AISF ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA PER LO STUDIO DEL FEGATO Riconosciuta con D.M. del 7.5.1998, G.U. del 20.6.1998 Iscritta nell’Elenco di cui all'art. 1, comma 353, della Legge 23.12.2005 n. 266, D.P.C.M. 15.4.2011 Iscritta nell'Elenco di cui all'art. 14, comma 1, del D.L. 14.3.2005, n. 35, convertito nella Legge 14.5.2005 n. 80, D.P.C.M. 15.4.2011 17th Pre‐Meeting of the Italian Association for the Study of the Liver ‐ AISF “Future Scenarios in Hepatology” Aula Magna, Università di Roma “Sapienza” ‐ P.le A. Moro, 5 Rome, February 18th, 2015 Course Directors: M. Senzolo, Padua and L. Valenti, Milan PRELIMINARY SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, February 18th 09.30‐10.45 Registration 10.45‐11.00 Course presentation M. Senzolo, Padua ‐ L. Valenti, Milan Session I: What will change in hepatology and in the management of chronic viral infections Chairpersons: A. Alberti, Padua ‐ V. Di Marco, Palermo 11.00‐11.20 11.20‐11.40 11.40‐12.00 12.00‐12.15 The changing face of liver diseases in Europe ‐ D. Prati, Lecco HCV treatment in the future: really smooth or challenging? M. Puoti, Milan Management of chronic HBV patients under long‐term suppressive therapy ‐ B. Coco, Pisa Discussion Session 2: Beyond the era of viral hepatitis Chairpersons: G. Missale, Parma ‐ F. Rosina, Turin 12.15‐12‐35 Burden of NASH and new therapies: what holds the future ‐ G. Svegliati Baroni, Ancona 12.35‐12.55 Burden of ‐ DILI V.J. Navarro, Philadelphia (PA, USA) 12.55‐13.15 Autoimmune hepatobiliary disease: how to improve treatment efficacy ‐ A. Lleo de Nalda, Rozzano 13.15‐13‐30 Discussion 13.30‐14.30 Lunch 14.30‐15.00 Lecture Introduced by: M. Marzioni, Ancona Appropriate clinical use of albumin ‐ P. Caraceni, Bologna Session 3: Studying chronic liver diseases: changing strategies? Chairpersons: M. Fraquelli, Milan ‐ E.G. Giannini, Genoa 15.00‐15.20 The significance of ultrasonography in non‐malignant liver disease ‐ F. Piscaglia, Bologna 15.20‐15.40 Surrogate indicators of liver fibrosis and antifibrotic therapies ‐ M. Pinzani, London (UK) 15.40‐16.00 Invasive and non‐invasive approaches for the assessment of portal hypertension and related complications ‐ F. Schepis, Modena 16.00‐16.15 Discussion 16.15‐16.35 Break Session 4: Treatment of advanced diseases and malignancy in the future Chairpersons: M. Colombo, Milan ‐ S. Fagiuoli, Bergamo 16.35‐16.55 16.55‐17.15 17.15‐17.35 17.35‐17.50 Future of stem cell therapy in liver disease ‐ D. Alvaro, Rome Novel therapeutic strategies in hepatocellular carcinoma ‐ F. Farinati, Padua Emerging indications for liver transplantation ‐ M. Strazzabosco, Milan Discussion AISF ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA PER LO STUDIO DEL FEGATO Riconosciuta con D.M. del 7.5.1998, G.U. del 20.6.1998 Iscritta nell’Elenco di cui all'art. 1, comma 353, della Legge 23.12.2005 n. 266, D.P.C.M. 15.4.2011 Iscritta nell'Elenco di cui all'art. 14, comma 1, del D.L. 14.3.2005, n. 35, convertito nella Legge 14.5.2005 n. 80, D.P.C.M. 15.4.2011 Case presentation Chairperson: M. Rendina, Bari 17.30‐18.15 18.15‐18‐40 Clinical case 1 Usefulness of HBsAg determination in chronic hepatitis B ‐ F. Invernizzi, Milan Clinical case 2 Usefulness of serum and genetic biomarkers in metabolic liver disease ‐ E. Vanni, Turin 18.40‐18.50 ECM Quiz 18.50‐19.15 General Assembly I 19.15 Closure of the Pre‐Meeting
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