CATTLE SHOWING CLASSES SATURDAY 20 TH JUNE, 2015 TH ENTRIES CLOSE FRI. 5 JUNE, 2015. NO LATE ENTRIES OR ENTRIES ON THE DAY WILL BE ACCEPTED ENTRY FEES Cattle Classes €15 Young Showmanship Classes €12 IMPORTANT NOTICE ADMISSION TO THE SHOW Exhibitors allowed credits (see table) against entry feed and everyone will pay at the gate. No free passes will be issued but their value may be credited against entry fees at the time of making entries and before the closing date of 5th June. THE FOLLOWING DEDUCTIONS MAY BE MADE: Entries valued @ €20 – Deduct €15 from entry fees (Cost of admission for 1) Entries valued @ €40 – Deduct €30 from entry fees (Cost of admission for 2) Entries valued @ €60 & over – Deduct €45 from entry fees (Cost of admission for 3) Please have the correct money available on the day to avoid delays PRIZE MONEY Cattle Classes 1st €100; 2nd €50; 3rd €35; Champion of the Breed: Reserve Champion of the Breed €100 € 50 The Supreme Dairy Champion: The Supreme Beef Champion: €200 €200 The M.A.S. All Ireland Holstein Friesian Senior Cow Champion Prize Fund €1,000 The M.A.S. Munster Pedigree Beef Heifer Calf Championship Prize Fund € 1,000 I.S.A. 5% Levy deducted from Prize Money Judging commences at 11.30a.m. sharp Judging of Supreme Dairy and Beef Championship at 3.30 pm Parade of Breed Champions & Reserve Champions at 4.00 p.m. approx . The Parade is to include all Breed Champions, Reserve Champions and 1st Prizewinners. The Supreme Dairy Champion and Supreme Beef Champion will be announced during the parade of Champions The Supreme Dairy Champion will receive €200 The Supreme Beef Champion will receive €200 Prize Money will be withheld if the winners do not participate in the Presentation and /or Parade of Champions. SPECIAL AWARDS AND SPONSORS. * The Governors of the Munster Dairy School and The Agricultural Institute, Curraheen Road, Cork present Cash awards towards the Prize Fund. * The winner of each Trophy will be presented with a Munster Agricultural Society Medal and the Cup or Trophy will be retained and inscribed by the Society with the details of the winners SPECIAL NOTICES * All cattle will be judged on Saturday 20th June @ 11.30 am * Cattle may arrive on Saturday 20th June up until 10.00 am * No cattle may leave the Show Grounds until after the Parade of Prizewinners. * TB and Brucellosis Regulations as set down by Department of Agriculture. * If the number of entries of any class is less than three, from different owners, the class may be cancelled or amalgamated with such classes that the Committee may decide. Where it is found necessary to amalgamate classes, no option of withdrawal can be allowed to exhibitors. IMPORTANT NOTICE Please note new regulations regarding cattle movement: The following changes are being introduced for keepers of Bovine animals who wish to show cattle these changes apply from the 2013 Show season. Keepers of cattle are now required to obtain a Certificate of Compliance prior to the movement of an animal to a Show. Certificates of Compliance can be obtained online from the Animal Identification and Movement (AIM) System through the facility or from the Cattle Movement Notification Agency. When applying for a Certificate of Compliance, keepers should not specify a destination herd. On the day of the Show, the Certificate of Compliance should be presented to the Show Secretary along with the bovine passport for the animal. The Keeper and the Show Secretary will then sign the Movement Notification section of the Certificate which will then be sent to the local DVO for recording onto the AIM System. Please note that only cattle for which a valid Certificate of Compliance is provided to the Show Secretary will be allowed to be shown on the day of the Show. These Certificates will replace the previously-used CMMS 4 Forms. CLASSES COMMENCING AT 11.30 sharp Saturday 20th June 2015 PEDIGREE DAIRY SHORTHORN The Shorthorn classes will be judged by Norma & John Cooke, PRIZE MONEY IN EACH CLASS 1st €100 2nd €50 3rd €35 unless otherwise stated. 200 Dairy Shorthorn Bull Calf born on or after 1st September 2014 201 Dairy Shorthorn Heifer Calf born on or after 1st September, 2014. 