A Publication of Coronado Community United Methodist Church Letter from Bob Serving God, Sharing Love Rev. Bob Brown INSIDE THIS ISSUE Bike Rack 9 Bus Ministry 9 Children’s Corner 11 CorMeth Boutique 8 CorMeth Day School 12 Cuban Sister Churches 3 Finance 9 FL Conference 2015 4 Mission Teams June 2015 10 Music Notes 5 Package of Christian Love 8 Sermon Topics 2 Transitions 2 UMW 7 Vacation Bible School 11 Women’s Book Club 6 Youth 6 Becky and I are starting to say goodbye to you. I will lay down my pastoral responsibilities in late June after forty-four years, thirty-four of them with you at Coronado. We do not have the words to express how much you mean to us for all the love and support you have given us and our sons. You have done far more for us than we could ever do for you. We are forever grateful. We are very excited about Peter Cottrell coming as your new pastor. We have spent time with Peter and Carla, like them very much, and are quite certain that we leave you in good hands. We will work well together in the transition process. Our District Superintendent, Annette Pendergrass, and Bishop, Ken Carter, have done an outstanding job in choosing Peter Cottrell. Peter’s priorities, perspectives and personality are great fits for this congregation. He brings talents and experience I lacked when I came to you, and Coronado will be a stronger church for his coming. Becky, Randy and I will continue to live in New Smyrna Beach, though we plan to be out of town almost half of the next year. When here, we will drive past Coronado every day, and you will be in thoughts and prayers. One way I can help you adjust to this change is to NOT be involved in the life of Coronado for a while. You need the chance to know Peter as your pastor, and he doesn’t need me looking over his shoulder. So I will step away for a time. Together Peter and I will work out just what that means and share it with you in the near future. Bob Bob Brown and Becky Rutland arrived in New Smyrna Beach in June 1981, with a 4-year old, Wesley and a 2-year old, Robert. Wes Rutland-Brown, 38, is an analyst with the Federal Highway Administration, in Davis, California. He is married to Wes, Becky, Bob and Rob Natalie and they have two girls, Lucca November 1980 and Sienna. Rob Rutland-Brown, 36, is executive director of National Justice for Our Neighbors, the immigration services ministry of UMCOR and The United Methodist Church, in Springfield, VA. He is married to Grace and they have a boy, Robert, and a girl, Isabel. Randy Rutland-Brown, 32, lives in New Smyrna Beach and attends WORC and ARC in Daytona Beach. He volunteers at the Boutique and frequently appears on Facebook. June Worship JUNE 7 : 2ND SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST SPECIAL RECOGNITION OF PASTOR BROWN 9:30, 11:00 A.M. Preacher: Scripture: Sermon: Rev. Bob Brown 2 Corinthians 5:16-20 Lessons You Have Taught Me JUNE 14: 3RD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST BURNING OF CHURCH MORTGAGE & DEDICATION OF SANCTUARY 9:30, 11:00 A.M. Preacher: Rev. Bob Brown Scripture: Ephesian 2:8-10; 4:1-6 Sermon: Created for Good Works JUNE 21: 4TH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST PASTOR BROWN’S LAST SUNDAY AT CCUMC 9:30, 11:00 A.M. Preacher: Scripture: Sermon: Rev. Bob Brown Luke 24:13-36 Known in the Breaking of the Bread Communion Placing of symbols of pastoral leadership on the altar JUNE 28: 5TH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST 9:30, 11 A.M. Preacher: Rev. Laura Berg Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:5-11 Sermon: Trust and Hope Prayer for Times of Change Deb Wolf Father, Change is hard and confusing. Our lives are full of beginnings and endings, gains and losses, blessings and curses, things that work and things that don’t. We are so accustomed to change it has become hard for us to understand that You are changeless. You tell us that You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. You are everlasting. Your promises have always been and always will be true. Your will is the same for each generation. Forgive us. We want to bend Your commands to make it easier for us to blend into society. But Your commands are not rules to make us miserable; they are blessings to keep us safe and give us joy. Father, Big changes are more difficult than small changes. Help us to hold on to the truth that no change happens outside of Your presence. Your perfect love and changeless grace surrounds us. Thank you. For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest. A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to tear down and a time to build up. A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance. A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones. A time to embrace and a time to turn away. A time to search and a time to quit searching. A time to keep and a time to throw away. A time to tear and a time to mend. A time to be quiet and a time to speak. A time to love and a time to hate. A time for war and a time for peace. