SUMMER 1 & 2 SESSIONS | SUMMER 1: 5/11/15 – 6/22/15 2015 CATALOGUE | SUMMER 2: 6/29/15 – 7/31/15 AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI Register online at WWW.CONTINUE.MIAMI.EDU/OLLI AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI REGISTER FOR CLASSES AT:WWW.CONTINUE.MIAMI.EDU/OLLI OR CALL 305.284.6554 2 Welcome to OLLI @ UM! It is an exciting time for all of us at OLLI @ UM as we continue to celebrate our 30th year of lifelong learning at the University of Miami. In 2015, we continue celebrating the 30 years of lifelong learning and the sense of community that makes our member institute so special. Thirty years ago, the Institute for Retired Professionals at the University of Miami started out when a retired school teacher approached a former dean of education with the idea for a place where retired professionals could take classes with and from their peers. The idea was to have classes structured similar to those at college, but without the worry of exams or grades. The only requirement for admission was, and is, to be at least 50 years of age. In 2005, the IRP became the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UM when we became part of the network of lifelong learning institutes supported in part by the Bernard Osher Foundation. Fast forward to 2014, and we have the wonderful opportunity to celebrate 30 years of lifelong learning. OLLI at UM would like to thank Mr. Bernard Osher and the Bernard Osher Foundation for their generous support of our mission to provide quality educational opportunities throughout the life span. This foundation, based in San Francisco, helps support over 100 university-based, lifelong learning programs for seasoned adults. Happy with your OLLI programs? Help sustain and enhance your OLLI experience by giving to our special projects fundraiser this year. We are raising funds to upgrade and enhance the learning experience in the form of upgraded classroom technology, sound systems, and furnishings. We want our OLLI to be the best that it can be, and you can make a difference. Are you up for a challenge? OLLI@UM has an active membership drive and special projects fundraising campaign this year. Our member goal is 1,100! Can you help us reach that goal? Tell your friends about OLLI@UM and all that it offers. Our community of lifelong learners is bursting with excitement and activity this year. OLLI @ UM is a membership institute, and it runs on member fuel. Our members teach classes, design the curriculum, plan and execute the social events, and help in the office. Members started OLLI @ UM, and members sustain the institute. Mark your calendars: MONDAY, MAY 18th from 3:00 – 5:00pm, we welcome Mr. Jae Oh to speak about MEDICARE ABC’s. To our current and future members, welcome to OLLI@UM in 2015 I look forward to seeing you around OLLI @ UM!! Director, OLLI@UM THE OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE (OLLI) The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Miami (OLLI@UM) was founded in 1984. Previously known as the Institute for Retired Professionals, the name was changed upon the awarding of a grant from the Osher Foundation. Our mission, as part of the University of Miami, is to provide adults 50 years old and older with intellectual stimulation, social interaction, service opportunities, and outreach to the university and to the greater community. Situated within the University’s Division of Continuing and International Education, OLLI welcomes all members of the community who are 50 years old or better and who consider learning an integral part of life. Membership is open to all those who wish to continue their pursuit of learning, new ideas, and social and cultural opportunities. The Institute’s programs are designed to accommodate a relaxed learning style and make it easy for anyone who may have been away from the formal learning environment for many years. Classes included in this schedule are offered with no tests and in most cases, no homework. They are designed to spark your curiosity, to encourage your participation, and to fit a flexible schedule. Our member students include men and women whose backgrounds are varied, and may include the legal and medical professions, teachers, homemakers and volunteers as well as social workers and business owners. In other words, our members are people who are interested in keeping their minds active and engaged. Annual memberships are $40 and are payable once every academic year (all memberships expire August 1). Membership in OLLI@UM has many benefits, including: • Eligible to register and enroll in our OLLI@UM courses • Ability to audit University classes (additional fee required – see Auditing Procedures) • Access to the University Library System with borrowing privileges at the Richter Library (on the Coral Gables campus) • General admission to the Lowe Art Museum • Special pricing on field trips and OLLI luncheons • Eligible to participate in Special Interest Groups (SIGs) • Invitations & tickets to University special events SUMMER SESSIONS I & II SCHEDULE BENEFITS OF MEMBERSHIP • Eligible to purchase an OLLI member UM parking permit • Contact with a lively and stimulating group of fellow “students” who share your interests 3 PARTICIPATION AND COMMITMENT OLLI is a cooperative, member organization dedicated to those aged 50 and over seeking intellectual enrichment. Members are encouraged to make a commitment to the program and its ongoing development. This commitment can take several forms including: • Teaching or co-teaching a course • Serving as a leader or facilitator of a Special Interest Group • Volunteering at the front reception desk or with daily operations • Providing assistance on one or more committees: • Curriculum • Membership & Recruitment • Social Events • Development LOCATION Coral Gables Main Campus: Lau Founders Hall, 1550 Brescia Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 (between Red Road and San Amaro Drive). Our offices are located on the University of Miami main campus in Coral Gables. Many of our classes take place in Lau Founders Hall or buildings close by. Other locations are noted in the course listings in this catalogue. SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS (SIGS) OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI REGISTER FOR CLASSES AT:WWW.CONTINUE.MIAMI.EDU/OLLI OR CALL 305.284.6554 4 Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are classes organized and operated by OLLI students. They are created to bring together students who share a particular interest. Do you know students who share a common interest with you - photography? science fiction? Shakespeare? Our existing SIGs are listed in this catalogue and are marked SIG. Registration is required for all SIGs; tuition is free for OLLI members. If you have an idea for a SIG that you would like to organize, please talk to OLLI staff. Participation in a SIG is one of the benefits of membership! • A coordinator and/or co-coordinator (OLLI student) is responsible for the group’s organization, operations and activities. • OLLI staff members assist with scheduling rooms and general guidance. REGISTRATION INFORMATION Registration information and all class information (times, days, overviews, course descriptions) is available at: Information online is more up-to-date than print information in this catalogue. Always check online for updates! IN PERSON You can register for classes in person at Founders Hall on the University of Miami Coral Gables Campus. Registration days, procedures, and times will be announced online, by email to all members, and posted in Lau Founders Hall. ONLINE You can register for courses online. Registration instructions are online at osher. For assistance, you can call: 305-284-6554 and we will assist you or register you over the phone. PARKING All vehicles parked on the University of Miami campus are required to display a UM parking permit from 8:00am to 4:00pm from Monday through Friday. OLLI members may purchase a permit from the UM Parking Department. There is a cost for the full year, and prices are prorated by semester. Permits expire on August 15th each year. The OLLI parking permit allows you to park in the lots around Founders Hall and any other nearby lots where signs specify the Grey Zone. You will be required to show your OLLI membership card and valid vehicle registration when purchasing a permit. Call the UM Parking Department at 305-284-3096 for more details and hours of operation. There is also metered street parking within walking distance of Founders Hall. The parking lots near Lau Founders Hall are closed for special events from time to time. When this happens, OLLI members can park in the parking structure/garage on Ponce de Leon Blvd. and take the UM shuttle bus to the Brescia Lot which is steps away from Lau Founders Hall. Alternatively, OLLI members can park in the UM Green Lot under the metrorail line when the Grey lots around Lau Founders Hall are closed for special events. CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICY The OLLI membership fee is non-refundable. If a class is cancelled, we will notify you using your supplied email contact information. If a course is cancelled due to insufficient enrollment, the entire course fee will be