SAN BENITO COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Margie B"rrios Anthony Botelho Roben Rivas Jerry Muenzer Jaime De La Cruz District No. 1 District No.2 District No.3 District No.4 District No.5 Chair \I"/Ce-Chalr County Administration Building - Board of Supervisors Chambers, 481 Fourth Streo~ Hollister, california SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA MAY 26,2015 Mission Statement The County Board of Supervisors will recognize the public trust it holds, will on all occasions conduct business with honesty, Integrity, and respect for the individual, and will hold the organization of County government to that same standard. The San Benito County Board of Supervisors welcomes you to this meeting and encourages your participation. Each individual speaker will be limited to a Presentation total of three (31 minutes. I 9:00 a) b) a.m. CALL TO ORDER: '. ," . ",''c', ' ,\' " Pledge of Allegiance to be led by Supervisor Rivas. Acknowledge Certificate of Posting. ICLOS~DSESSION: .', '" .", " (Page 3) c' '. ·'C,·'>t,,: Matters discussed during Closed Session include exisUng and pending litigation, personnel matters and real property negotIations. Reportable actions taken by the Board during Closed Session will be announced during open session. (Gov. Code Section 54957.1(a) & (b), Ralph M. Brown Act.) 1) Closed Session-Conference with Labor Negotiators (Page 4) Agency designated representatives: Allyson Hauck, Dania Torres-Wong, Ray Espinosa, Joe Paul Gonzalez, Melinda Casillas and Georgia Cochran Employee Organizations: Institutions Associations Law Enforcement Management Management Employees' Group SEIU Local 521 (General Unit Employees) Deputy Sheriff's Association SEIU United Long Term Care Workers Local 6434 Authority: California Government Code Section 54957.6 COUNTY CLERK/AUDITOR/RECORDER - J. P. Gonzalez: (Page 5) 2) Receive Power Point presentation regarding AB8 (Property Tax Distribution) Cash Flow Model, information only. Special Agenda Page 1012 May 26, 2015 1 COUNTY ADMINISTRATION OFFICE - R. Espinosa: 3) Adopt the Budget Policies for the FY 2015/2016. (Page 6-8) (Page 9) COUNTY ADMINISTRATION OFFICE - R. Espinosa: 4) Receive the budget vacancy presentation, and approve the inclusion in the FY 2015/2015 Recommended Budget. (Page 10) COUNTY ADMINISTRATION OFFICE - R. Espinosa: 5) Receive and discuss the status of the FY 2015/2016 Recommended Budget. COUNTY ADMINISTRATION OFFICE - R. Espinosa: (Page 11) 6) Receive and discuss the 5 Year Plan. (Page 12) COUNTY ADMINISTRATION OFFICE - R. Espinosa: 7) Ad Hoc Subcommittee to report recommendation for payment of Change of Law Costs and COLA for Waste Connections, Inc. (John Smith Road Landfill Operator, Contractor); 1) Approve the payment to WCI in the amount of $184,787 from landfills and direct staff to make this payment as per staff recommendation; or 2) Approve the rate increases as proposed and payment from landfill reserves to cover the total of $184,787, and set the Public Hearing and direct staff to notice Cities and Recology of rate changes; or 3) provide staff other direction as to the combination of payments for 2015 COLA and Change in Law Cost. ADJOURN TO TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 2015 AT 9:00 A.M. NOTE: A copy of this Agenda is published. along with supportive documents, on the County's Web site on the Friday- preceding each Board meeting and may be viewed at www.cosb.uslgovemmentlmeetings-agendasl. All proposed agenda items with supportive documents are also available for viewing at the San Benito County Administration Building, 481 Fourth Street, Hollister, CA between the hours of 8:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m .