Malaysian Family Physician 2006. Volume 1, Number 1 THE FAMILY PRACTITIONER (1973-1988) AND THE FAMILY PHYSICIAN (1989-2005) AUTHOR INDEX Compiled by Teng Cheong Lieng Published as WebExtra in the electronic version of the Malaysian Family Physician. 2006;1(1) A Abd al-Rhman Hikmet Shaker Hyperthyroidism in pregnancy. 2005;13(3):2-4 [Review] Abdul Hamid Abdul Kadir Diagnosis of soft tissue injuries of the hand. 1981;4(1):22-26 [Review] Lesions of the extremities in diabetes mellitus. 1989;1(1):56-59 [Review] Abdul Hamid Aziz Pharyngeal carriage of Group A Streptococcus in Malaysian school children. 1986;9(1):38-39 [Original article] Abdul Kader H The successful management of breast feeding in ambulatory care. 1983;6(1):13-21 [Review] Abdul Malik Mohd Hussein Spotted bone disease (osteopoikilosis). 2005;13(3):15 [Case report] Abdul Rahman Mohd Ariff Hysterosalpingogram in the diagnosis of tuboperitoneal abnormalities in female infertility : Experience at the General Hospital, Kota Bharu. 1994;6(1):9-11 [Original article] Abdul Razak Abdul Rahman Sejauh manakah kanank-kanak menjadi pembawa asimptomatik patogen enterik. 1990; 2(1): 39-41 [Original article] Abdul Shukor Hakim Prevalence of rubella antibody in nursing staff. 1989;1(3):29-31 [Original article] Abdullah Malim Baginda The role of the government in family care. 1986;9(3):47-49 [Review] Abdullah MM The unstable bladder. 1994;6(2):19-21 [Review] Abolish M Malpemakanan di kalangan kanak-kanak perkampongan tradisional kebun sayur dan rumah pangsa di bandar. 1993;5(2):26-30 [Original article] Abraham, SCE Towards a new role for the infant food industry. 1977;2(8):61-64 [Review] Abu Bakar Suleiman Management of asymptomatic proteinuria. 1977; 2(8): 71-72 [Review] Screening for renal diseases. 1981;4(3):17-18 [Review] Approach to the patient with asymptomatic proteinuria. 1983;6(2):65-66 [Review] Adam, Basheer A Clinical approach to patients with skin disease. 1982;5(1):7-9 [Review] Drug information via microcomputers for professionals. 1986;9(1):45-46 [Review] Adeeba Kamaruddin Knowledge of HIV/AIDS among pregnant women in an urban health clinic – a preliminary study. 2005;13(1,2):10-15 [Original article] Ahmad Adian Gynaecological malignancies. 1985;8(2):39-41 [Review] Ahmad D Pharyngeal carriage of Group A Streptococcus in Malaysian school children. 1986;9(1):38-39 [Original article] Ahmad Murtazam Zainal Abidin Management of life threatening cardiac arrhythmias. 1992;4(2,3):10-13 [Review] Ahmad Zafrl Abu Bakar The suicidal adolescents: interface between suicide and cry for help. 1993; 5(2): 31-32 [Case report] Malaysian Family Physician 2006. Volume 1, Number 1 Aishah S Prevention of thalassaemia. 1988;11(1,2):89 [Review] Alfred, Elizabeth Tolerability, with special reference to cough, of captopril in patients with congestive cardiac failure. 1991;3(2):34-38 [Original article] Ali Azman Minhaj Acute respiratory tract infection. Part 1. 1983;6(1):41-42 [Review] Acute respiratory tract infection. Part 2. 1983;6(3):63-65 [Review] Group A Streptococcal skin infection in childhood. 1985;8(2):53-56 [Original article] Aman Fuad Yaacob Adolescent pregnancy: antenatal profile and obstetric outcome of adolescent pregnancy in a Malaysian semi-rural clinic. 2001;11(3):7-10 [Original article] Amar Singh, HSS Prevention and road injuries in children. 1993;5(3):54-55 [Review] Common problems encountered in the immunisation of children. 1995;7(2,3):21-25 [Review] Evaluation of a pilot community-based bicycle helmet promotion program in Malaysia. 1996;9(3):17-22 [Original article] Ambulatory Paediatric Subcommittee, Malaysian Paediatric Association Constipation in children. 1995;7(2,3):36-37 Enuresis. 1995;7(2,3):38-39 Fits and fever. 1995;7(2,3):40-41 Urinary tract infection. 1995;7(2,3):42-43 Amir Abas What type of doctor to train for Malaysia. 1973;1(1):23 [Comment] Training of the undifferentiated doctor. 1974;1(5,6):22-23 [Comment] Angamuthu Pigmented lesions. 1992;4(1):7-9 [Review] Annuar Zaini The retina in the diabetic. 1989;1(1):60-63 [Review] Anuar Masduki Guidelines for the management of rheumatic heart disease. 