refunded. • If you cancel course registration more than 8 days prior to the first class meeting, you will receive a 100% refund on the class tuition paid. • If you cancel between 4 and 7 days prior to the start date of class, you will receive an 80% refund on the class tuition paid. All cancellations or withdrawal requests must be submitted in writing, either via email or letter. Fees paid cannot be transferred or pro-rated. The University reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any program with insufficient enrollment or for reasons beyond our control. In any such cases, a full refund of fees and deposits will be made. Before a refund can be issued, verification of your payment, confirmation of the pertaining records and administrative review and approval must be completed. While we will expedite your refund request, please allow a minimum of 45 days for processing. DROP OR ADD A COURSE You can drop one of your OLLI courses, and add another course online before classes begin or during the first week of classes. You can do this online, or you can send an email or written request to the OLLI office. All requests for drop/add must be in writing. If the course has begun, you are ineligible for a refund. Drop/ Add deadlines are posted online at SUMMER SESSIONS I SCHEDULE • If you cancel in less than 3 days before the first day of class, or on or after the first day of class, you are not eligible to receive a refund. INCLEMENT WEATHER & UNIVERSITY CLOSURES OLLI operates only when the University of Miami is open. If the University is closed due to a holiday, inclement weather or any other emergency situation, OLLI@UM will close as well. Please check your local TV and radio stations for closing information or call the University of Miami’s Hurricane Hotline: 305284-5151.first week of classes. You can do this online, or you can send an email or written request to the OLLI office. 5 CLASSROOM POLICIES AND PROCEDURES PHONES All phones are required to be turned off or set to vibrate when classes are in session. If you must answer a call during class, please exit the classroom. SMOKING Smoking is not allowed on the UM campus. OLLI@UM is a non-smoking institute. Smoking is not allowed inside OLLI facilities, on the patio, or outside our entrances/exits. . GUEST POLICY Bringing guests to class is a great way to introduce OLLI to a potential student and you are encouraged to do so. However, you must clear the visit with the office at least 48 hours before arriving with the guest to ensure that there is space available in the class. Guests are limited to two complimentary visits where there is space available. Guests may not be eligible to attend classes which are sold out. Children under the age of 15 are not permitted to attend. ACCOMMODATIONS POLICY OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI REGISTER FOR CLASSES AT:WWW.CONTINUE.MIAMI.EDU/OLLI OR CALL 305.284.6554 6 OLLI@UM provides reasonable accommodations in its programs in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. To request disability accommodations, you must contact the OLLI@UM office at 305-284-6554 as soon as you register and at least two weeks before classes begin. OLLI@UM has portable assistive-listening devices that enhance ability to hear the instructors using the microphone in Room 102 of Founders Hall. AUDITING PROCEDURES Auditing for OLLI members is a privilege granted to us by the University of Miami. An auditor is a person who enrolls as an observer or listener only. The professor will indicate if s/he wants to include you in the classroom interaction. Auditing is permitted in most undergraduate UM credit lecture courses only when there is space available in the class and OLLI has received written permission from the instructor and clearance from the OLLI Director. Auditing is not permitted in laboratory, creative writing, or performance courses (where audit status is not appropriate). Auditing is not permitted in Law or Medical School classes. Many of our UM university professors welcome OLLI students in their classrooms. If you are just starting out with OLLI, you may want to audit only one course. However, you may be ready to audit multiple courses in one semester. Whether it is one course or more, auditing is a great benefit of OLLI membership. How can you audit a course if you are an OLLI member? All requests to audit must come through the OLLI office through our online request and be approved by the Director of OLLI. Complete the Audit Request Form available on our website: You will be notified when you have received permission from the instructor and OLLI to audit the classes you requested. Remember, auditing for OLLI members is a privilege granted to us by the University of Miami. There is a flat fee for auditing each semester you decide to audit a course; the OLLI audit fee covers a limited, specified number of courses each semester. Check with the OLLI office for details. OLLI@UM TURNS 30 The Osher Lifelong Learning at the University of Miami celebrates 30 years of service to the community of lifelong learners in the 2014-2015 school year! It’s time to recognize and celebrate the past 30 years of your OLLI at UM programming. 30 YEARS OF OLLI: MONTHLY LUNCH & LEARN SESSION Each month, join your OLLI friends for a 30-minute videotaped lecture and discussion on a different topic each month from 12:10 – 1:00pm at OLLI. Bring your lunch, and learn while you munch. Our Summer 2015 Lunch & Learn dates are: 5/21, 6/18, and 7/23. Tuition is free for OLLI members for the Lunch & Learn sessions, but registration is required. DONATE TO OLLI@UM The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Miami has received a generous endowment from the Bernard Osher Foundation, but we need your help to ensure the sustainability of OLLI@UM. The investment income from the endowment, class tuition, annual membership fees, and donations from our members help sustain OLLI@UM and ensure that our classes are of the highest quality and accessible to a large population of people aged 50 and over in our community. Our goal is to enhance the learning experience for members at OLLI@UM. We need your donations in order to improve our instructional technology and the furnishings in our classrooms. Donations also allow us to launch OLLI scholarships which will make our already-reasonably priced classes even more accessible to those in need of assistance. We are committed to continuous improvement and enhancement of your experience at OLLI@UM, and through your donations, we can make these investments in our facilities. You can donate online on our website with our secure donation electronic form at osher To donate by mail, make your check out to University of Miami and write OLLI on the memo line. Send to: P.O. Box 248073 Coral Gables, FL 33124 30 Years of OLLI presents: Medicare ABC’s (MAY 18th at 3:00pm) OLLI@UM welcomes Mr. Jae Oh, MBA, CFP and author of Maximize Your Medicare for a special presentation on MEDICARE ABC’s. This is an information session for OLLI members and their guests. No specific recommendation of a carrier or plan will be made. This presentation will cover • Medicare Parts A, B, and D • Medicare Advantage vs. Medigap • How Medicare Really Works • Q & A Encouraged • How to Avoid Misunderstanding and Mistakes • Special “Doc Fix” and changes to Medicare will be discussed. SUMMER SESSIONS I SCHEDULE University of Miami – Advancement Division Jae W. Oh, MBA, CFP®, CLU® ChFC® is a Certified Financial Planner, Chartered Life Underwriter, a Chartered Financial Consultant, and a licensed insurance producer. He is an expert contributor on, a website powered by Humana, one of the nation’s largest carriers of Medicare plans. He has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) with concentrations in Accounting and Finance from the University of Chicago, and a Bachelors of Arts (BA) degree in Economics and Political Science from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 7 AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI SUMMER I CLASSES REGISTER FOR CLASSES AT WWW.CONTINUE.MIAMI.EDU/OSHER OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI REGISTER FOR CLASSES AT:WWW.CONTINUE.MIAMI.EDU/OLLI OR CALL 305.284.6554 8 MONDAYS ISLAM 101 With Dr. Mitra Raheb Mondays, 10:00 – 11:45 am | Starts May 11 $55 Course description: This six-week lecture series will examine the fundamentals of Islam, its way of life, civilization, and culture. SIG: INVESTMENTS With OLLI members Mondays, 10:00 – 11:45 am | Starts May 11 Free for OLLI members Course description: This is your chance to discuss investment topics and opportunities with fellow OLLI members who have some experience and knowledge in this area. Each week discussion revolves around a topic related to investments. This group is led by Mr. Haim Karp, an OLLI member. MONDAYS ( Cont. ) JEWELRY MAKING FOR FUN With Nina Ramos Mondays, 10:00 – 11:45am | Starts May 11 $55 Course description: In this course, you will learn many jewelry making techniques. You will be surprised by how little time ti takes to create something that you’ll be proud to wear. In this class, you will learn the secret of making a successful jewelry creation (technique, style, and function). Please note: A supply list will be given in