GQ’s guide to the 65 suits, shoes, people, stores, labels, accessories and style secrets that a man needs to know right now No. There’s never been a better time to be a man who cares about style. New labels, sick shops, bespoke socks… The options are astounding. But that also means there are too many options. There’s a lot no. 02 of clutter out there. Think of this as your road map to an awesomely stylish (but often overwhelming) new world. N0. 03 Let’s start with the colors you’re wearing. Think about updating them. Designers are all about a new palette of dusty pastels right now. In fact, men are embracing all kinds of things we once ignored. 4 2 1 N0. No. 04 L e t ’ s n o t c a ll i t “ e c r u . ” 3 In addition to red pants, we dig these jeans, which are so off-white they’re almost khaki. Like white jeans without the glare. from front G ild e d A g e $ 2 3 9 u r b a n d a d d y. c o m L e v i ’ s M ad e & C r a f t e d $ 1 9 8 Ral p h L a u r e n B lac k L ab e l D e nim $ 3 5 0 J . C r e w $ 1 0 8 j c r e w. c o m 2 05 You can say the word “unisex” without laughing. 3 The biggest trend in scent is gender-neutral. These are our favorites for body and home. 3 1 D.S. & D. Bowmakers A Brooklyn-made fragrance that smells woody and expensive, like the inside of a concert violin. $110, 2 Cire Trudon Ernesto candle Leather scented. The same kind Marie Antoinette lit up during the most debauched ragers of the 1700s. $80, 3 Santa Maria Novella Incensi Even this legendary Italian brand knows 5 to have the Japanese make its incense. $32, 4 Juniper Ridge Siskiyou cedar sachet Totally idiotproof. Stick one in your gym bag, closet, desk. $10, 5 In Fiore Fumée D’Ambre Parfum Solide Smells ancient, like it was discovered in a reliquary in a fallen cathedral. Swipe on your wrists and neck if you’re not into “spritzing” cologne. $65, 06 No. 07 No. Even your key chain has gone fetishistic. 3 We asked Michael Williams of the website A Continuous Lean to empty his (ver y curated) pockets. • The people at Klhip completely reengineered the nail clipper using surgical-grade metal. Think of it as overkill—glorious overkill. There’s a new shoe t h at d o e s p r e t t y much everythinG. 3 We have no idea what to call this—deser t sneak? sneak-a-boot?— and don’t care. Wear them with a cotton suit, with shor ts (no socks), maybe even naked around the house. (Okay, maybe not.) Pi e r r e Ha r d y $ 4 5 0 p i e r r e h a r d y. c o m nail cli p p e r $ 5 0 k LH i p. c o m • A flash drive that looks like a pocketknife says, “I seem rugged, but really I just need the entire first season of Game of Thrones on me at all times.” • Carrying a comb was de rigueur in the 1950s. Well, it’s back, now that leather-goods geniuses Billykirk got all artisanal on your coif with this handstitched case. 3 2 G b f la s h d r i v e $ 1 5 0 s w i s s k n i f e s h o p. c o m c o mb ca s e $ 4 5 b i l l y k i r k . c o m • Love the pry bar, screwdrivers, and tweezers. But it’s the lighter that’s most handy, whether for a bottle rocket or a campfire. • This pen is made in Nevada for NASA. I use it to scribble in this Japanese reporter’s notebook, even when I’m not on the moon. e v e r y day ca r r y k it $ 4 4 n o t e b o o k $ 1 9 p o s ta l c o . n e t P e n $ 3 0 s pa c e p e n . c o m gq endorses tom schierlitz 08 No. A piece of ageless advice from b u r ber ry ’ s christopher bailey • When not being used to make jet engines, titanium is the perfect material for the di∞cult task of keeping your cash organized. • A flask of booze is an easy way to make friends. An English pewter flask by Wentworth adds top notes of envy. m o n e y cli p $ 3 0 s u p e r i o r t i ta n i u m . c o m f la s k $ 6 8 “It’s good to be rather unsentimental about your grooming. I use one spray of fragrance and that’s it. Don’t think too much about it; just get on with it.” i l lu s t r at i o n by Zo h a r L a z a r s t i ll l i f e s 3 d av i d r i n e l l a No. 09 No. 10 Of course, sometimes you don’t need to buy a damn thing. A wat c h doesn’t h av e t o b e expensive to be a s tat u s symbol. 