Quick Guide: DNA Shearing with S220/E220 Focused-ultrasonicator . This Quick Guide provides DNA Shearing protocols when using microTUBE, microTUBE-50, microTUBE-15 or miniTUBE and a Covaris S220 or E220 Focused-ultrasonicator. 130 µl sample volume- from 150 to 1,500 bp microTUBE AFA Fiber Snap-Cap microTUBE AFA Fiber Crimp-Cap 8 microTUBE AFA Fiber Strip 96 microTUBE Plate Target BP (Peak) 150 200 300 400 500 800 1,000 1,500 Peak Incident Power (W) Duty Factor Cycles per Burst Treatment Time (s) 175 10% 200 430 175 10% 200 180 140 10% 200 80 140 10% 200 55 105 5% 200 80 105 5% 200 50 105 5% 200 40 140 2% 200 15 Temperature (°C) Water Level – S220 Water Level – E220 Sample volume (µl) E220 - Intensifier (PN 500141) 7 12 6 130 Yes 7 12 6 130 Yes 7 12 6 130 Yes 7 12 6 130 Yes 7 12 6 130 Yes 7 12 6 130 Yes 7 12 6 130 Yes 7 12 6 130 Yes 50 µl sample volume - from 150 to 1,500 bp microTUBE-50 AFA Fiber Screw-Cap 8 microTUBE-50 AFA Fiber Strip V2 96 microTUBE-50 AFA Fiber Plate Target BP (Peak) 150 200 300 400 500 1,000 1,500 Peak Incident Power (W) Duty Factor Cycles per Burst Treatment Time (s) 175 10% 200 340 175 10% 200 140 175 10% 200 58 175 10% 200 38 175 5% 200 55 175 2% 200 50 175 1% 200 20 Temperature (°C) Water Level – S220 Water Level – E220: Screw-Cap Plate & Strip Sample volume (µl) E220 - Intensifier (PN 500141) 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 10 6 50 Yes 10 6 50 Yes 10 6 50 Yes 10 6 50 Yes 10 6 50 Yes 10 6 50 Yes 10 6 50 Yes Part Number: Date: 400103 Rev H April, 2015 1|P a g e 15 µl sample volume - from 150 to 550 bp microTUBE-15 AFA Beads Screw-Cap 8 microTUBE-15 AFA Beads Strip V2 Target BP (Peak) 150 200 250 350 550 Peak Incident Power (W) Duty Factor Cycles per Burst Treatment Time (s) 18 20% 50 300 18 20% 50 120 18 20% 50 80 18 20% 50 45 18 20% 50 22 Temperature (°C) Water Level – S220 Water Level – E220: Screw-Cap Strip Sample volume (µl) E220 - Intensifier (PN 500141) 20 15 20 15 20 15 20 15 20 15 10 6 15 No 10 6 15 No 10 6 15 No 10 6 15 No 10 6 15 No To ensure reproducible DNA shearing, it is required to centrifuge samples before processing. Please see Appendix A for instructions. Please note that microTUBE-15 requires removal of the Intensifier (PN 500141) from the E220 focused-ultrasonicator. Please see Appendix B for instructions. 200 µl sample - 2,000; 3,000 and 5,000 bp miniTUBE Clear, Blue or Red Target BP (Peak) 2,000 3,000 5,000 miniTUBE Clear Blue Red Peak Incident Power (W) Duty Factor Cycles per Burst Treatment Time (s) 3 20% 1,000 900 3 20% 1,000 600 25 20% 1,000 600 Temperature (°C) Water Level – S220 Water Level – E220 Sample Volume (µl) E220 - Intensifier (PN 500141) 7 15 11 200 No 20 15 11 200 No 20 15 11 200 No Please note that miniTUBE requires removal of the Intensifier (PN 500141) from the E220 focusedultrasonicator. Please see Appendix B for instructions. To fragment DNA to size larger than 5 kb, Covaris offers the g-TUBE: a single-use device that shears genomic DNA into selected fragments sizes ranging from 6 kb to 20 kb. The only equipment needed is a compatible bench-top centrifuge. Part Number: Date: 400103 Rev H April, 2015 2|P a g e Values mentioned in this Quick Guide are nominal values. The tolerances are as follow: - Temperature +/-2°C Sample volume +/- 5µl (from 15 to 20 µl, +/- 1µl for the microTUBE-15) Water Level +/- 1 Sample preparation guidelines - DNA input: from 100 ng to 5 µg purified DNA (1 µg for the microTUBE-15) Buffer: Tris EDTA, pH 8.0 DNA quality: Genomic DNA (> 10 kb). For lower quality DNA, Covaris recommends setting up a time dose response experiment for determining appropriate treatment times. Recommended settings are subject to change without notice. See following link http://www.covarisinc.com/wp-content/uploads/pn_400103.pdf for updates to this document. Part Number: Date: 400103 Rev H April, 2015 3|P a g e Supplies Covaris AFA tubes microTUBE microTUBE AFA Fiber Snap‐Cap (25) microTUBE AFA Fiber Crimp‐Cap (25) 96 microTUBE Plate (for E220) 8 microTUBE Strip (12) (for E220) microTUBE-50 microTUBE-50 AFA Fiber Screw‐Cap (25) 8 microTUBE-50 AFA Fiber Strip V2 (12) (for E220) 96 microTUBE-50 AFA Fiber Plate (for