ECCMID 2015 POSTER NUMBER EV0463 Four Minute Mycobacterium spp Sample Preparation Process for MALDI-TOF Identification Philip Onigman , Gary Smejkal , 2 2 Carl Beckett , Bill Skea , 2 2 Srikanth Kakumanu , Jim Laugharn 1 2, Grand Street Consulting, Reading, Massachusetts USA 2 Covaris, Inc., Woburn, Masschusetts USA 1 Covaris, 14 Gill Street, Unit H, Woburn, Massachusetts, 01801-1721, USA INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE METHODS RESULTS Implementation of MALDI-TOF for routine identification of M. tuberculosis and NTB is simplified and accelerated with Covaris Adaptive Focused Acoustics® (AFA™). M. smegmatis ATCC 19420 was cultured using Middlebrook 7H10 agar plates at 37 °C for 48-72 hours. The Bruker MycoEX conventional tube extraction protocol was used to prepare samples for the Bruker Microflex LT MALDI-TOF with the BDAL and Bruker Mycobacterium database. Bioburden Reduction MALDI-TOF Scores Scores of >2.0 result in correct identification of genus/species. Many Microbiology labs delay validation of MALDI-TOF for identification of Mycobacterium spp, due to the time required and the inconvenience of the sample preparation protocol. We have developed an alternative to the heating and tube-extraction protocol. Using Covaris AFA technology, we demonstrate a safe, rapid, easy-to-use, and robust protocol that delivers the equivalent or higher MALDI-TOF scores. Covaris AFA is a unique, multipurpose platform with proven performance in sample preparation for NGS, PCR, LC-MS, and other pre-analytical applications. Capable of singlesample through automated, 96-sample batch processing, a computerized format enables extremely precise and reproducible sample preparation. M. smegmatis samples were also processed using the Covaris protocol. The Covaris M220 Focused-ultrasonicator delivers highly controlled, isothermal, mechanical energy to each sample. Software controlled acoustic parameters include peak incidence power, cycles per burst, duty factor, temperature and time. The Covaris Acoustical Cuvette (microTUBE, 130 µL capacity) containing 0.5 mm diameter beads was used as a process vessel for each sample. A solvent mixture of acetonitrile/formic acid/water (50%:35%:15%) up to 110 µL was added. A 1 µL loop was used to transfer colonies into each microTUBE with beads and solvent. The Covaris microTUBE is a closed vessel that enables non-contact processing and prevents aerosol formation. The Covaris protocol at 18 °C for 2 minutes was equivalent to conventional protocol heating at 100 °C for 30 minutes for bioburden reduction. Both protocols were effective in bioburden reduction prior to samples being applied to the MALDI-TOF target plate. The Covaris protocol reduced the M. smegmatis concentration from 108 cfu/microTUBE to <101 cfu/microTUBE. This is a significant benefit, because heating each sample for 30 minutes prior to MALDI-TOF analysis is a major inconvenience. M220 • Single-sample processing BEFORE Each microTUBE was processed for two minutes using AFA on the M220. Temperature was held consistent at 18 °C. After the AFA treatment, each microTUBE was centrifuged for 2 minutes at 18,000 RCF to clarify. A 1 µL sample was applied directly to the MALDI-TOF target plate. Samples were compared for bio-burden reduction, preparation time, and score consistency. Each sample preparation protocol was performed in duplicate and five replicates were applied to the MALDI target plate. Control AFTER Covaris protocol - treated CONCLUSIONS Covaris Protocol 4 minute / 4 step / 0 open-close microTUBE™ E220 STEP 1: Centrifuge microTUBE prefilled with beads STEP 2: STEP 3: Add reagent STEP 4: Add biomass AFA Centrifuge 18,000 RCF for 2 min • Closed vessel • Non-contact processing Centrifuge at 3,000 RCF For 10 seconds to pellet beads • Automated, 96-sample, batch processing Add 100 μL of Extraction Solvent Add 1 μL inoculation loop with biomass AFA at 40W PIP, 50% DC, 200 CPB for 120 sec MALDI-TOF 4.4 x 10 cells 8 Spot 1 μL of supernatant on MALDI target. Conventional Protocol 45 minute / 10 step / 3 open-close MALDI-TOF Reagent kits • Pre-mixed solvents • Acoustical Cuvettes Add colony + H20 Heat 100°C 30 min Add EtOH Vortex Spin 2X Decant, dry pellet Add beads, ACN Vortex Add formic acid Vortex Spin Spot 1 μL of supernatant on MALDI target. 8 - log reduction The Covaris protocol provides safe, effective, rapid sample preparation for identification of Mycobacterium spp by MALDI-TOF. This protocol eliminates the heat inactivation step and consolidates transfer, centrifugation, and wash steps into a closed vessel, making it easier with less hands-on time for laboratory personnel. By reducing send-outs and delays, laboratories will manage cases more effectively, utilize existing capital, and reduce operating costs. The Covaris AFA technology-based protocol enables laboratories already using MALDI-TOF to add routine identification of Mycobacterium spp to their service.
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