PIZZA WITH THE PASTORS! Beginning Friday, April 17 12-1pm Congress Street UMC 2010 Congress St. Lafayette, IN 47905 765-447-4158 Office Hours: T, W, Th (see calendar) We ask you please to silence or shutdown your cellular devices. CCLI #1365195; CVLI #503659382 UMH=United Methodist Hymnal TFWS=The Faith We Sing Songbook CHILDREN are always welcome in our worship service! Nursery Care is in Rm. 202. Worship Bags are available for the young ones among us who want to color, read books, or do activity pages during Worship and remain with their families. COMFORT CUSHIONS are available in the back pew. Please use them to make yourself comfortable. Complete your Connection Card every Sunday to help us grow positively! STAFF Pizza Hut on Teal Rd. Join Clarinda, Rick, & Jonathan for discussion! You are responsible for your own food/drink. Food Finders is looking for a volunteer to help on Tuesday mornings from about 10-11:30am. See Clarinda for details if interested. CLEAN SWEEP - Community Pride! The City of Lafayette is preparing for a "Clean Sweep" day on Saturday, May 16, 2015 from 9 a.m. - 12 Noon with the gathering point right in Columbian Park. (1) Congress Street will be providing 200 bottles of water to workers this day. We would like to prep the bottles with a Congress St. label of some kind. If you can help with this, let Clarinda know. (2) There will be a Congress St. team formed to help with this. To be a part of the CSUMC team, please email Clarinda or leave a note in the offering plate. If you have a Pumpkin Patch t-shirt, you'll be asked to wear it. If you do not have one OR would like a newly designed CSUMC Ministry tshirt, let Clarinda know that also in your email. This JUST so happens to collide with The United Methodist Church's official "Change the World" weekend! What an amazing time to BE Congress Street! Rev. Clarinda E. Crawford, Lead Pastor [email protected], 765-421-2832 Rick Puckett, Member Care [email protected], 812-787-2364 Heather Scott, T.L.C.C. Director [email protected] Ellen Bulow, Organist/Choir Director [email protected] Jonathan Thompson, Children’s Min. Dir. [email protected] Kathy Cowans, Financial Administrator [email protected] Tammy Crowell & J. D. Feaster, Custodial Jean Clithero & Betty Henderson, Sound Technicians Last Week’s Attendance 75 Small Group Participants 32 Outreach/Volunteer Participants 7 Volunteer Hours 9.5 A/C $8,398.37 of $44,000 Tithes Paid Mar. $ 0 Toilet Paper Ministry $ 204.32 Habitat for Humanity Methodist Build Wall Raising Wednesday, May 13 @ 10:00 a.m. 1306 Howell St., Lafayette Welcoming Worship Tip of the Month: Know that guests typically leave the building within three minutes after the service. Encourage church leaders to follow the “Rule of Three,” devoting the first three minutes after the Dismissal to speaking with people they don’t know before speaking to family and friends. Fifth Sunday of Easter * - this symbol when found in the service means stand—if able. A podcast (audio version) of today’s service is available by Wednesday each week at THIS WEEK @ CONGRESS STREET Today: 9:00am 9:00am 9:45am 10:15am 2:00pm Monday: 10:00am Tuesday: 11:30am 6:30pm Wednesday: 9:00am 10:00am 6:00pm 6:15pm Thursday: 2:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm Friday: 10:00am 12:00pm Spirit! Child Care Choir Rehearsal Worship Greater Lafayette HIV/ AIDS Task Force Sunday, May 3, 2015, 10:15 a.m. Gathering Words: One: All: One: All: At every moment, we live at mystery’s edge watching for a startling luminescence or a word to guide us. In fragile occurrence the Holy One presents oneself and we must pause… Daily, there are glimmers, reflections of a seamless mercy revealed in common intricacies. These circles of grace spill out around us and announce that we are part of this mystery. Organ Voluntary *Processional Hymn #613 Moseying on Mondays Office Open Finance Committee Annual Audit Office Open SEW-CIETY CF2 “White Like Me” Final Conversation Office Open Girl Scout Troop #2881 H3:Holy Happy Hour @ Spurlock’s Flying on Fridays Pizza with the Pastors (Teal Rd. Pizza Hut) Evolving followers of Jesus for the transformation of the world! “O Thou Who This Mysterious Bread” *Opening Words (p. 752 - sung response #2) *Gloria Patri #70 Psalm 22:25-31 “Glory Be to the Father” Contemporary Reading The Duty of Constant Communion (J. Wesley) I am to show that it is the duty of every Christian to receive the Lord's Supper as often as he can. The First reason why it is the duty of every Christian so to do is, because it is a plain command of Christ. That this is his command, appears from the words of the text, "Do this in remembrance of me:" By which, as the Apostles were obliged to bless, break, and give the bread to all that joined with them in holy things; so were all Christians obliged to receive those signs of Christ's body and blood. Here, therefore, the bread and wine are commanded to be received, in remembrance of his death, to the end of the world. Observe, too, that this command was given by our Lord when he was just laying down his life for our sakes. They are, therefore, as it were, his dying words to all his followers. Response to the Lesson: One: Let us hear what the Spirit is speaking to the Church. All: Thanks be to God. Ministry of Music Mission Moment Time of Centering: No matter your religious affiliation Congress Street Church welcomes you to fully participate in all of the service, including the Sacrament of Holy Communion—a moment defined by you and the Host. “Sinfonia” (Handel) Prayer Hymn #381 (vs. 1) Silence “Come to Jesus” (arr. Hayes) Pam Detamore, Mission Chair “Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us” During the silence, petitions may be made publicly from anyone. After saying your request, conclude with, “Divine Love.” The community will respond with, “Hear our Prayer.” Prayers of the People Prayer Hymn #381 (vs. 2) *Gospel Reading: “Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us” Luke 24:28-35 A reading from the Gospel according to the storyteller Saint Luke: As they came near the village to which they were going, he walked ahead as if he were going on. But they urged him strongly, saying, ‘Stay with us, because it is almost evening and the day is now nearly over.’ So he went in to stay with them. When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him; and he vanished from their sight. They said to each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?’ That same hour they got up and returned to Jerusalem; and they found the eleven and their companions gathered together. They were saying, ‘The Lord has risen indeed, and he has appeared to Simon!’ Then they told what had happened on the road, and how he had been made known to them in the breaking of the bread. Response to the Lesson: One: Let us hear what the Spirit is speaking to the Church. All: Thanks be to God. Reflection Space for your a-Ha! moment. PRAYER LIST “that I can get health insurance covered before May 1,” Vada, “TLCC and its Mission and Growth,” Abell Family, Andrea, Bill, Robin, Tom, Jeff, Alyssa, Norma, Dale, Dottie & Family, Zachery, Bob, Chelsea, Jill, David, Amber, Heather Prayer Requests may be submitted online, via the Connection Card, or through the Prayer Request Form found on a back table in the Parlor/Narthex. Last names are printed for individuals already in public information, direct individual requests, or with explicitly given permission and a fully completed Prayer Request Form. GREETERS Howard & Darlene Lumley Richard & Donna Longest Del Grater (ramp) USHERS John DeLuca, Kirk Feaster, Chuck Simpson, Oakley Flynn BELL RINGERS Creedyn Nelson, Evan Booth, Owen Booth Offering Offertory *Doxology #94 REFRESHMENTS Pam Detamore or Betty Henderson “Shall We Gather at the River?” (arr. Paxton) Sung in Unison *Service of Word and Table 1 (p. 7) Invitation—Lord’s Prayer *Breaking of the Bread: One: All: Jesus, the Bread of Heaven. Jesus, be known to us in the breaking of the bread. Communion *Blessing & Dismissal: One: All: Go forth in confidence this day. The grace of Jesus, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all as we go in peace to serve God and our neighbor in all that we do. We go in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, Amen! After the pastor breaks the bread, please begin to form two rows down the center aisle. You will receive bread from the Pastor and dip into the cup. The rail is open and available to all. Please return to your seat via the side aisle. Keep the center aisle full at all times as this will help the process. If you are unable to come forward to receive, but wish to receive the elements, let an usher know and it will be brought to you. Community Sharing Announcements may be shared by anyone as long as they help fulfill the mission as evolving followers of Jesus for the transformation of the world. *Recessional Hymn #77 *Postlude “How Great Thou Art” “A Song of Rejoicing” (Rasley) Trustees Liaisons HVAC Systems………………..Gary Kingma Church Building…………….….Jerry Snyder Custodial Services……………...Mark Albert Church Grounds………………..Kirk Feaster Trustee Chair……………….Tammy Crowell Congress St. UMC is preparing to partner with Matrix Pregnancy Center to host a Teen MOPS (Mother of Pre-Schoolers) program here at Congress St. There will be a need for volunteers in this dynamic and life-changing program. It’ll be starting around the start of the school year, so be considering if this is something you feel called to be a part of. More details forthcoming. The May Lunch ‘n Learn session of Planned Parenthood will be on the topic of: Sex on the Rocks: Teen Dating, Alcohol & Consent—When it all gets a little fuzzy. Thursday, May 14, 11:30am—1:30pm (bring your lunch) at the Unitarian Universalist Church (333 Meridian St., W. Lafayette). $10. Register at: These are open to concerned parents and youth workers. TLCC NEWS: TLCC is in need of some people who can help us build and install some outdoor toys/activities. For example, we would like to install some pvc piping, so the children can experiment with rolling balls up and down through the pipes.—Please contact Heather Scott if you are up for these challenges! Help us track our ACTIVE* Members & Friends Volunteer Service! Log your hours at: *Active includes regular attendance and involvement in mission & ministries of the church—fulfillment of membership vows: prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. There will be a church-wide study offered this summer on the book Scripture, Science, and Same-Sex Love (Regele). Following the classes, a church-wide meeting will be held to determine next steps for Congress St. UMC. It’s important EVERYONE try to participate. Classes will wrap up by the end of July. Once you sign-up for a day, you’ll receive a customized meeting schedule and Study Guide. It is possible to mix-and-match based on your calendar needs. Classes will start the week of May 17. Sunday, 9am Sunday, 5:30pm Tuesday, 6:30pm Wednesday, 10am Wednesday, 7pm Thursday, 6pm Friday, 10:30am The book is $16 through the church or you may secure a copy on your own.
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