• Monday through Friday (except holidays). This is the same packet that the Board of Supervisors reviews and discusses at each Board meeting. As required by Gov. Code SecUon 54957.5 8ny public record distributed to the Board of Supervisors less than 72 hours prior to this meeting in connection with any agenda item shall be made available for public inspection at the office of the Clerk of the Board, San Benito County Adminislration Building. 481 Fourth Street. Hol/ister, CA 95023. Public records dislributed during the meeting will be available for public Inspection at the meeting if prepared by the County. If the public record is prepared by some other person and distributed at the meeting it will be made available for public inspection following the meeting at the office of the Clerk of the Board. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) the Board of Supervisors meeting facility is accessible to persons with disabilities. "you need special assistance to participate In this meeting, please contact the Clerk of the Board's office at (831) 636-4000 at least 48 hours before the meeting to enable the County to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Special Agenda Page 2 012 May 26, 2015 2 SPECIAL MEETING COUNTY OF SAN BENITO BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CERTIFICATE OF POSTING Pursuant to Government Code Section #54956 the agenda for the Special meeting of May 26, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. was posted on the 22 nd day of May, 2015 at 2:30 p.m., at the following locations, freely accessible to the public: The front entrance of the Old County Courthouse, Monterey Street, City of Hollister, San Benito County, State of California and ) The lobby of the San Benito County Administration Building, 481 Fourth Street, Hollister, CA I, Louie Valdez, certify under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct. LOUIE VALDEZ. CLERK OF THE BOARD COUNTY OF SAN BENITO Back to top 3 Agenda Time Estimates Minutes or 0 Consent AGENDA ITEM TRANSMITTAL TO: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FROM: Georgia Cochran Human Resources MEETING DATE: May 26,2015 Leaye Blank: ... cR~~ Closed Session CONTACT FOR INFORMATION: Name: Georgia Cochran Phone No: 636-4000 ~7;7i-?r NUMBER OF CERTIFIED COPIES'-" REQUIRED: (1) SUBJECT: CLOSED SESSION - CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (2) BACKGROUND INFORMATION (If not summarized within this space provide a staff report instead, no~ng attachment): CLOSED SESSION-CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS Agency designated representatives: Allyson Hauck, Dania Torres-Wong, Ray Espinosa, Joe Paul Gonzalez, Melinda casillas, Georgia Cochran Employee Organizations: • Institutions Associations Law Enforcement Management Management Employees' Group SEIU Local 521 (General Unit Employees) • Deputy Sheriff's Association SEIU United Long Term care Workers Local 6434 • • • • Authority: california Government Code Section 54957.6 (3) OTHER AGENCY INVOLVEMENT: (4) SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS RELATIVE TO THIS ITEM: Contract Resolution Ordinance other: o o (S) PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOARD ACTIONS ON THIS SPECIFIC ITEM: o o (6) FUNDING SOURCE(S): , (7) CURRENT YEAR COST: $ (10) WILL PROPOSAL REQUIRE ADDmONAL PERSONNEL? o YES ONO (8) ANNUAL OR PROJECT COST: $ If YES, STATE NUMBER: Permanent (9) BUDGETED: YES ONO o Limited Tenm (11) RECOMMENDED ACTION(S): Hold Closed Session III ~v 'vlv / '-J -l. /J J i .51. 