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 Father, Keep us focused on You as we face change. You are all we need in every circumstance. You are our strength, our hope, our peace. Amen. As we prepare for transition at Coronado with the retirement of Rev. Bob Brown and the arrival of Rev. Peter Cottrell, we ask that you join us in praying for both pastors and their families and for both congregations - ours and Land O' Lakes UMC. 2 New Sister Churches in Cuba The Missions Committee has entered into a new covenant with Methodists United in Prayer (formerly the Cuba-Florida Covenant) to form a cluster of sister churches in Las Tunas province. For a number of years we have been in a sister church relationship with Iglesia Metodista, Merchan. We have had teams visit the church several times and have assisted them with gifts of various sorts. During the past several years, we have also supported not only the pastor in Merchan but others in the area with supplemental salaries. We were asked to be the first FL church to formally become a Cluster church. We feel blessed to be in connection with our brothers and sisters in Cuba. Our new sister churches are located near Merchan (see arrow) which will enable all of us to be in a closer relationship. The pastors and congregations of these small churches are very excited about this. Our sister churches are: 1. Iglesia Metodista, Merchan Yunier Vega Pena, pastor 35 members; 123 attending Sunday School; 105 attending church; 108 attending Bible Study 2. Iglesia Metodista, La Guabina Carlos Manuel Merino Ramos, pastor 18 members; 60 attending Sunday School; 69 attending church; 75 attending Bible study 3. Iglesia Metodista, Menendez Modesto Toranzo Reves, pastor 54 members; 228 attending Sunday School; 203 attending church; 147 attending Bible study 4. Iglesia Metodista 3, Puerto Padre Graciela Cortes Velazquez, pastor 40 members; 207 attending Sunday School; 148 attending church; 127 attending Bible study 5. Iglesia Metodista 1, Vazquez Maykel Gregori Guerra Vazquez, pastor 50 members; 210 attending Sunday School; 340 attending church; 235 attending Bible study 6. Iglesia Metodista 2, Vazquez Jose Angel Reyes Curbelo, pastor 103 members; 376 attending Sunday School; 417 attending church; 268 attending Bible study We will uphold these churches with our prayers and financially with support of their pastors’ salaries and in other ways as needs arise. Recently we sent money for the purchase of a new cell phone by Pastor Yunier at Merchan and $300 for the purchase of a piece of land for another church which has been meeting in a tent. In May, we were delighted to host Pastor Alexis Fernandez, pastor of Iglesia Metodista 1, Puerto Padre, and Rev. Aldo Martin, coordinator for the East Central District Methodists United in Prayer, for lunch and the afternoon. We were blessed to hear from Pastor Alexis of the work in Cuba. At their 2015 Annual Conference, it was announced that there are now over 70,000 members in the Cuba Methodist Church. Pastor Alexis is working with us in communicating with our new sister churches. He lives in the largest town in the area at the center of our cluster. He sent us this message after his visit: Dear Pastor Brown and Members of the Mission Board: I don’t have the words to express my deepest gratitude for your love and support during my trip to Florida. I left Cuba feeling very unsure of what I would experience during this Rev. Alexis Fernandez first trip. As soon as I arrived however, I was reassured by the warmth and affection from all the brothers and sisters I had the honor of getting to know. I carry in my heart pleasant memories of everyone I met. Early tomorrow morning I return to Cuba. You can all be sure that you will be in my prayers and the prayers of the Christian community I oversee. In the love of Jesus Christ, Pastor Alexis Fernandez Iglesia Metodista 1, Puerto Padre Las Tunas, Cuba 3 2015 FL Annual Conference This year the FL Annual Conference will meet at Bethune-Cookman University, Daytona