Department of Mathematics Mathematics 51 Spring 2015 Version 5.0 Sections: 01 (Block C, BP 2, Boghosian); 02 (Block C, BP 101, Nitecki); 03 (Block D, BP 101, Taylor); 04 (Block F, Anderson 312, Taylor) Text: Reprint of M. M. Guterman, Z. H. Nitecki, Di↵erential Equations – A First Course, 3rd ed., Saunders (1992). Prerequisites: Calculus I – III (either ). Course web page: Important dates: Two midterm exams: Thu. 1 Feb. 19, 12:00pm – 1:20pm and Mon., Mar. 30, 12:00pm – 1:20pm. Final examination: Mon., May 4, from 8:30am – 10:30am. Mark your calendar now and please notify your instructor of any time conflicts with other examinations during the first week of classes. Students who take two mathematics courses with any exams at the same time have to take these back to back and must notify both instructors during the first week of classes. The scope of midterms is indicated in the syllabus. Deadlines: Consult Accommodation due to a documented disability: At the beginning of the semester please call the Student Services Desk at 617-627-2000 to arrange an appointment with the Program Director of the Student Accessibility Office. Homework: Homework is due at the beginning of the next class. The homework that you turn in is expected to be your work and yours alone. Helping your peers and seeking help from them is allowed; mindlessly copying answers is highly unethical. Be certain that you are able to explain anything and everything that you turn in, and that it is your intellectual property and yours alone. Please mark your homework and folder with the course and section numbers as well as an identifier to help you know that it is yours – something that is likely unique to your section and something that is pronounceable in case your instructor chooses to return homework by calling out the identifiers. Please write it as clearly as possible and make sure to tell your instructor well before the end of the semester what your identifier is, so credit associated with it can be counted towards your course grade. Feel free to use your name as your identifier, but since homework is handed o↵ between instructor and grader in a way that does not ensure confidentiality (e.g., by passing it out in class, or by way of drawers in the lobby of the Bromfield-Pearson building), putting your name on the homework or the folder means that you opt out of being guaranteed the confidentiality of this part of your course work. You receive one point if your homework contains (1) a bona fide attempt at every exercise (copying the statement does not suffice) and (2) the correct solution to at least 60% of the exercises (answers only are not enough). Do not claim credit for any parts of solutions copied from the blackboard during class! Your homework credit is H = u26 (n) · (n 20)/4, where n is the number of homework points and u is as on p. 449 of the text. Grades Your course average is computed from your lower midterm score L, your higher midterm score T , the final exam score F , and your homework credit H as the larger of the following two numbers: .10L + .40T + .50F + H and .33L + .33T + .34F + H. This average will be converted into a letter grade according to the usual conversion scheme. If you must miss a midterm exam for a reason accepted by the Mathematics Department, then we instead use the larger of .30T + .70F + H and .45T + .55F + H. 1 This day will observe a Monday schedule, according to the Academic Calendar. 1 Missing examinations: Please don’t, if you can at all help it, because it really creates difficulties for all involved! Full information can be found on the mathematics web pages: If your ability to take an examination is in doubt for any reason, please consult Gail Kaufmann <[email protected]>, 617-627-2162 and your instructor as early as possible. Doing so in advance can help avoid one of 2 possible costly mistakes: Missing an examination when the reason for doing so is not sufficient, or taking an examination under circumstances in which you really should not. These can not be undone after the fact. Cheating: There is much that could be said about this topic. To summarize: Don’t under any circumstances! You must sign your exam book before handing it in. With your signature you are pledging that you have neither given nor received assistance on the exam. If you question the grading on a particular problem, write a note explaining the issue (on the cover of the exam if it will fit there), and resubmit the exam booklet with the note at the end of the class when the graded booklets were returned. Submitting an examination for regrading after altering original answers, submitting a fraudulent excuse for course work missed, cheating on an examination or bringing unauthorized materials into the room during an examination are all Level III o↵enses for which one can expect an F in the course and suspension for a year or expulsion, and a permanent transcript notation. There is no appeal of grading consequences. Learning objectives: Of our learning objectives found on the main department web page, this course addresses mainly 1 a, b, e. The Course: Sometimes laws of nature give us direct relations between the quantities we measure in experiments. Ohm’s law, for example tells us that voltage is the product of current and resistance. Most of the time, however, natural