Options for Credit Make Up Outside Accredited Program Herriman HS Recovery Credit Packets Packets are for make-up credit only and can only be done during the school year. 90 days from packet pickup or May 1, whichever comes first. Utah Students Connect Online program Students must enroll at the beginning of each term and complete work by the end of each term. *New credit (no fee) or make-up credit ($45), most subjects Northridge Learning Center Independent Study Packets Free testing Open M-Th 1-6pm Open enrollment Electronic High School *Online learning *Open enrollment *Recovery/New credit Deadline for completed work: April 15 Tests taken by May 1 How to Enroll *Pay in the Main Office *Bring receipt to Counseling Center to get packet. *Turn packet into Department Chair by due date on packet. *Take and pass final exam www.utahstudentsconnect.org -Counselor referral required -Final exams are proctored at Jordan Applied Center Building #2 rm. 241, after school or evening hours - www.northridgelearningcenter.com -(801) 280-7760 -3652 W. 9800 S. South Jordan -Counselor referral needed Go to www.ehs.uen.org Telephone (801) 538-7736 or (801) 538-7877 * A final exam is required for each class *There is a $35 fee for tests to be proctored through district employees, check with public library for other proctoring options available. Details *Cost $35 per .25 credit Classes offered Language Arts 9-12 Secondary Math II World Civ. (Soc. Studies 10) US History (Soc. Studies 11) US/Govt. & Citz. (Soc. Studies 12) Biology Chemistry Physics *Cost: $45 per .25 credit *Not an open entry-exit program *.25, .50 & 1 credit courses available *Must get a counselor referral *Must email assignments to teachers *Cost $50 per .25 credit *Makeup packets (Pass/Fail) *New packets (Letter grade) *Free tutoring available for purchased packet *Final exams must be taken at Northridge *Cost: REGISTRATION IS FREE *Variety of courses *.25 credit to 1 credit courses *Testing is required with a proctor *Classes are time consuming *Must email assignments to teachers *Most core classes offered Options for Credit Make Up Outside Accredited Program BYU Independent Study If only a few credits are needed, this option is not recommended. (Need to sign up for a min. of 2-5 courses) Students have two options for testing: 1) At BYU testing sites 2) From BYU website, look for a proctor close to you and make arrangements. Usually a $35 fee. Open enrollment Deadline for completed work: May 8 Valley Summer School How to Enroll *$40 nonrefundable application fee *Apply-3wk processing time BYU: 1-800-914-8931 (Cust. Support) Elearn.byu.edu is.byu.edu Testing Sites: *BYU Extension Service 345 North Temple (801)933-9400 *120 Morris Center (MORC) Provo, UY 84062 * Look on the BYU website for a proctor close to you. Registration Dates: th 325 W. 1100 S. South Jordan 801-572-7035 Sharon Jensen, Principal th Mon. June 8 , Tues. June 9 8am-2pm Tickets are required for 1st day of reg. starting at 7am. Some classes sell out. Line up early. Details *Cost: $140-$150 for most classes (.50 credit ) * $10 fee for booklet * $50 values classes offered Additional fees: textbooks, supplemental packets, $10 printed packets, $20 shipment fee. Tests must be ordered in advance. BYU classes require a final exam for each course taken. *.25 credit *$45 reg. fee (non-refundable) plus $35 per classes. *No fee waivers are accepted. *Core classes only offered. * Jordan School District secondary schools will accept credit and grades awarded to a student by any public/private ed. source that is accredited by the Utah State Office of Education, Northwest Association of Accredited Schools, or the International Council of School Accreditation Commissions. *Grades earned for credit make up do not replace the original grade earned by the student.
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