BFI Film Academy Internship Programme Guidance for

BFI Film Academy
Internship Programme
Information & FAQs
Find out more and apply for the animation, film and VFX Internship Training
Placement Programme
About BFI Film Academy and Creative Skillset
Creative Skillset is working with BFI Film Academy and associated residential course providers to
match students who have completed training with them, to companies to undertake paid
internships in film and film-related businesses. Internships are open to anyone who has
completed a BFI Academy residential course in 2013, 2014 or 2015.
Creative Skillset works to develop skills and talent across creative companies in the UK. Our work
goes right across careers advice and guidance, to apprenticeships, through to business and
development grants for companies. We are the delivery partner for the internship programme
attached to the BFI Film Academy.
How do I know if I can apply for an internship?
You can apply for an internship place if you attended and completed a BFI Academy
residential course in 2013, 2014 or 2015. Please do not apply if you have not completed one of
the following courses, as your application will not be considered:
Animation – Calling the Shots (Bristol)
Documentary Filmmaking – CTVC (London)
Craft Skills – National Film & Television School (NFTS)
Craft Skills – Screeen Education Edinburgh
Screenwriting – Tyneside Cinema (Newcastle)
Visual Effects and Animation – Film and Video Workshop (London)
Visual FX – Amersham and Wycombe College (Buckinghamshire)
How will you assess my application?
Applications are assessed on the basis of:
The course you attended and any work created on the course
Evidence of other relevant projects or work outside of your training course
Your location and the type of work you are looking for, against available placements
The match between your skills and aspirations to the placements available
Is the internship paid?
A training allowance is available to all interns participating in the programme. This training
allowance is equivalent to the National living wage, which is £270/week (£7.65ph) outside of
London and £309/week (£8.80ph) in the capital.
Further support is available for students whose internship involves a period away from home,
significant travel expenses or other essential training.
When will my placement start and how long will it last?
Your placement will last up to 12 weeks and will be at least 6 weeks long, and will be commencing
from June 2015. We are not able to offer part-time placements or internships to people currently
in full time education.
Where will I be based? What if I need financial help with travel?
As with the BFI Academy residential courses, placements are being offered all over the UK. You
may be placed with a company in a different city to the one you live in. Funding is available to
help trainees with travel and accommodation costs.
What kind of company will I work with?
A range of companies from VFX production houses to film festivals all over the UK are offering
placements across different areas of film.
Your application will be matched with companies working in areas that match your interest and/or
To make sure you have the best chance of being matched successfully, be sure to let us know:
What you did in your training, and in particular any technical skills or software you have
What area of film you are most interested in with regard to you career
If there is a specific kind of company or experience you are looking for
Internships are entry level positions so many roles require similar skills. Things that will make your
application stand out are interest, knowledge and enthusiasm in the area you want to work in.
When does it all happen?
Applications are open until 31 May 2015. We aim to place our first round of trainees with
companies from early June onwards. All placements finish by mid-August 2015.
May 1 2015: applications open for BFI Academy alumni (assessed on a rolling basis).
Mid-June 2015: internships begin at a range of companies, running for up to 12 weeks
per placement
How to apply
before 31 May
2015. We will acknowledge your application within three working days
If your application meets the eligibility criteria and progresses to the next stage, we will
contact you with information about potential placements or companies and will conduct
a short telephone or skype interview with you
If there is a match between your skills and a company with an available placement, your
application will progress to shortlist stage with the company, who may conduct a further
interview for the position
If you are successfully matched, you will work with Creative Skillset and the host
company to develop a Training Plan for your placement
Along with your Training Plan, you will need to sign and return the Training Agreement
– a three-way agreement between yourself, the company and Creative Skillset, setting
out the terms of the placement, dates and training allowance to be paid – before your
placement begins. If you are under 18 years old at the start of your placement, your
Training Agreement must be signed by your parent or guardian.
Placement begins!
Creative Skillset will check in with you during your placement to review progress against
your training plan
Your completed Training plan and a short feedback report must be submitted to Creative
Skillset at the end of your placement
On successful completion of your placement, if you are over 18, you will be eligible to
apply to our Trainee Finder scheme for further placements
If you have further questions about the application process, or require more information about the
programme, contact us on 020 7713 9800 or email [email protected]
Other ways Creative Skillset can help you
Creative Skillset can help you find your way through information about training opportunities,
degree courses and work placements and traineeships for the Creative Industries.
To explore our career navigator, find out more about job roles and ways in to working in a creative
company, visit
If you are over 18, you can also join our online creative community: Showcase
your skills through a customised profile, find your next collaborators, and explore job adverts in
the networking site for the Creative Industries.