CSCB Learning & Development Programme 2015—2016 Inter-agency training for everyone working with children and families in Croydon Welcome to the Croydon Safeguarding Children Board (CSCB) Learning and Development Programme. Our programme has been designed to respond to the knowledge required to support a competent safeguarding children workforce in Croydon and each training course has clear learning aims and objectives to assist learners to select training which is appropriate to meet their individual learning needs. Working Together 2013 states: employers are responsible for ensuring that their staff are competent to carry out their responsibilities for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. This includes the provision of single agency training which should complement this multi-agency programme. CSCB training is free for all organisational members of Croydon Safeguarding Children Board, and to all staff and volunteers who work with children and young people in Croydon. Although training is provided free, there is a charge incurred if a place is allocated but you do not attend and do not give the necessary notice (see Booking Terms and Conditions). To book on training you are interested in, please follow the booking instructions shown with the training. Online Learning Packages There is a range of online courses available to anyone living and working in Croydon, such as introductory learning about safeguarding children (Level 1 and Level 2), Early Help Assessments, Information Sharing, Domestic Abuse, E-Safety and more… To access online learning packages contact [email protected] . You will then be registered and issued with login details. If you are a community group or voluntary organisation you can also access a range of online training, including safer recruitment advice and resources at Safe Network Any questions? Email us: [email protected] Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility. Visit for more information CSCB Learning & Development Programme 2015—2016 Is this training for you? According to the type and frequency of contact you have with children, there are different levels of training. For a description of the different Safeguarding Children training levels go to Page 3. Quick Links—click on the title to take you to the course information and dates Level Title of training Title of training Level L1—2 CSCB Level 1 and 2 Online Learning CSCB Level 3 Safeguarding Children— from Tavistock & Portman L3 L2-3 Early Help Assessments (Level 1 and 2) Strengthening Families Model L3 Engaging with Vulnerable Adolescents L3-4 The Role of the Lead Professional (Level 3) L2-8 Serious Case Review and Independent Management Learning Review Workshops L3 Gangs and Child Sexual Exploitation (Day 1) Supporting People Affected by Child Sexual Exploitation (Day 2) L3-4 L3 Critical Thinking in Risk Assessments Managing Allegations & the Role of the LADO L3-4 L3 Impact of Substance Misuse on the Family Impact of Adult Mental Health on the Family L3 L3 Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence and the Engaging Fathers — working with Fathers L3 in Assessment and Interventions Family Justice Centre role and RASAC L3-4 Fabricated or Induced Illness Safeguarding Children in Partnership—A Systemic Approach L4 L2 Safeguarding Children for Housing teams Elected Members Safeguarding Training L2-8 L3 Child Trafficking CSCB Annual Conference— Safeguarding Young People CSCB Learning & Development Programme 2015—2016 Safeguarding Children Training Levels The London Safeguarding Children Board ‘Competence Still Matters 2013’ groups training audiences together based on the degree of contact with children and/or parents/carers, roles and responsibility. Similarly the Intercollegiate ‘Document for Health Care staff 2014’ advises on training levels. Training content and methods are tailored accordingly. For full details of the groups and levels of training please visit and for health care staff please visit Level ‘Competence Still Matters’ Level Descriptor 1 Those who have occasional contact with children, young people and/or parents/carers, for example librarians, environmental health officers, GP receptionists, 2 Those in regular or in intensive but irregular contact with children, young people and/or parents/carers, for example housing officers, community youth groups, PCSOs, faith groups 3 Those who work predominantly with children, young people and/or parents/ carers and potentially contribute to assessing, planning, intervening and reviewing needs of children and families, for example GPs, teachers, midwives, social workers, family support, specialist child protection roles, those working with vulnerable parents/carers. You must have completed L1-L2 4 Those who have particular specialist child protection responsibilities, including S47 enquiries, those working with complex cases and are responsible for co-ordinating assessments of children in need 5 Professional advisers and designated leads for child protection 6 Operational managers of services for children, young