the first class. The jewelry-making tools and supplies for this class will cost between $50 and $100. With Joan Nurse Mondays, 10:00 – 11:45am | Starts May 11 $100 Course description: In this class you’ll learn how to identify the components and how to use some of the basic programs of your computer. Note: This is a beginner’s course, so no prior experience is necessary. Basic computer / create password How to use the mouse to point and click How to use keyboard / typing tips Learn to save a document / create letter Print a file Review all material SPANISH READING & CONVERSATION - INTERMEDIATE With Dr. Doralina Martinez-Conde Mondays, 12:00 – 1:00 pm | Starts May 11 $55 Course description: This course is designated to enhance reading and speaking skill for intermediate level Spanish studentss; special attention is paid to comprehension, vocabulary building and communication in Spanish. Classes will include pairs, small groups, and entire class activities. A good level of Spanish grammar is required. Instruction is in Spanish. SUMMER SESSION I SCHEDULE Week 1: Week 2: Week 3: Week 4: Week 5: Week 6: CORAL GABLES BASIC COMPUTER TRAINING 99 MONDAYS ( Cont. ) SIG: FUN WITH YIDDISH With OLLI members Mondays, 12:00 – 1:00 pm | Starts May 11 Free for OLLI members Course description: Brush up on your Yiddish, and start speaking it now. Even if you understand it, but have never spoken it, come surprise yourself with how quickly you can join the conversation. This group is led by Lorraine Feuer, an OLLI member. “HERSTORY” CORAL GABLES OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI REGISTER FOR CLASSES AT: WWW.CONTINUE.MIAMI.EDU/OLLI OR CALL 305.284.6554 10 With Dr. Marsha Cohen Mondays, 1:00 – 2:45 pm | Starts May 11 $40 Course description: This lecture series will focus on the role that women have played in history. Herstory is a look at history emphasizing the role of women. Check online for more detailed course description. TUESDAYS LIVES & WORKS OF IMPRESSIONIST ARTISTS With Dr. Batia Cohen Mondays, 1:00 – 2:45 pm | Starts May 11 $40 Course description: Impressionism is one of the most known artistic movements. Its colors, brushstrokes, and style are easily spotted. The names of the artists who were responsible for this change in painting are known to anybody who has been to a museum or has admired works of art. Manet, Monet, Pissarro, Degas, and Renoir are probably the best known. Their lives are entangled with their work, their creativity with the circumstances they encountered. This lecture series will analyze their work and their life experience. BEGINNING & INTERMEDIATE ACRYLIC PAINTING With Jim Brennan Mondays, 1:00 – 2:45 pm | Starts May 11 $100 Course description: Painting with acrylics can be great fun. Painting is to be enjoyed, not endured. Acrylics are easy to use mainly because they are water soluble, and are not encumbered by numerous technical rules, as are oils. Acrylics allow the artist to jump in and push the medium to its limits. Come and experience the fun, ease and lack of boundaries this medium and class offers. There will be time in class to work on your projects where you will receive assistance and weekly critiques. For a list of suggested supplies, please contact the OLLI office. You will be painting in the first class. Note: This class is geared towards those who are new to the medium, as well as artists of different levels who have not painted for a while. TAI CHI With Tony Garcia Mondays & Fridays 3:00 – 4:00pm | Starts May 11 $85 Course description: Tai chi is a gentle and graceful movement class designed to build better balance, coordination, and focus in older adults. Students are encouraged to wear loose comfortable clothing. Our program features Tony Garcia who is certified to teach Tai Chi for work, arthritis, back pain, diabetes, and osteoporosis. TUESDAY With Armando Droulers Tuesdays, 10:00 – 11:45am | Starts May 12 $55 Course description: Join art historian, educator, and artist, Armando Droulers, for this fascinating series on art and artists. Register early for this popular lecture class! CORAL GABLES ART & ART HISTORY BASIC ITALIAN, PART E Tuesdays, 10:00 – 11:45am | Starts May 12 $55 Course description: Buon giorno! Welcome to Basic Italian – part E! This is a continuation of Basic Italian Part D. In this course you will continue learning the basic essentials to speak and write in Italian. Grammar points and cultural elements will be presented, all in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. Come and join the fun! Siete Benvenuti! WATERCOLOR PAINTING - ADVANCED With Jim Brennan Tuesdays, 10:00 – 11:45am | Starts May 12 $100 SUMMER SESSION I SCHEDULE With Manuel Garcia-Rossi Course description: Are you an experienced watercolor artist who wants to learn more advanced techniques? This class is designed for those students who have been working with the medium for at least one year. You will be given ample time in class to work on your projects, where you will receive assistance and critiques each week. 11 TUESDAY ( Cont. ) YOUNG AT HEART With Miriam Moussatche-Wechsler Tuesdays, 10:00 – 11:45am | Starts May 12 $55 Course description: There are many factors in our life that we can control to live well. Perhaps we really need to assess and honestly interpret how we choose to live, because sometime, somewhere along the way, we may have forgotten and lost our idea of how to live our personal best. These interactive sessions will offer an opportunity to gain insight and connect with others through the dialogues on topics related to conscious aging. Learn from cutting-edge research, enhance your sense of empowerment and discover new resources that can inspire you to improve your quality of life and remain young at heart. CORAL GABLES OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI REGISTER FOR CLASSES AT: WWW.CONTINUE.MIAMI.EDU/OLLI OR CALL 305.284.6554 12 PHOTOGRAPHY: ADOBE PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS (ADOBE PSE4 THRU 13) With Karl Koslowski Tuesdays, 9:30 – 12:30pm | Starts May 12 $150 Course description: Learn techniques to enhance your digital images with Adobe Photoshop®, the most popular digital imaging software favored by amateur and professional photographers. This remarkable program is able to handle images from a variety of cameras. Learn how to remedy the problems that plague amateurs as well as the pros. Each student will be given a CD with 40 of my S. Florida single and composite images, - for practice in class and at home. SOLO PARA MI: TALLER DE REFLEXIÓN With Miriam Moussatche-Wechsler (in Spanish) Tuesdays, 1:00 –2:45 pm | Starts May 12 $55 Course description: In our 50s and beyond, we are faced with a myriad of new opportunities, as well as challenges. Many of us yearn for a sounding board to help us think through these important choices. For those that have been “living in English” and “feeling in Spanish,” each week we will dive deeply into conversations about a range of topics designed to help you with the changes and new openings in the second part of life. Both men and women will have an opportunity to learn, explore, grow, and make new connections, in a safe and respectful environment. We will utilize a variety of formats, including playful interactions, small group discussions, brief videos and debates. These new circles have been designed especially for Spanish speakers. You can choose to participate throughout the year as an ongoing course or just one 6-week session. NOTE: This course is for both men and women and is in Spanish. TUESDAY ( Cont. ) BASIC SPANISH, PART E With Luis Carlos Fallon Tuesdays, 1:00 – 2:45pm | Starts May 12 $55 Course description: Bienvenidos! Welcome to Basic Spanish – part E. This is a continuation of Basic Spanish Part D. In this course, you will continue learning the basic essentials to speak and write in Spanish. Grammar points and cultural elements will be presented, in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. Come and join us! With Manuel Garcia-Rossi Tuesdays, 1:00 –2:45 pm | Starts May 12 $55 Course description: This advanced Italian class will help you hone your language skills with the goal of becoming a better speaker and writer. Come and join our innovative class that will also include cultural segments and many other surprises: siete benvenuti! CORAL GABLES ADVANCED ITALIAN CHAIR YOGA With Nina Ramos $55 Course description: Also known as seated yoga, Chair Yoga is ideal for the desk-bound, travelers, golfers, and those in rehabilitation or physically challenged. Chair Yoga will introduce you to a series of the most effective yoga stretches, all done from the comfort of your chair. You do not need to stand up to reap the benefits of yoga. Your body and your mind will thank you for learning about and practicing chair yoga! With seated yoga, “the numerous benefits include increased strength and flexibility, improved circulation, and experience with breathing and relaxation techniques”, as noted by Dr. Andrew Weil, today’s guru of healthy aging. NOTE: This unique program is offered in 1-hour segments of seated stretching and deep breathing to help maintain or build strength and flexibility while relieving the stress and tension associated with sitting for too long. BASIC SPANISH, PART C With