Beach. This affords us a wonderful opportunity to be a part of this gathering. From Bishop Ken Carter’s letter to delegates, we can gain a sense of all that is available to us: “We join together during these days as disciples of Jesus Christ. We express our discipleship with a Wesleyan accent. Two years ago we focused on this process of becoming disciples of Jesus Christ, and last year we celebrated the mission of God. This year, in 2015, we look to cultivating “Next Generations” of faith. Our conference will be marked by music and worship, study and prayer, legislation and conferencing, fellowship and laughter, business and visioning. We will license, commission and ordain men and women for set apart leadership in the church. We will send clergy into congregational and extension leadership for the coming year. We will make important decisions as an Annual Conference. We will prepare for the 2016 General Conference, in Portland, Oregon. And we will return to our local churches, more conscious of our connection as Florida United Methodists. Gathering at the historic Bethune-Cookman University, we will be blessed by the teaching of Adam Hamilton, founding and lead pastor of the Church of the Resurrection (UMC) in Kansas City, one of the largest congregations in the United States. His presence with us will help us to focus on reaching new generations with the gospel. Sharma Lewis, district superintendent of the North Georgia Conference will preach the Opening Communion sermon, and Bob Tindale, senior pastor of Killearn UMC in Tallahassee, will give the Memorial sermon. We will also celebrate the conclusion of our Imagine No Malaria campaign, and highlight new initiatives in the support of younger clergy.” If you wish to follow the annual conference online, go to flumc.org/aclive to watch the live webcast. Livestream will start approximately 15 minutes before event scheduled start time. Volunteers are needed for the entire Conference. It is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about how our Conference works and to fellowship and worship with fellow FL Methodists. To volunteer, go to: ecdistrictumc.org 4 June 10-13 SCHEDULE Wednesday, June 10, 2015 1:30 pm Opening Worship 7:30 pm Service of Word and Table with Rev. Sharma Lewis preaching Thursday, June 11, 2015 10:45 am Retirement Service 7 pm An Evening of Music and Inspiration The Bethune Concert Chorale; Rev. Adam Hamilton preaching Friday, June 12, 2015 8:30 am Plenary Session – Rev. Adam Hamilton preaching 10:30 am Service of Remembrance – Rev. Bob Tindale preaching 7:30 pm Service of Licensing, Commissioning and Ordination with Bishop Carter preaching Saturday, June 13, 2015 8:30 am Final Plenary Session - Bishop Carter preaching the closing worship Rev. Bob Brown will be recognized during the Retirement Service on Thursday, June 11, at 10:45 a.m. Rev. Anil Singh will be commissioned a Provisional Elder at the Service on Friday, June 12, at 7:30 p.m. Those who have been touched by Anil and his ministry will be asked to stand at this time. It will be wonderful if we have a large group from Coronado there for the service. Also, B.J. Foster, pastor in Palm Harbor and daughter of Joann Behr of our congregation, will be ordained an Elder of the church. Bob Brown and Laura Berg will attend as clergy delegates. Frank Roberts and Dr. Bob Hammond will attend as your Lay Delegates and Mary Perry as a Delegate at Large from our EC District. Music Notes Anita Wimbish, Director of Music The annual Patriotic Concert at Coronado will be presented Sunday, June 28, at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary. If you would like to sing with the Chancel Choir in this program, please contact Anita Wimbish in the Music Office (386-428-6252, ext. 119). You do not have to be a member of the choir to participate in this program. During the concert, we will salute our country and the men and women who protect this great nation through songs and patriotic readings. As always, invite friends and family to share this time with you. Children’s Church Music Camp begins Sunday, July 26 and runs through their program on Thursday night, July 30, at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary. The musical this year is I Am. It centers around living in a technological age where children are plugged in using their cell phones and iPads. This musical incorporates the technology kids enjoy into a story that teaches them all about the God who is worthy of their worship. If you have children, grandchildren or neighbors