people and/or parents / carers 7 Senior managers responsible for strategic management of services for children, young people and/or parents/carers 8 Members of Local Safeguarding Children Boards C S C B L + D P R O G R A M ME P UB L I S H E D M A R C H 2 0 1 5 CSCB Level 1 and 2 Online Learning Who should do this online learning? For anyone who needs to be able to recognise signs of neglect and abuse, and to know what to do about it. You do not need advanced computer skills, just access to a computer with internet access. Each learning module includes a topic overview, case studies, learning games and a quiz, as well as links to current related guidance and information and a personalised certificate is emailed to you on successful completion of each course. Learning Aims E-learning offers introductory courses about safeguarding children. There are a range of topics including: Safeguarding Children Level 1 | Safeguarding Children Level 2 | CAF | CAF for Managers | Early Help Assessments | Information Sharing | Domestic Abuse and more... Learning Objectives Provide awareness of key issues surrounding safeguarding children Be aware of signs of neglect and abuse How to access the online learning The online training is administered by the Integrated Working Team, part of Croydon’s Children & Families Partnership. To request access to the courses, please submit your name, agency, job title and email address by emailing: [email protected] You will then be registered and issued with login details. You must complete the basic e-learning safeguarding training prior to undertaking any other safeguarding training Page 4 Page 4 C S C B L + D P R O G R A M ME P UB L I S H E D M A R C H 2 0 1 5 Page 5 CSCB Level 3 Safeguarding Children—Tavistock & Portman Who should attend? All professionals and volunteers who work predominantly with children and/or parents/carers. NB (You must complete the basic e-learning safeguarding training (levels 1-2) prior to attending for the level 3 course) Learning Aims This course is designed to provide safeguarding training to those professionals and volunteers who work with children, young people and/or their parents/carers and who could potentially contribute to assessing, planning, intervening and reviewing the needs of a child and parenting capacity where there are safeguarding concerns. This Level 3 (groups 3-4) safeguarding training is modelled on the core competencies as outlined in the 'Safeguarding Children and Young People: Roles and Competencies for Health Care Staff' (Intercollegiate Document 2014 ); Working Together to Safeguard Children,2013; the London Child Protection Procedures 4th Ed., 2013; and NICE Clinical Guidance 2009: 'When to Suspect Child Maltreatment'. Learning Objectives Recognition of abuse and common obstacles Share information safely Identify professional blind spots Understand the role of Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBs) and Serious Case Reviews (SCRs) Use Supervision Effectively 2015 Training Dates and Venue (whole day training 9.30—4.30) 18 May | 9 June | 8 July | 15 September | 6 October | 11 November Venue | Leon House, 233 High Street, CRO 9XT or Fairfield Hall, Park Lane, Croydon, CR9 1DG Course facilitator | Sonia Appleby (Named Professional for Safeguarding Children, Consultant Social Worker, Adult Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist Tavistock and Portman) How to book | Click here to complete the CSCB training booking form Enquiries email: [email protected] Page 5 Early Help Briefings (Level 1) Who should attend? Level 1—If you do not have regular contact with children, young people or families but might identify that they would benefit from additional support. Learning Aims This briefing session will introduce the Early Help pathways and referral processes for Croydon. Learning objectives Be familiar with the Early Help Assessment and referral processes 2015 Training Dates and Venue (Briefing session 9.30-11) 14 April 2015 | 12 May 2015 | 9 June 2015 | 7 July 2015 Venue | Ernest Taberner Open Space, 1st Floor Bernard Weatherill House, Mint Walk, Croydon CRO 1EA Course Facilitators | Shelley Ingram, Early Help Co-ordinator, Early Intervention and Support Services, Croydon Council How to book | Contact your Locality Early Help Advisor or email [email protected] For a limited period, spaces on this training will be free of charge so book early to avoid disappointment. Visit Practitioner Space for all the help and guidance needed for working with families: Page 6 C S C B L E A R N I NG & D E V E L O P ME N T P R O G R A M M E 2 0 1 5 — 2 0 1 6 Early Help Briefings (Level 2) Who should attend? Level 2—If you have regular contact with children, young people or families who have additional support needs requiring intervention from more than one agency, you need to complete an Early Help Assessment (CAF). Learning Aims This bitesize briefing session introduces the Early Help pathways and new Early Help Assessment (CAF) in Croydon. Learning objectives Be familiar with the Early Help