1983;6(2):19-22 [Review] Arumugasamy N Common neurosurgical operations in Malaysia. 1989; 1(1):29-33 [Review] Asnida Anjang Abdul Rahman Spotted bone disease (osteopoikilosis). 2005;13(3):15 [Case report] Atiya Abdul Salam Statistical knowledge needed for critical appraisal of medical literature. 1997;10(1):10-14 [Review] Aw Tar Choon Parathyroid disorders. 1988;11(3):24-35 [Review] Awang Hussein Surgical aspects of renal disease. 1983;6(3):41-43 [Review] Aza Miranda Abdul Rahman Asypmtomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy - prevalence and treatment at Ipoh Hospital. 1996;8(1,2):11-14 [Original article] Aziah Ahmad Mahayiddin Evaluation of pre- and post-bronchoscopy sputa, bronchial washings and bronchial brushings in the diagnosis of lung cancer. 1991;3(3):25-27 [Original article] Diagnosis and management of tuberculosis. 1993;5(2):7-10 [Review] Tuberculosis and HIV infection. 1993;5(2):11-13 [Review] August 1993 theme issues: tuberculosis. 1994;6(2):47-48 [Letter] Azian Harun When a teaspoon is not a teaspoon. 1994;6(1):7-8 [Original article] Azlan Hamzah Sulong Computer aided learning in undergraduate medical education. 2003;12(2,3):12-14 [Review] Malaysian Family Physician 2006. Volume 1, Number 1 Azmi Hashim Anaemia during pregnancy in rural Kelantan. 1995;7(2,3):11-15 [Original article] B Bhagat Singh A six year review of tubal sterilization at a district hospital (1981-1986). 1988;11(1.2):23-27 [Original article] Banjong 0 Malpemakanan di kalangan kanak-kanak perkampongan tradisional kebun sayur dan rumah pangsa di bandar. 1993;5(2):26-30 [Original article] Balasegaram M Surgical treatment of primary liver cell carcinoma. 1986;9(1):19-24 [Review] Balasubramaniam P Physical disability and the role of the general practitioner in rehabilitation. 1981;4(2):11-13 [Review] Balasundram R Research in general practice. 1974;1(5,6):25-28 Health education in general practice. 1977;2(8):52-55 Diagnostic problems in general practice, 1977;2(8):73-77 [Review] Cardiovascular problems in general practice. 1976;2(4):5-11 [Review] Management of the hypertensive patient. 1978;3(2):14-18 [Review] Screening: its scope in general practice. 1981;4(3):5-7 [Review] Prevalence of diabetes mellitus in a general practice. 1982;5(2):15-18 [Original article] Management of diabetes mellitus in general practice. 1982;5(2):37-44 [Review] The MCGP examination. 1983;6(1):91-97 Counselling. 1986;9(3):5 [Editorial] Basic counselling. 1986;9(3):7-8 [Review] Radiology in general practice. 1993;5(3):35-45 [Review] When people fall. 1996;8(1,2):1-2 [Editorial] Bannister, Kim The need for training programme in family medicine - a trainee's point of view. 1981;4(2):54-55 Beh, Catherine Juvenile chronic arthritis. 1984;7(1):14-20 [Review] Beh Chun Chuan Setting up a laboratory in general practice. 1987;10(2):34-35 Bosco, John J Screening for haematological disorders. 1981;4(3):19-20 [Review] Connective tissue diseases. 1984;7(1):21-24 [Review] Haemolytic anaemias. 1985;8(3):35-38 [Review] Leukaemia in adults. 1985;8(3):57-60 [Review] C Carson NE The "processes" and content of general practice. 1977;2(8):13-18 [Review] Catterall RA Emergency medicine in general practice. 1977;2(8):78-79 [Review] Emergency management of the coronary patient. 1977;2(6):5-7 [Review] Cardiovascular disease. 1976;2(4):4 [Editorial] The general practitioner and the diagnosis of hypertension. 1976;2(4):13-16 [Review] Hypertension: Clinical examination. 1978;3(2):10-13 [Review] Hypochondriasis. 1979;3(6):4-5 [Editorial] Chan, Benjamin TM Psychiatric emergencies. 1992;4(2,3):16-18 [Review] Chan Hood Cheng Role of the insurance medical practitioner in the social security organization. 1991;3(1):19-21 Chan Jee Swee International travel requirements. 1973;1(1):16-18 Cholera and international travel. 1973;1(1):19 Our human resources. 1976;2(5);4-6 [Editorial] Malaysian Family Physician 2006. Volume 1, Number 1 Eye protection in industry. 1976;2(5):10-13 [Review] Chan Sook Ching The demographic and morbidity patterns of patients seen in an outpatients department in a Malaysian general hospital. 