Sunday 8th February - St Giles Church Northampton

Our Core Purpose
“We are a gospel-focussed town centre church
rejoicing and revelling in the grace of God.
We live to equip and commission all God’s people to
bless others in word and deed in the power of the
Holy Spirit.”
New to St Giles?
Please introduce yourself at the information desk there you will also find some helpful leaflets. If you
intend to worship regularly with us, please complete
a blue ‘New to St Giles’ card and return it so that
we can get to know you!!
An offering is taken up during evening services.
Alternatively, please place your offering in one of
the receptacles by the doors. Gift Aid declaration
forms and envelopes are nearby - please do use
either of these if you are a UK tax-payer; this will
enable us to claim an additional 25% on top of
what you give.
Please keep your handbag, keys, wallet, etc with
you at all times.
Prayer Points...
We have been asked to pray especially this
week for:
 The Persecuted Church.
 Grange Park Church.
 Berrywood Church.
those who are unwell or bereaved,
especially for:
 Peter & Sheila Angus and for Peter’s mum who
was very poorly towards the end of this week.
 Alison & Chris Barltrop (friends of Phil & Bee)
after the sudden and unexpected loss of dad/
husband Pete.
 Julie Church.
 Beryl Parsons.
 Maggie Marr’s sister Patsy.
 Joan Simmons.
 Helen Mounstevens.
 Angela Nash.
 Peter Ford (Lois’ friend), still in a lot of pain and
due to start radiotherapy on Mon & chemo on Tues.
If you know someone who needs our prayers,
please contact the clergy or the parish office.
We will only include their name here for 2 weeks;
please contact us after that time if you would like
them to be included for a further 2 weeks.
 Pray for each guest who comes on Sunday to find
the love of Christ, for the ‘circle time’ of prayer
and fellowship.
 For the steering group as they take responsibility
for management and infrastructures.
Kings Heath Church:
 Give thanks that Mark’s biopsy went well on Tues
and pray for him as he hears the results this Wed.
 Continue to pray for Jamie and the youth work.
This week’s
subject is, ‘Why
and how do I pray?’
Please continue to pray for
Sunday 8th February
10.00am Morning Worship : Healing Service
‘The healing at the pool’
Reading(s): John 5: 1-15
Led by Peter Angus and Diana Rees-Jones
Speaker Steve Kelly
Reading by Steve Salsbury
Intercessions by Peter Angus
7.00pm Evening Worship
‘Sex: Marriage’
Reading(s): 1 Corinthians 7: 1-16
Led by Peter Scott
Speakers Simon and Denise Bridgens
Reading by Chris Davison
Intercessions by Peter Scott
Youth News
 7-8:30 Dan & Sheila cell, Rev 4-5.
This evening
 7-8:30 Chris and Dan cell: Youth
Alpha session 2.
 7-8:30 Nathan & Tom cell: James 5.
Zone: 1st Sunday discussion.
Monday cell
 7-8:30 Chris and Rachel, half term
film social, £3 for food.
Next Sunday
Zone: Relationships with parents.
The Vicar’s slot
Jesus, You are changing me...
I remember someone saying, “Constant change is here to stay.” Little
Rhianna is already changing as she is more awake each day and becoming
more aware of her surroundings. Many of us experience the upheaval of change
at work. We’re aware of change in our bodies! The seasons bring change to the
garden. Change is everywhere!
We’ve been reading about people whose lives were changed as a result of their
encounter with Jesus. Nicodemus had fresh revelation. The woman at the well
became an evangelist. The man at the pool was healed from his infirmity but
was also challenged to change his way of life.
Paul describes the change which comes from an encounter with the glory of
God. “And we all, who with unveiled faces behold the Lord’s glory, are
being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which
comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Cor 3:18
It is worship which often leads us into a life-changing encounter as we glimpse
more of who Jesus is and what He wants us to do. We can all experience this
kind of ongoing change, personally, in our lives. As we become more like
Jesus, God will use us to do the things which Jesus did!
Let’s come together today, expecting to encounter Jesus and to experience His
transforming presence here in St Giles.
Jesus, You are changing me
By Your Spirit You’re making me like You
Jesus, You're transforming me
That Your loveliness may be seen in all I do
You are the potter and I am the clay
Help me to be willing to let You have Your way
Jesus, You are changing me
As I let You reign supreme within my heart
By Marilyn Baker © 1981 Spirit of Praise Music
Could this be you…?
 Enjoy working with computers? We have a need for more people to
join our video projector rota. If you would like to know what it entails, please
talk to the person on the computer at the back of church.
 Enjoy hospitality/serving? Could you join our refreshments rota for
morning or evening services? - including families to do children’s refreshments.
If you would like to join either rota, please contact the church office (indicating
morning or evening services) at [email protected] / 628623.
 Help making and serving tea and coffee is needed next Sunday,
15th February. Please contact the church office ASAP if you can help.
tel: 01604 628623 (admin) or 230360 (pastoral) web:
To all women
@ St Giles...
BE! at the pub
Come and join in…
Share conversation…
Bring a friend!
Tuesday 17th Feb
at the Fox and Quill,
from 7.15pm.
Growing Up… Joining In… Spreading Out… Giving Away…
Mission in Touch/prayer diary
Electoral Roll
PCC members
The February/March edition of Mission in
Touch is out now! If you didn’t get one
last week, please take a copy home with
you and use our daily prayer diary.
If you are not already on our Electoral Roll
(current list displayed near information
desk) and you have been worshiping at St
Giles for six months or more, please do fill
in an application form at the information
desk. Please leave completed forms in the
Office pigeonhole (near the automatic door),
by Sunday 22nd March. Being on St Giles’
electoral roll enables you to stand for any
PCC vacancies and to take part in any vote
at the annual meeting in April.
