Techniques to Diagnose ALKtranslocation Pan-Chyr Yang MD, PhD National Taiwan University Institute of Biomedical Sciences Academia Sinica 3rd ITOCD-2012 Techniques to Diagnose ALK-translocation ALK as an oncogenic driver for NSCLC Clinical characteristics of ALK-translocation in NSCLC Methods to detect ALK-translocation Pros and cons of different detection methods Proposed algorithm for molecular testing in NSCLC Summary Human Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK) MAM extracellular LDLa Location/expression of normal ALK: Transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase Chromosome 2p23 1620 aa, 220KDa Developmentally silenced except in small intestine, nervous system and testis in adult human MAM G-rich TM intracellular PTK (Palmer et al., Biochem J 2009; Drexler et al., Leukemia 2000) Discovery of ALK in lymphoma ALK first discovered in a subset of anaplastic large-cell lymphoma (ALCL), leading to the name anaplastic lymphoma kinase ALK fused to the N-terminal portion of nucleophosmin (NPM-ALK), leading to constitutive activation of ALK activity (Morris et al, Science 1994; Mathew et al, Blood 1997) Mechanisms of ALK Activation Oncogenic ALK activation Gene Fusions Promoter of 5’ gene-fusion partner drives expression of developmentally silenced ALK 5’ fusion-partner dimerization domains mediate activation of ALK Normal ALK activation Ligands ALK ALK P P Promoter P P 5’ partner ALK P P 5’ partner Ligand-induced dimerization Developmentally regulated PP PP P P ALK Activating mutations Neuroblastoma Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma JAK/STAT JAK/STAT JAK/STAT Proliferation, Differentiation, Anti-apoptosis Modify from Camidge et al. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 2012 EML4-ALK Transgenetic Mice Develop Lung Adenocarcinoma Soda et al PNAS 2008 EML4–ALK fusion variants in NSCLC Several EML4–ALK fusion variants have been identified in NSCLC that demonstrate gain-of-function properties ALK tyrosine kinase activity is required for transforming activity Evidence shows ALK inhibitors lead to tumor shrinkage in vivo, and suggests oncogene addiction, and the potential target for therapeutic intervention EML4–ALK E13;A20 E6;A20 E20;A20 E14;A20 E18;A20 E15;A20 ALK EML4 EML4 TFG–ALK KIF5B–ALK ALK E17;20 ALK EML4 E13;A20 Variant 1 33% ALK EML4 ALK EML4 ALK EML4 EML4 E2;A20 E17;A20 unknown E6a/b;A20 Variant 3a/b 29% ALK ALK EML4 TFG KIF5B Coiled-coil domain E2;20 E15;20 E18;20 E14;20 E20;20 ALK E13;20 ALK E6a/b;20 Tyrosine kinase domain (Adapted from Sasaki et al., Eur J Cancer 2010)` Crizotinib for ALK Positive Advanced NSCLC (Sado and Mano et al, Nature 2007; Kwak EL et al, NEJM 2010) Crizotinib for ALK (+) Adenocarcinoma 49 y/o man, never smoker, diagnosed in 2009/10, 6th line crizotinib 2010-12-30 2011-02-17 Clinical Characteristics of ALK-positive NSCLC 1.6-8.6% in unselected NSCLC, 2.4-5.6% in adenocarcinoma Younger age Adenocarcinoma (signet-ring, cribriform, mucinous) Never/light smoking history Wild type EGFR, K-RAS Liver metastases, pericardial pleural effusion Normal CEA Solid pattern in CT More sensitive to pemetrexed Lung Cancer Mutation Consortium Analysis of Adenocarcinomas N=643 Mean age Smoking history Current Former Never ALK-positive ALK-negative p 52.3 yr 59.9 yr < 0.0001 3% 33% 64% 8% 61% 31% 0.0001 (Scagliotti et al. EJC 2012; Camidge et al. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 2012; Fukui et al. Lung Cancer 2012; Varella Garcia et al., IASLC 2011; Abs #O05.01) ALK Status by Smoking History in Asians 8% 1.2% EGFR KRAS Nonsmokers Ever smokers (N=127) (N=82) ALK WT/WT/WT (Wong et al. Cancer 2009; 115. 