202 Dairy Shorthorn Heifer born between 1st September 2012 and 31st August 2014 not in milk also open to the progeny of a foundation shorthorn cow and sired by a registered Bull 203 204 205 The highest placed heifer in classes 201 and 202 will compete for The Desert Perpetual Challenge Cup Dairy Shorthorn Registered Cow or Heifer(100% Shorthorn, no blended animals allowed) Dairy Shorthorn Registered or non registered Cow or Heifer in milk or in calf. Winner will receive The McCarthy Memorial Perpetual Cup and The Farran Challenge Cup Best pair of Shorthorn (either sex) owned by Exhibitor The Champion Dairy Shorthorn Female of the Show will receive The Ballingarrane Perpetual Challenge Cup €100 is offered for the Champion of the Breed Winner will receive The Maxwell Gumbleton Challenge Cup (Male and Female) €50 is offered for the Reserve Champion of the Breed. PEDIGREE BEEF SHORTHORN The Shorthorn classes will be judged by Norma & John Cooke PRIZE MONEY IN EACH CLASS 1st €100 2nd €50 3rd €35 unless otherwise stated. 206 207 208 Beef Shorthorn Bull Calf born on or after 1st September, 2014 Beef Shorthorn Heifer Calf born on or after 1st September, 2014 Beef Shorthorn Cow or Heifer in milk or in calf Champion Beef Shorthorn PEDIGREE JERSEY The Jersey classes will be judged by Sean Kelly, Burncourt, Cahir, Co. Tipperary. PRIZE MONEY IN EACH CLASS 1st €100 2nd €50 3rd €35 unless otherwise stated. 209 210 211 Jersey Heifer born on or after 1st September 2014 Jersey Heifer not in milk born on or before 31st August, 2014 Jersey Heifer in milk 212 213 Jersey Cow in milk having had 2 or more calves Best Pair of Jersey owned by Exhibitor €100 is offered for the Champion Jersey of the Breed . Winner will receive The Eatonstown Perpetual Challenge Cup €50 is offered for the Reserve Champion Jersey of the Breed. PEDIGREE HOLSTEIN FREISIAN The Holstein Friesian classes will be judged by Sean Kelly, Burncourt, Cahir, Co. Tipperary. PRIZE MONEY IN EACH CLASS 1st €100 2nd €50 3rd €35 unless otherwise stated. 214 Holstein Friesian Heifer born on or after 1st January 2015. 216 Holstein Friesian Heifer born on or after 1st September 2014 and on or before 31st December, 2014. Winner will receive the Tadgh Quill Perpetual Challenge Cup 217 Holstein Friesian Heifer born on or after 1st January 2013 and on or before 31st August, 2043. 218 Holstein Friesian Heifer in milk. 219 THE M.A.S. HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN PREMIER COW CHAMPIONSHIP. Cow in milk having had 2 or more calves. The Winner will recieve the Timothy Quill Perpetual Challenge Cup 1st €300, 2nd €200, 3rd €100, 4th €50, 5th - 10th €25 each 220 Holstein Friesian Cow in milk or in calf that has produced one yield of 10,000 kgs of milk or 650 kgs of Milk solids in a 305 day. 1st Prizewinners at this year's show are not allowed to compete in this class Winner will receive The John A Wood Perpetual Memorial Trophy 221 Best Pair of Females, owned and bred by exhibitor. Winner will receive the Henry Good, Kinsale Silver Tray €100 is offered for the Champion of the Breed. The Champion will receive The Liskilla Perpetual Trophy €50 is offered for the Reserve Champion of the Breed. YOUNG SHOWMANSHIP CLASSES PRIZE MONEY IN EACH CLASS 1st €50 2nd €25 3rd €10 All animals to be pedigree, shown by a person under 16 years of age on 1st January, 2015. 50% of the marks will be awarded for the showmanship skills of the Handler, 50% of the marks will be awarded for the animal in the Young Showmanship classes. (Please have birth cert. available for inspection) The Young Showmanship Dairy Class 222 Dairy Breed Calf to be shown by a person under 16 yrs of age on 1st January, 2015 223 Dairy Breed Calf to be shown by a person over 16 yrs of age on 1st January and under 26 yrs. The Young Showmanship Beef Class 224 Beef Breed Calf to be shown by a person under 16yrs of age on 1st January, 2015. 225 Beef Breed Calf to be shown by a person over 16 yrs of age on 1st January and under 26 yrs. BEEF CATTLE PEDIGREE BEEF SHORTHORN See classes 206 - 208 HEREFORD The Hereford classes will be judged by: Mr Robin Irvine, South Armagh, Northern Ireland PRIZE MONEY IN EACH CLASS 1st €100 2nd €50 3rd €35 unless otherwise stated. 226 Hereford Bull born on or after 1st September, 2014. 227 Hereford Heifer born on or after 1st September, 2014. 