'i//;5". fA ~ SIGNATiURE OF ~ENcv OR DEPARTMENT AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE I CLERK'S USE ONLY o APPROy'LJ. o ACKNOWLEDGED o SET PUBUC HEARING o DENIED 0 0 ACCEPTED APPOINTED o ADOPTED o RESOLUTION NO. o ORDINANCE NO. o CONTINUED TO --------- o OTHER ONOACTIO~N~T~A~K=EN~------------------- I '3Y: Deputy Clerk of the Board DATE: Back to top 4 Minutes TO: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FROM: JOE PAUL GONZALEZ, AUDITOR MEmNGDATE: Leave Blank: Agenda Tlme Estimates: AGENDA ITEM TRANSMITTAL Of 0 Consent CONTACT FOR INFORMATION: Name: Janet Norris Phone No: 636-4090 Datefr""o Rec'd : 00g' 5 /J.CJ./; ~fIJ NUMBER OF CERTIFIED COPIES REQUIRED: (1) SUBJECT: AB8 (Property Tax Distribution) Cash Flow Model 05/26/2015 (2) BACKGROUND INFORMATION (If not summ ...ized within this space provide 8 staff report instead, noting attachiment): Frequently questions are asked regarding how the distribution of a person's payment of property taxes are determined. While the AB8 calculation is quite complex, this presentation will provide an overview of how property taxes are calculated and distributed. (3) OTHER AGENCY INVOLVEMENT: (4) SUPPORl1VE DOCUMENTS RELATIVE TO THIS ITEM: ...., Contract Resoiuticn Ollimnce (5) PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOARD AmONS ON THIS SPECIFIC ITEM: o o Other: (6) FUNDING SOURCE(S): (7) CURRENT YEAR COST: $ (10) WILL PROPOSAL REQUIRE ADDmONAL PERSONNEL? U YES UNO (8) ANNUAL OR PROJECT COST: $ tf BUDGETED: YES NO 0 If YES. STATE NUMBER: Permanent Umited T..-m (11) RECOMMENDED AmON(S): Receive Power Point presentation. Informational only. U/" .s-2.'2.. -)5"' ~--;;~ ..:. DATE SIGNATUR{gf AGENCY OR DEPARrMENT AUTHORIZED REPRESENTAllVE o APPROVED o DENIED o ACKNOWUEDGED o ACCEPTED o SET PUBUC HEARING o APPOINTED CLERK'S USE ONLY o ADOPTED o RESOLUTION NO. o ORDINANCE NO. o CONTINUED TO o NO arHER ACTIO;:;;N;;-:T~A:-:;K;::EN:;---------- ---- 0 BY: Deputy Clerk of the Board DATE: Back to top COPY ROUTING: ORIGINAnNG DEPT. - AUDITOR - COUNTY COUNSEL 5 Agendalime Estimates: Minutes or 0 Consent AGENDA ITEM TRANSMITTAL Board of Supervisors FROM: Ray Espinosa, CAO TO: CONTACT FOR INFORMATION: Melinda Casillas Phone No: 636-4000 Name: NUMBER OF CERTIFIED COPIES REQUIRED: (1) SUBlECT: Adopt the budget policies of the FY 15116. MEmNGDATE: 05/26/2015 (2) BACKGROUND INFORMATION (II not summ..-;zed within this space provide a stall' report instead, noting attachment): This item was continued from the 04/28/15 BOS meeting. (3) OTHER AGENCY INVOLVEMENT: (4) SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS RELATIVE TO THIS ITEM: -. Contract Ordnance 0 0 (5) PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOARD ACTIONS ON THIS SPECIAC ITEM: ResoIu~cn Other: (6) RJNDING SOURCE(S): (7) CURRENT YEAR COST: $ (10) WILL PROPOSAL REQUIRE ADDIllONAL PERSONNEL? U YES UNO (8) ANNUAL OR PROJECT COST: $ ~BUDGETED: DYES ONO II YES, STATE NUMBER: Permanent Umited Tsm (11) RECOMMENDED ACTIONeS): Adopt the Budget Policies for the FY 15/16. SIGNATURE OF AGENCY OR o APPROVED o ACKNOWUEDGED DEPARrME~ AUTH0RI2ED REPRESENTATIVE o DENIED o ACCEPTED o SET PUBUC HEARING o APPOINTED o ADOPTED DATE CLERK'S USE ONLY o RESOLUTION NO. o ORDINANCE NO. -------- o CONTINUED TO o OTHER DNOACTIO~N~T~AA~EN~----------------- BY: Deputy Clerk of the Board DATE: 6 copy ROUTING: ORIGINAnNG DEPT. - AUDITOR - COUNTY COUNSEl. SAN BENITO COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FY 2015-2016 BUDGET POLICIES Maximize opportunities to consolidate, collaborate and cooperate with other agencies to improve service delivery while saving money. Identify opportunities to provide service delivery while improving efficiencies and saving money. Maintain the goal of a General Fund prudent cash reserve at the recommended minimum of 15%. Maintain the goal to retain Contingency of at least 3% per Fund (If a fund balance is available) as a proactive measure for unforeseen expenses or revenue reversals during the year. Direct departments to maintain the currently authorized FY 14/15 FTE's. CAOs office will provide each department their salary projections that include step increases and changes to employer paid benefit rates. Consider increases to FY 14/15 authorized FTE levels with new or increased non-general fund allpurpose revenue funding sources, or on a case by case basis utilizing General Fund sources. Increase transparency of the true cost of government by including Cost Plan charges in all General Fund department budgets. Analyze the impact to the General Fund's ongoing OPEB costs and evaluate the new 2015 actuarial study and Annual Required Contribution (ARC) payments. Department Heads must inform the CAO of impending employee retirements in all operating budgets in order to budget accordingly. Continue to identify areas for evaluation efforts by staff, committees, or consultants to judge the effectiveness and/or efficiency of County services. Identify options to reduce or eliminate services and costs in non-mandated or discretionary program areas. Implement an expense strategy to completely erase County's current unfunded Vacation/Sick time Accrual. Utilize Teeter Fund Excess Cash to help pay down Vacation and Sick Accrual hour liabilities and bring County up to date with OPEB obligations in the General Fund departments. Adopt a Rainy Day Fund with one-time funding as opportunities present themselves. Recognize possible/estimated salary savings due to normal employee vacancies in all operating budgets. (Vacancy Budgeting) Consider including in the budget proposed reorganization affecting personnel job descriptions only after Human Resources has reviewed the impacts that may relate to meet and confer issues. 7 Maximize the use of Trust and Special Revenue Funds and other revenue sources (Le., grants, etc.) to support programs and services that would otherwise consume General Fund resources. Prioritize and pursue ongoing funding for County Information Technology, network/infrastructure development, operating system applications and maintenance as a means to maximize productivity and personnel cost savings. Back to top 8 Leave Blank: Agendl!ll1me Estimates: AGENDA ITEM TRANSMITTAL Miootes or 0 Consent Board of Supervisors FROM: Ray Espinosa, CAO TO: MEmNGDATE: CONTACT FOR INFORMATION: N8me: Melinda Casillas Phone No; 636-4000 DateJTi e Rec'd: (fpr ~vI7/;~ )}? NUMBER OF CE CTIFIED COPIES' REQUIRED: (1) SUBlECT: Discussion related to Vacancy Budgeting. ~5/26/2015 (2) BACKGROUND INFORMATION (If not summirized within this space provide 8 staff report instead, noting a!l8Ohment): An analysis of the past two years of the turnover and vacancies within the General Fund have shown a substantial overstatement of salaries and benefits at the end of the fiscal year. It is the belief of the CAOs office that this scenario should be recognized as a budget planning tool, and will