Luis Carlos Fallon Tuesdays, 3:00 – 4:45pm | Starts May 12 SUMMER SESSION I SCHEDULE Tuesdays & Thursdays, 3:00 –4:00 pm | Starts May 12 $55 Course description: Bienvenidos! Welcome to Basic Spanish – part C. This is a continuation of Basic Spanish Parts A & B. In this introductory course, you will continue learning the basic essentials to speak and write in Spanish. Basic vocabulary, grammar points and cultural elements will be presented, in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. Come and join us! 13 13 WEDNESDAY WOMEN IN SONG With Joe Donato & Brian Murphy Wednesdays, 10:00 – 11:45am | Starts May 13 $55 Course description: Check online for up-do-date course description. ACRYLIC PAINTING, ADVANCED With Jim Brennan Wednesdays, 10:00 – 11:45am | Starts May 13 CORAL GABLES OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI REGISTER FOR CLASSES AT: WWW.CONTINUE.MIAMI.EDU/OLLI OR CALL 305.284.6554 14 $100 Course description: Painting with acrylics can be great fun. Painting is to be enjoyed, not endured. Acrylics are easy to use mainly because they are water-soluble and are not encumbered by the numerous technical rules, as are oils. Acrylics allow the artist to jump in and push the medium to its limits. Come and experience the fun, ease and lack of boundaries this medium and class has to offer. There will be time in class to work on your projects where you will receive assistance and weekly critiques. This class is geared towards advanced painters, but all levels are welcome to attend. For a list of suggested supplies, please contact the OLLI office. INTERMEDIATE COMPUTERS With Joan Nurse Wednesdays, 10:00 – 11:45am | Starts May 13 $100 Course description: This course is not a beginners course. It is a pre-requisite computer basic. SIG: WRITERS’ WORKSHOP With Eric Selby Wednesdays, 10:00 – 11:45am | Starts May 13 Free for OLLI members Course description: Whether you are a seasoned writer or a beginner, you are welcome to join us in an open, creative, stimulating and nurturing atmosphere where class members bring their own unique style of writing, whether it be fiction, non-fiction, prose or poetry. This class has been meeting continuously on the Coral Gables campus for several years, and participants have always sharpened their writing skills, had a great deal of fun, and develop meaningful continuing friendships with fellow classmates. Attendance at prior classes is not required, and new writers are encouraged to attend. Registration is limited to 12 students. WEDNESDAY ( Cont. ) CRAFTING YOUR PERSONAL ESSAY With Eric Selby Wednesdays, 1:00 – 2:45pm | Starts May 13 $55 Course description: Good writing is the opposite of the ubiquitous and ill-conceived high school and college staple: the five-paragraph essay. No one wants to read anything that boring. At our ages, we are saturated with information. In this class, you will be processing a personal essay that reflects your unique voice. Suggested (not required) text: Crafting the Personal Essay by Dinty W. Moore. LONGING AND BELONGING: SOUTH ASIANS IN THE DIASPORA With Dr. Ruth Rosenwasser Thursdays, 10:00 – 11:45am | Starts May 14 $55 Week 1 East is East: Two brothers enjoy a free life until their father starts to arrange their marriages. Week 2 West is West: a sequel in which the same family returns to Pakistan to reform their children. Week 3 The Mystic Masseur. Based on V.S. Naipaul’s early novel about an Indian family in Trinidad. Week 4 I is for India. Documentary about a London physician who corresponds with relatives in India via films. Week 5 Brick Lane. A young Bangladeshi bride in a loveless marriage finds freedom through work and a lover. Week 6 The Namesake. A family saga of a young man caught between his Indian roots and American upbringing. SUMMER SESSION I SCHEDULE Course description: The films in this 6-week film series express the longing of the characters for their homeland and their struggle for a sense of belonging in a new land. They face color and religious discrimination, new ways of life that conflict with their own cultural traditions, and intergenerational conflict. Whether Hindu or Muslim, rich or poor, these families strive to become part of a new and difficult social milieu. CORAL GABLES THURSDAYS 15 THURSDAY ( Cont. ) BASIC WATERCOLOR PAINTING With Jim Brennan Thursdays, 10:00 – 11:45 am | Starts May 14 $100 CORAL GABLES OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI REGISTER FOR CLASSES AT: WWW.CONTINUE.MIAMI.EDU/OLLI OR CALL 305.284.6554 16 Course description: If you’ve never painted before or have been painting for less than a year, this is a great class to learn or review the foundations of watercolor. This class introduces and includes basic techniques, principles of color, composition, and design and using photographs for reference. Particular attention is given to the development of each student’s personal style. This instructor’s enthusiasm for art and dramatic style as a watercolorist provides stimulation and adventure for the beginning artist. This course will include both studio and plain air painting. You will be given ample time in class to work on your projects, where you will receive assistance and critiques each week. This class is limited to the first 7 registrants. Contact the OLLI office for a supply list for beginners or check out website INTERMEDIATE SPANISH GRAMMAR With Manuel Garcia-Rossi Thursdays, 10:00 – 11:45 am | Starts May 14 $55 Course description: ¡Bienvenidos!. In this Intermediate course you will learn the basic essentials to speaking and writing in Spanish. Vocabulary, main grammar points and cultural elements will all be presented in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. Come and join in on the fun-- ¡Te esperamos! VIVIENDO EL ESPAÑOL With Manuel Garcia-Rossi Thursdays, 10:00 – 11:45 am | Starts May 14 $55 Course description: ¡Bienvenidos al mundo del español! This interactive grammar and conversation course will keep you on your “Spanish” toes! From discussing current topics, reading authentic news/ magazine materials, watching film and video segments to learning useful advanced grammar, the purpose of this course is to prepare you to immerse yourself (and survive!) into all things Spanish with full confidence and pride. Vocabulary, main grammar points and cultural elements will all be presented in a relaxed, fund and family-like atmosphere. Come and join in on the fun – te esperamos! THURSDAY ( Cont. ) FRENCH GRAMMAR & PRONUNCIATION, INTERMEDIATE With Dr. Nancy Lawther Thursdays, 10:00 – 11:45 am | Starts May 14 $55 Course description: Intermediate French Grammar & Pronunciation concentrates on firming up the fundamentals of French so that when you speak, you say exactly what you mean to say. This session, we will focus on object pronouns; numbers, dates, and times; adverbs; negatives and indefinits; and prepositions. Join us, and prepare to participate! NOTE: Students need to bring the following required textbook: “The Ultimate FRENCH Review and Practice” by D. Stillman and R. Gordon, 2nd edition, paper, and pencil/pen. With Mr. Robert Dawson Thursdays, 1:00 – 2:45pm | Starts May 14 $55 Course description: In this 6 week live costumed performance historical lecture series, we will examine the lives of various great men in history, as portrayed by actor and historian, Robert Dawson. We will learn of their triumphs, failures, joys and disappointments, their decisions and choices (good or bad), and the events that shaped their lives. Think you know history? You ain’t seen nothing yet! David Fairchild – a devotion to Botany Week 2 Henry Flagler – the man & the legend Week 3 Samuel Clemens – America’s humorist Week 4 John Henry “Doc” Holliday – the deadly dentist and folk hero Week 5 Lt. John Rousse Merriott Chard – the defense of Rorke’s drift (Zulu Wars) Week 6 Jean-Francois de Galaup, Comte de Laperouse – the lost French expedition HELPING YOURSELF & OTHERS THROUGH LIFE’S SORROWS With Ms. Ronnie Londner Thursdays, 1:00 – 2:45 pm | Starts May 14 $55 Course description:How do people get through terrible times? What can family friends, and professionals do to help and not make things worse? How do you find your way, help another, allow gladness and peace within you again? This experiential course includes exercises for grief and stress as well as practical work in a warm and sharing atmosphere. SUMMER SESSION I SCHEDULE Week 1 CORAL GABLES TRIUMPH & TRAGEDY: GREAT MEN IN HISTORY 17 THURSDAY ( Cont. ) Week 1 Communication between doctor, patient, and family. How to get started when you don’t know where to begin Week 2 Practical help from professionals: legal, psychological, medical-hospice, support groups and more Week 3 First aid for grief. How to nurture yourself and others in times of great stress Week 4 Complicated emotions: fear of the bereaved; anger at the dying; relief that it is over Week 5 How and why to create an ethical will: leaving your values, not just your valuables; organ donation Week 6 Grief connections: moving forward to peace and renewed pleasure in life ITALIAN, INTERMEDIATE (PART E) CORAL GABLES OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI REGISTER FOR CLASSES AT: WWW.CONTINUE.MIAMI.EDU/OLLI OR CALL 305.284.6554 18 With Manuel Garcia-Rossi Thursdays, 1:00 – 2:45 