228 Hereford Heifer born between 1st September 2012 and 31st August, 2014 229 Hereford Cow in milk or in calf with or without natural born calf at foot. 230 Hereford Bull any age born before 31st August, 2014. 231 Best Pair of Herefords (either Sex) owned by Exhibitor Winner will receive The John F Good Memorial Perpetual Challenge Cup The Champion Hereford Female of the Show will receive The Victor Johnson Perpetual Challenge Cup €100 is offered for the Champion Hereford animal at the Show. Winner will receive The Irish Hereford Society Ltd Cup €50 is offered for the Reserve Champion Hereford animal at the Show ALL IRELAND ABERDEEN ANGUS CHAMPIONSHIPS The Aberdeen Angus classes will be judged by: Mr. Albert de Cogan, Castlemartyr, Co.Cork PRIZE MONEY IN EACH CLASS 1st €100 2nd €50 3rd €40, 4th €20 unless otherwise stated, All plus veterinary products 232 233 234 235 Senior Stockperson. Aberdeen Angus animal to be shown by a person who has reached 17 years of age and is not over 25 on the 01/01/15. Junior Stockperson. Aberdeen Angus animal to be shown be a person who has not reached 17 years of age ob the 01/01/15. Aberdeen Angus Bull before 1st September 2013 Aberdeen Angus Bull born on or after 1st September 2013 and 31st August, 2014 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 Aberdeen Angus Bull born between 1st September 2014 and 31st December, 2014. Aberdeen Angus Bull born between 1st January, 2015 & 31st March, 2015. Aberdeen Angus Cow with calf at foot, born before September 2012. Aberdeen Angus Cow with calf at foot, born on or after 1st September, 2012. Aberdeen Angus Heifer born between 1st March 2013 & 31st August, 2013. Aberdeen Angus Heifer born between 1st September, 2013 and 31st August, 2014 Aberdeen Angus Heifer born between 1st September, 2014 and 31st December, 2014. Aberdeen Angus Heifer born between 1st January, 2015 and 31st March, 2015. Aberdeen Angus Bull or Heifer born on or after 1st April, 2015. The All Ireland Champion will receive €250 and Veterinary Products sponsored by Univet Ireland Ltd and the ALL IRELAND PERPETUAL TROPHY, Sash, Rosette and commemorative medal. Reserve All Ireland Champion will receive €130, Rosette and Veterinary Products sponsored by Univet Ireland. Senior Champion to receive Perpetual Trophy & Rosette in memory of the late Mrs. S.W. Henderson. (Animals born before 1st September, 2014 are eligible for the Senior Championship) Junior Champion to receive Perpetual Trophy & Rosette in memory of the late Mr. Larry Crawford. . (Animals born after 1st September, 2014 are eligible for the Senior Championship) CHAROLAIS The Charolais classes will be judged by: Mr. Andrew Clarke, Tynan, Co. Armagh. PRIZE MONEY IN EACH CLASS 1st €100 2nd €50 3rd €35 unless otherwise stated. 245 Charolais Bull born on or after 1st September 2014 246 Charolais Heifer born on or after 1st September 2014 247 Charolais Heifer or Bull born on or after 1st January, 2015 248 Charolais Heifer born on or between 1st September 2012and 31st August, 2014. 249 250 251 Charolais Cow in milk or in calf with or without natural born calf at foot Charolais Bull any age born before 31st August 2014 Best Pair of Charolais (either sex) owned by Exhibitor The Champion Charolais Female of the Show will receive The First National Building Society Perpetual Trophy €100 is offered for the Champion of the Breed. Winner will receive The Lord Iveagh Perpetual Championship Trophy €50 is offered for the Reserve Champion of the Breed. SIMMENTALS The Simmental classes will be judged by: Mr. Andrew Clarke, Tynan, Co. Armagh. PRIZE MONEY IN EACH CLASS 1st €100 2nd €50 3rd €35 unless otherwise stated. 253 Simmental Bull Calf, born on or after 1st January, 2015. 254 Simmental Heifer Calf, born on or after 1st January, 2015 255 Simmental Bull born after 1st September 2014 and before 31st December, 2014 256 Simmental Heifer born after 1st September 2014 and before 31st December, 2014 257 Simmental Heifer born between 1st September 2012 and 31st August, 2014. 