be presenting this concept. (3) OTHER AGENCY INVOLVEMENT: (4) SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS RELATIVE TO THIS ITEM ; ..., Contract OrOmnce (5) PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOARD ACTIONS ON THIS SPECIFIC ITEM: o Resolution o Other: (6) RJNDING SOURCE(S): (7) CURRENT YEAR COST: $ (10) WILL PROPOSAL REQUIRE ADDmONAL PERSONNEL? U YES UNO (8) ANNUAL OR PROJECT COST; $ If YES, STATE NUMBER: Pemanent ~ SUDGETED; YES 0 NO UmitedTerm (11) RECOMMENDED ACTION(S): Receive the budget vacancy presentation, and approve the inclusion in the FY 15/16 Recommended Budget. iLfYllJ,/(\AI i+ i51l51lS: DATE SIGNATURE OF AGENCY OR DEPARTME""\ " .h.""'ZED REPRESENTATIVE o APPROVED o ACKNOWLEDGED o DENIED o ACCEPTED o SET PUBLIC HEARING o APPOINTED CLERK'S USE ONLY o ADOPTED o RESOlUTION NO. o ORDINANCE NO. o CONTINUED TO o arHER - - - - 0 NO ACTIO~N:;-:T~A:-::K~EN;;---------- BY: Deputy Clerk of the Board DATE: Back to top copy ROunNG: ORIGINA17NG DEPT. - AUDITOR - COUNTY COUNSEL 9 Agenda Time Estimates: AGENDA ITEM TRANSMITTAL Leave Blank: Minutes or 0 Consent Board of Supervisors FROM: Ray Espinosa, CAO Date{nme Rec'd: JhS~ S!Jd.~ r-)3p TO: CONTACT FOR INFORMATION: Name: Melinda Casillas Phone No: 636-4000 NUMBER Of CERTIFIED COPIES '-../ REQUIRED: (1) SUBlECf: Update on the status of the FY Recommended Budget MEmNGDATE: 05/26/2015 (2) BACKGROUND INFORMATION (If not summ ...ized within this space provide a staff report instead, noting atta::hmmt): The CAO's office will present the current status of the FY Recommended Budget, and format changes related to the new ERP - New World financial system. (3) OTHER AGENCY INVOLVEMENT: B (4) SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS RELATIVE TO THIS ITEM: -, Contract , Ordinance (5) PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOARD ACTIONS ON THIS SPECIFIC ITEM : Resolution Other: (6) FUNDING SOURCE(S): (7) CURRENT YEAR COST: $ (10) WILL PROPOSAL REQUIRE ADOmONAL PERSONNEL? U YES U NO (8) ANNUAL OR PROJECT COST: $ (9) BUDGETED: 0 YES 0 NO If YES, STATE NUMBER: Pemanent UmitedTerm (11) RECOMMENDED ACTlON(S): Receive and discuss the status of the FY 15/16 Recommended Budget. \ /""' / SIGNATURE OFAGElrcy OR DEPARTMENTAliH RIZED REPRESENTATIVE o APPROVED o ACKNOWLEDGE D o SET PUBLIC HEARING o DENIED o ACCEPTED o APPOINTED o ADOPTED CLERK'S USE ONLY o RESOumON NO. o ORDINANCE NO. --------- o CONTINUED TO o OTHER DNOACTlO~N~T~A~K~EN~------------------- RY: Deputy Clerk of the Board Back to top DATE: COPY ROUTING: ORIGINATING DEPT. - AUDITOR - COUNTY COUNSEL 10 Agenda Time Estimates: AGENDA ITEM TRANSMITTAL Leave Blank: Minutes or 0 Consent Board of Supervisors FROM: Ray Espinosa, CAD ~hS TO: MEmNGDATE: D.te/Time Rec'd: ~/9/IDP NUM8fR OF CERTIFI'ED COPIEV REQUIRED: CONTACT FOR INFORMATION: Name: Melinda Casillas Phone No: 636-4000 (1) SUBlECf: 5 YEAR PLAN PRESENTATION 05/26/2015 (2) BACKGROUND INFORMATION (If not summB"ized within this splice provide .a staff report instead, noting attachment): Per your direction, the CAD's office embarked on a compilation of a 5-year fiscal outlook and plan. This is a presentation on the progress of the 5-YEAR PLAN as of 04/01/2015. (3) OTHER AGENCY INVOLVEMENT: (5) PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOARD ACTIONS ON THIS SPECIFIC ITEM: (4) SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS RELATIVE TO THIS ITEM: .., Contrac:t Resolution Ordinence Oll1er: o o r(6) FUNDING SOURCE(S): (8) ANNUAL OR PROJECT COST: $ (7) CURRENT YEAR COST: $ (10) WILL