1995;7(2,3):3-10 [Original article] Morbidity patterns in elderly patients presenting to a family practice. 2003;12(1):24-28 [Original article] A pilot study on psychiatric symptomatology amongst urban Form 4 students in Ipoh, Perak. 2003;12(2,3):19-24 [Original article] Comparing morbidity patterns in two government health centers and four private GP clinics in the Kinta district. 2003;12(2,3):25-29 [Original article] Comparing organization and management in private & public primary care clinics in Kinta district. 2003;12(2,3):36-40 [Original article] Research Notes. Why research? What research? 2005;13(3):23-24 [Review] Chan Tiang Ho Hepatitis B infection in Kuching. 1986;9(3):50-51 [Original article] Chancellor, Alan The recognition of emotional illness in general practice. 1977;2(8):88-90 [Review] Chandra S Eye injuries. 1976;2(5):7-8 [Review] Chandrakant A Simultaneous intrauterine and extrauterine pregnancy. 1986;9(3):44-45 [Case report] Chandrasekharan N Nutrition and infection. 1974;1(4):2-4 [Review] Protein electrophoresis and its applications in medical practice. 1987;10(2):12-13 [Review] Cheah JS Aetiology of diabetes mellitus: modern concepts. 1982;5(2):6-9 [Review] WHO new diagnostic criteria for diabetes mellitus: the 75g oral glucose tolerance test. 1982;5(2):11-13 [Review] A review of the current management of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. 1988;11(3):52-55 [Review] Chee Chin Seang Communicable diseases: a problem in Malaysia. 1984;7(2):9-13 [Editorial] Chee HL A sample survey on the use of medical care services among low income Chinese living in Kuala Lumpur. 1993;5(1):27-31 [Original article] Chelvanayagam, David Surgical management of urinary tract infection in the female. 1974;1(3):21-24 [Review] Chen, Paul CY People, behavioral patterns and disease problems. 1977;2(8):36-39 [Review] Traditional and cultural factors in Malaysian medicine. 1979;3(5):10-16 [Review] Cheng OT Evaluation of a pilot community-based bicycle helmet promotion program in Malaysia. 1996;9(3):17-22 [Original article] Chen Siew Tin Active immunization. 1979;3(6):30-36 [Review] Infant and toddler feeding. 1983;6(1):51-53 [Review] Opportunities for immunization in a paediatric outpatient clinic. 1990;2(2,3):38-40 [Original article] Chen Wei Seng A case of Ramsay-Hunt syndrome. 2005;13(1,2):22-23 [Case report] Cheong, Izham KS Nephrotic syndrome. 1981;4(1):28-32 [Review] The role of renal biopsy in clinical practice. 1982;5(1):81-82 [Review] Classification of glomerulonephritis - A clinician's view. 1983;6(1);73-77 [Review] Nephrotic syndrome in adults. 1983;6(3):37-40 [Review] Urine examination in clinical medicine. 1987;10(2):7-11 [Review] Efficacy and quality of life in 30 hypertensive patients treated with low dose captopril. 1988;11(1,2):19-22 [Original article] Prevention of kidney diseases in Malaysia. 1988;11(1,2):92-93 [Review] Lupus nephritis management. 1989;1(3):46-47 [Review] A study to compare measured and predicted creatinine clearance and its clinical applications. 1991;3(2):31-33 [Original article] Fungal infection: recent advances in antimycotic therapy. 1991;3(2):61-63 [Review] NSAIDS-induced hyperkalaemia. 1991;3(2):74-75 [Case report] AIDS and the surgeon. 1993;5(2):35-36 [Review] Toxoplasma encephalitis in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: a case report. 1995;7(1):24-27 [Case report] A serological survey to determine the prevalence of fungal infection in cancer patients at the Hospital Kuala Malaysian Family Physician 2006. Volume 1, Number 1 Lumpur. 1996;8(1,2):25-28 [Original article] Cheong Yoke Leong Minor outpatient surgical procedures. 1988;11(1,2):7-9 [Review] Chew Hon Nam Development of resistance of gonococci to antibiotics, its prevention and treatment. 1978;3(3):6-8 [Review] Chew Swee Seok Acne vulgaris. 1982;5(1):27 [Review] Chew Weng Chee The Conjoint MCGP/FRACQP Examination – a personal appraisal. 1991;3(2):78-81 Inhibition of preterm labour with a low-dose regime of intravenous salbutamol. 