Character Strength Honor Success COLLEGE CENTER CAMPUS ANNOUNCEMENTS Seniors, this is the last week to purchase pre‐ sale tickets for the Project Graduation Celebration, held at Main Event following the Graduation ceremony. Tickets will be on sale during lunch Tuesday and Tomorrow ONLY. Pre Sale tickets are $45. Tickets will be sold at the door the night of the event for $55. If you have any questions please see the representative during lunch. This is your last chance to purchase presale tickets, today and tomorrow, during lunches. DODGEBALL TOURNAMENT The tournament will be held this Friday, May 30th. We need all teams to turn in your rosters and money TODAY! If you still would like to join a team or sign up stop by the athletic training room for more information TODAY. Don’t miss out on the fun and prizes! So please remember to stop by the training room today to turn in your money and roster. See coach Longoria for more information. The Literary Magazine Now available! Come to RM 1224 to purchase 70 pages worth of short stories, plays, poetry and artwork for only $3! Juniors ALL Junior Candy Fundraiser money is due no later than the end of the day on Thursday, May 29th to Mrs. Compton, Rm1102. th Friday, May 30 Buy a wristband in the cafeteria in morning & lunches for only $1. Or see any Student United Way officer! Charger Market In need of a gift for a special person in your life? Stop by RM 1716 and check out The Charger Market’s selection of one of a kind gifts including fragranced soaps, sugar scrubs, home or dorm decorations, the possibilities are endless. All products are handmade by fellow Chargers and can be customized to your specifications. Last Saturday School We will have our LAST Saturday School of the year on May 31st. If you owe for attendance, please make plans to attend the LAST Saturday School on May 31st. Latitude Tablets …will be collected if your parents have NOT completed the Summer Take‐Home Checkout form. Latitude, case and charger due upon checkin. 9th Graders ‐ Wednesday May 28th 10th Graders ‐ Thursday May 29th • Please stop by the College Center for your yellow clearance cards on Wednesday, May 28th. You will need this card to begin your check out process for Wednesday, June 4th. All other seniors will receive their yellow clearance cards through their English classes. • Seniors ‐ if you lose your yellow card, then you will have to start all over to collect the needed signatures for check out, so please take care of your card when you receive it. Senior Clearance Day Wednesday, June 4th. You will receive your yellow cards in your English classes. Please be sure to get teacher signatures and clear your fines and fees. You will need to have your yellow card for Senior Clearance Day. If you lose your card, you will have to start all over. Remember, Senior Clearance is mandatory, so report at 7:20 a.m. to the Auditorium on Wednesday, June 4th. Counselors will also conduct Exit Interviews for all Seniors, so your attendance is required. Students, if you have lost an item this spring semester, see Ms. Crawford ‐ 2300 desk to check the Lost & Found. Please check the Lost & Found by Friday morning. All items will be donated next week. For all your club meetings and events - check our school website Or go to JSC FEDERAL CREDIT UNION WELCOMES YOU! Visit the Clear Springs High School Branch located on Mane Street Hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday ‐ 7:00am to 3:00pm Just arrived: The official Chargers mascot ATM/debit card!* *Ask a JSC FCU representative for details. WWW. JSCFCU.ORG Character Strength Honor Success COLLEGE CENTER CAMPUS ANNOUNCEMENTS Counseling Staff Lead Counselor Mary Margaret Rucker Office #1320 A Alpha Group (A – D) Mary Jane Musick Office #2607 Alpha Group (L – Re) Ronda Kempton Office #1207 Alpha Group (E – K) Angela Alksne Office #1107 Alpha Group (Rh- Z) Tracie Brooks Office #1107 Special Programs Counselor Student Support Counselor Julie Buras Rachel Hensley Office #2505 Office #1321 C Career Specialist Kathleen Gandin Office #1322 SENIORS! I HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED! Please be sure to turn in your Post Cards for the “Oh the Places our Seniors will Go!” Display SUMMER SCHOOL REGISTRATION Please see your alpha counselor for Summer School Registration Cards. PALS I You must have approval from your Counselor. Registration Dates @ Clear Creek HS Saturday, May 31st – 9:00 am -12:00 pm Saturday, June 14th – 9:00 am – 3:00 pm MANDATORY SENIOR CLEARANCE FOR ALL SENIORS! WEDNESDAY – JUNE 4TH Begins promptly at 7:20 a.m.! REPORT TO THE AUDITORIUM BRING YOUR “YELLOW” CLEARANCE CARD! NAVIANCE LOG IN: Username: Student ID # (10 digit # with all 0’s) Password: ccisd (lower case) CHECK NAVIANCE FOR A COMPLETE SCHOLARSHIP LIST! FIND OUT MORE IN THE COLLEGE CENTER! QUESTIONS? COLLEGE & CAREER CENTER HOURS: 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Please stop by the College & Career Center, if you have questions regarding scholarships or your college search.
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