3 Just upgrade the gear you’ve already got. 7 Switch out the laces on your bucks for colored ones to get that Mark McNairy effect. 3 In the great timepiece arms race, win by not competing. Uniform Wares pairs inexpensive materials with smar t, minimal design. This watch says: Fuck money. I’ve got style. 7 Sleep in your suit (yes, really) till it molds to your shape. Uni f o r m Wa r e s $180 u n i f o r m wa r e s . c o m 7 Take a black tee and yank it till it gets that drapey effect. 7 With a cheap suit, switch out the crappy buttons for genuine horn. “It’s simple: Everyone should have a black blazer.” —domenico dolce “ The best style advice came from my parents: Be honest. Just be yourself.” —stefano gabbana 11 No. A piece of ageless advice from dolce & gabbana i l lu s t r at i o n by Zo h a r L a z a r No. 12 Your do-rag is the new pocket square. 3 A simple plan: Go to your army-navy store with $25. Buy a handful of bandannas. Take them home and wash them. Then stick one in the breast pocket of your jacket before you walk out the door. R T H $ 2 5 (blue & red) r t h s h o p. c o m Ka u f man ’ s A r m y & N av y $ 3 k a u f m a n s a r m y n av y. c o m 4 M a r k M c N ai r y N e w A m s t e r dam $ 4 2 5 m a r k m c n a i r y. c o m G u cci $ 5 7 5 g u c c i . c o m T o m F o r d $ 5 5 0 2 1 2 - 3 5 9 - 0 3 0 0 O ’ K e e f f e $ 4 7 5 Sid M a s h b u r n $450 T o mm y Hil f ig e r $ 2 9 8 t o m m y. c o m E s q u i v e l $ 7 5 0 e s q u i v e l s h o e s . c o m A ll e n Edm o nd s $ 3 3 5 a l l e n e d m o n d s . c o m C o l e Haan $ 1 7 8 c o l e h a a n . c o m r . B ’ s f o r ald o M $150 gentlemens S p e r r y T o p - Sid e r $ 9 0 s p e r r y t o p s i d e r . c o m M a r k M c N ai r y N e w A m s t e r dam $450 m a r k m c n a i r y. c o m N0s. 13–28 Fl o r s h e im b y D u c k i e B r o w n $ 2 7 0 Your dress shoes just copped an attitude. 3 Walk into any shoe depar tment wor th its suede and you’re bound to find blue soles, camo prints, and sneakerized brogues that simply did not exist a few years ago. Remember when shoes were just black or brown? Yeah, neither do we. 5 J o h n L o bb $ 1 , 6 4 0 T h o m B r o w n e N e w Y o r k $ 9 5 0 G r e n s o n $ 2 4 0 Hit the most stylish party in America. (Sorry, Miami and L.A.—it’s in Nashville.) No. 29 3 Don’t believe us? Show up at East Nashville’s The 5 Spot on Mondays around midnight. The guys dress like Buddy Holly, the girls dress like Bobbie Gentr y, the Black Keys mill about, and ever yone sweats out the booze dancing to oldschool southern soul. No. 31 I t ’ s o k ay i f y o u d o n ’ t k n o w h o w to pronounce the word “foulard.” 3 Actually, we’ll teach you right now: foo-lard. Say it with us. It’s the fashion-world term for these resurgent silk ties with colorful micro-patterns that make a narrow tie pop. P r ada $ 2 1 5 p r a d a . c o m No. 30 The polo just got a skainspired trim. 3 The Fred Perr y polo seemed unimprovable. (Just ask tennis dudes and ska punks.) Then they designed this version with a minicollar. Even if it ain’t broke, you can still make it better. F r e d P e r r y $ 8 0 f r e d p e r r y. c o m 6 N o. No. 32 Time to put away that Justin Timberlake hat. Style goes in cycles. This is a snapshot of where we stand right now. Back From the Dead 33 It’s all about the accessories. 1 In a field suddenly crammed with brands, these are our favorites. 