Assessment completion and processes 2015 Training Dates and Venue (Briefing session 11.30-1) 14 April 2015 | 12 May 2015 | 9 June 2015 | 7 July 2015 Venue | Ernest Taberner Open Space, 1st Floor Bernard Weatherill House, Mint Walk, Croydon CRO 1EA Course Facilitators | Shelley Ingram, Early Help Co-ordinator, Early Intervention and Support Services, Croydon Council How to book | Contact your Locality Early Help Advisor or email [email protected] For a limited period, spaces on this training will be free of charge so book early to avoid disappointment. Visit Practitioner Space for all the help and guidance needed for working with families: Page 7 C S C B L E A R N I NG & D E V E L O P ME N T P R O G R A M M E 2 0 1 5 — 2 0 1 6 The Role of the Lead Professional Who should attend? Practitioners who work with children, young people and families. Learning Aims The session explores the role of the Lead Professional, particularly within the context of Croydon’s Early Help Pathways. Who can be a Lead Professional, what does the role involve, what are the processes and what help is available? The session will answer these questions and more. Learning objectives By the end of the session attendees should be confident to:List the key tasks and responsibilities of a Lead Professional Prepare and Chair—Describe the structure, process and identify tools available to effectively chair a Team Around the Family (TAF) Identify and manage key transition points for families using the TAF approach—stepping up, stepping down, change of Lead Professional 2015 Training Dates and Venue (AM training 9.30-1) 12 May 2015 | 17 June 2015 | Venue | Heathfield House, Coombe Lane, Croydon Course Facilitators | Croydon Council Early Intervention and Support Services, Croydon Council How to book | Contact your Locality Early Help Advisor or email [email protected] For a limited period, spaces on this training will be free of charge so book early to avoid disappointment. Visit Practitioner Space for all the help and guidance needed for working with families: Page 8 C S C B L E A R N I NG & D E V E L O P ME N T P R O G R A M M E 2 0 1 5 — 2 0 1 6 Strengthening Families Model for Child Protection Conferences Who should attend? All professionals involved with complex cases in Child Protection (CP) conferences Learning Aims Practitioners to understand the history of the model and the format for Croydon Understand the relationship the model has to systemic and relational based practice approach to social workers with families in Croydon to ensure the best possible outcomes for children Learning Objectives Understand the conference process in relation to guidance of “working together” as a multi agency forum to safeguard children and ensure positive outcomes Understand the principles which underpin safeguarding work as a complex process Understand the principles of the “Strengthening Families” model to CP conferences Understand the process and practice of the model and the format for the new style conference Understand the CP assessment framework for the strengthening families model and the approach to CP conferences 2015 Training Dates and Venue (AM training 9.30-1.30) 28th April | More dates to follow Venue | Leon House, 233 High Street, Croydon, CR0 9XT Course facilitators | Dawn Maxwell, Quality Assurance Manager (Child Protection), Social Care & Family Support, Croydon Council How to book | Click here to complete the booking form Any questions? [email protected] Visit the Croydon Safeguarding Board website for more information and resources: Page 9 Learning From Serious Case Reviews and Independent Management Learning Reviews Who should attend? These workshops are aimed at practitioners and managers in voluntary, independent and statutory agencies who work predominantly with children, young people and/or their parents/carers and who could contribute to assessing, planning, intervening and evaluating the needs of a child and parenting capacity. Learning Aims The aim of the sessions are to promote multi-agency reflection and exploring learning from serious case reviews both locally and nationally identifying what works as well as what could be done differently in order to generate and share learning. It will also consider implications for local practice Learning objectives Consider lessons from serious case reviews (nationally and locally) and the implications for practice Understand the purpose and importance of information sharing in a multi-agency context Understand the roles and responsibilities of organisations and practitioners and effective collaboration to safeguard children and young people Barriers to putting learning into practice 2015 Training Dates and Venue (Whole day training 9.30—4.30) Managers and Strategic Leads: 20.03.15 | 30.04.15 | 08.05.2015 | 15.05.2015 | 5.06.15 Frontline practitioner workshop dates 27.03.15 | 05.05.15 | 13.05.2015 | 19.5.2015 | 03.6.2015 | 09.06.15 | 12.06.15 | 03.07.15 07.07.15 | 09.07.15 | 08.09.15 | 11.09.15 | 15.09.15| 18.09.15 | 22.09.15 | 24.09.15 —future dates will be added