1723-33) OS of MPE adenocarcinoma patients with wild type EGFR Factors Sex Female Male Age(65 vs.65) 65 65 Smoking Non-/Light-smoker Heavy-smoker ECOG PS 0-1 2-4 EML4-ALK Negative Positive Number of Patients Median OS (months) 54 62 Multivariate analysis HR P value 11.3 12.8 1.31 0.336 52 64 14.1 9.6 0.97 0.899 81 35 11.6 12.3 0.76 0.367 99 17 13.8 1.4 5.88 <0.001 77 39 10.3 14.7 0.53 0.011 Wu SG et al JTO 2011 Methods for ALK translocation detection Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) Immunohistochemistry (IHC) RT-PCR and multiplex RT-PCR Direct sequencing DNA mass and others Sequencing 1-13 20 EA13-20 AGGACCTAAAGTGTACCGCCGGA FISH IHC RT-PCR DNA mass Mechanism of ALK Break-apart FISH Negative Distance between two signals < 2 signal diameters Fusion ALK Wild Type EML-4 2p21 2p23 Normal Positive (break-apart) Rearrangement Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) The current standard for detecting EML4–ALK fusion in NSCLC ‘Break-apart’ assay used, in which red and green probes are separated after inversion and ALK rearrangement Wild type ALK rearranged Separate red and green signals in ≥15% of cells in the sample means a positive result (Varella Garcia, IASLC 2011; Abs #MTE36.1) Sample preparation and staining for FISH Preparation of FFPE specimens Cut ≥ 2 sections, 5 ± 1 mm thick, from tissue block Mount on positively-charged glass slides Begin here if only slides available Identification of tumor area Stain 1 slide with H&E Mark tumor area (excluding necrotic areas, in situ carcinoma, small-cell carcinoma) Use the marked H&E slide as a template to indicate tumor area on unstained slide* (subsequent steps refer to the unstained slide) DeparaffinizationPretreatmentProtease treatment Hybridization with probe Wash (same day of hybridization) *Slide used for FISH should be from within 10 serial sections of the H&E slide. DAPI counterstain Vysis ALK Break Apart FISH Probe Kit Package Insert. Standardized procedure for ALK FISH scoring Record the signal pattern for 50 tumor cells < 5 cells positive ALK negative > 25 cells positive ALK positive 5–25 cells positive Equivocal Second reader Average of 1st and 2nd reader: < 15% positive ≥ 15% positive ALK negative ALK positive Vysis ALK Break Apart Probe Kit Package Insert Practical aspects of FISH testing for ALK-translocation At least 50 tumor cells should be counted for accurate results1 FISH signal is considered positive for inversion when red and green probes are split by >2 signal diameters1 ALK rearrangements likely to be generalized throughout the tumor, not focal2 A false positive split can occur in approxmately 5–11% of cells1,2 Increasing percentage of ALK-rearranged cells does not appear to correlate with extent of tumor shrinkage with crizotinib3 1. Varella Garcia et al., IASLC 2011;Abs #MTE36.1; 2. Camidge et al., Clin Cancer Res 2010; 3. Camidge., IASLC 2011;Abs #MO04.04. ‘Background noise’ of FISH 1. Nuclear truncation 2. Distance between split signals Benign cell Positive Negative Negative ALK ALKfalse+ Image courtesy of Lukas Bubendorf IHC for ALK-translocation IHC score 0 1+ 2+ 3+ Summary of recent data correlating IHC and FISH results IHC FISH 0 Negative 1+ Equivocal – need confirmatory FISH 2+ Equivocal – need confirmatory FISH 3+ Positive Accumulating data using improved antibody and detection systems indicate potential for IHC in screening for ALK positivity Standardization needed: antibody, scoring system, cut-offs Mitsudomi et al., ASCO 2011;Abs #7534; Park et al., IASLC 2011;Abs #O05.07. IHC for ALK expression With the use of high-sensitivity detection systems, there are increasing data supporting the use of IHC as an initial screen Both sensitivity and specificity can reach 100%, although there is variability between studies Compared with FISH, IHC is a more routine technique, is less costly, and is also less labor intensive ALK IHC FISH Patient 1: Strong ALK expression by IHC and rearrangement by FISH Patient 2: No ALK expression by IHC and no rearrangement by FISH (Mino-Kenudson et al., Clin Cancer Res 2010) ALK IHC with Intercalated Ab-enhanced Polymer Method Complete matches in 20 fusion positive and 304 negative tumors (Takeuchi K et al. Nature Med 2012) Published series using both ALK IHC and FISH for ALK-translocation detections Study Mino-Kenudson, et al., 2010 IHC antibody FISH No. of cases IHC/FISH Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) ALK1, Dako, Cells counted: NR Positive: >15% 153/153 67 97 D5F3, Cells counted: NR Positive: >15% 153/153 100 99 Cell Signaling, Technology Palk, et al., 2011 5A4, Novocastra Cells counted: 100 Positive: >15% split signals or an IRS in tumor cells Signal distance > 2 640/640 100 100 98.4 95.8 Palk, et al., 5A4, Novocastra Cells counted: 100 Positive: >15% split signals or an IRS in tumor cells Signal distance > 2 735/735 100 100 99.2 96.2 Yang, et al., 2012 ALK1, Dako Cells counted: 100 Positive: >15% Signal distance > 1 300/216 90.9 100 94.4 62.7 McLeer-Florin, et al., 2012 5A4, Abcam Cells counted: 75-116 (mean 135) Positive: >15% 100/100 100 98.3 (Modified from Yi ES et al., Mol Diagn Ther 2012) Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) Multiplex RT-PCR can detect all EML4–ALK variants1 Technique developed to carry out RT-PCR even using RNA from FFPE samples2 RT-PCR can also be used to screen for other biomarkers simultaneously3 1. Takeuchi et al., Clin Cancer Res 2008;14:6618–6624; 2. Dannenberg et al., ASCO 2010;Abs #10535; 3. Li et al., ASCO 2011;Abs #10520. Other testing approaches under investigation for detection of ALK rearrangements Multiplex RT-PCR developed to screen for all ALK fusion variants1,2 Chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH)3 Uses standard bright-field microscope; achievable In 465 samples, high correspondence with FISH (κ=0.92) and IHC (κ=0.82) RT-PCR results of newly discovered EML4–ALK variant 4 reported by Takeuchi et al. 1. Takeuchi et al., Clin Cancer Res 2008;14:6618–6624; 2. Li et al., ASCO 2011;Abs #10520; 3. Kim et al., IASLC 2011;Abs #O05.02. Break-apart CISH probe showing ALK rearrangement Comparison between assessment results of EML4ALK fusion genes by FISH and RT-PCR FISH Positive Negative EML4-ALK(+) 10 2 12 EML4-ALK(-) 1 7 8 Total 11 9 20 RT-PCR Wu et al JTO 2011 DNA Mass for EML4-ALK Variant 1: E13;A20 EML4 2 6 ALK 13 1-13 Positive signal 20 20 EA13-20 AGGACCTAAAGTGTACCGCCGGA EML4 Internal control 21 22 23 1-23 24 24 control TATCCCTGCTCCAAAGCAAAGGCT Su KY et al 2012 DNA Mass Detection Coverage for EML4-ALK Variants Variants V1 Translocation (EML4-ALK) E13;A20 Mutation rate 33% (with V6) V2 V3a V3b E20;A20 E6a;A20 E6b;A20 9% V4 V5a V5b E14;ins11del19A20 E2;A20 E2;ins117A20 3% V6 V7 E13;ins69A20 E14;del12A20 33% (with V1) 3% Control E17;A20 E23-E24 1% NA 29% 2% Su KY et al 2012 Pros and Cons for Different ALK Detection Methods − FISH − Companion diagnostic test for ‘On-Label” use of Crizotinib Biologic point of view, FISH may not necessarily