PROPOSAL REQUIRE ADDmONAL PERSONNEL? U YES UNO If YES, STAn NUMBER: PeTnanent !jl BUDGETED: YES 0 NO limited Term (11) RECOMMENDED ACTION(S): Receive and discuss the 5-YEAR PLAN. '- '1\ { iM! l(\r ~1j1 ~IS' DAn SIGNATURE' OF AGENCY OR DEPARrME;;"';' o\-uORIZED REPRESENTATIVE o APPROVED o ACKNOWLEDGED o SET PUBLIC HEARlNG o DENIED o ACCEPTED o APPOINTED o ADOI'I'ED CLERK'S USE ONLY o RESOllJTlON NO. o ORDINANCE NO. --------- o CONTINUED TO o artiER O N0ACT10~N~T~A~K=EN~------------------- BY: Deputy Clerk of the Board DATE: Back to top COPY ROUTING: ORIGINATlNG DEPT. - AUDITOR - COUNTY COUNSEL ~) 11 Leave Blank: Agenda T1me Estimates: Minutes or 0 Consent AGENDA ITEM TRANSMITTAL 7~tj 10 Board of Supervisors FROM : Ray Espinosa, County Admin . Officer TO: ;;;;OC/;5!? NUMBER OF CERTlFIED COPIES v REQUIRED: cO~Acr FOR INFORMATION: Name: Sara Fontanos Phone No: 636-4000 (1) SUBJECT: MEmNGDATE: Ad Hoc Subcommittee to Report Recommendation for Payment of Change of Law Costs and COLA for Waste Connections, Inc. (John Sm~h Road Landfill Operator, Contractor) May 26,2015 (2) BACKGROUND INFORMATION (If not summ";zed within this spoce provide a staff report instead, noting attachment): On May 19, 2015, Supervisors Barrios and Muenzer were appointed as the ad hoc subcommittee to recommend whether to raise rates, make a payment from reserves, reduce depletion fees in order to cover 2015 COLA and Change of Law Costs, or a combination of these options. Should a majority of the Board approve a rate increase, a ten-day noticed Public Hearing is required by law. In addition, the Board would need to direct staff to pay WIC from Landfill Reserves. Per the Waste Connections Contract, the COLA adjustment will be no less than 2% and no greater than 6% and is based on the following : Employment Cost Index, Producer Price Index for Fuel, and the Price Index. Based on these factors the COLA adjustment owed to WCI is $133,424. IWM budgeted $250,000 for Change of Law Costs. So the Ad hoc Committee is requires an additional $$184,787 (COLA and Change of Law Costs over 14/15 budgeted amount) in costs that need to be covered . (3) OTHER AGENCY INVOLVEMENT: RELEVA~ (4) SUPPORTlVE DOCUMENTS RELATIVE TO THIS ITEM: (5) PREVIOUS (6) FUNDING SOURCE(S): (7) CURRENT YEAR COST: (8) ANNUAL OR PROJEcr $434,787.00 COST: o Contract o Resolution . 0 Ordinance o Other: 301 .75.3800.1000 (10) WILL PROPOSAL REQUIRE ADDmONAL PERSONNEL? U YES l!I NO BOARD ACTIONS ON THIS SPECIFIC ITEM: 9 BUDGETED: ONO $ II YES. STATE NUMBER: PErmanent mal UmltedTerm (11) RECOMMENDED ACTlON(S) : It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors: 1. "'P""'" lh. P'"",O' to~ .m,"", of $184,787 from payment as per staff recommen ',"dfl'. '"' "recl.!aff to mo" lhl, or ~ ~r~ses pr posed and payment from landfill reserves to cover the total of , 87, and s e Pl~1i ea' g; and direct staff to notice Cities and Recology of rate changes; or oJ. t" rov~ other dil Ie ion to the combination of payments for 20/15 CqLA and Change in Law Cos~ L.\ Jl SIGNATURE OF AGE CY OR~ 10; V E~ AUTH0RI2ED o APPROVED o DENIED o ACKNOWLEDGED o ACCEPTED o SET PUBUC HEARING o APPOINTED S)U/!5 , , DATE REPRESE~ATIVE CLERK'S USE ONLY o ADOPTED o RESOUUTION NO. o ORDINANCE NO. o COtmNUED TO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ o OTHER - - - - 0 NO ACTIO"'N"'T::-:AK""E"'N,.--------- BY: Deputy Clerk of the Board IDATE: Back to top COPY ROUTING: ORIGINATING DEPT.• AUDITOR . COUNTY COUNSEL (J,) 12 Revised: 9/ 26/201 3
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