who are trying to understand who God really is, then this musical is for them. The camp is open to all boys and girls entering 1st grade through 5th grade. Of Thee We Sing Sunday, June 28, 2013 7:00 p.m. Songs from our rich American musical heritage will be presented by the Chancel Choir of Coronado Community United Methodist Church Come and join us for this special event. A free-will offering will be taken. Please register online at www.coronadoumc.org. A $15 fee will be charged for camp participants. There is limited space so make your plans now to attend. Registration ends July 19, 2015. If you have questions about the camp, please call Camp Director, Anita Wimbish, at the Church Ministries Office (428 - 6252 ext. 119) If you like praise and worship music, the 11 a.m. Non-traditional service invites singers and band members to join both of these groups. Come and check us out. Please let Mike Williams ([email protected]) know you are interested in being a part of this service. However, if you like to sing a more traditional style of music, the Chancel Choir is the place to be. They will continue to meet during the summer at 7 p.m. on Wednesday nights in the Music-Lecture Suite. The Chancel Choir has a great time of fellowship, spiritual growth and learning more about singing. The Music Ministry at Coronado provides music for all worship services each week, as well as special seasonal programs. If there is something in which you would like to participate or would like to learn more about, please let Anita Wimbish know by calling the Church Ministries Office (386-428-6252, ext. 119). CHILDREN”S CHURCH MUSIC CAMP July 26 - 30, 2015 Program presented July 30 7 p.m. The community is invited to join us for the musical For information about all events, contact Anita Wimbish (386-428-6252, ext. 119) 5 Youth Emily Edwards, Director of Youth and Education Ministries SUNDAY SCHOOL is on hiatus for the summer. Keep an eye out in the August newsletter for the date we will begin our fall programming. All youth are encouraged to attend worship this summer with their families. SUMMER YOUTH EVENTS Weekly youth group will be combined into All Youth Group nights for rising 6th-graduating 12th graders that will be held during the months of July and August (dates & times TBA). Volunteer for CCUMC’s Vacation Bible School from Other events will be planned and information will 5-8:30 PM on June 15-19. Sign up to volunteer on the be sent out via text reminders. Please subscribe to our VBS link at coronadoumc.org texting group to get all current information and updates LINKED on August 10-14 daily from 6-9 pm each on summer youth activities: night. Come, serve, learn, and have fun with other If your child is in middle school text: @msygccumc youth groups in our area. On Night 1, guys bring a to (239) 677-3376 2-liter and girls bring a box of snacks; Night 2, come If your child is in high school text: @hsygccumc prepared to compete in mind challenges; Night 3, to (239) 677-3376 we will have worship time; Night 4, bring $5 for a service project; and Night 5, come prepared to walk for the clean water cause on the beach. All middle and high school youth are invited. The Book Club meets on the second Monday of each month 7 p.m. Room 116 All women of the church and their friends are June 8: Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson 6 July 13: The Sleepwalker’s Guide to Dancing by Mira Jacob News from the United Methodist Women Our circles are already planning and crafting for the next Holiday Craft Bazaar. Get involved now with all of your handmade items. November arrives quickly, and we expect this year’s Bazaar to be even bigger and better. We have so many creative women in our UMW. Many of the circles will not meet during the summer, so use this time to get ready for the Bazaar. From a Christian Perspective Strengthening the Ties that Bind Us: United Methodist Women and Justice For Our Neighbors - a beautiful and productive partnership We (NJFON) are profoundly grateful to acknowledge the generosity of the United Methodist Women, who recently awarded a substantial grant of $50,000 to National Justice For Our Neighbors. “We have been working on immigrant rights for the past 8 years, because we believe that all person belong in God’s vision of a beloved community,” explains Sung-ok Lee, Assistant General Secretary, Christian Social Action, of the UMW. “We affirm the human rights of every person regardless of status and affirm that these rights do not stop at borders.” The grant