1991;3(3):22-24 [Original article] Chia Yook Chin The doctor shopper - a case report on hypochondriasis. 1989;1(1):70-75 [Case report] Reasons for referral to Primary Care Clinic, University Hospital Kuala Lumpur. 1992;4(1):13-16 [Original article] Irritable bowel syndrome: clinical evaluation and therapeutic approach in primary care. 2001;1193):17-19 [Review] Chin Chee Khin Reasons for referral ,to Primary Care Clinic, University Hospital Kuala Lumpur. 1992;4(1):13-16 [Original article] Chin Gam Ghee Simple management of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome. 1979;3(4):21-23 [Review] Chin GH Bronchogenic carcinoma - prevention is better than cure. 1988;11(1,2):88 [Review] Chin, Kenneth Silent myocardial ischaemia - a review of an evolving problem. 1987;10(2):42 [Review] Chin Kui Sang Family planning and the G.P. 1973;1(2):24 [Comment] Doctors and pharmacists (c). 1974;1(3):27-28 [Comment] Dengue fever. 1974;1(4):14 [Editorial] Chin Wai Ling Pengetahuan, sikap serta tindakan yang diambil oleh ibu bapa kanak-kanak yang berpenyakit thalassaemia terhadap penyakit kanak-kanak mereka. 1991;3(2):24-27 [Original article] Ch'ng Kooi Seng Mentoring for the Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia. 2000;11(1,2):16-17 [Comment] Ch'ng SL Protein electrophoresis and its applications in medical practice. 1987;10(2):12-13 [Review] Chong CC Family planning: evidence based answers. 2003;12(2,3):5-8 [Review] Chong CS Possible radiation hazards in industry. 1984;7(3):48-52 [Review] Chong Hoi Hee Ultrasound diagnosis of urinary tract disorders in general practice. 1990;2(1):25-27 [Original article] Chong, Sabina Yuen Fong The problems of the family doctor in Malaysia. 1976; 2(5): 23-28 [Comment] Chong Yew Chong How to manage your patients. 1976; 2(4);31-34 Chow Siang Yong Gynaecological emergencies. 1989;1(3):19-23 [Review] Chow SK Musculoskeletal disorders presenting to the primary care department at University Malaya Medical Centre. 2003;12(1):33-34 [Original article] Choy KC Toxoplasma encephalitis in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: a case report. 1995;7(1):24-27 [Case report] Malaysian Family Physician 2006. Volume 1, Number 1 Choy Yin Weng Efficacy and quality of life in 30 hypertensive patients treated with low dose captopril. 1988;11(1,2):19-22 [Original article] Bronchogenic carcinoma - prevention is better than cure. 1988;11(1,2):88 [Review] Chua CT Diagnosis and treatment of acute renal failure. 1991;3(2):16-18 [Review] Conservative management of chronic renal failure. 1991;3(2):19-23 [Review] Chua Wan Tiong Screening. 1981;4(3):3 [Editorial] Cardiovascular screening. 1981;4(3):9-11 [Review] Common skin conditions seen in general practice. 1982;5(1):65-75 [Review] Clinical manifestations of diabetes mellitus. 1982;5(2):19 [Review] Medical problems in an oil palm estate. 1982;5(3):49-53 [Original article] The well baby examination. 1983;6(1):55-64 [Review] Rheumatology. 1984;7(1):5-11 [Editorial] Gout and hyperuricaemia. 1984;7(1):29 [Review] Fitness to drive. 1984;7(3):9-11 [Review] Fitness to drive. 1985;8(1):75 [Letter] Gastrointestinal diseases: clinical examination. 1985;8(1):15-23 [Review] Unplanned pregnancies in semi-urban practice. 1985;8(2):57-62 [Original article] Clinical examination of the anaemic patient. 1985;8(3):14-19 [Review] Sexually transmitted diseases. 1986;9(2):5 [Editorial] Laboratory medicine. 1987;10(2):5-6 [Editorial] Night calls at a doctor's residence. 1987;10(2):36-41 [Original article] Acute and emergency care. 1989;1(3):6-15 [Review] Chung, Joseph TC Insomnia in general practice. 1988;11(1,2):31-36 [Original article] Chung Sin Fah Congestive cardiac failure. 1983;6(2):30-33 [Review] Management of chronic renal failure in general practice. 1983;6(3):51-56 [Review] Gastroenterology. 1985;8(1):5-7 [Editorial] Haematology. 1985;8(3):5 [Editorial] D Da Costa JL Thoughts on the diagnosis and current management of pulmonary tuberculosis. 1984;7(2):15-16 [Comment] Occupational respiratory diseases. 1984;7(3):17-21 [Review] The management of chronic obstructive airway disease. 