MORANDO LUCA Curriculum Vitae MORANDO LUCA CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL INFORMATIONS Surname and First name Nationality Date of Birth Birth-Place Gender Address (Residence) Address (Domicile) Mobile E-mail Web site DESIRED EMPLOYMENT / OCCUPATIONAL FIELD WORK EXPERIENCES • Employer’s Name and Locality • Business or Sector • Main activities and Responsibilities • Employer’s Name and Locality • Business or Sector • Occupation or Position held • Main activities and Responsibilities • Employer’s Name and Locality • Business or Sector • Occupation or Position held • Main activities and Responsibilities • Employer’s Name and Locality • Business or Sector • Occupation or Position held • Main activities and Responsibilities MORANDO LUCA Italian 09/06/1986 SAVONA (SV) Male 5, Via C. PAVESE – 17043 CARCARE (SV), IT 36, Via dei VALTORTA – 20127 MILAN, IT 345 2105315 [email protected] COSTUME DESIGNER - COSTUME ASSISTANT - DRESSMAKER From 2008 to today FINART s.r.l. 8, Corso G. Matteotti – 20121 Milan; 28, Via Vincenzo Russo – 20127 Milan. Handmade fabric flowers for fashion and millinery; hats and fascinators. Design and making of fabric flowers for fashion and millinery. “CHE NE SA LA LUNA DEI FALÒ” (25/08/12 IV EDITION; 27/08/11 III EDITION) Artistic Show directed by L. Genzano – 17043 Carcare (Sv). Show. Costume designer and dressmaker. Design and making of some ladies’ day dresses for summer holidays, bathing suits and their accessories (early XX century). BRANCATO S. r. l. Costumi teatrali 11, Via A. Solari – 20144 Milan. Dressmaking. Costume decorator. Costume embellishment of the Musical “PRISCILLA La Regina del Deserto” (Milan, TEATRO CIAK - December 2011). MUSICALMENTE Association 43, Via Imperiale - 16143 Genoa. Show – Musical. Costume designer, dyer and decorator. Design, dyeing and decoration of costumes for the Musical “QUEL TIPACCIO DI BRACCIO” directed by S. Croce and D. Piga (Genoa, TEATRO DELLA GIOVENTÚ - April 2011). © European Union, 2002-2012 | Page 1 / 4 MORANDO LUCA Curriculum Vitae • Employer’s Name and Locality • Business or Sector • Occupation or Position held • Main activities and Responsibilities • Employer’s Name and Locality • Business or Sector • Occupation or Position held • Main activities and Responsibilities EDUCATION AND TRAINING • Name and type of Organisation providing education and training TEATRO S. ROSA 44, Via Castellani – 17043 Carcare (Sv). Show. Director and video-maker. Direction of the musical Show for adults and children “NEVERLAND – Travel into Disney fantastic World” (Carcare, Sv – TEATRO S. ROSA - December 2011). NICCOLÓ PAGANINI CONSERVATOIRE 38, Via Albaro - 16145 Genoa. Show – Opera. Stage and Costume designer. Stage and Costume design of the Operas “GHOST CAFÉ” by C. Galante and “IL DEBUTTO IN CITTA’ NELL’OPERA ANTIGONE STROZZATA DEL CAVALIERE MAESTRO IMPRESARIO BOFFOLO PIPARDI” by G. G. Luporini, directed by L. Codignola (Genoa, TEATRO DELLA TOSSE - Novembre 2008). From 2008 to today ACCADEMIA TEATRO ALLA SCALA – 18, Via Santa Marta 20123 Milan STAGE AND LAB. DEPARTMENT. Costume Technicians Course – from January to December 2012, for an amount of 1000 hours devided in theorical lessons, practice and internships. • Principal Subjects covered or Skills acquired Cutting and Costume Production Techniques (with S. Rostri and P.Inserra), Costume Embellishment (with C. Malberti), Millinery, Fabric Technology (with A. Iavazzo), History of Fashion and Costume (with C. Donato), Music Appreciation (with F. Sartorelli). • Internships - Dressing and assistance on stage for Ciajkovskij ’s “NUTCRACKER” by Accademia Teatro alla Scala Ballet School; Coreography by F. Olivieri (Milan, PICCOLO TEATRO STREHLER – December 2012). - TIRELLI Costumi, Rome – October/November 2012, for an amount of 250 hours. Dressmaking for operas and cinema; repairs of costumes of Tirelli’s repertory. - Dressing and assistance on stage for Donizetti’s “DON PASQUALE” - Academy Project, directed by J. Miller; Stage and Costume Design by I. Bywater (Milan, TEATRO ALLA SCALA – June/July 2012). - Dressing and assistance on stage for the Institutional Show of Accademia Teatro