pm | Starts May 14 $55 Course description: You know your grammar—let’s start chatting! The purpose of this interactive intermediate Italian conversation course is to begin honing your speaking skills and be able to discuss personal activities, everyday situations and be able to express your opinions – tutto in italiano! We will be using various readings ranging from authentic newspaper/magazine materials to various short stories and other types of brief readings. Note: Although this class is the most basic of the conversations classes offered, you will still need to have a decent understanding of Italian grammar since it will not be primarily taught during this course. FRENCH CONVERSATION, INTERMEDIATE: PRACTICAL FRENCH FOR TRAVEL With Dr. Nancy Lawther Thursdays, 1:00 – 2:45pm | Starts May 14 $55 Course description: If you've studied French, but find yourself at a loss for words the instant you land in Paris or Montreal, this is the course for you! Building upon theme-based vocabulary lists, students will engage in practical group exercises designed to transform them from casual tourists to seasoned travelers. Taught in French. Class handouts will be distributed via email and in class. Suggested: online or print French dictionary of your choice. CHAIR YOGA With Nina Ramos Tuesdays & Thursdays, 3:00 –4:00 pm | Starts May 12 $55 Course description: JAlso known as seated yoga, Chair Yoga is ideal for the desk-bound, travelers, golfers, and those in rehabilitation or physically challenged. Chair Yoga will introduce you to a series of the most effective yoga stretches, all done from the comfort of your chair. You do not need to stand up to reap THURSDAY ( Cont. ) the benefits of yoga. Your body and your mind will thank you for learning about and practicing chair yoga! With seated yoga, “the numerous benefits include increased strength and flexibility, improved circulation, and experience with breathing and relaxation techniques”, as noted by Dr. Andrew Weil, today’s guru of healthy aging. NOTE: This unique program is offered in 1-hour segments of seated stretching and deep breathing to help maintain or build strength and flexibility while relieving the stress and tension associated with sitting for too long. SUBJECTIVITIES: A DOCUMENTARY FILM SERIES With Manuel Garcia-Rossi Thursdays, 3:00 – 4:45 pm | Starts May 14 Course description: This film course invites you to engage, discuss, and dissect six contemporary documentary films. A couple of factors to consider: how does a film evolve from beginning to end and how persuasive is its message? How does the director present a point of view about a person, idea, or event? Can a documentary ever be objective? You are invited to experience what modern filmmakers are trying to convey – let’s hear and discuss what they are trying to say! Finding Vivian Maier. Dir: Maloof and Siskel, 2013. 84 min’s Bully. Dr. Hirsch, 2011. 98 min’s CORAL GABLES $55 Into the Abyss. Dir. Herzog, 2011. 107 min’s Citizenfour. Dir. Poitras, 2014. 114 min’s. Fed Up. Dir. Soechtig, 2014. 92 min’s. FRIDAYS INTERPRETING & EVALUATING MUSICAL WORKS With Dr. Judith Etzion Fridays, 10:00 – 11:45am | Starts May 15 $55 Course description: This lecture series explores our individual preconceptions and evaluations of diverse and controversial musical topics, such as the notions of classical masterpieces, interpretative approaches to musical works, and accepted performing styles. Week 1 Historical evolution of so-called classical masterpieces. Discussion of examples of famous works by 18th and 19th century composers. Week 2 & 3 Historical perception of presumed central and peripheral musical trends. Excerpts from Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Dvorak, Sibelius, and De Falla from the perspective of nationalism. Week 4 & 5 Diverse esthetic approaches to musical interpretation and performance from late Baroque to early 20th century. J.S. Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Debussy. Week 6 Musical styles in conjunction with classical and modern choreography: from 19th century ballet music to Stravinsky’s works for the Ballet Russe. SUMMER SESSION I SCHEDULE Under the Electric Sky. Dirs. Cutforth ad Lipsitz, 2014. 85 min’s. 19 FRIDAYS ( Cont. ) BEGINNING FRENCH (PART E) With Dr. Nancy Lawther Fridays, 10:00 – 11:45 am | Starts May 15 $55 Course description: Beginning French E expands upon the materials learned in Beginning French A through D. Join us, and prepare to participate! Students with online access and a printer should download and print weekly class handouts. SIG: CURRENT EVENTS CORAL CORAL GABLES GABLES OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE AT OF OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE ATTHE THE UNIVERSITY OFMIAMI MIAMI OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE AT UNIVERSITY THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI REGISTER FOR CLASSES AT: WWW.CONTINUE.MIAMI.EDU/OLLI REGISTER FOR CLASSES AT:AT:WWW.CONTINUE.MIAMI.EDU/OLLI WWW.CONTINUE.MIAMI.EDU/OLLI REGISTER FOR CLASSES OR CALL 305.284.6554 OR CALL 305.284.6554 OR CALL 305.284.6554 20 20 With OLLI members Fridays, 12:00 – 1:00pm | Starts May 15 Free for OLLI members Course description: Would you like to discuss current events within a smaller group? Do you share the same passions as other OLLI members on certain national or global topics? Participants in this SIG should prepare for meetings by brushing up on current topics in the news frequently, bringing not only opinions to the table, but verified facts as well. This group is led by OLLI member Mr. Haim Karp. FRENCH CONVERSATION, ADVANCED: FRANCE THROUGH THE EYES OF ANNA GAVALDA With Dr. Nancy Lawther Fridays, 1:00 – 2:45pm | Starts May 15 $55 Course description: Anna Gavalda is an acclaimed French novelist whose 1999 collection of short stories, Je Voudrais Que Quelqu'un M'Attende Quelque Part won the 2000 Grand prix RTL-Lire and was later translated into numerous languages, including English. We will consider several of the short stories in this collection, with particular emphasis on their portrayal of life in contemporary France. Students need to bring electronic or hard copy of Je Voudrais Que Quelqu'un M'Attende Quelque Part by Anna Gavalda (ave. cost $6), paper, pencil/pen. Required reading for this course in French. TAI CHI With Tony Garcia Mondays & Fridays 3:00 – 4:00pm | Starts May 11 $85 Course description: Tai chi is a gentle and graceful movement class designed to build better balance, coordination, and focus in older adults. Students are encouraged to wear loose comfortable clothing. Our program features Tony Garcia who is certified to teach Tai Chi for work, arthritis, back pain, diabetes, and osteoporosis. AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI SUMMER II CLASSES REGISTER FOR CLASSES AT WWW.CONTINUE.MIAMI.EDU/OSHER MONDAYS With OLLI members Mondays, 10:00 – 11:45 am | Starts June 29 Free for OLLI members Course description: Come travel with your OLLI colleagues – from your seat, of course – as members share their travel experiences in places like Cuba, India, and more! SIG: INVESTMENTS With OLLI members Mondays, 10:00 – 11:45 am | Starts June 29 Free for OLLI members SUMMER SESSIONS II SCHEDULE OLLI TRAVEL ADVENTURES Course description: This is your chance to discuss investment topics and opportunities with fellow OLLI members who have some experience and knowledge in this area. Each week discussion revolves around a topic related to investments. This group is led by Mr. Haim Karp, an OLLI member. 21 MONDAYS ( Cont. ) JEWELRY MAKING FOR FUN With Nina Ramos Mondays, 10:00 – 11:45am | Starts June 29 $46 OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI OR CALL 305.284.6554 OR CALL 305.284.6554 FOR CLASSES AT: WWW.CONTINUE.MIAMI.EDU/OLLI REGISTER REGISTER FOR CLASSES AT:WWW.CONTINUE.MIAMI.EDU/OLLI CORAL GABLES CORAL GABLES 22 22 Course description: In this course, you will learn many jewelry making techniques. You will be surprised by how little time ti takes to create something that you’ll be proud to wear. In this class, you will learn the secret of making a successful jewelry creation (technique, style, and function). Please note: A supply list will be given in the first class. The jewelry-making tools and supplies for this class will cost between $50 - $100. SIG: FUN WITH YIDDISH With Lorraine Feuer Mondays, 12:00 – 1:00 pm | Starts June 29 Free for OLLI members Course description: Brush up on your Yiddish, and start speaking it now. Even if you understand it, but have never spoken it, come surprise yourself with how quickly you can join the conversation. This group is led by Lorraine Feuer, an OLLI member. BEGINNING & INTERMEDIATE ACRYLIC PAINTING With Jim Brennan Mondays, 1:00 – 2:45 pm | Starts June 29 $90 Course description: Painting with acrylics can be great fun. Painting is to be enjoyed, not endured. Acrylics are easy to use mainly because they are water soluble, and are not encumbered by numerous technical rules, as are oils. Acrylics allow the artist to jump in and push the medium to its limits. Come and experience the fun, ease and lack of boundaries this medium and class offers. There will be time in class to work on your projects where you will receive assistance and weekly critiques. For