258 Simmental Cow any age in milk or in calf with or without natural born calf at foot. 259 Best Pair of Simmentals (either sex) owned by Exhibitor. €385 Prize Fund 260 Southern Simmental Child Handling Competition restricted to Simmental Breeders. Children under 16 yrs of age on 1st January, 2015. Prize Fund: €200 €100 is offered for the Champion of the Breed. €50 is offered for the Reserve Champion of the Breed. The Champion Male and the Champion Female will qualify for the Simmental of the Year Competition 2015 PARTHENAISE The Parthenaise classes will be judged by: : Mrs Vicky Smith, Bradninch, Exeter, Devon Ring Stewards Are: TBC 261 Parthenaise Bull born on or after 1st September, 2014. 262 Parthenaise Heifer born on or after 1st September, 2014. €100 is offered for the Champion of the Breed. €50 is offered for the Reserve Champion of the Breed. SALERS The Salers classes will be judged by: : Mrs Vicky Smith, Bradninch, Exeter, Devon 263 Salers Heifer Calf born on or after 1st September, 2014. 264 Salers Bull Calf born on or after 1st September, 2014. 265 Salers Cow in-calf or in-milk with or without Calf at foot. €100 is offered for the Champion of the Breed. €50 is offered for the Reserve Champion of the Breed LIMOUSIN The Limousin classes will be judged by: Mrs Vicky Smith, Columbpark Limousins, Bradninch, Exeter, Devon PRIZE MONEY IN EACH CLASS 1st €100 2nd €50 3rd €35 unless otherwise stated. 266 Limousin Bull born on or after 1st January, 2015 267 Limousin Bull born on or after 1st September, 2014 268 Limousin Bull born before 1st September, 2014 269 Limousin Heifer born on or after 1st January, 2015. 270 Limousin Heifer born on or after 1st September, 2014 271 Limousin Heifer born on or between 1st January, 2014 and 31st August, 2014 272 Limousin Heifer born on or between 1st September, 2012 and 31st December, 2013 (uncalved) 273 Limousin Cow in-calf or in-milk with or without calf at foot. 274 Best Pair of Limousin owned by the same exhibitor The winner will be awarded the MAS Cork Limousin Perpetual Trophy €100 is offered for the Champion of the Breed €50 is offered for the Reserve Champion of the Breed BELGIAN BLUE The Cork Sumer Show has been selected by the Irish Belgian Cattle Society as a points show for RDS Belgian Blue Champion of Champion of Champions 2015 The Belgian Blue classes will be judged by: Mr Sam Milliken, Killykernan, Coleraine, Northern Ireland. PRIZE MONEY IN EACH CLASS 1st €100 2nd €50 3rd €35 unless otherwise stated. 275 Belgian Blue Junior Bull born between 1st September, 2013 and 31st August, 2014 276 Belgian Blue Breeding Heifer born between1st September 2013 and 3st August, 2014. 277 Belgian Blue Bull Calf born between 1st September 2014 and 31st December, 2014 278 Belgian Blue Heifer Calf born between 1st September, 2014 and 31st December, 2014. 279 Belgian Blue Bull Calf born after 1st January, 2015 280 Belgian Blue Heifer Calf born after 1st January, 2015. €100 is offered for the Champion of the Breed Winner will receive Luceys Millers Perpetual Trophy €50 is offered for the Reserve Champion of the Breed COMMERCIAL BEEF CATTLE The Commercial Beef classes will be judged by: Mr Sam Milliken, Killykernan, Coleraine, Northern Ireland. PRIZE MONEY IN EACH CLASS 1st €100 2nd €50 3rd €35 unless otherwise stated. * Cattle will be weighed on the day. Stewards weight decision is final.* 281 Commercial Beef non-pedigree Bull or Heifer Calf not exceeding 200kgs 282 Commercial Beef non-pedigree Bull Calf up to 300 kgs. 283 Commercial Beef non-pedigree Heifer Calf up to 280 kgs 284 Commercial Beef Bullock with no permanent teeth on the day of the Show. 285 Commercial Beef Heifer with no permanent teeth on the day of the Show. 286 Commercial Beef Bullock or Heifer with not more than two permanent teeth on the day of show 287 Commercial Beef Breeding Heifer under two years on the day of the Show, to breed an export calf 288 Commercial Beef Bullock or Heifer with more than two permanent teeth on the day of the Show. 289 Best Pair of Commercial Beef (either sex) owned by Exhibitor €100 is offered for the Champion Commercial in the Show. €50 is offered for the Reserve Champion in the Show THE M.A.S. ALL IRELAND PEDIGREE BEEF HEIFER CALF CHAMPIONSHIP This class will be judged on the points system PRIZE MONEY: 1st €500 2nd €200 3rd €100 4th €50 5th -10th €25 290 Heifer, any beef breed, born on or after 1st September, 2014. Entries in this class must be registered with the relevant Breed Herd Book. Direct pre-entry required. Supreme Champion - Dairy Supreme Champion - Beef
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