Program Announcement COST SURP 2015 (Summer Undergraduate Research Program) The College of Science and Technology (COST) invites applications for SURP 2015. Application Deadline: March 16, 2015 SURP is a 10-week (May 26 - July 31) research program for COST undergraduate students. Students will work under supervision of faculty mentors. Each participating student will earn $2,000 stipend. Each faculty mentor will receive $1,500 for supplies and others. COST will support 20 to 30 qualified students. Students in all disciplines are encouraged to apply. Download Application Form at For more information, contact: Dr. Hyun-Min Hwang, [email protected]; 713-313-1028 or Dr. Yunjiao Wang, [email protected]; 713-313-7967 College of Science & Technology Texas Southern University Announcement of College of Science and Technology (COST) Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) 2015 The College of Science and Technology (COST) at Texas Southern University is pleased to announce research opportunities for COST undergraduate students during summer 2015. COST will support about 20-30 qualified students for this 10-week (May 26-July 31) research program. Undergraduate students enrolled in any departments in COST can apply for SURP. Overall GPA should be 2.8 or higher. Students must contact faculty members in COST to select a mentor. Any faculty member in COST can mentor an undergraduate student. Students who apply for TSU URP (undergraduate research program), which is managed by the Office of Research, for the summer 2015, are not eligible for the COST SURP. Interested students should submit application materials by March 16, 2015 either as an electronic copy (email attachment) or as hard copy. Students and their mentors will be notified of acceptance decision by March 31, 2015. Expectations and Deliverables: 1- Students need to attend orientation session on May 26 in Science Center room 303H. 2- Students are required to attend a laboratory safety training workshop. 3- Students are also required to attend weekly seminars designed to learn how to better prepare resumes, posters, manuscripts, and others 4- Students are expected to work about 25 to 30 hours per week while at SURP. 5- Students are required to submit biweekly progress reports to Dr. Hyun-Min Hwang. 6- All students are required to give both oral and poster presentations on their research results at the symposium scheduled for July 30-31. 7- Additionally, each student is required to submit a 3-4 page research manuscript for publication in the 2015 Proceedings of TSU COST SURP. Stipend and Compensation: Each participating student will receive a $2,000 stipend. Students who do not complete all above requirements or drop the program will receive partial or no compensation. Each faculty mentor will receive $1,500 for supplies, travel to conferences, and/or other professional development. This should be used by December 31, 2015. For more information and application materials, please contact Dr. Hyun-Min Hwang ([email protected]; 713-313-1028) or Dr. Yunjiao Wang ([email protected]; 713-313-7967). All applicants are required to submit: A completed application form (should be typed), An unofficial TSU transcript, One (1) letter of recommendation, and A one-page personal statement on what your long-term goals are and what you expect to accomplish through participating in this program Application material should be emailed to [email protected] or dropped at Dr. Hyun-Min Hwang’s office (TSU Science Center 203A) APPLICATION CHECKLIST Completed application form One letter of recommendation One page of personal statement on research objectives Unofficial TSU transcript Statement of Agreement We (student: , faculty mentor: ) agree that we will submit a draft and the final research manuscripts to Dr. Hyun-Min Hwang by August 14, 2015 and August 31, 2015, respectively. We understand that a failure to do that will inhibit me (student) being considered as a recipient of any COST sponsored scholarships/fellowships in the future. Name of Student: Signature of Student: Date: Name of Faculty mentor: Signature of Faculty mentor: Date: Texas Southern University College of Science and Technology Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) 2015 APPLICATION FORM Application Deadline: March 16, 2015 APPLICANT INFORMATION (PLEASE TYPE) Name: Department: TSU ID: T Phone: Email: Home address: City: State: ZIP Code: Freshmen: Sophomore: Junior: Senior: Average GPA List your most enjoyable subjects: Have you decided upon a career or area of further study? ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes, which area(s): List your extra-curricular activities, special honors, etc.: List research programs previously participated in : I understand that I must provide all required materials before the deadline to be considered for acceptance. I certify that all of the information above is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Signature of applicant: Name of Faculty Mentor: Signature of faculty mentor: Date: Department: Date:
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