a list of suggested supplies, please contact the OLLI office. You will be painting in the first class. Note: This class is geared towards those who are new to the medium, as well as artists of different levels who have not painted for a while. TUESDAYS IMAGES OF WOMEN IN ART With Ms. Marta Hutson Tuesdays, 10:00 – 11:45am | Starts June 30 $46 WATERCOLOR PAINTING - ADVANCED With Jim Brennan Tuesdays, 10:00 – 11:45am | Starts June 30 $90 Course description: Are you an experienced watercolor artist who wants to learn more advanced techniques? This class is designed for those students who have been working with the medium for at least one year. You will be given ample time in class to work on your projects, where you will receive assistance and critiques each week. GROWING WISER, NOT OLDER THROUGH CONVERSATIONS With Miriam Moussatche-Wechsler Tuesdays, 10:00 – 11:45am | Starts June 30 $46 Course description: Studies have shown that creativity contributes to our physical and emotional wellbeing as we age. Through creative and intelligent conversations on topics related to positive aging, you will deepen your insights and resources about the opportunities and challenges you face in the second part of life. In each session, participants will be guided through reflective dialogues to cultivate their wisdom, increase their self-awareness, and expand their potential to grow, learn, and make new connections. TUTTI A BORDO – UN’ESTATE IN ITALIANO! With Manny Garcia-Rossi CORAL GABLES CORAL GABLES SUMMER SESSION II SCHEDULE Course description: This lecture series will focus on three overriding images of women in art: women as warriors, women as Madonna, and women as Venuses. We will trace the warrior queens, Madonna, and Venuses from their beginning through the Renaissance and to Contemporary works of art. This class will contain lecture and interactive discussion. Tuesdays, 10:00 – 11:45am | Starts June 30 $46 Course description: JBenvenuti al mondo italiano! This interactive Italian course will keep you "bello ed aggiornato" with your previously acquired Italian skills! From discussing current topics, reading authentic news/magazine materials, watching film and video segments and reviewing various levels of grammar depending on the lesson at hand, the purpose of this course is to help keep your Italian "fresh" during these hot summer months with the goal to maintain your confidence, pride and love for all things Italian. Vocabulary, practical grammar points and cultural elements will be presented in a relaxed, fun and familylike atmosphere. Come and join in on the fun— Ti aspettiamo! 23 23 TUESDAY ( Cont. ) PHOTOGRAPHY: PHOTOGRAPHY AROUND TOWN With Karl Koslowski Tuesdays, 10:00 – 1:00pm | Starts June 30 (meets for 6 weeks: 6/30, 7/7, 7/14, 7/21, 7/28, 8/4) $150 CORAL GABLES GABLES CORAL Course description: This Digital Photography course has a historic emphasis. We will capture significant South Florida landmarks through the eyes of a digital camera in this18-hour course. First session meets at OLLI in Coral Gables; the rest of our sessions will be at local landmarks from the Arsht Center for the Performing Arts, Julia Tuttle Bronze, Flagler House, Miami Circle, Deering Estate, and Key Biscayne lighthouse. Note: A digital camera with a zoom lens is recommended. This 6 week course starts with one classroom instruction and continues with five outdoor photo shoots, followed by thoughtful critiques outdoors. SOLO PARA MI: TALLER DE REFLEXIÓN With Miriam Moussatche-Wechsler (in Spanish) Tuesdays, 1:00 –2:45 pm | Starts June 30 $46 OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI REGISTER FOR CLASSES AT: WWW.CONTINUE.MIAMI.EDU/OLLI REGISTER FOR CLASSES AT: WWW.CONTINUE.MIAMI.EDU/OLLI OR CALL 305.284.6554 OR CALL 305.284.6554 24 24 Course description: In our 50s and beyond, we are faced with a myriad of new opportunities, as well as challenges. Many of us yearn for a sounding board to help us think through these important choices. For those that have been “living in English” and “feeling in Spanish,” each week we will dive deeply into conversations about a range of topics designed to help you with the changes and new openings in the second part of life. Both men and women will have an opportunity to learn, explore, grow, and make new connections, in a safe and respectful environment. We will utilize a variety of formats, including playful interactions, small group discussions, brief videos and debates. These new circles have been designed especially for Spanish speakers. You can choose to participate throughout the year as an ongoing course or just one 6-week session. NOTE: This course is open to men and women and taught in Spanish. BASIC SPANISH, PART E With Luis Carlos Fallon Tuesdays, 1:00 – 2:45pm | Starts June 30 $46 Course description: Bienvenidos! Welcome to Basic Spanish – part E. This is a continuation of Basic Spanish Parts D & E. In this course, you will continue learning the basic essentials to speak and write in Spanish. Grammar points and cultural elements will be presented, in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. Come and join us! TUESDAY ( Cont. ) CHAIR YOGA With Nina Ramos Tuesdays & Thursdays, 3:00 –4:00 pm | Starts June 30 $46 Course description: Also known as seated yoga, Chair Yoga is ideal for the desk-bound, travelers, golfers, and those in rehabilitation or physically challenged. Chair Yoga will introduce you to a series of the most effective yoga stretches, all done from the comfort of your chair. You do not need to stand up to reap the benefits of yoga. Your body and your mind will thank you for learning about and practicing chair yoga! With seated yoga, “the numerous benefits include increased strength and flexibility, improved circulation, and experience with breathing and relaxation techniques”, as noted by Dr. Andrew Weil, today’s guru of healthy aging. BASIC SPANISH, PART D With Luis Carlos Fallon Tuesdays, 3:00 – 4:45pm | Starts June 30 CORAL GABLES Note: This unique program is offered in 1-hour segments of seated stretching and deep breathing to help maintain or build strength and flexibility while relieving the stress and tension associated with sitting for too long. $46 WEDNESDAYS HISTORY OF HUMOR With Dr. Marsha Cohen Wednesdays, 10:00 – 11:45am | Starts July 1 $46 Course description: Check online for up-to-date course description! SUMMER SESSION II SCHEDULE Course description: Bienvenidos! Welcome to Basic Spanish – part D. This is a continuation of Basic Spanish Parts B & C. In this course, you will continue learning the basic essentials to speak and write in Spanish. Grammar points and cultural elements will be presented, in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. Come and join us! 25 25 WEDNESDAYS ( Cont. ) ACRYLIC PAINTING, ADVANCED With Jim Brennan Wednesdays, 10:00 – 11:45am | Starts July 1 $90 Course description: Painting with acrylics can be great fun. Painting is to be enjoyed, not endured. Acrylics are easy to use mainly because they are water-soluble and are not encumbered by the numerous technical rules, as are oils. Acrylics allow the artist to jump in and push the medium to its limits. Come and experience the fun, ease and lack of boundaries this medium and class has to offer. There will be time in class to work on your projects where you will receive assistance and weekly critiques. CORAL GABLES CORAL GABLES OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE ATUNIVERSITY THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE AT THE OF MIAMI REGISTER FOR CLASSES AT: WWW.CONTINUE.MIAMI.EDU/OLLI REGISTER FOR CLASSES AT: WWW.CONTINUE.MIAMI.EDU/OLLI OR CALL 305.284.6554 OR CALL 305.284.6554 26 26 Note: This class is geared towards advanced painters, but all levels are welcome to attend. For a list of suggested supplies, please contact the OLLI office. SIG: WRITERS’ WORKSHOP With Eric Selby Wednesdays, 10:00 – 11:45am | Starts July 1 Free for OLLI members Course description: Whether you are a seasoned writer or a beginner, you are welcome to join us in an open, creative, stimulating and nurturing atmosphere where class members bring their own unique style of writing, whether it be fiction, non-fiction, prose or poetry. This class has been meeting continuously on the Coral Gables campus for several years, and participants have always sharpened their writing skills, had a great deal of fun, and develop meaningful continuing friendships with fellow classmates. Attendance at prior classes is not required, and new writers are encouraged to attend. Registration is limited to 12 students. SIG: FRENCH CONVERSATION CLUB With Mlle. Maki Burgess Wednesdays, 12:00 – 1:00pm | Starts July 1 Free for OLLI members Course description: If you speak French, join us to practice, refesh and maintain your French language skills. We initiate meaningful conversations: ”Ici, nous parlons Francais”. We review and discuss French International media news briefs, we also preview and discuss French classics in Arts, Literature, Music and films. We facilitate and encourage participation and interaction from all participants. This group is led by Mademoiselle Maki Burgess, program coordinator WEDNESDAYS ( Cont. ) MUSIC & THE GREAT DIVIDE With Dr. Keith Paulson-Thorp Wednesdays, 1:00 – 2:45pm | Starts July 