money was divided among four of our JFON sites - Northern Illinois, Iowa, West Michigan, and Southeastern Michigan. All of these locations have an urgent need for highquality, affordable immigration services, yet each lacks the resources to adequately assist the many vulnerable immigrants who so desperately need their help. All of these locations have UMW volunteers who are eager to become more involved and to make a real and lasting difference in the lives of the low-income immigrants who live within their communities. “As a member of my own UMW in Ann Arbor, I know the power and impact UMW volunteers can have to bring awareness and action around social justice issues,” says Tori Booker, site director for JFON Southeast Michigan. “We are excited to collaborate with such dynamic and caring women.” For JFON West Michigan, these much-needed funds will be put to good use developing their new site in Traverse City, a resort and farming community where immigrant workers play an integral role in the local economy. For Iowa JFON, the windfall meant, first and foremost, that they were able to hire a new attorney, April Palma. April will dedicate her time exclusively to helping the unaccompanied minors who have fled the violence of their home countries of Honduras, Guatemala, and 7 El Salvador. Site attorney Ann Naffier estimates that they will be able to assist an additional 40-50 of these UAMs who have endured such hardship and peril to make their way to Iowa. José and Alejandro (names have been changed) are two of IA JFON’s newest cases. Cousins from El Salvador, they were raised by their grandmother, and then, as so often happens when these boys enter their teen years, they became targets for criminal gangs. Gang members beat the boys and threatened to kill their grandmother if they didn’t join them. José and Alejandro fled to the United States, via Mexico, finding shelter with a loving family in Northern Iowa. With IA JFON’s legal assistance, they have a fighting chance of being able to overcome deportation and to legalize their status in the United States. “José and Alejandro, and many other children in Iowa, will be allowed to grow up in peace and safety because of the generosity of the United Methodist Women,” says Ann. When asked how JFON Northern Illinois will be using their grant funds, site attorney Jenny Ansay happily begins reciting a list of new clients. Among them is Luz Maria, a human rights lawyer/ activist from Colombia who seeks asylum in the United States. Several of Luz Maria’s colleagues were murdered, and she herself was severely persecuted and threatened. Yalda, an Iraqi victim of domestic abuse, is eligible for relief under the Violence Against Women Act. Aminata is a young woman from Senegal, a victim of a serious crime in Chicago, who is on her way to a U-Visa and, she hopes, eventual US citizenship. “These are just three of the hundreds of women and children whose lives we will be able to change,” Jenny says. “We want to thank the United Methodist Women for blessing us with this award. We will make you proud.” That’s a promise from all of us. http://njfon.org/2015/03/23/strengthening-the-ties-that-bind-us-unitedmethodist-women-and-justice-for-our-neighbors Second Hand Notes Sandra Hawkins, CorMeth Boutique Summer Time and the living is easy, especially at the beach. Hope you take time to stop in at the Boutique for all of your warm weather wardrobe. From a bathing suit to a beach towel, including perfect shirts and shorts for golf, we have it. Don’t forget to stop in at our CorMeth Furniture store. Keep your eyes out around town, and you will probably catch a glimpse of Mike in our new truck. Soon it will be brightened up with our name and logo. Thanks to everyone who campaigned to help us acquire it. Need a graduation gift? Check out our jewelry case. Need a Fathers Day gift? You are sure to find it in the Boutique. Need to get off your couch and move a bit more? Come be a volunteer. We always have room for donations and volunteers. Fun and fellowship are in abundance on our little corner of the world Serving God and Sharing His Love. A Package of Christian Love Boxes, boxes everywhere! In preparation for Rev. Bob One pastor appreciation scripture, taken from 1 ThesBrown's retirement and Rev. Peter Cottrell's arrival, box- salonians 5:12-13, calls upon us to express our gratitude es are being filled and are stacking up. Our Staff-Parish to our pastors because of all they have given (or will Relations Committee has added two more boxes to the give) and