise their campaigns and get actionable insights
OUR PRODUCT IS A machine-learning and offline-evaluation framework
THAT PROVIDES automation of audience-content targeting and insights to guide across activities
UNLIKE everyone who focuses on manual testing methods
OUR PRODUCT quantifies the value of using “the machine” before the opportunity to upsell
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#AdobeSummit @pradeepj2010
Main Roadmap Items
Offer-Level Targeting (weighting, throttling, timing, targeting)
Increases marketer’s control over the machine so they can input business rules
Enhanced Attribute Control
Increases marketer’s control over the machine so they can get exactly the insights they want
New Workflow (marketer specifies what they’d like to compare, Random, RF, BAU, Best-offer)
Non-HTML, API use-case
BYO Decision-Tree
Future: precise control over campaign optimisation
Audience Discovery Report (start with AP, then AB)
Surface segments from overall campaign that are high-performing and “interesting” as described by the marketer
Helps provide guidance on content-development and further targeting and testing
New Reporting (Conversion-based, Content Diff, Models status, active Traffic Estr., Top-N business specific vars)
Productise Offline Framework (within AB, XT, MVT)
Show predicted performance of automation in AB, XT, MVT, AP
Predict performance of different algorithms in AP (and auto-pick the best)
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#AdobeSummit @pradeepj2010
Giving AB-tests the power of machine learning, in the back-end…
Imagine your AB-test serving content intelligently
Passively compare an AB campaign to one where experiences were served by an AP campaign instead
Benefit: “If you convert this ABtest to an AP activity, you can
expect 25% lift or €1.2M
additional revenue.
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#AdobeSummit @pradeepj2010
Model building involves predictive attribute assessment. Leads to segment discovery.
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#AdobeSummit @pradeepj2010
AP to XT becomes the ‘Persona-fication’ feature
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#AdobeSummit @pradeepj2010
Offline Evaluation Across Campaigns: Personalisation of MVT
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#AdobeSummit @pradeepj2010
Offline Evaluation Across Campaigns: Personalisation in Recommendations
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#AdobeSummit @pradeepj2010
Predicting Performance of Intelligent Serving Beforehand
In an AB test, evaluate quickly
how you can squeeze the most
performance out of the
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#AdobeSummit @pradeepj2010
Guided Optimisation workflow allows flexibility to meet marketer objectives
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#AdobeSummit @pradeepj2010
Predicting Performance of Intelligent Serving Beforehand
In an AP activity, compare
all available algorithms
without directing any traffic
to them
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#AdobeSummit @pradeepj2010
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Personalisation is a program –
a set of practices supported by
people, process and technology.
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#AdobeSummit @pradeepj2010
Personalisation is a program –
a set of practices supported by
people, process and technology.
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A framework for
thinking about
personalisation for
your business
Advice & practical
examples for
personalising from
More Than>
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