1987;10(1):18-21 [Review] Dahlan Sahil Prevalence of rubella antibody in nursing staff. 1989;1(3):29-31 [Original article] Daljit S Nagreh Atopic eczema. 1982;5(1):21-22 [Review] Occupational skin diseases. 1984;7(3):22-25 [Review] Danaraj, TJ Education for general practice - an overview. 1974;1(5,6):19-21 [Comment] Darus Hamid Pharyngeal carriage of Group A Streptococcus in Malaysian school children. 1986;9(1):38-39 [Original article] Das KS A G.P. looks at G.P. 1973;1(2):25 [Letter] Dass, Deva Schizophrenia - early diagnosis. 1975;2(1):13-14 [Review] Schizophrenia - management in the community in Malaysia. 1975;2(1):15-17 [Review] Family psychodynamics. 1979;3(5):21-23 [Review] Davaraj B Non-emergency paediatric surgical problems in general practice. 2003;12(1):8-12 [Review] David CV Oil palm thorn injuries. 1982;5(3):33-34 [Case report] Malaysian Family Physician 2006. Volume 1, Number 1 Denis, Padmini The role of BCG in the tuberculosis control programme. 1993;5(2):18-21 [Review] Deva, MP Aspects of opiate dependence and its management in Malaysia. 1978;3(1):23-26 [Review] Modem management of the schizophrenias. 1978;3(3):12-14 [Review] Residential nurseries in urban Malaysia - a new low in child care (c). 1981;4(2):35-39 [Original article] Psychiatric disorders in the elderly. 1988;11(1,2):22-24 [Review] Psychiatric emergencies and their management. 1989;1(3):16-18 [Review] Dharan RS Chromoblastomycosis. 1988;11(3):66 [Case report] Dheerasawad C Malpemakanan di kalangan kanak-kanak perkampongan tradisional kebun sayur dan rumah pangsa di bandar. 1993;5(2):26-30 [Original article] Ding HJ Comparing morbidity patterns in two government health centers and four private GP clinics in the Kinta district. 2003;12(2,3):25-29 [Original article] Diong Ko Ing Management problems in solo medical practice. 1978;3(2):32-34 Removing foreign body in the nose. 1979;3(6):26-28 [Review] Clinical features of dengue haemorrhagic fever. 1981;4(2):31-34 [Review] Drug-induced extrapyramidal disorders. 1982;5(2):59-61 [Review] The dilemma of the medical certificate. 1984;7(3):53-55 [Comment] Services in general practice. 1988;11(1,2):56-59 Dobson DJ The doctor, his patients and the community. 1977;2(8):26-28 Duraisamy G AIDS in Malaysia. 1988;11(1.2):77-78 [Review] Prevention of thalassaemia. 1988;11(1,2):89 [Review] Coagulation bleeding disorders. 1991;3(3):10-12 [Review] Judicious use of blood. 1991;3(2):20-21 [Review] Identification of haemoglobin New York in Malaysia by isoelectric focussing on polyacylamide gel. 1991;3(3):28-30 [Original article] Doshi, Hemendra Why should family physicians know about HIV/AIDS. 2000;11(1,2):9-11 [Review] Clinical quiz. 2000;11(1,2):26-27 [Quiz] Clinical quiz. 2001;11(3):40 [Quiz] E Ednin Hamzah Palliative care: speciality or pastime? 2001;11(3):34 [Comment] Eravelly, Joseph Cardiac syncope: mechanisms, diagnosis and treatment. 1977;2(6):13-18 Angina pectoris - some new aspects of management in an old disease. 1976;2(4):18-23 Esselemont Report on the Second AGM of CGPM. 1976;2(4):23-24 Fadzrizal I The elderly patient. 1988;11(1,2):58-61 [Review] Farida Jamal Group A Streptococcal skin infection in childhood. 1985;8(2):53-56 [Original article] Pharyngeal carriage of Group A Streptococcus in Malaysian school children. 1986;9(1):38-39 [Original article] Serological response to Group A Streptococcus. 1986;9(3):35-37 [Original article] Rheumatic heart disease in referred cases: Experience at a cardiology centre. 1988;11(1,2):46-47 [Original article] Prevention of Group A Streptococcal infection in Malaysia. 1988;11(1,2):73-74 [Review] Diagnosis of Group A Streptococcal pharyngitis by enzyme immunoassay. 1990;2(2,3):27-29 [Original article] Faridah K Transfusion-dependent thalassaemics: a practical approach. 1986;9(1):35-37 [Review] Serum ferritin in Haemoglobin H. 1986;9(3):38-40 [Original article] Heterogenous beta-thalassaemia: evaluation of the iron status. 1989;1(2):31-33 [Original article] Malaysian Family Physician 2006. Volume 1, Number 1 The different forms of haemoglobin E/beta- thalassaemia: molecular characterisation and concepts of management. 