alla Scala Ballet School (Milan, PICCOLO TEATRO STREHLER – May 2012). • Title or Qualification awarded • Name and type of Organisation providing education and training Certificate of attending from ACCADEMIA TEATRO ALLA SCALA (10/10); Certificate of attending from REGIONE LOMBARDIA. BRERA ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS – 28, Via Brera 20121 Milan STAGE AND COSTUME DESIGN DEPARTMENT. Post-graduate Master in Costume Design – 2 years, from October 2009 to July 2011. • Principal Subjects covered or Skills acquired Costume Design (with L. Spinatelli), Costume Accessory Design (with C. Ricotti), Lab. Dressmaking (with M. A. Tovini), Lab. Fabric Dyeing and Processing Tecniques (with P. Giorgi), Stage Design (with E. Sanchi). © European Union, 2002-2012 | Page 2 / 4 MORANDO LUCA Curriculum Vitae • Internships - “ORFEO PROJECT” Rossini Conservatoire, Pesaro – Brera Academy of Fine Arts, Milan – A.N.D., Rome. (Pesaro, ROSSINI THEATER – May/June 2010 II EDITION; May/June 2009 I EDITION). Costume Design and dressmaking for Stravinsky’s ballet “PULCINELLA” (choreography by A. Pasculli and A.N.D. of Rome) and for Pergolesi’s “STABAT MATER” oratorio (directed by A. M. Mazza); Costume Assistance, dressing and assistance on stage for Vivaldi’s “SERENATA A TRE RV 690” (directed by A. M. Mazza; Costume Design by L. Medina). • Title or Qualification awarded Post-graduate Master’s Degree in Costume Design (110 lode/110). Thesis Project: “Summer Holiday Fashion in Belle Époque Period – Carcare (Sv) between the end of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX century”. Design and making of a lady’s day dress for summer holidays (early XX century) and its accessories. (Supervisors: A. Pani and M. A. Tovini). From 2005 to 2008 • Name and type of Organisation providing education and training LIGUSTICA ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS - Largo A. Pertini 16121 Genoa STAGE AND COSTUME DESIGN DEPARTMENT. Course of Stage Design – 3 years, from October 2005 to September 2008. • Principal Subjects covered or Skills acquired • Internships • Title or Qualification awarded Stage/Costume Design and Dressmaking (with G. Fiorato), Drawing, Painting, History of Art, History of Theatre. Stage design of “LA (FORSE) VERA STORIA DI CRISTOFORO COLOMBO” by VIDEOBOX PALCO SUL MARE FESTIVAL, Genoa (Genoa - August 2007). Degree in Stage Design (110 lode/110). Thesis Project: “Der Ring des Nibelungen – The invisible stage”. Stage and Costume Design of Wagner’s Tetralogy. (Supervisors: G. Fiorato, P. Conti and L. Codignola). From 2000 to 2005 • Name and type of Organisation providing education and training • Title or Qualification awarded GRAMMAR HIGH SCHOOL 3, Piazza Calasanzio 17043 Carcare (Sv). Diploma (General Certificate of Education) (100/100). © European Union, 2002-2012 | Page 3 / 4 MORANDO LUCA Curriculum Vitae MOTHER TONGUE OTHER LANGUAGES ITALIAN ENGLISH (B1 INTERMEDIATE LEVEL) COMMUNICATION SKILLS Good communication skills with the main professional figures of the Show business (Directors, Stage and Costume Designers/Assistants, Dressmakers, Tailors, Actors, Singers and Dancers) acquired through my internships and work experiences in this field. ORGANISATIONAL / I’m able to organize my work and lead small working group in order to a correct production for the Stage and for a regular course of rehearsals and performances. MANAGERIAL SKILLS JOB-RELATED SKILLS COMPUTER SKILLS OTHER SKILLS . DRIVING LICENCE - Stage and costume design; - Fabric Sampling; - Cutting patterns and dressmaking (use of the main instruments and machines); - Knowledge of the main techniques to handmake fabric flowers for fashion and millinery; - Building scale models of a set and small props. - Windows XP and VISTA; - Writing Programs (Word); - Adobe PHOTOSHOP CS4; - Adobe PREMIERE; - Autodesk AUTOCAD; - Internet Search. - Very good knowledge of Music, Opera and Ballet; - Reading scores and arrangements for piano of Operas and Ballets; - Playing piano and singing; - Drawing. Licence B Date Milan, 01/01/2014 Luca Morando © European Union, 2002-2012 | Page 4 / 4
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