laws are not this simple. Instead they give us relations between the rates of change of the quantities that we measure in experiments, and this leaves us with a mathematics problem to solve. For example, Newton’s law of gravitation describes how gravitational force depends on position. By itself, however, this observation is useless. It becomes useful when you combine it with Newton’s second law of motion which tells us that force is equal to the time rate of change of momentum, and with the laws of kinematics which tell us that momentum is mass times the time rate of change of position. Taken together, these expressions relate position with its own derivatives with respect to time. Such a relation is called an ordinary di↵erential equation 2 for position, and only when one solves it does one obtain an explicit expression for the position of a mass experiencing a gravitational force. In similar fashion, di↵erential equations arise in many other contexts throughout the quantitative sciences and engineering. They are used by astronomers when calculating the trajectory of a planet, by physicists when computing the trajectory of a charged particle in an electromagnetic field, by population biologists when studying the dynamics of predator-prey populations, by chemical engineers when studying the variations of chemical concentrations in reactors, by electrical engineers when studying how a circuit of resistors, capacitors and inductors behaves after a switch is thrown, and by mechanical engineers when studying the flexure of a bridge under a varying load. The course develops a complete method for solving constant-coefficient systems of di↵erential equations and introduces qualitative methods for the study of nonlinear systems. The former entails much linear algebra, which is in itself most useful; a course on Linear Algebra is an excellent follow-up to this one. The qualitative analysis of nonlinear systems prepares participants for a fuller study of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos, and a course on this subject is another recommended sequel. 2 The word “ordinary” in this context means that only ordinary derivatives are involved in the expression, which usually means that the unknown function depends only on one independent variable. If the unknown function depends on many independent variables, then the law of nature might relate each of its partial derivatives, in which case we call the equation a partial di↵erential equation. This course will deal exclusively with ordinary di↵erential equations. 2 Tufts&Mathematics,&MA&51,&Spring&2015&(v5,&2&April&2015) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Block&C 01/14/15 01/16/15 01/20/15 01/23/15 01/30/15 02/03/15 02/04/15 02/06/15 02/11/15 02/13/15 02/17/15 Block&D 01/15/15 01/20/15 01/21/15 01/22/15 01/26/15 01/29/15 02/03/15 02/05/15 02/12/15 02/17/15 Block&F Section Homework 01/15/15 1.1,(1.2 p.(8:(1,(3,(7,(17,(21;(p.(16:(3,(5,(15,(17,(28 01/16/15 1.3 p.(25:(1,(3,(7,(8,(12,(19,(23,(25 01/20/15 1.4 p.(37:(1,3,9,10,13,15 01/22/15 1.6 p.(56:(1,3,7,11,17,19,21 01/23/15 1.7 p.(63:(126 01/29/15 2.A(((( p.(194:(1,(3,(5,(11,(17,(19,(31 01/30/15 2.2 p.(102:(1,(3,(7,(9,(13,(15,(17,(21,(23,(24 02/03/15 2.3 p.(113:(1,(3,(9,(15,(17,(31,(32 02/05/15 2.4 p.(120:(1,(5,(9,(10,(13 02/06/15 2.5 p.(129:(3,(5,(9,(11,(15,(18,(19 02/12/15 2.6 p.(136:(1,(5,(11,(13,(15,(19,(20,(23 02/13/15 2.7 p.(145:(123,(5,(11,(18 02/18/15 02/19/15 02/17/15 REVIEW EXAM&ONE:&&THURSDAY&02/19/15,&12:00pmO1:20pm&(thru&2.7) 02/23/15 2.6 p.(136:(1,(5,(11,(13,(15,(19,(20,(23 02/20/15 02/24/15 2.7 p.(145:(123,(5,(11,(18 02/24/15 02/26/15 02/20/15 2.8 p.(155:(1,(5,(7,(9,(15,(17 02/25/15 03/02/15 02/24/15 2.9 p.(164:(124,(5a,(6,(8,(11 02/27/15 03/03/15 02/26/15 5.2 p.(421:(8210,(13215,(17,(19 03/03/15 03/05/15 02/27/15 5.2;(5.3 p.(421:(22,(23;(p.(432:(1,5,9,15 03/04/15 03/09/15 03/03/15 5.4 p.(441:(1,(5,(9,(15,(18,(27,(32 03/06/15 03/10/15 03/05/15 5.5 p.(452:(3,5,7,15,23,29;(p.(462:(23 03/10/15 03/12/15 03/06/15 5.6 p.(462:(7,(11,(13,(22,(23 03/11/15 03/23/15 03/10/15 3.2 p.(219:(1,(2cd,(5,(7,(8,(11,(13,(19,(24ab,(25 03/13/15 03/24/15 03/12/15 3.3 p.(232:(1,(7,(9,(11,(13 03/24/15 03/24/15 03/13/15 3.4 p.(241:(125,(7,(8,(11214 03/25/15 03/26/15 03/24/15 3.5 p.(254:(9,(10,(11,(13;(p.(265:(14,(17,(18,(19 03/26/15 3.6 p.(265:(1,(2,(3 03/27/15 03/30/15 03/27/15 REVIEW EXAM&TWO:&&MONDAY,&03/30/15,&12:00pmO1:20pm&(thru&3.5) 3.5 p.(254:(9,(10,(11,(13;(p.(265:(14,(17,(18,(19 03/31/15 03/31/15 3.6 p.(265:(1,(2,(3 04/01/15 04/02/15 03/31/15 3.7 p.(275:(1,(4,(5,(729,(11,(13 04/03/15 04/06/15 04/02/15 3.8 p.(103:(27;(p.(284:(1,(3,(5,(7,(11 04/07/15 04/07/15 04/03/15 3.9 p.(295:(1,(5,(7,(9,(13 04/08/15 04/09/15 04/07/15 3.11 p.(320:(428,(13;(Recommended:(p.(321:(1214 04/10/15 04/13/15 04/09/15 4.1;(4.2 p.(332:(1,5;(p.(348:(123 04/14/15 04/14/15 04/10/15 4.2 p.(348:(729,(11,(13,(15,(20 04/15/15 04/16/15 04/14/15 1.8 p.(71:(1,(7,(13,(14,(19 04/17/15 04/21/15 04/16/15 4.3 p.(364:(9,(10,(14,(16,(17 04/21/15 04/23/15 04/17/15 4.6 p.(397:(1,(3,(4,(5,(8 04/22/15 04/27/15 04/24/15 04/21/15 04/23/15 REVIEW( Chapters(1,(2 REVIEW( Chapters(3,(5 p.(84:(1,(13,(22;(p.(183:(1,(2,(6,(15 p.(321:(124;(p.(462:(18,(19,(29;(p.(473:(13,(18 04/24/15 FINAL&EXAM:&&MONDAY,&05/04/15,&8:30amO10:30am&(Cumulative)
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