1989;1(2);34-42 [Original article] Liver function evaluation in multi-transfused patients with homozygous beta thalassaemia. 1989;1(1):37-41 [Original article] Red cell parameters, reference values and carrier detection of thalassaemia and haemoglobinopathies in Malaysians. 1988;11(1,2):37-39 [Original article] Hydrops fetalis: A simple novel screen for the rapid identification of Haemoglobin Bart's syndrome. 1991;3(1):25-27 [Original article] Identification of haemoglobin New York in Malaysia by isoelectric focussing on polyacrylamide gel. 1991;3(3):28-30 [Original article] Fauziah Khairuddin Nephrology and the family physician. 1991;3(2):5 [Editorial] Management of urinary tract infection. 1991;3(2):7-9 [Review] Feng PH Systemic lupus erythematosus. 1983;6(3):29-32 [Review] Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. 1984;7(1):46-48 [Review] Fok ACK A review of the current management of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. 1988;11(3):52-55[Review] Fuziah P Prevalence of emotional disorders among adult patients attending a rural primary care clinic. 2005;13(1,2):16-19 [Original article] G Gan, Andrew Poetry. In Passing, Nostalgia, My Alma Mater. 2001;11(3):41-42 Ganesan S Cancer screening. 1981;4(3):31-32 [Review] Ganesvaran T Assessing suicidal risk in parasuicide ("attempted suicide") admitted to the University Hospital Kuala Lumpur. 1992;4(2,3):22-24 [Original article] Gan SC Early referral of newly diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis. 2003;12(1):16-18 [Review] Gendeh BS Medications for rhinitis: uses, abuses and cost effectiveness. 2000;11(1,2):3-6 [Review] Epistaxis management: what the primary care physician should know. 2001;11(3):24-26 [Review] George E see George-Kodiseri, Elizabeth George, Jessica Pharyngeal carriage of Group A Streptococcus in Malaysian school children. 1986;9(1):38-39 [Original article] Immunization services: Maternal and child health clinic of City Hall, Kuala Lumpur. 1988;11(1,2):71-72 [Original article] George R see George-Vadaketh, Rebecca George T Acute upper airway obstruction and epistaxis in general practice. 1992;4(2,3):14-15 [Review] George-Kodiseri E Transfusion-dependent thalassaemics: a practical approach. 1986;9(1):35-37 [Review] Serum ferritin in Haemoglobin H. 1986;9(3):38-40 [Original article] Heterogenous beta thalassaemia: evaluation of the iron status.1989;1(2):31-33 [Original article] The different forms of haemoglobin E/beta-thalassaemia: molecular characterisation and concepts of management. 1989;1(2):34-42 [Original article] Liver function evaluation in multi-transfused patients with homozygous beta thalassaemia. 1989;1(1):37-41 [Original article] WHO in Malaysia. 1988;11(1,2):7-9 [Editorial] Red cell parameters, reference values and carrier detection of thalassaemia and haemoglobinopathies in Malaysians. 1988;11(1,2):37-39 [Original article] Prevention of thalassaemia. 1988;11(1,2):89 [Review] Clinical aspects and genetic heterogeneity of haemoglobin H syndromes in West Malaysia. 1990;2(2,3):43-46 [Original article] Hydrops fetalis: A simple novel screen for the rapid identification of Haemoglobin Bart's syndrome. 1991;3(1):25-27 [Original article] Haematologic parameters in Malaysian patients with acute myocardial infarction and acute coronary syndromes. 1991;3(2):39-44 [Original article] Acute leukaemia. 1991;3(3):13-15 [Review] Identification of haemoglobin New York in Malaysia by isoelectric focussing on polyacrylamide gel. 1991;3(3):28-30 [Original article] Management of thalassaemia in West Malaysia: Practical implications. 1993;5(1):42-46 [Review] George-Vadaketh, Rebecca Group A Streptococcal skin infection in childhood. 1985;8(2):53-56 [Original article] Laboratory examination of blood disorders. 1985;8(3):21-25 [Review] Transfusion-dependent thalassaemics: a practical approach. 1986;9(1):35-37 [Review] The different forms of haemoglobin E/beta-thalassaemia: molecular characterisation and concepts of management. 1989;1(2):34-42 [Original article] Malaysian Family Physician 2006. Volume 1, Number 1 Liver function evaluation in multi-transfused patients with homozygous beta thalassaemia. 