1 Stitch hats No-b.s. handmade bucket hats. $65 6 2 GarreT t Leight sunglasses By the son of the guy behind Oliver Peoples. $340 T ruc k e r Hat s Cargo Pa nt s 2 3 4 5 3 hamilton watches They say, “I’m a baller, but I’m not a dick.” $875 Fad e d J e a n s Do ub leB reast ed Suit s dead for now 4 TIE BARS FROM THetiebar.COM They get the job done; couldn’t be any cheaper. $15 7 5 Alexander Olch ties 8 Cut from old-man fabrics at punk-rock widths. $140 peaked Pocket S q ua re s F edo ras 6 Sid Mashburn pocket squares Frayed edges for bonus style. $55 7 BillyKirk belts Too-Tight Jeans hipst er shades dead forever Take years to wear in and a lifetime to wear out. $115 8 Miansai bracelets Nautical vibe thanks to nylon cord and a brass anchor. $60 9 happy socks D e s i g n e rL o g o B e lt s Mo ck T urt leneck s Bright mercerized cotton that won’t fade. $12 10 Ernest Alexander bag The new Filson or Jack Spade. $195 9 11 Grenson shoes L e at h e r Car C o at s 7 S q uare- To e Sho es Around since the 1800s; still in style. $360 W h e r e t o b u y i t ? G o t o g q . c o m / g o / fa s h i o n d i r e c t o r i e s 10 11 e r i c r ay d av i d s o n nos. 34–58 no. 34 Ra l p h La u r e n ’ s Ra n c h at the Beach RRL east hampton, ny Only Ralph could lasso a store this perfect—a weatherbeaten barn set off a road… that happens to be the toniest shopping street in the Hamptons. Inside, new plaid shirts wrestle with old boots and other collectible odes to a bygone America. The 25 Best Men’s Stores in America Some are great because they have impossibly hard-to-find brands or salesmen who know way too much about suits. And some are just beautiful rooms you never want to leave. These are GQ’s picks for the best of the very best. 37 no. t h e n e x t- l e v e l g i f t s h o p boston, ma los angeles, ca Bodega Hidden in the back of a bodega, this world-famous streetwear spot is as hard to find as the sneakers sold inside. The only place where you can buy an ice-cold Yoo-hoo and a clean pair of Jordans. no. 35 no. g e t s o m e c o w h i d e f o r y o u r i PA D RTH Shop los angeles, ca René Holguin has channeled his family’s boot-making legacy into a new shop on La Cienega with a radical homemade vibe. And it’s become the spot in SoCal for far-out leather goods: bags, wallets, and Native American necklaces, mostly made in the workshop out back. no. 36 The Edgiest Spot West of Tokyo Nepenthes New York manhattan, ny This Garment District outpost, by the same guys behind hipster workwear label Engineered Garments, is so edgy it hurts. The staff look ripped from the pages of Japanese fashion rags, and the racks are full of stuff that’s about 10 percent more out-there than what you’re used to pulling off—but you’ll still be inspired to try. 8 41 no. where sneaker geeks rule 38 The Best Place to Buy Jeans. Period. Baldwin kansas city, mo The world’s best barbecue, jazz, and…jeans? You pretty much can’t eff it up at Baldwin: They make only a handful of gimmick-free cuts from primo selvage (and can customize from there). 39 no. the best outlet mall in america Cabazon Outlets cabazon, ca Dolce in the desert? Cucinelli in Cabazon? A mohair suit might seem out of place surrounded by a casino and an automated sprinkler system, but these outlets near Palm Springs are the most stocked in the country. no. 40 South Willard Buying a birthday present for the Most Interesting Man in the World? Start here. It’s as easy to snag a desk sculpture as a sweater at this West 3rd Street standby. austin, tx The best store in what’s becoming one of the country’s freshest cities. Stag offers antiques, apparel, and an apothecary; in fact, everything is for sale. Dangerous after they loosen your purse strings with a couple of Shiner Bocks. Ina manhattan, ny T h e P r e s i d e n t ’ s Ta i l o r With a Nolita spot for men and a new unisex Chelsea location, this is the place to snatch up castoffs from the Barneys brigade. The clothes are “previously owned,” but you know how shopaholics are: Bought it, wore it once, flipped it. brooklyn, ny no. America’s greatest living tailor may not have an actual store, but he’s been churning out handmade suits by appointment for sixty-five years. Yes, this is the guy who makes the suits for Band of Outsiders and Rag & Bone (plus Boardwalk Empire and Bill Clinton). Find Surf Trunks...And Your Future Wife no. 42 Martin Greenfield Clothiers 43 no. H i g h Fa s h i o n f o r t h e Bottle-Service Set The Webster Miami miami, fl Milan Vukmirovic’s swanky South Beach shop sells $1,300 Lanvin swim shorts and a Balmain duffel for $3,800. The good news: In early May, Target releases a Webster collab in which everything in the collection is under fifty bucks. F i n a l ly, a S t o r e W o r t h y of Austin Stag 45 no. A Sa lvat i o n A r m y f o r Millionaires no. 44 46 Saturdays NYC manhattan, ny They sell Sex Wax, but you don’t have to hang ten to hang here. The real action at this coffee-and-surf shop is in the courtyard, where hot downtowny people drink cortados and peck at their MacBooks. 47 no. A slice of Milan in New Orleans George Bass new orleans, la This gentlemen’s shop has been here a quarter century, but don’t call it a nostalgia trip. Bass’s Nawlins-via-Italy aesthetic (suits by Isaia, Kiton) has become the thing in menswear right now. no. 48 The Wilderness Comes to Soho T h e Ma l l’ s S t y l i n ’ e s t D e pa r t m e n t S t o r e manhattan, ny seattle, wa REI We’ve noticed a lot more folks wearing Patagonia puffers in SoHo since REI opened a tri-level beast this fall. An outdoors superstore a block from Prada? It works. Nordstrom Little-known secret: Any given Nordstrom moves more high fashion than all your favorite boutiques combined. The Seattle location is hard to beat—proximity to the company’s HQ helps. But any style-head stuck at his local mall should make a beeline. 49 53 no. T r e n d y H e a d s N o rt h no. Where Trends don’t exist portland, me manhattan, ny Portland Dry Goods Co. Portland Dry Goods is the newest opening in a trio of interconnected (and utterly anomalous) menswear shops in Maine. Without getting rained on, you can plunk down for a To Ki To jacket at Barbour, a custom Oxxford suit at David Wood, and a pair of McNairys at PDG. no. 50 A piece of ageless advice from tom ford Paul Stuart “My grandfather and father both shopped here, and I still always find something totally fresh. Bring anyone— large, small, short, tall—and they’ll find an amazingly cut suit right off the rack.”— paul sevigny, dj and restaurateur The South’s Big Three T h e M o s t C u r at e d S p o t i n B r o o k ly n “Keep your jacket buttoned. Always. It’s just really flattering—it will take pounds o≠ you.” i l lu s t r at i o n by Zo h a r L a z a r No. 60 Home of the Well-Heeled Outlaw brooklyn, ny On the beach, trade u n d e r s tat e d t r u n k s f o r something brash. 3 Nobody does swim tr unks like Orlebar Brown. Yet even they borrow from the late British designer David Hicks, the inspiration for this dizzyingly radical print. No. 54 Hickoree’s Floor Two The Hill-side guys are known for making ties and scarves. Now they’ve created a clubhouse in Williamsburg for grown-up kids: Buy a vintagey backpack and fill it with Mast Brothers chocolate, a Leather Head football, Kapital jeans, and a tie-dye. 59 No. b i l ly r e i d florence, al O r l e ba r B r o w n $ 2 4 0 m r p o r t e r . c o m No. 5 5 Replace Those Ridiculous Skinny Jeans Imogene + Willie nashville, tn No. 56 Where Suits Are a Religion 51 Sid Mashburn atlanta, ga no. Steal Tom Ford’s Interior Design Tom Ford los angeles, ca “Every time I think Tom Ford has better taste than anyone, he proves me right. Go soak it in. Then copy what you can at home. If you can afford to knock off his marble walls for a renovation, why not? Or just get the same glasses they serve Perrier in.” —jim moore, gq creative director no. 52 T h e Ca p i ta l o f A m e r i c a n - Ma d e Unionmade san francisco, ca This go-to stop for “made in the U.S.A.” was a favorite before its expansion. Now there’s room for an Alden shop-in-shop, a smart edit of coffee-table books, and an apothecary with products by Aesop and Baxter of California. 