E220) microTUBE-15 microTUBE-15 AFA Beads Screw‐Cap (25) 8 microTUBE-15 AFA Beads Strip V2 (12) (for E220) miniTUBE miniTUBE Clear (25) miniTUBE Blue (25) miniTUBE Red (25) 520045 520052 520078 520053 520166 520174 520168 500145 500159 520064 520065 520066 Preparation stations microTUBE Prep Station Snap & Screw Cap miniTUBE loading and unloading station 8 microTUBE Strip Prep Station 500330 500207 500327 Holders for S220 S-Series Holder microTUBE Compatible with microTUBE Snap‐ and Crimp‐Cap S-Series Holder microTUBE Screw-Cap Compatible with microTUBE-50 AFA Fiber Screw-Cap S-Series Holder microTUBE Screw-Cap LV Compatible with microTUBE-15 AFA Beads Screw-Cap S-Series Holder miniTUBE Compatible with Clear, Blue and Red miniTUBE 500114 Rack 24 Place microTUBE Snap‐Cap Rack 24 Place microTUBE Screw‐Cap Rack 24 Place miniTUBE Rack 12 Place 8 microTUBE Strip Compatible only with PN 520053 Rack 12 Place 8 microTUBE Strip V2 Compatible with all Strips V2 Rack 96 Place microTUBE Crimp‐Cap 500111 500308 500205 500191 IE‐DNA (required for E220) Fit microTUBEs in bench top micro centrifuges g-TUBEs (10) and prep station 500141 520059 520079 Racks for E220 Intensifier Centrifuge adapter g-TUBE Part Number: Date: 400103 Rev H April, 2015 500339 500427 500206 500444 500282 4|P a g e Appendix A : microTUBE-15 centrifugation before DNA Shearing 1. Sample loading and centrifugation Individual microTUBE-15 Carefully load microTUBE-15 into “S-Holder Screw-Cap LV”. If some of the sample splash up on the wall of the microTUBE while snapping the microTUBE-15 in the Holder, then repeat the centrifugation step. All the liquid should be at the bottom of the microTUBE-15 before to start the AFA treatment. Rack of microTUBE-15 (E220) Load and centrifuge microTUBE-15 as described above before placing the tubes in the Rack. Rack of 8 microTUBE-15 Strip V2 (E220) Place the 8 microTUBE-15 Strip V2 in the rack and load sample. Then centrifuge the rack at 300 RCF for 1 minute in a swinging bucket centrifuge. 2. Sample processing Use settings provided in page 2 3. Sample recovery Part Number: Date: 400103 Rev H April, 2015 5|P a g e Appendix B : Removing or Installing the Intensifier (Covaris PN 500141) from an E System The 500141 Intensifier is a small inverted stainless steel cone centered over the E Series transducer by four stainless wires. The wires are held by in a black plastic ring pressed into the transducer well. If an AFA protocol requires “no intensifier”, please remove the Intensifier, using the following steps: 1. 2. 3. Empty the water bath. Start the E System and start the SonoLAB software. Wait for the homing sequence to complete (the transducer will be lowered with the rack holder at it home position, allowing easy access to the Intensifier). Grasp opposite sides of plastic ring and gently pull the entire assembly out of the transducer well. Do not pull on the steel cone or the wires. The ring is a friction fit in the well – no hardware is used to hold it in place. The 500141 Intensifier (left) shown installed in the E System transducer well and (right) removed. Note the “UP” marking at the center of the Intensifier. If a protocol requires the Intensifier to be present, simply reverse this process: 1. Align the black plastic ring with the perimeter of the transducer well. Note that the flat side of the center cone (marked UP) should be facing up (away from the transducer). 2. Gently press each section of the ring into the well until the ring is seated uniformly in contact with the transducer, with approximately 2 mm of the ring evenly exposed above the transducer assembly. Do not press on the cone or wires. The rotation of the ring relative to the transducer assembly is not important. 3. Refill the tank. Degas and chill the water before proceeding. Technical Assistance By telephone (+1 781 932 3959) during the hours of 9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday, United States Eastern Standard Time (EST) or Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) minus 05:00 hours By e-mail at [email protected] Part Number: Date: 400103 Rev H April, 2015 6|P a g e
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