1989;1(1):37-41 [Original article] Dengue haemorrhagic fever in Malaysia. 1988;11(1,2):79-80 [Review] Prevention of thalassaemia. 1988;11(1,2):89 [Review] Gill SS Medical treatment of urinary tract infection. 1974;1(3):16-18 [Review] Cardiac arrhythmias. 1977;2(7):14.15 [Review] Complications of hypertension. 1978;3(2):25 [Review] Giritharan R Rheumatoid arthritis. 1984;7(1):25-28 [Review] Functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. 1985;8(1):9-13 [Review] Clinical approach to the jaundiced patient. 1986;9(1):7-9 [Review] Gnanapragasam A Hard of hearing child in a hearing society - the problem and its diagnosis. 1978;3(1):17-21 [Review] Rehabilitation of the hard of hearing child. 1978;3(3):21-23 [Review] Goh Chin Siew Hypertension. 1978;3(2):6 [Editorial] Group practice Malaysian style. 1978;3(2):35-37 General practice as a specialty. 1978;3(3):4-5 [Editorial] Occupational health. 1982;5(2):65-66 [Review] The role of the occupational health doctor in the Malaysian setting. 1984;7(3):5-7 [Editorial] Noise and light hazards in modem industry, 1984;7(3):39-43 [Review] The use of X-rays in medicine. 1985;8(2):9-11 [Review] Plasma cholinesterase screening. 1986;9(1):40-42 [Case series] Goh KL Irritable bowel syndrome: clinical evaluation and therapeutic approach in primary care. 2001;1193):17-19 [Review] Goh Kong Chuan The GP and the microcomputer. 1983;6(2):60-61 [Review] Goh Lee Gan Critical appraisal of medical literature: Introductory guidelines. 1997;10(1):4-9 [Review] Goh TH The early phase of acute myocardial infarction - a study of 100 cases. 1979;3(5):24-27 [Original article] Goh Tin Kay H1V infection and the clinical manifestations of AIDS. 1986;9(2):27-31 [Review] Gomez, Mary Sejauh manakah kanank-kanak menjadi pembawa asimptomatik patogen enterik. 1990;2(I):39-41 [Original article] Gonzalez-Redondo, JM The different forms of haemoglobin E/beta-thalassaemia: molecular characterisation and concepts of management. 1989;1(2):34-42 [Original article] Gray, Denis Pereira Royal College of General Practitioners publications. 1986;9(1):60 [Letter] Greaves, Michael J Managing a small firm. 1978;3(2):27-31 Gregory ARA Cervical dysplasia - a follow-up study of 118 cases by cytologic smears. 1993;5(1):34-36 [Original article] Gucharan Singh Pattern of football injuries and treatment; The Malaysian experience. 1990;2(1):13-15. [Review] Study of hormonal versus barrier methods of contraception among sportswomen. 1990;2(1):19-21 [Review] Gunasegran R Plastic surgery. 1992;4(1):3 [Editorial] Management of cleft lip and palate. 1992;4(1):10-12 [Review] Gupta, E Das Early referral of newly diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis. 2003;12(1):16-18 [Review] Gurdeep Perkash Singh Malaysian Family Physician 2006. 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Volume 1, Number 1 Lim, Arthur Siew Ming Management of ocular injuries. 1981;4(3):61-62 [Review] Diabetic retinopathy. 1982;5(2):29-32 [Review] Lim Boon Kiong Asypmtomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy - prevalence and treatment at Ipoh Hospital. 1996;8(1,2):11-14 [Original article] Lim Boon Leong Hayward House: A medical student's experience with a hospice and palliative care. 1996;8(1,2):15-20 Lim Chim Hoo Medical problems in an oil palm estate. 1982;5(3):49-53 [Original article] Lim Chin Hong Social security for workers. 1976;2(5):17-21 Lim CS Genuine stress incontinence. 1994;6(2):12-18 [Review]. 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Volume 1, Number 1 The problems of the family doctor in Malaysia. 1976;2(5):23-28 [Comment] Treatment of chronic skin ulcers. 1978;3(3):10-11 [Review] Lo, Eddy KC Epidemiology of endemic diseases in the plantations in Peninsular Malaysia. 1982;5(3):7-11 [Review] Loh Keng Yin Spiritual love in caring for the terminally ill patient. 2001;11(3):37-38 [Comment] Interviewing the adolescent patient. 2003;12(1):13-15 [Review] Is there a role of routine resting ECG at the clinic in early detection of ischaemic heart disease? 