1 $46 Course description: Join Dr. Keith Paulson-Thorp for a discussion of the major socio-cultural shifts that have democratized and capitalized music for the masses over the past five centuries. This lecture series will take a look at how music has become more available to average people and how this has impacted composers and performers. Art music for the masses – the early growth of opera 1700 The public concert – entertainment, personality, and business 1800 The technology revolution – new instruments and marketing 1900 The electronic revolution – recording, performance, and composition 2000 The digital revolution – music for absolutely everybody CRAFTING YOUR PERSONAL ESSAY With Mr. Eric Selby Wednesdays, 1:00 – 2:45pm | Starts July 1 Course description: Good writing is the opposite of the ubiquitous and ill-conceived high school and college staple: the five-paragraph essay. No one wants to read anything that boring. At our ages, we are saturated with information. In this class, you will be processing a personal essay that reflects your unique voice. Suggested (not required) text: Crafting the Personal Essay: a Guide for Writing and Publishing Creative Non-Fiction by Dinty W. Moore. SUMMER SESSION II SCHEDULE $46 CORAL CORAL GABLES GABLES 1600 27 27 THURSDAYS SCIENTIFIC MISCELLANY With Mr. Robert Dawson Thursdays, 10:00 – 11:45am | Starts July 2 $46 Course description: Your fear of sharks, how dinosaurs evolved to birds, an interactive & entertaining contrast of physics and magic, a fun (but informative) look at the human skeleton, a tribute to the humble egg in science, and a lecture about those things that defy explanation. That sums up the diverse, fun, and informative themes of this series of presentations. CORAL GABLES OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI REGISTER FOR CLASSES AT: WWW.CONTINUE.MIAMI.EDU/OLLI OR CALL 305.284.6554 28 28 Week 1 FROM FEATHERS TO FLIGHT Week 2 BONES Week 3 AHA! SCIENCE Week 4 MAKOMANIA Week 5 THE UNEXPLAINED VIVIENDO EL ESPAÑOL With Manuel Garcia-Rossi Thursdays, 10:00 – 11:45 am | Starts July 2 $46 Course description: ¡Bienvenidos al mundo del español! This interactive grammar and conversation course will keep you on your “Spanish” toes! From discussing current topics, reading authentic news/magazine materials, watching film and video segments to learning useful advanced grammar, the purpose of this course is to prepare you to immerse yourself (and survive!) into all things Spanish with full confidence and pride. Vocabulary, main grammar points and cultural elements will all be presented in a relaxed, fund and family-like atmosphere Come and join in on the fun – te esperamos! BASIC WATERCOLOR PAINTING With Jim Brennan Thursdays, 10:00 – 11:45 am | Starts July 2 $90 Course description: If you’ve never painted before or have been painting for less than a year, this is a great class to learn or review the foundations of watercolor. This class introduces and includes basic techniques, principles of color, composition, and design and using photographs for reference. Particular attention is given to the development of each student’s personal style. This instructor’s enthusiasm for art and dramatic style as a watercolorist provides stimulation and adventure for the beginning artist. THURSDAYS ( Cont. ) This course will include both studio and plain air painting. You will be given ample time in class to work on your projects, where you will receive assistance and critiques each week. This class is limited to the first 7 registrants. Contact the OLLI office for a supply list for beginners or check out website CHAIR YOGA With Nina Ramos Tuesdays & Thursdays, 3:00 –4:00 pm | Starts July 2 $46 CORAL GABLES Course description: Also known as seated yoga, Chair Yoga is ideal for the desk-bound, travelers, golfers, and those in rehabilitation or physically challenged. Chair Yoga will introduce you to a series of the most effective yoga stretches, all done from the comfort of your chair. You do not need to stand up to reap the benefits of yoga. Your body and your mind will thank you for learning about and practicing chair yoga! With seated yoga, “the numerous benefits include increased strength and flexibility, improved circulation, and experience with breathing and relaxation techniques”, as noted by Dr. Andrew Weil, today’s guru of healthy aging. NOTE: This unique program is offered in 1-hour segments of seated stretching and deep breathing to help maintain or build strength and flexibility while relieving the stress and tension associated with sitting for too long. FRIDAYS With Mr. Mort Slakoff Fridays, 10:00 – 11:45am | Starts July 10 (meets for 4 weeks: on 7/10, 17, 24, 31) $40 Course description: This course will survey the world of the concert pianists both past and present. It will also explore how opera expresses "Love," and how music recreates Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet (The balcony scene) - via opera, ballet, and symphonic treatments. SUMMER SESSION II SCHEDULE ASPECTS OF GREAT MUSIC 29 29 FRIDAYS ( Cont. ) SIG: CURRENT EVENTS With OLLI members Fridays, 12:00 – 1:00pm | Starts July 10 (meets for 4 weeks: on 7/10, 17, 24, 31) Free for OLLI members Course description: Would you like to discuss current events within a smaller group? Do you share the same passions as other OLLI members on certain national or global topics? Participants in this SIG should prepare for meetings by brushing up on current topics in the news frequently, bringing not only opinions to the table, but verified facts as well. This group is led by OLLI member Mr. Haim Karp. CORAL GABLES CORAL GABLES OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF OF MIAMI OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE AT THE UNIVERSITY MIAMI REGISTER FORFOR CLASSES AT: AT: WWW.CONTINUE.MIAMI.EDU/OLLI REGISTER CLASSES WWW.CONTINUE.MIAMI.EDU/OLLI OR OR CALL 305.284.6554 CALL 305.284.6554 WHO’S TEACHING MY CLASS? Meet the OLLI at UM Instructors Jim Brennan is a native Floridian. He graduated with a BA in Humanities from FAU, where his focus was on art and architecture. Jim is a teacher and an award-winning artist in acrylics, watercolor, metal sculpture and wire sculpture mediums. His work has been featured throughout Miami, Palm Beach, Winter Park and Tampa. Dr. Batia Cohen has a PhD in Mesoamerican studies from the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. She was an adjunct professor at FIU, and has published numerous articles in specialized art and history magazines. Currently, she is a collaborator of an online cultural magazine. Marsha B. Cohen, PhD, is an independent scholar, lecturer and news analyst who specializes in Middle Eastern social history and politics and the role of religion in world affairs. She taught International Relations at Florida International University for over a decade, and worked with the UM Master of Arts in the International Administration (MAIA) program from 2009-2011, as well as teaching adult education courses and lecturing in a variety of venues locally and nationally. Robert Dawson is an actor/historian and is a science lecturer for the Museum of Science. He has created over 40 one-man historical presentations for festivals, museums and educational institutions. 30 30 Joe Donato: M.A., Jazz Performance, university of Miami; B.A., Studio Music / Jazz and English Literature, University of Miami. Joe Donato is a performing musician and jazz artist who has toured through the U.S., Canada, and the world. He has a variety of recordings and performs locally in Coral Gables and South Florida. Joe has been teaching lifelong learners at OLLI at UM for over 5 years. Armando Droulers is an artist, art historian and educator. He studied at Bard College, Academia de Arte Federico Brandt, New World School of the Arts and the University of Florida. He lectures on art, culture and travel, teaches fine art and design and organizes cultural tours, as well as art and wine culinary events. As a Master Artist, he teaches art and is a guest lecturer onboard Celebrity Cruises ships. He has lived in Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and the United States and speaks fluent English, French and Spanish. Luis Carlos Fallon, Doctorate of Law, Nacional University of Bogota, Colombia Master's degree, Commercial Law, Los Andes University, Bogota. Dr. Fallon taught at the National University in Colombia and was an associate professor at Tamkang University in China. He has written five books and has taught Spanish language, literature, and language. He currently teaches a variety of Spanish language courses at the University of Miami Intensive Language Institute. In 2015, he was named the Good Will Ambassador for the International Celebration of Hispanic Book Month by the Hispanic Heritage Literature Organization in Miami. Manny Garcia-Rossi, MA, attended the University of Florence and graduated from Florida State University in 2002 in Italian and Literary Theory. Manny is a Senior Lecturer, and founder of the UM Italian Film Series, for the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at the University of Miami, where he has taught since 2003. Marta Hutson: BA, English, University of Florida; MA, Liberal Studies, University of Miami; Lowe Docent since 1999: