CO-OP HS DAILY BULLETIN, JUNE 8th, 2015 GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: DAILY INFO Monday, June 8th ODD Schedule TEACHER ABSENCES Rice, Purdie, Malavasi, Dillon, Vilnay, Willis WORD OF THE DAY urbane Definition: Having the polish and suave nature regarded as characteristic of sophisticated urban life Sentence: The visitor from New York was very urbane in her attitude and behavior. WWW.MERRIAM-WEBSTER.COM INCLUDED IN THIS BULLETIN: 1. General Announcements 2. Upcoming Performances 3. End of Year Dates 4. Class Announcements 5. Parent Announcements 6. Guidance Notices Finals begin THIS Thursday! All exam days are early dismissals (11:15am) for students. See End Of Year Dates Announcement below for more important upcoming dates. Thursday, June 11, Per 1 & 2 exams Friday, June 12, Per 3 & 4 exams Monday, June 15, Per 5 & 6 exams Tuesday, June 16, Per 7 & 8 exams SENIORS who are hoping to receive a NEW HAVEN PROMISE SCHOLARSHIP MUST SUBMIT THEIR 40 HOURS into X2Vol by Thursday, June 11, 2015. This is a hard deadline so do not delay!! Please see Ms. Freer or Roxy if you have issues with putting the hours in prior to Thursday. All LIBRARY BOOKS were due in the Library Friday, June 5, 2015. Please continue to turn in your books. Books not returned will be charged to each student's account. Please return your books as soon as possible. From Ms. Willis: It would be a great help to me since I'm still recuperating from my hip operation and relying on my colleagues help to keep the library collection in tact. If you cannot find your book, you will need to pay the full price of the book. Attention National Honor Society INDUCTEES and CURRENT MEMBERS!! With the Induction Ceremony coming up soon, we have a few dates that everyone needs to be aware of: 1) Monday, June 8th from 2:30-3:30 Lecture Hall - We will be holding a meeting for the Inductees! It is important for all our new inductees to attend this meeting. We will be taking attendance. Please do not forget to bring your $20 DUES! 2) Tuesday, June 9th from 2:30-4:00 Main Stage- We will be having our Induction Ceremony Rehearsal. It is mandatory for the Inductees, Seniors, and New Officers to attend this rehearsal. We will be taking attendance! 3) Wednesday, June 10th from 5-7 Main Stage - We will be holding our Induction Ceremony! All new and current members MUST attend, it is mandatory! Light refreshments to follow! Call time is 4:15!!!! Junior Prom committee: Our next meeting will be Wednesday, June 10. 2:30 in the Black Box. See Ms. Wetmore or Ms. Sargent with any questions. Parents, Teachers, Staff: It's time for Co-op families to pitch in to thank all the creative and hardworking adults at Co-op for another great year. The Staff Appreciation Lunch is Fri., June 12 at 11:30am (please note *time change* from noon). Please see Parent Announcements for more information about who to contact if you’d like to donate/help, AP Recommended Students 2015-2016 Are you ready to get to work?! This summer we will be hosting COOP's first ever AP Boot Camp to provide students with essential study skills and specific content to prepare them for their upcoming AP courses. The program will run Monday-Thursday from 8AM-12PM. Breakfast and lunch will be provided however transportation will not. This is not mandatory however it is highly recommended that you attend. Please plan on joining us! Registration will take place June 15, 2015-June 19, 2015 @ Co-Op High School 177 College Street New Haven, CT. July 13-16 English/History/Art classes, July 20-23 Math/Science classes Please see Mr.Manghnani in room 325 or Mrs.Belton if you have any questions or concerns. SUMMER SCHOOL Any students who are planning to attend summer school can pick up an application in the Guidance Office. Please note that the summer credit recovery program applications will NOT be accepted via postal mail. All registrations must take place in person; dates to be confirmed at a later time. It is IMPERATIVE to note that students who have already mailed their applications will receive their applications back, with the expectation that they come to register on the registration dates identified. In addition, seniors will be given priority to ensure that they have full access to the courses that they need to graduate. For any questions or information, please see Guidance. Interested in studying something new and different this summer? Want to earn a half or full high school credit through the Independent Studies Department? ACES Summer Academy is now accepting pre-registrations at for a blended learning program that will run July 6th-30th at East Haven High School, Law High School in Milford, and Thomas Edison Middle in Meriden (families choose the site). Students will be required to work online in class 12 hours a week (8:30-11:30 AM Mondays through Thursdays), and the teachers will be available by internet an additional 8 hours a week. Online work outside of class will also be necessary, though all assessments must be taken in class, and all work must be completed by August 20th. ACES will have laptops available for loan, if needed, but students must have reliable internet access outside of school hours. Independent Study credit can be earned by taking Classic Novels and Author Studies, Financial Math, Earth Science, Environmental Science, or Modern World History. For more information, please see your ISSP Coordinator, email [email protected] or click through to “Summer Academy” on the ACES website. Remedial and credit recuperation options are also available, but classes are not free. Fees of $75 per half credit and $150 per full credit will be due to ACES upon enrollment, plus a $25 registration fee. Preenrollment does NOT constitute a commitment to attending, and no money will be due until enrollment actually occurs in June ( a $50 late fee will apply after 6/19). UPCOMING SCHOOL PERFORMANCES: Director’s Showcase 12 noon, Friday, June 12th in the Black Box. Free and Open to the Co-Op Community. END OF YEAR DATES: Final Exams: • High School Final Exam Period: June 11, 12, 15, 16. June 17th will be open for make-ups, last minute correcting, and locker clean-out (half days). Final Days of School: June 18 & 19 – Full days of school for everyone (see below for senior specific schedule. A