done (or will do) for us: pile, one addressed to The Brown family and one "And now, friends, we ask you addressed to the Cottrell family. to honor So far, these boxes are empty. those leaders who work so hard However, we anticipate for you, them to be overflowing with who have been given cards and letters of appreciathe responsibility tion, congratulations/ of urging and guiding you welcoming, encouragement, along in your obedience. support, and prayer from the Overwhelm them with family and friends of our church appreciation and love." community. We invite you to participate in this meaningful (The Message) expression of Christian love by preparing cards to both families “Do not remember the and dropping them off at our former things, church office. Our SPRC will present the boxes to the or consider the things of old. families at the "farewell" service on June 21 (Bob's last I am about to do a new thing: service as Senior Pastor) and the "welcome" service on Now it springs forth, July 5 (Peter's first service as Senior Pastor). do you not perceive it?” Isaiah 43:18-19a 8 Finance News The fiscal year will close June 30. Thank you for your pledges and gifts to the church. We anticipate closing the year with all obligations met and a reserve. The new budget will offer additional program and ministry at a slightly reduced cost of $1,092,723, thanks to careful planning and reduced debt service. We will pay off the mortgage on the church in June. The balance is approximately $230,000. We are using accumulated reserves and a capital reserve fund. If you would like to contribute to the burning of the mortgage, wonderful! Just mark your gift “Mortgage” and turn it in this month. The CorMeth Day School Budget, which is separate from the operating budget of the church and has a fiscal year which starts one month later, will be adopted by Church Council June 1. Have You Noticed Our New Bike Rack? We want to thank the Trustees and specifically, Chris Jones, for our new bicycle rack. It is located on the grassy strip adjacent to the driveway across from the CorMeth Day School and bus parking spot. It is already seeing use throughout the week as well as on Sundays. We are excited to offer this opportunity to folks who want to can get in their exercise and refill their cup of faith and commitment to our Lord all in the same trip to Church! Coronado Bus Ministry Special thanks to the people who responded positively to our call for volunteer bus drivers. We are in the process of getting folks trained ( “thank you, Randy Hartman!”) and approved by the Conference. We could still use a couple more volunteers; so, if you have been thinking about it and haven't had the opportunity to give us a call, please do so. We could really use you. In the meantime, not wanting the bus ministry to stop serving our congregants who depend on it so much, Rick Chappell has continued to coordinate the scheduling of drivers and passengers as well as still doing some driving himself (even when it sometimes means a 7-day work week). What would really, really be great would be finding someone to step forward to take responsibility for keeping an eye on the bus' routine maintenance issues - checking the fluids, air in the tires, lights working, tracking the schedule for oil changes, wiper blade replacements, vehicle washes, etc. Assisting the Church Administrator in getting the bus to and from the various mechanics and/or service providers would be a bonus! Please think about taking on this role. It is one that allows flexibility on when the work is accomplished, does not require heavy labor, a lot of time or even a weekly commitment. Bi-weekly checking would be great, and it would be such a huge help. If this feels like your ministry, please call Nancy (386-428-6252, ext. 114). 9 Pura Vida Mission Trip June 6-14 Please pray our Youth Costa Rica Mission Team that will be ministering to children and families in San Ramon, Costa Rica, June 6-14. Thank you for all your support, both through prayer and donations, to make this life changing experience possible for our youth. Departing for Guatemala June 23 . . . A team of eight persons will be participating for the third consecutive year to do tree-planting and stove building in Guatemala. The trees we planted in 2013 will be well on their way. And the families that received the two stoves we built last year have a healthier environment and have used considerably less wood for cooking. We are so glad to share the information below and rejoice that communities