CRANBOURNE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE STRATEGIC PLAN 2015 - 2017 ‘Building Strong Foundations For Growth and Success’ PO Box 221 Cranbourne Vic 3977 [email protected] Table of Contents I. Executive Summary .............................................................................................. 2 II. Cranbourne ............................................................................................................ 2 III. Strategic Plan ........................................................................................................ 3 Vision Mission Strategic Objectives IV. Key Strategic Activities.......................................................................................... 4 Objective: Engaged and supported stakeholders Objective: Quality Governance Systems Objective: Sound Financial Processes Objective: Capacity Building V. Appendix: Activity Timing .................................................................................... 7 Short term (by 30 June 2015) Medium term (by 2015 AGM) Long term (by 2016 AGM) Executive Summary The intent of this strategic plan is to renew the sense of purpose of the Cranbourne Chamber of Commerce. Implementing this plan over the next two years will set in train a long term renewal for the Chamber. A renewal that will be identified by growth, vitality and influence. This intent is expressed through the updated vision for the Chamber which in turn is supported by a set of strategic objectives. These strategic objectives are realised through a coherent range of strategic activities that express the values and the vision of the Chamber. Cranbourne The Greater Cranbourne area, according to the 2011 ABS census, has a population of around 52,000 people. It lies within the Local Government Area of the City of Casey which has an overall population of about 270,000. While Greater Cranbourne figures are not available, the Gross Regional Product of the City of Casey is over $6billion. With over 16,000 registered businesses in this LGA. Thus there is tremendous scope and opportunity for the Chamber to be successful. Changes in Industry Sector of Employment for Cranbourne Residents Accommodation and Food Services Transport, Postal and Warehousing Wholesale trade Health Care and Social Assistance Construction Retail Trade Manufacturing 0 200 400 600 800 1,0001,2001,4001,6001,800 2006 Employees 2011 Employees The Executive team, in a series of three workshops facilitated by Dellium Advisory, met during March of 2015 to develop this strategic plan. It is intended that the followed financial benefits be realised by the implementation of this strategic plan: 1. 2. 3. Increasing profitability of the Chamber The ability to obtain higher quality resources for Chamber events Increasing economic activity across the Cranbourne business community ‘BUILDING STRONG FOUNDATIONS FOR GROWTH AND SUCCESS’ – APRIL 2015 2 Strategic Plan Vision Building strong foundations for growth and success Mission We conduct ourselves with integrity, accountability and respect. The chamber provides a dynamic and vibrant platform for growth and success for our members and community. Strategic Objectives Engaged and supported stakeholders The Chamber’ stakeholders will be engaged and supported through the provision of services and events that are of relevance and value Quality governance systems The long term performance of the Chamber will be assured by appropriate administrative processes. Sound financial processes A balanced focus on short term and long term goals will ensure the viability of the Chamber. Capacity building Through the consistent and targeted development of its people, the Chamber’s ability to lead its members will be kept current. ‘BUILDING STRONG FOUNDATIONS FOR GROWTH AND SUCCESS’ – APRIL 2015 3 Key Strategic Activities Each of the Strategic Objectives have a set of related Strategic Activities. These strategic activities are grouped according to classes of outcome. It is by undertaking these activities that the Cranbourne Chamber of Commerce will succeed in achieving its vision. All of these activities are to be undertaken by members of the Executive, or those that they delegate. Activities are to be completed according to the time lines listed below. In addition, those marked ‘*’ are those that have been identified as recurring on a regular basis (ie, quarterly, annually) as agreed to by the Executive. - Short term: Medium term: Long term by the end of June 2015 by the AGM in September 2015 by the 2016 AGM and as an ongoing process Objective: Engaged and supported stakeholders Member Management Develop a networking event feedback form for ongoing use Short term * Create an electronic membership renewal document for website Short term* Develop and implement an ongoing member communication plan Medium term* Undertake a needs analysis of members Medium term* Event Management Plan and schedule relevant networking events Short term * Ensure that the meeting chair close networking events Short term* ‘BUILDING STRONG FOUNDATIONS FOR GROWTH AND SUCCESS’ – APRIL 2015 4 Plan and schedule relevant workshops (for members) Long term External Party Management Identify and invite non-members to host events Medium term* Identify and invite main-street traders to events Medium term* Plan for, and build, relationships with council, other groups and large