be superior to IHC, PCR or sequencing based methods More expensive, require special equipment, technique and expertise for interpretation High false negative for intrachromosomal deletion or inversion involving very few DNA base pairs Cost-effectiveness is the major concern, considering the high cost (~$US1,000) and low prevalence of ALK+ NSCLC Tissue issues, FISH requires at least 50 tumor cells Pros and Cons for Different ALK Detection Methods − IHC − Less expensive, readily available, and stronger negative predictive value, potentially useful for screening Not a gold standard, need confirmatory ALK FISH for ‘On-Label” use of Crizotinib in NSCLC IHC score system correlates well with ALK FISH Inter-observer variability can be an issue, no accepted standard for the definition of IHC scores May be interpretable for smaller number of cancer cells Need multicenter studies to develop as a screening tool for ALK+ NSCLC Pros and Cons for Different ALK Detection Methods − PCR based methods − Sensitive, less expensive and rapid May require high-quality RNA Can not detect unknown fusion partners Unable to confirm the presence of cancer cells Can detect multiple biomarkers simultaneously by multiplex RT-PCR Proposed algorithms for molecular testing in NSCLC Sequential Concurrent Horn and Pao, J Clin Oncol 2009;27:4232-4235. Mitsudomi et al. ASCO 2011;Abs #7534 Kon et al ., J Thorac Oncol 2011;6:905-912. NCCN Guidelines Version 1.2012 – NSCLC THERAPY FOR RECURRENCE OR METASTASES FIRST-LINE THERAPY EGFR mutation or ALK negative or unknown Adenocarcinoma Large Cell NSCLC NOS EGFR mutation testinga (category 1) ALK testinga ALK positive EGFR mutation testing not routinely recommendedb EGFR mutation discovered prior to first-line chemotherapy Erlotinibc,d,e Progression See Second-line Therapy (NSCL-16) EGFR mutation discovered during first-line chemotherapy Switch maintenance: erlotinib or may add erlotinibf,g to current chemotherapy (category 2B) Progression See Second-line Therapy (NSCL-16) Progression See Secondline Therapy (NSCL-16) EGFR mutation positive Establish histologic subtypea Squamous cell carcinoma See First-line Therapy (NSCL-14) Crizotinib See First-line Therapy (NSCL-15) All non-squamous cell carcinoma should be tested for EGFR and ALK Crizotinib is indicated as first-line treatment in ALK-positive patients Adapted from: NCCN. Key considerations for optimal ALK testing Comments Time frame Upfront testing is optimal Sequential or parallel Simultaneous testing of multiple biomarkers or use of panel is recommended Which patients Any patient can harbor ALK translocations Patients with non-squamous histology are strong candidates for testing Patients should not be selected based on age, ethnicity, sex, or smoking history Concurrent ALK and EGFR mutation 1-6%, may have good response to Gefitinib in patients with coexisting EML4-ALK and EGFR mutations 72 y/o female non-smoker Adenocarcinoma Kuo et al JTO 2010 Summary ALK FISH is the gold standard for detecting ALK+ and is required for “on label” use of crizotinib in NSCLC FISH may be not appropriate for screening of non-selective cases Clinical characteristics and cell types are useful to select patient for ALK testing IHC may be a practical and reliable screening method and can reduce the need for ALK FISH. Large-scale multicenter prospective validation of this approach is needed For crizotinib resistance NSCLC, test for secondary ALK mutations and other oncogenic drivers are necessary
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