are able to grow and thrive through the work of this mission. It’s all about “Creation Care.” Please keep the team in your prayers. For more information, please go to www.AIRGuatemala.org IMPORTANT NOTICE: For the health and consideration of others who attend services here, please try to refrain from using cologne and other scented beauty products. RSVP before June 3 Join us in a celebration for Bob Brown, Becky Rutland and their family June 7, 2015 2 - 4 p.m. Online or 386-428-6252 10 CorMeth Day School Theme: Ocean/Father’s Day/4th of July Welcome to hot summer days of Florida! Our school year for summer officially starts June 8 and runs through August 19. We currently have 88 children registered for summer. As our summer gets under way, the school will become an underwater scene of ocean life. We will learn about our beautiful ocean that is in our own backyard. Our garden is producing many vegetables and looking great. Thanks to all staff and parents who gave us vegetables and put in hard work so we are able to have plentiful spring harvest. The vegetables are offered to the children at lunch time, even if it’s a little taste, so they can under- Donna Shawl, Director stand the complete cycle of the growing of a garden. The school has grown in numbers and has been in a firm financial state for the last several years. This is due to the hard work of the CorMeth teaching team! This group of team members work very hard to keep the children safe, and they are always aware of taking care of supplies and materials. Hats off to a great team! Have a safe happy summer! Children’s Corner June Bible Verse I am always with you. Matthew 28:20 July Bible Verse Children, obey your parents in all things. Colossians 3:20 Shannon Balmer, Children’s Co-coordinator Greetings from Children’s Corner! Our Summer Sunday School will begin June 7 for children Pre-K through rising 3rd Graders. Please join us for Popcorn and a Movie during June. We will take a hiatus from Sunday School for the months of July and August and will return in September. We will see you then! If you are interested in volunteering to help in Sunday School, please contact Shannon at [email protected] VBS 2015 Kids will learn to conquer challenges with God’s mighty power! Kids will have an amazing adventure where they will explore God’s incredible power and love for all of his children through exciting experiences, funfilled games and delicious food. Donation suggested $5. 11 June 15-19 5:30-8:30 p.m. Light Dinner Included Register at: www.coronadoumc.org (click on VBS link) Our Church Family CHURCH STAFF Rev. Robert C. Brown Senior Pastor Rev. Laura Berg Minister of Congregational Care Anita Wimbish Director of Music Ministries Mike Williams Music Coordinator for 11 a.m. Worship Alice Nieburger Art Spielmann Organist May 23, 2015 Nancy Watts-Vanderbunt Church Administrator Martha Ross Administrative Secretary Carol Andrews Lead Financial Administrator Rob Keenan Accounts Payable & Membership Amy Nowell Communications Coordinator Emily Edwards Director of Youth and Education Ministries Shannon Balmer Children's Worker Margaret Erickson Nursery Workers Donna Shawl CorMeth Day School Director Sunday, July 12 Hors d’oeuvres at 5 p.m. Dinner at 6 p.m. RSVP on church website or in Church Ministries Office Elgia Glass, Jack Doyle, Carmen Ramos Custodial Staff Fred Harvey, Stewart Edwards Lighting & Sound Staff Yunier Vega Pena. Carlos Manuel Merino Ramos, Modesto Toranzo Reyes, Graciela Cortes Velazquez, Maykel Gregori Guerra Vazquez, Jose Angel Reyer Curbelo Pastors of our Sister Churches Las Tunas, Cuba YOUR 2015 COMMITTEE CHAIRS Coronado Community United Methodist Church 201 South Peninsula Avenue New Smyrna Beach, Florida 32169 386-428-6252 www.coronadoumc.org Church Ministries Office Hours Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Our Mission: Serving God, Sharing Love. Our Vision: We are Christian believers committed to reaching out and welcoming all people, helping our diverse community grow in faith and in action through worship,, prayer, service, leadership and the sharing of our gifts. 12 Mary Perry Church Council President Bob Akins Lay Leader Chris Chung Communications Jean Dexter CorMeth Boutique Lisa Willis Day School Board Greg Bielski Endowment Joyce Otte Finance Jeanne Hencken Missions Bob Brown Nominations Joan Harvey Amy Nowell Scholarship Bob Hammond Staff-Parish Relations Jack Travis Traveling Missions Bill Sanders Trustees Karen Bielski UMW
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