9 no. 57 because grooming is style, too Blackbird seattle, wa Blackbird has a lot going for it. Great clothes. Cool hood (Ballard). And the best grooming shop around. We asked founder Nicole Miller her most popular product: “Ursa Major face wash,” she said. “Wakes you right up.” 58 no. The Best e-Commerce on the Web Need Supply Co. richmond, va This store in Virginia’s quiet capital has a website that’s a menswear blogger’s wet dream: Yuketen mocs and Garrett Leight shades. Shop for new pants from home… while not wearing any pants. e Ba y T h e s e Books. More than just your trunks should be David Hicks–ian. The man was a master of interiors. Steal from him. No. 61 Say “Hey, y’all” to your inner southern gentleman 3 Three rockin’ Dir ty South designers with thriving stores—plus musicians like Justin Townes Earle (right)—are defining a new southern aesthetic. “We’re not so uniform down here,” says Big Boi of OutKast. “There’s a flamboyance to how we do things.” 62 No. ralph lauren Billy Reid Sid Mashburn Imogene + Willie A piece of ageless advice from • No pattern is more southern than gingham. No designer does it better. • It’s too hot down here for superskinny jeans. These strike the middle ground. • These days, it’s more rebellious to dress up. So kick shit in boots too finely made to be called shitkickers. s h i r t $ 1 4 5 ti e $ 9 5 s h i r t $ 2 2 5 j e an s $ 2 7 5 B OO T S $ 4 2 5 b i l l y r e i d . c o m “I believe one can live many lives through personal style. Every day is an occasion to reinvent yourself.” i l lu s t r at i o n by Zo h a r L a z a r N0. No. 63 A piece of ageless advice from michael kors “People shouldn’t notice what you’re wearing before they notice you. You want people to register you first. ‘Oh, what a nice jacket’ should be an afterthought if you’re doing it right.” i l lu s t r at i o n by Zo h a r L a z a r 10 64 The jacket of the year is a p u ll o v e r . 3 Get an anorak and you’ll end up reaching for it three times a week. Sure, you can wear it to the gym, but we suggest throwing one over an oxford, with a tie and chinos. F r o m l e f t: A . P. C . $ 2 6 5 a p c . f r Wa r r i o r s o f Radn e s s $ 1 4 0 wa r r i o r s o f r a d n e s s . c o m G ant b y M ic h a e l B a s tian $ 3 2 5 g a n t. c o m No. 65 The Whole World Is Going Made-in-the-U.S.A. crazy. An illustrated map of homegrown brands that are back in style here and abroad 2 1 5 6 4 3 7 8 11 10 9 1 4 Alden 7 middleboroUGH, ma E s t. 1 8 8 4 l a n c a s t e r C o. , pa E s t. 1 9 9 9 e l pa s o, t x E s t. 1 9 1 1 Best known for its vibrant blankets, but no slouches in the way of plaid shirts, either. Stalwart of respectable brogues and loafers; rare company with legit claim to having never gone out of style. Amish-made leather shoulder bags, wallets, and key fobs. Because you don’t want cowboy boots that were stitched anywhere but the Wild West. 2 Filson 5 s e at t l e , w a E s t. 1 8 9 7 lewiston, me E s t. 1 9 0 9 These outdoorsy goods are a staple of urban woodsmen nationwide. Its handmade moccasins are so popular that they’re often on back order. Some of the most solid (and, uh, patterned) ties around, made in a county known for its quarries. 3 6 9 Pendleton Woolen Mills pendleton, or E s t. 1 9 0 9 Red Wing Quoddy L.L.Bean 8 Billykirk G i t ma n B r o s . p i l o t m o u n ta i n , n c E s t. 1 9 7 8 H am i l t o n red wing, mn E s t. 1 9 0 5 brunswick, me E s t. 1 9 1 2 houston, tx E s t. 1 8 8 3 Iconic producers of resurgent, Rust Belt–ready work boots. The iconic mail-order outfitter’s duck boots are ubiquitous, and with good reason. The dress shirts are from the Lone Star State, but they’re classy enough for o∞ces on the coasts. 11 10 11 T o n y Lama Levi’s los angeles, ca E s t. 1 8 7 3 If you’re an authenticity junkie, you’re after Levi’s Cali-born, archive-based Made & Crafted line.
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