organisations Long term * Objective: Quality Governance Systems Marketing Management Develop and implement appropriate administration processes for all marketing activities Medium term * Develop and implement a plan for managing all aspects of the on-line presence Medium term * Develop a marketing plan that includes branding and themes, all with a 12 month focus Long term * Administration Develop and implement an ongoing schedule for the review of policies Medium term * Develop and implement a Community Award program Medium term Develop and establish an (electronic) database for customer relationship management Medium term Develop and implement a process that maintains organizational culture (inclu committee changes) Medium term* Develop and implement a project engagement protocol Long term Undertake a review of committee roles and develop a checklist of actions Long term * Develop and implement a process to ensure accountability and responsibility at committee meetings Long term* Develop and implement a documented set of expectations for working groups Long term Objective: Sound Financial Processes Budgeting Identify membership targets and relevant income forecasts for 2016 – 2017 Medium term Develop a budget that includes training, marketing and professional development components Long term Identify and undertake the outsourcing of appropriate administration and other relevant tasks Long term Identify and develop different income streams (ie: Grants) Long term ‘BUILDING STRONG FOUNDATIONS FOR GROWTH AND SUCCESS’ – APRIL 2015 5 Objective: Capacity Building Training Develop and implement a guide to host networking events Short term* Identify training opportunities that will enhance committee skills Long term* Develop skills register for committee and members Long term* ‘BUILDING STRONG FOUNDATIONS FOR GROWTH AND SUCCESS’ – APRIL 2015 6 Appendix: Activity Timing To enable planning and delegation, the following table lists the strategic activities according to timeline. The categories used in this table are: • Administration (Quality Governance Systems) • Budgeting (Sound Financial Processes) • Event Management (Engaged and Supported Stakeholders) • External Part Management (Engaged and Supported Stakeholders) • Marketing Management (Quality Governance Systems) • Member Management (Engaged and Supported Stakeholders) • Training (Capacity Building) Short term (by 30 June 2015) Objective Engaged and supported stakeholders Engaged and supported stakeholders Engaged and supported stakeholders Engaged and supported stakeholders Capacity Building Category Member Management Member Management Event Management Event Management Training Key Actions Develop a networking event feedback form for ongoing use Create an electronic membership renewal document for website Plan and schedule relevant networking events ongoing Ensure meeting chair closes networking events Develop and implement a guide to host networking events Medium term (by 2015 AGM) Objective Engaged and supported stakeholders Category Member Management External Party Management Quality Governance Systems Marketing Management Administration Sound Financial Processes Budgeting Key Actions Develop and implement an ongoing member communication plan Undertake a needs analysis of members (including reasons for being a current member) Identify and invite non-members to host events Identify and invite main street traders to events Develop and implement appropriate administration processes for all marketing activities Develop and implement a plan for managing all aspects of the on-line presence Develop and implement an ongoing schedule for the review of policies Develop and implement a Community Award program Develop and establish an (electronic) database for customer relationship management Develop and implement a process that maintains organizational culture (even as committee changes) Identify membership targets and relevant income forecasts for 2016 – 2017 ‘BUILDING STRONG FOUNDATIONS FOR GROWTH AND SUCCESS’ – APRIL 2015 7 Long term (by 2016 AGM) Objective Engaged and supported stakeholders Quality Governance Systems Category Event Management External Party Management Marketing Management Administration Sound Financial Processes Budgeting Capacity Building Training Key Actions Plan and schedule relevant workshops for members Plan for, and build, relationships with Council, other groups and large organisations Develop a marketing plan that includes branding and themes, all with a 12 month focus Develop and implement a project engagement protocol Undertake a review of committee roles and develop a checklist of actions Develop and implement a process to ensure accountability and responsibility at committee meetings Develop and implement a documented set of expectations for working groups Develop a budget that includes training, marketing and professional development components Identify and undertake the outsourcing of appropriate administration and other relevant tasks Identify and develop different income streams (ie: Grants) Identify training opportunities that will enhance committee skills Develop an ongoing skills register for committee and members for the purpose of seeking relevant skills to support specific projects and working groups ‘BUILDING STRONG FOUNDATIONS FOR GROWTH AND SUCCESS’ – APRIL 2015 8
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