CHURCH NEWS From the Anglican churches of Corsham, Gastard, Lacock with Bowden Hill and Neston April 2015 Team Rector: Rev. Dr. Andrew Johnson: 01249 713232 CHURCH SERVICES Sunday 31 Mar – Palm Sunday Readings: Psalm 118:1-2, 19-end; Philippians 2:5-11; Mark 11:1-11 8:00 Holy Communion at Corsham 10:00 Holy Communion at Corsham Holy Communion at Gastard and Neston 10:30 Praise and Worship at Lacock 6:00 Evensong at Corsham 6:30 Holy Communion (sung) at Bowden Hill Sunday 5 Apr –Easter Day Readings: Isaiah 25:6-9; Acts 10:34-43; Mark 16:1-8 8:00 Holy Communion at Corsham 9:00 Holy Communion at Bowden Hill 10:00 Holy Communion at Corsham, Gastard and Neston 10:30 Holy Communion at Lacock Sunday 12 Apr –Easter 2 Readings: Acts 4:32-35; 1 John 1:1-2:2; John 20:19-end 8:00 9:00 10:00 10:30 6:00 Holy Communion at Corsham Early Birds at Corsham Morning Worship at Corsham and Gastard Matins Neston Holy Communion at Lacock Team Service at Corsham Sunday 19 Apr – Easter 3 THE RECTOR WRITES… On Easter Sunday (5 April) we will be celebrating the fact that Jesus rose from death and appeared to his followers. This small band of demoralised, depressed and frightened people were so transformed by this experience that they went on to share the good news about Jesus throughout the world. In many cases they were executed for refusing to renounce their belief in the good news that Jesus is alive. It is the experience of countless Christians down the centuries that it is possible to know the risen Jesus, who walks beside us through the ups and downs of life. He also gives us hope and a future by enabling us to experience everlasting life when we die. For Christians death is not the end, but the beginning of everlasting life after death in the presence of God. If you would like to join me in experiencing this new life in Jesus and the true meaning of Easter, there are three ‘A’s we need to do: Readings: Zeph 3:14-end; Acts 3:12-19 ; Luke 24:36b-48 8:00 9:00 10:00 10:30 4:30 6:00 Holy Communion at Corsham Matins at Bowden Hill Holy Communion at Corsham Family Service at Neston (with Gastard) Family Service at Lacock APCM/Compline Evensong at Corsham Sunday 26 Apr – Easter 4 Readings: Acts 4:5-12; 1 John 3:16-end ; John 10:11-18 9:00 Holy Communion at Corsham 10:00 Family Service at Corsham Morning Worship/APCM at Gastard Holy Communion at Neston 10:30 Holy Communion at Lacock 6:00 Holy Communion with Healing Ministry at Corsham 6:30 Evensong at Lacock Sunday 3 May – Easter 5 Readings: Genesis 22:1-18; Acts 8:26-end; John 15:1-8 8:00 Holy Communion at Corsham 9:00 Jump Start Sunday at Neston 10:00 Holy Communion at Corsham Holy Communion at Gastard (with Neston) 10:30 Morning Worship at Lacock 4:00 Nones at Lacock 6:00 Evensong at Corsham Regular Midweek Services Wednesday 10am BCP Communion at Corsham Thursday 10am Holy Communion at Neston (1st Thursday) Friday 3.30pm Messy Church (1st Friday of the Month) (please note Messy Church for April will be on 10 Apr to avoid Good Friday) Our parishes support FAIRTRADE wherever possible Accept that Jesus died on the cross so we might be forgiven for our sins Admit that we have sinned, turn away from everything we know to be wrong in our lives, and turn back to God the Father Ask Jesus to come into our lives through his Holy Spirit and resolve to follow him and put our trust in him from now on. Whether we are lifelong followers of Jesus or just beginning to think about following him, this Easter we can give our lives to something that will last forever. So I hope and pray that is our experience as we join together to celebrate Easter. With love in Christ, Andrew TEAM SERVICE, SUNDAY 12 APR The monthly informal worship service will be held on Sunday 12th April in Church House, Corsham. This service will be led by a team of lay people and we will be considering the question, "How do we hear from God?" It will be a cafestyle meeting and coffee, tea and doughnuts will be served from 6.30 pm onwards. If you have never been to this service before why not give it a try? APCM DATES Its APCM season again and dates for the various meetings in our churches are: Neston – after morning service on Sunday 29 March Lacock – 4.00pm on Sunday 19 April Gastard – after morning service on Sunday 26 April Corsham – 7.30pm on Tuesday 28 April DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE Items for the March issue should be submitted not later than MIDDAY on WEDNESDAY 29 Apr 2015. Email to: [email protected] or Post/deliver to: 1 Park Lane, Corsham. 