Asian, Renaissance Gallery Liaison; V.P. Docent Education. The Lowe Art Museum has been my “volunteer” home since 1999. If you’ve been to the Lowe for a docent-led tour, you probably know me already. Like OLLI participants, the docents are devoted to life long learning, with a special interest in Art History. My assignment for many years of service at the museum was to provide educational programs for my fellow docents in Art History and Art Analysis topics. SUMMER SESSION I & II SCHEDULE Tony Garcia is a Master Trainer and Instructor in Dr. Paul Lam’s Tai Chi for Health programs. He has been teaching Tai Chi in Miami for the past ten years and also teaches Tai Chi for people with chronic health conditions. CORAL CORAL GABLES GABLES Dr. Judith Etzion, Ph.D. in Musicology, Columbia University, has enjoyed a distinguished career as a scholar, performer, and university professor in the USA, Israel, and Spain. She has also conducted courses in music appreciation for adult education programs for over 30 years. Dr. Etzion teaches various lifelong learning programs in South Florida. Karl Koslowski received his B.S. from Philadelphia University of the Arts. He currently teaches digital photography at Florida International University, University of Miami and Miami Dade College. Koslowski was a member of the US & Foreign Service. He designed and supervised the installation of major USA Pavilions in 30 countries throughout the world. 31 31 Dr. Nancy Lawther taught at Texas A&M University, the University of Georgia and most recently at Barry University. She has a BA in French from Pennsylvania State University, a Masters in French from Washington University in St. Louis and a PhD in French from Yale University. Ronnie Botwinick Londner holds an M.Ed. in Counseling Psychology from the University of Miami. She has worked as an elementary school counselor. Dr. Doralina Martinez Conde, an OLLI member, has a Ph.D in Spanish-American Literature from the University of Massachusetts/Amherst. She is an Associate Professor Emerita of Spanish at Georgia Southern University where she taught Spanish Language, Culture and Literature courses for more than two decades. Dr. Martinez Conde has published a book and several articles in peer review journals. She also has presented her research at numerous conferences in the United States, Dominican Republic, Spain, Mexico and Costa Rica. She has an extensive knowledge in proficiency-oriented language instruction. CORAL GABLES OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI REGISTER FOR CLASSES AT: WWW.CONTINUE.MIAMI.EDU/OLLI OR CALL 305.284.6554 32 Miriam Moussatche-Wechsler, LCSW, LMHC brings more than 20 years of experience in psychotherapy and psycho-education, lately focusing in working with men and women 50+. Miriam is a frequent lecturer on the subject of transitions for clients 50+, most recently presenting at the annual symposium of the International Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups, and the annual meeting of the Latin American Jewish Studies Association. Brian Murphy is a pianist, composer, and arranger who has recorded and performed extensively in U.S., Canada, and around the world. Brian has collaborated with the great Tito Puente on a number of awardwinning albums. He has conducted workshops on improvisation and has received grants. Joan Nurse is a Corporate Trainer. She has 16 years of experience working in the Call Center Industry. She trained various computer systems, such as AT&T and FedEx Domestically and Internationally . In addition, she has a wide range of experience in Microsoft and Macintosh. Dr. Keith Paulson-Thorp is the Director of Music at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and the organist for Temple Sinai, both of which are in Delray Beach. He served as Assistant Professor of Music at Valparaiso University and as the head of the Theory Department and Coordinator for Graduate Studies in Music at the University of Louisiana- Lafayette. Dr. Mitra Raheb received her PhD from UM in International Relations. She is an adjunct professor at several local universities, and consults for international organizations. Jiovannina (Nina) Ramos was born in Caracas, Venezuela, where she received her background and practice as a teacher in yoga and meditation from La Gran Fraternidad Universal Fundación. She graduated with a bachelor degree in humanities and art degree from the Escuela de Artes Visuales Cristobal Rojas, also in Caracas. Nina lived in Caracas until 1995 when she moved to Miami. In Miami, Nina, is a life coach, medical assistant and licensed massage therapist, in addition she had worked as a massage & medical assistant instructor and has massage practitione r in the fines of Miami hotels and spas. Ruth Rosenwasser is Curatorial Consultant for South Asian Art at the Lowe Art Museum at UM. Since 1999, she has organized and conducted group tours to India. Ruth uses her 26 years of travel to India as the basis for her lectures, publications, and photographs. She has an MA in South Asia Regional Studies from the University of Pennsylvania. Eric Selby has taught English and directed drama for over 30 years. He holds a M.A. in English from Middlebury College’s Bread Loaf School of English and has attended the University of Vermont and St. Michael’s College for additional graduate work. Mort Slakoff lectures on music and other topics at OLLI at UM and other institutions of lifelong learning in South Florida. CORAL GABLES SUMMER SESSION I & I I SCHEDULE 33 SUMMER 1 2015 WEEK-AT-A-GLANCE Time OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI REGISTER FOR CLASSES AT:WWW.CONTINUE.MIAMI.EDU/OLLI OR CALL 305.284.6554 34 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 10 - 11:45AM ISLAM 101 DR. M. RAHEB ART & ART HISTORY A. DROULERS WOMEN IN SONG J. DONATO & B. MURPHY LONGING & BELONGING DR. R. ROSENWASSER INTERPRETING & EVALUATING MUSICAL WORKS DR. J. ETZION 10 - 11:45AM JEWELRY MAKING FOR FUN N. RAMOS ITALIAN, BASIC (PT E) M. GARCIA-ROSSI INTERMEDIATE COMPUTER TRAINING J. NURSE FRENCH GRAMMAR & PRONUNCIATION, INTERM DR. N. LAWTHER FRENCH, BASIC PT E DR. N. LAWTHER 10 - 11:45AM SIG: INVESTMENTS H. KARP WATERCOLORS, ADV J. BRENNAN ACRYLICS, ADV J. BRENNAN WATERCOLORS, BASIC J. BRENNAN 10 - 11:45AM SPANISH READING & CONVERSATION INTERM DR. D. MARTINEZCONDE PHOTOGRAPHY: ADOBE PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS K. KOSLOWSKI (9:30 - 12:30PM) SIG: WRITERS' WORKSHOP E. SELBY VIVIENDO EL ESPANOL. M. GARCIA-ROSSI 10 - 11:45AM BASIC COMPUTER TRAINING J. NURSE YOUNG AT HEART M. MOUSSATCHEWECHSLER 12:00 - 1PM SIG: FUN WITH YIDDISH L. FEUER 1 - 2:45PM ‘HERSTORY’ DR. M. COHEN SOLO PARA MI: TALLER DE REFLEXIÓN M. MOUSSATCHEWECHSLER 1 - 2:45PM ACRYLICS, BEG & INTERM J. BRENNAN SPANISH, BASIC (PT E) L.C. FALLON 1 - 2:45PM LIVES & WORKS ITALIAN, ADV. OF IMPRESSIONIST M. GARCIA-ROSSI ARTISTS DR. B. COHEN (4 DAYS: 5/11, 6/1, 6/8, 6/15) SIG: CURRENT EVENTS H. KARP 1 - 2:45PM 3 - 4PM 3 - 4:45PM CRAFTING YOUR PERSONAL ESSAY E. SELBY TRIUMPH & TRAGEDY: THE LIVES OF GREAT MEN R. DAWSON FRENCH CONVERSATION, ADV: CONT. FRANCE THRU EYES OF ANNA GAVALDA DR. N. HELPING YOURSELF & OTHERS THRU LIFE’S SORROWS R. LONDNER ITALIAN, INTERM PT C M. GARCIA-ROSSI FRENCH CONVERSATION, INTERM DR. N. LAWTHER TAI CHI T. GARCIA CHAIR YOGA N. RAMOS CHAIR YOGA N. RAMOS SPANISH, BASIC PT C MR. L. C. FALLON SUBJECTIVITIES (DOCUMENTARY FILM SERIES) M. GARCIA-ROSSI TAI CHI T. GARCIA SUMMER 2 2015 WEEK-AT-A-GLANCE Time MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 10 - 11:45AM OLLI TRAVEL ADVENTURES SPEAKER SERIES OLLI MEMBERS IMAGES OF WOMEN IN ART M. HUTSON HISTORY OF HUMOR DR. M. COHEN A SCIENTIFIC MISCELLANY R. DAWSON 10 - 11:45AM JEWELRY MAKING FOR FUN N. RAMOS WATERCOLOR PAINTING - ADV J. BRENNAN ACRYLICS, ADV J. BRENNAN WATERCOLOR PAINTING, BASIC J. BRENNAN GROWING WISE, NOT OLD M. MOUSSATCHEWECHSLER SIG: WRITERS' WORKSHOP E. SELBY VIVIENDO EL ESPANOL (SPANISH CLASS) M. GARCIA-ROSSI 10 - 11:45AM 10 - 11:45AM SIG: INVESTMENTSH. KARP 10 - 11:45AM FRIDAY ASPECTS OF GREAT MUSIC M. SLAKOFF (4 DAYS: 7/10, 7/17, 7/24, 7/31) PHOTOGRAPHY: PHOTOGRAPHY AROUND TOWN K. KOSLOWSKI (10AM - 1PM) TUTTI A BORDO (ITALIAN CLASS) M. GARCIA-ROSSI SIG:FUN WITH YIDDISH L. FEUER 1 - 2:45PM ACRYLICS, BEG & INTERM J. BRENNAN SIG: FRENCH CONVERSATION CLUB MLLE. MAKI BURGESS SOLO PARA MI: TALLER DE REFLEXIÓN M. MOUSSATCHE- SIG: CURRENT EVENTS H. KARP MUSIC & THE GREAT DIVIDE DR. K. PAULSONTHORP WECHSLER 1 - 2:45PM SPANISH, BASIC PT. E L.C. FALLON 1 - 2:45PM CHAIR YOGA N. RAMOS 3 - 4:00PM SPANISH, BASIC PT C L. FALLON CRAFTING YOUR PERSONAL ESSAY E. SELBY CHAIR YOGA N. RAMOS SUMMER SESSIONS I & II SCHEDULE 12:00 - 1PM 35 OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI REGISTER FOR CLASSES AT:WWW.CONTINUE.MIAMI.EDU/OLLI OR CALL 305.284.6554 36 Dates Location Days & Times Instructor Title Number Number Title Instructor Days & Times Location Dates SUMMER SESSIONS I & II SCHEDULE 37 WHAT’S INSIDE Summer Session 1 & 2 Schedule Sumer 1: 5/11/15 – 6/22/15 Sumer 2: 6/29/15 – 7/31/15 For more information: OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE 1550 Brescia Avenue | Founders Hall Coral Gables, FL 33146 305-284-OLLI 305-284-5851 [email protected]
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