2003;12(1):23 Use of potent topical steroid versus mild potency steroid in treating atopic eczema. 2003;12(2,3):15-16 Evidence-based practical management of vulvovaginal candidiasis in primary care. 2005;13(1,2):20-21 A housewife with recurrent pelvic pain. 2005;13(3):16-17 [Case report] Is antibiotic eye drops essential for conjunctivitis? 2005;13(3):18 Loh Li Cher Changing paradigms in the treatment of asthma. 2005;13(3):5-9 [Review] Impact of objective airflow measurement on assessment of asthma severity and treatment appropriateness. 2005;13(3):10-14[Original article] Loke Kwok Hien The rare but potentially fatal neuroleptic malignant syndrome. 1986;9(2):60-62 [Case report] Social situational stresses which lead to child abuse in Kuala Lumpur. 1987;10(1):31-33 [Original article] Some aspects of psychological care for patients with chronic physical illness. 1989;1(2):47-50 [Review] The doctor shopper - a case report on hypochondriasis. 1989;1(1);70-75 [Case report] Epidemiological aspects of antepartum psychoses seen at the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. 1988;11(1,2):40-45 [Original article] Loong Si Chin Peripheral neuropathy. 1989;1(1):19-21 [Review] Low Bin Tick VD in sex education. 1977;2(8):107-109 Management of genital ulcers in general practice. 1976;2(3):2-3 [Review] Cutaneous aspects of sexually transmitted diseases. 1982;5(1):37-39 [Review] Low Boon Song My personal experience with classical homeopathy. 2000;11(1,2):20-21 [Letter] Low WY Aging and its problems. 1987;10(1):34-39 [Review] Lu, Alan Ing Chieh Adolescent pregnancy: antenatal profile and obstetric outcome of adolescent pregnancy in a Malaysian semi-rural clinic. 2001;11(3):7-10 [Original article] M Mafouzy Mohamed Thyroid function tests: Limitations and problems in interpretation. 1988;11(3):16-17 [Review] Mahathevan R Employee health services in Malaysia: social security - present and future. 1984;7(3):56-59 [Review] Mahendraraj K Ophthalmia neonatorum. 1987;10(1):40-41 [Review] Mahmud Mazlan A pilot study on psychiatric symptomatology amongst urban Form 4 students in Ipoh, Perak. 2003;12(2,3):19-24 [Original article] Maimunah Mahmud A drug for smoking. 1995;7(1):28-30 [Review] Malek RA The role of doctors in sports: An overview. 1990;2(1):9-12 [Review] Majumder M Common infections and infestations of the skin. 1982;5(1):11-19 [Review] Mak JW Filariasis. 1982;5(3);23-26 [Review] Malaysian Family Physician 2006. 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Volume 1, Number 1 Noor Hashim Pulmonary function testing. 1991;3(1):11-13 [Review] Effects of noise in the workplace. 1991;3(1):14-16 [Review] Nor Afiah MZ Prevalence of emotional disorders among adult patients attending a rural primary care clinic. 2005;13(1,2):16-19 [Original article] Nordin Darus Sport medicine. 1990;2(1):8 [Editorial] Norita Mustafa Spotted bone disease (osteopoikilosis). 2005;13(3):15 [Case report] Norlia Hamzah Management problems of insomnia in primary care. 1993;5(3):28-34 [Case report] Norsiah Md Noor The prevalence of depression among elder patients attending a rural primary health care clinic. 2003;12(2,3):30-35 [Original article] 0 O'Holohan DR Malaria - with special reference to rubber and oil palm estates. 1982;5(3):13-21 [Review] Ong CC Otitis Media - how the family physician should manage. 2001;11(3):27-29 [Review] Ong Hean Choon Thyrotoxicosis in pregnancy. 1977;2(6):25-28 [Review] Essential hypertension complicating pregnancy. 1976;2(4);25-29 [Review] Diabetes mellitus complicating pregnancy. 1981;4(1):17-20 [Review] Rheumatic heart disease complicating pregnancy - an approach to management. 1981;4(2):41-44 [Review] Chronic vaginal discharge in women of the reproductive age group - causes, evaluation and treatment. 1982;5(1):88-91 [Review] Common complaints during pregnancy - their significance and management. 1982;5(2):71-73 [Review] Screening for gynaecological malignancies. 1982;5(3):67-70 [Review] Disturbance in normal patterns of menstruation: significance and management. 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