more detailed schedule for underclassmen for those days will be included after April Break.) Last Day of School for Teachers and Students: June 22 (Half-Day) Graduation & Senior Events: • Thursday, June 18th - Senior Trip • Friday, June 19th - Senior Breakfast, Cap Gown & Graduation Ticket Distribution, final book returns • Monday, June 22nd - Seniors report to Graduation Rehearsal @ noon (no classes for seniors), lineup at 5pm in Co-Op Cafeteria, procession begins at 5:45 and Graduation starts at 6 @ Shubert, Reception in Co-Op Cafe CLASS ANNOUNCEMENTS: JUNIORS: Class dues are $25/year. = $100 total. You must have paid $75 by the end of this year. You can pay $5/month if you need to! You can pay Mrs. Sargent in the Theatre Resource Room first floor. She is available before/during homeroom or immediately after school. SOPHOMORES: Dues are $25/year. Please makes check payable to “Co-Op High School” and turn in to Ms. Malavasi. FRESHMAN: Class dues are being collected between now and June 12th. Dues are to be paid to Mr. Bella and the amount is $25. Make checks payable to Cooperative Arts HS. Cash is ok too. Mr. Bella will be in the main lobby before the first bell on Wednesdays and Thursdays and will visit the café on Odd days during Freshman Lunch. PARENTS/CO-OP FAMILY Parents, Teachers, Staff: It's time for Co-op families to pitch in to thank all the creative and hardworking adults at Co-op for another great year. The Staff Appreciation Lunch is Fri., June 12 at 11:30am (please note *time change* from noon). Teachers and Staff: The lunch is for YOU. You needn't do a thing except plan to attend. Families: Please help with this special thank-you for the teachers and staff. Donations of desserts, side dishes, drinks, decorations, funding, and time are needed. Email parent coordinators Gwen Felder at [email protected] or Stephanie Johnson at [email protected]. Thank you! COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES Community Service Opportunity: On Sat, June 20, from 12 to 4pm at Goffe Street Park in New Haven, EndHungerConnecticut will host a Blitz Day to raise awareness of the Summer Meals Programs that exist in New Haven and across CT. These programs provide free, nutritious meals to children 18 years of age and younger. Neither paperwork nor identification is required to receive a meal. A Blitz Day is a volunteer outreach effort to increase awareness about the Summer Meals. We need volunteers to help us pound the pavement. The June 20 event will feature a volunteer orientation and fun activities. This is an excellent opportunity for high school students to spread awareness of a great cause and to earn volunteer hours. For more information about Summer Meals and Blitz Days, visit To volunteer, sign up at If you have any questions, feel free to contact Genevieve Caron at [email protected]. SUMMER OPPORTUNITIES Interested in studying something new and different this summer? Want to earn a half or full high school credit through the Independent Studies Department? ACES Summer Academy is now accepting pre-registrations at for a blended learning program that will run July 6th-30th at East Haven High School, Law High School in Milford, and Thomas Edison Middle in Meriden (families choose the site). Students will be required to work online in class 12 hours a week (8:30-11:30 AM Mondays through Thursdays), and the teachers will be available by internet an additional 8 hours a week. Online work outside of class will also be necessary, though all assessments must be taken in class, and all work must be completed by August 20th. ACES will have laptops available for loan, if needed, but students must have reliable internet access outside of school hours. Independent Study credit can be earned by taking Classic Novels and Author Studies, Financial Math, Earth Science, Environmental Science, or Modern World History. For more information, please see your ISSP Coordinator, email [email protected] or click through to “Summer Academy” on the ACES website. Remedial and credit recuperation options are also available, but classes are not free. Fees of $75 per half credit and $150 per full credit will be due to ACES upon enrollment, plus a $25 registration fee. Preenrollment does NOT constitute a commitment to attending, and no money will be due until enrollment actually occurs in June ( a $50 late fee will apply after 6/19). Southern Connecticut State University, is inviting the rising 10th graders to their third GEAR UP Summer Academy. The academy will run July 6, - July 24, 2015. The Academy is held on the Southern Connecticut State University campus. They are pleased to accept the first 150 GEAR UP students who apply. The academy is free and there will be no cost at all for your child’s attendance and participation in the Summer Academy. Bus transportation is free for New Haven residents. Bus transportation to all field trips is free to all participants. Breakfast and lunch is free for all participants. Any interested rising 10th grader please come to the Guidance office and see Roxy for an application. GUIDANCE NOTICES: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior girls of color: The Perfect Blend runs programs for women in Greater New Haven’s African American communities. Its vision is to recognize and use talents in the community to mentor young women and girls of color. The Youth Leadership Program offers twice-a-month workshops, projects, activities, and scholarships for selected youth leaders from New Haven county. Dedicated and committed students can earn community service hours. The program runs Sept. to May at SCSU, in conjunction with the women's studies program. Apply at Deadline June 30, 2015. All students must enter their Community Service Hours in X2Vol through their Naviance account and then submit their signed documentation from their community service provider to Ms. Roxy for approval of hours. If you submitted documentation of hours before 2/27/2015, please check in w/ Ms. Freer or Ms. Roxy to see if those hours were already submitted before you put anything in X2vol. Any hours after 2/27/2015 must be entered by student in X2vol before they can be approved. If you have questions, please see Ms. Freer or Ms. Roxy.
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