01249 701783 (answering machine available). If you would like to receive this Information sheet by email every month then please send a request to the above email address. CHURCH NEWS from the Anglican churches of Corsham, Gastard, Lacock and Neston CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER GROUP To accommodate a Restoration Appeal Quiz Night on 24th April, the next meeting of the prayer group has been moved to Friday 1st May. The meeting is in the upper room at Church House as usual, from 7-8 pm. All are welcome. CORSHAM MEN’S GROUP The next meeting will be on 27 Apr 2015 in the upstairs room in the Royal Oak, Corsham, when a number of members will give short insights into their interests. All men are welcome (not just those attending our churches) - £1 entry to cover expenses. WALKING GROUP In March twelve walkers set out from the Hare and Hounds PH, in glorious spring weather for 8 miles of beautiful countryside. From Middlewick Lane, our route took us via a hilly route to Weavern before climbing again to Euridge and on to Colerne for lunch. It was all downhill on the way home, (apart from the uphill bits obviously!), but we were soon back at the H & H enjoying refreshment and companionship in the warmth of the spring sunshine. See a photo at - click on Activities and scroll down to the Walking Group item. Our next walk will be on Friday, 10th April, meeting at 10:00hrs at St Phillip's and St James', Church Rise, Neston, Corsham, SN13 9SX, for a walk of about 9 miles. Please bring snack/lunch. Colin CORSHAM MOTHERS’ UNION Forthcoming meetings are: 1 April WW 1 Commemoration 18 April – Diocesan AGM – Community Centre Marshfield (all invited) April 2015 VICAR OF BAGHDAD The moving story of Canon Andrew White, priest in-charge of one of the world’s most beleaguered churches in Baghdad, and the hardships faced by him and his congregation will be told by the Rev. David Post in a one hour audio/visual presentation at St. Bartholomew’s church, Corsham, on th Tuesday 14 April at 7.30pm. The evening is free and refreshments will be served during the event. Please make it a date in your diary and come along to learn about and support the work of our fellow Christians in Iraq. REVELATION CHRISTIAN RESOURCE CENTRE Some of the staff team are retiring and new volunteers are needed to help in the Revelation Bookshop in Chippenham. If you would like to chat about serving this part of God's mission please ring 01249/463227. Most volunteers do a three-hour weekly shift and training is given. ST BART’S CHURCH FETE – CALLING ALL GARDENERS Although the cold wind still hangs on, your attention is drawn th to St Bart’s Church Fete being held on Saturday, 6 June, at which there will again be a plant stall. Having sown several packets of seed recently, some have already germinated. When you sow yours, would you please put in some extra for our stall. Flowering plants always sell well as do vegetable th plants. If these are sown soon they will be ready for 6 June. A Competition For 2015 Plants in an Unusual Container Raid your garden, kitchen, loft or garage to look for some empty unusual containers. Plant them up with pretty bedding plants, vegetables, or even both together! Do this soon and we will see some amazing and attractive results at the fete. Tip try a tin can, or an old shoe. A prize for (1) The prettiest container (2) The most unusual. With your agreement, the entries would be offered for sale. Do join in, this could be great fun. On 17th March 2015, Corsham Mother's Union held their first Cooking and Baking Circle meeting. It was a very good turn out and all enjoyed tasting the dishes entered whilst watching an Easter cupcake decorating demonstration. The theme for the dishes that were entered was Easter and the winning 'Recipe of the Month' was Tuna Fish Pie entered by Shirley Green which stormed ahead with 7 votes! The next meeting will be on 21st April @ 1pm in Church House when the theme set for the recipe entries is "Budget Dishes". All are invited but please bring a written copy of the recipe for others to copy. More at: CURSILLO rd On Thursday 23 April people associated with Cursillo in our diocese will be gathering for an evening of fellowship and worship at Sutton Benger Church (SN15 4RH). Refreshments at 7:30 p.m., start at 8:00. This is a special occasion as National Director Sally Henniker-Major will be addressing those attending. Revd Richard Hovey (01249 715407) invites you to join with them for this special evening. For More information: Rector: Rev Dr Andrew Johnson - [email protected] Team Administrator: Ted Davies - [email protected] Team Website: - Church Office: Church House, 3 Church Street, Corsham,SN13 0BY 01249 701720 [email protected] Opening Hours: (Telephone answering machine/email available outside of these times) Monday 7-8pm; Wednesday 10-12.30 and 2-4pm; Saturday 10-11am
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