Minutes from the meeting on 26th January
have been emailed/pigeonholed.
Newcomers’ lunch today
If you are coming to the lunch after this
morning’s service do have a coffee/tea in
church after the service and make uyour
way across the road at about 12.3pm..
Alpha Holy Spirit day: open to all
The Holy Spirit day is Saturday 28th Feb
from 9.30am to 3.30pm. All are welcome.
If you would like to come and you’re not
doing the current Alpha course, please
bring a packed lunch. (No need to book.)
Revive your prayer life in Lent
Following positive feedback from the
Prayer Course last year, we are planning
to offer the course again in Lent, to start
on Wednesday 25th Feb at 7.30 in church.
The Prayer Course is a series of six small
group sessions designed to transform our
relationship with God. We are encouraged
to learn not just the theory but to put what
we learn into practice. Details to follow
but if you are already interested please
contact the church office and ask to be
added to the list. To find out more please
speak to Diana Rees-Jones or Bob Steele.
Current evening sermon series
Our current evening sermons are not being
uploaded to our website. If you would like
to receive a copy of the recordings, please
contact Steve direct.
Man + lads’ curry
Friday 20th Feb, 7.30pm in the church
centre. A great opportunity for blokes and
lads to invite a son, friend, relative, work
mate, school mate, college mate, neighbour
etc to an informal curry night. Main:
chicken or vegetable curry with pilau rice/
naan bread/poppadoms. Dessert: cheese
cake or similar… all for an amazing £8 per
person (adult or youth). Bring your own
drink. You must pre-book by: 1. sending an
email to [email protected]
and 2. paying £8 per person to Les Hoy or
Roger Hampson. Both no later than Sat 14th
Feb (men’s breakfast).
Men’s breakfast: Man Alive!
Saturday 14th February - Man Alive!!
Full English breakfast at 8.00am at church
centre followed by a talk from our very
own Richard Jones about his conversion and
his Christian faith. 9.45 prompt finish.
Look at the new 2015 programme at
Notice sheet deadline: All notices must be with the church office by 9am on the preceding
Thursday at the latest. Notices received after the deadline will not make it into the services!
What’s on this week …
Monday 9th
Tuesday 10th
Wednesday 11th
Thursday 12th
Saturday 14th
Sunday 15th
12.00noon Staff prayers & meeting
7.00pm Just Girls (11-14’s)
7.30pm Exec Committee meeting
9.30am Prayer meeting in the centre - all welcome
10.00am Toddle In
9.00am Staff prayers
10.00am ‘Together’ English language group
2.30pm Senior Fellowship
7.00pm Focus
7.00pm Alpha
7.00pm Bell ringing practice
7.30pm Young Adults: Academy Coffee Haus
7.00am Prayer meeting in the centre - all welcome
11.00am Holy Communion - in the church centre
12.15pm Lunch Club
7.45pm Prisoners of Faith ministry
8.00am Men’s breakfast: Man Alive!
10.00am Morning Worship with Holy Communion
‘Jesus and the Father’
Reading(s): John 5: 16-30
Led by Diana Rees-Jones and Alison Steele
Speaker Peter Scott
Reading by Gill Rogers
Intercessions by Liz Kitwood
Evening Worship - ‘Sex: The Single Life’
Reading(s): 1 Corinthians 7: 17-40
Led by Steve Kelly
Speaker Julie Parsons
Reading by Tori Butler
Intercessions by Steve Kelly
Youth Zone meeting in the centre
Women’s prayer breakfast
Saturday 21st Feb at 8.30am in the centre.
For details contact Serena Yong (628623).
No Prayer Central in February
There is no Prayer Central this month. The
next date for your diary is 10th March.
Street, School, & Prayer Pastors
Want to stay up to 4am once a month with
Northampton’s party-goers? Want to find
out about taking Jesus into Northampton
centre and impacting folk by serving?
Then take a risk… come (without any
pressure) to the next ‘Open Evening’ on
Thursday 5th March 7.30-9pm at the
church centre to find out more… Speak to
Roger Hampson or contact him on
[email protected]
Helping people in mental distress
If you attended the recent event and are
interested in joining a team to help take this
forward at St Giles, contact Maggie Kelly
at [email protected]
Other local events
Bring me Sunshine
An evening of comedy and inspiration
from Care for the Family. With comedian
and magician John Archer and best-selling
author Rob Parsons. Thurs 5th March 7.30
-10pm at The Park Inn, Northampton NN1
2TA (doors open 6.45pm). Tickets from or
02920 810800, £6 each for 1-3, £5 each
for 4+ or £7 each on the door.
Marriage course
At Kairos Centre, Grange Park, Sundays
6.45-9.30pm, starting 8th March (with a
second course starting 8th Oct). £75 per
couple, includes candlelit suppers and
course books. Details on notice board. See
Contact Alan/Kath Patterson via GPC
office on 01604 709519 or email
[email protected]
Quiz Night in aid of Hope Centre
Fri 27th Feb, 8pm, Oasis House, Campbell
Street. Tickets £10 (include ploughman’s
supper and cakes) from Mary or Sue on
0845 519 9371. Bring your own drinks.
Interchurch Players: Old King Cole
Fri 13th Feb, 7.30pm and Sat 14th Feb, 2pm
& 7.30pm at Cripps Hall Theatre, N’pton
School for Boys. Tickets (£7.50, children
£5.50) from [email protected]
or 949801. In aid of The Bee Hive and
Northampton Riding for the Disabled.
Staff days off this week...
Steve is unavailable Thurs & off Friday
Diana is off Tuesday
Peter is working: Mon, Tues & Wed
Chris is off Tuesday
Church Office hours this week:
(closed between 12 and 1pm)