Venue | All sessions take place in central Croydon, information of the venue for your selected session will be provided upon confirmation Course Facilitators Ghislaine Miller an independent consultant with significant experience in the work of Local Safeguarding Children Board including serious case reviews, audits and training. Edi Carmi has been an independent safeguarding consultant since 2000, including writing policy and procedure (including the original London child protection procedures), audits, research, serious case reviews and training How to book | Click here to complete the CSCB training booking form Page Any questions email: [email protected] CS Engaging with vulnerable and hard to reach Young People Who should attend? For all practitioners across the service who work with challenging and vulnerable adolescents Learning Aims The purpose of this training is to bring professionals together to explore ideas and strategies for working with this very challenging group of young people. The course provides a challenge to the approach of managing adolescents through boundaries and managing anti-social behaviour by focusing not only on managing the external behaviour of the adolescent but understanding the ‘inside’ and the development journey of the adolescent. Learning objectives By the end of the session participants will: Draw on recent messages from serious case reviews and research in working with vulnerable and hard to help adolescents Be able to develop a current knowledge base on adolescent development Explore some of the changes and develop good practice skills Develop a more reflective and analytical approach in working with and engaging hard to help adolescents Understand professional expectations of parents when caring for a troubled adolescent Consider tools for practice, application to planning and building relationships, and use of professional network around the child/family 2015 Training Dates and Venue (Whole day training 9.30-4.30) 20 October 2015| 3 December 2015 | 14 March 2016| Venue | Leon House, 233 High St, Croydon, CRO 9XT or Rm 1.18, Bernard Weatherill House, Mint Walk, Croydon, CRO Course Facilitator | Janet Lee, has run senior social work modules in many local authorities . Her style is to develop critical thinking with her participants and her courses are delivered with an analytical and reflective approach. She is a challenging trainer, helping participants to develop their skills and knowledge, reflecting how they work with children, young people and their families and keeping the child in the centre of their thinking. How to book Click here to complete the booking form Page Any questions? [email protected] C S C B L E A R N I NG & DE V E L O P ME NT P R O G R A M M E 2 0 1 5 — 2 0 1 6 Croydon Gangs and Child Sexual Exploitation (Day One) Who should attend? Practitioners working with children, young people and in Croydon who may who come into contact with young people affected by gang activity and affiliation and Child Sexual Exploitation Learning aims This is a one day introduction to Croydon Gangs and a generic overview of Child Sexual Exploitation coming out of gang affiliation. To develop skills and awareness of working with 12-25 yr old men who are known to be gang affiliated, or at high risk of gang involvement and girls and young women aged 11-18 who are affected by gangs and sexual violence/exploitation. Learning objectives GANGS:Overview of Croydon gangs partnership—role, client group, info sharing Examine push and pull factors for young people Current local context of gangs and serious youth violence CSE:Impact of our own attitudes and values on our work with young people Role of young women in gangs and links to CSE Legislation relating to CSE Local processes, resources and services supporting young people in Croydon 2015 Training Dates and Venue (Whole day training 9.30-4.30) 10 June 2015| 9 October 2015 | 29 January 2016 Venue | central Croydon, venue will be confirmed upon booking Course facilitators | Leslie Roberts, Croydon Gangs Team | Beth Matthews Safer London Foundation How to book Click here to complete the booking form Any questions? [email protected] Page 12 C S C B L E A R N I NG & DE V E L O P ME NT P R O G R A M M E 2 0 1 5 — 2 0 1 6 Supporting Young People Affected by Child Sexual Exploitation (Day Two) Who should attend? Practitioners working with children, young people and in Croydon who undertake direct work with children and young people affected by gang activity and affiliation and Child Sexual Exploitation. It is recommended that you attend Day One of this training also. Learning aims This one day training aims to provide an understanding of the impact of Child Sexual Exploitation and how to support those affected. Learning objectives Tools for supporting young people affected by CSE Safety planning Impact of trauma on young people Examine barriers to identifying CSE and supporting young people Responding to disclosures Grounding activities Importance of self-care when working with CSE 2015 Training Dates and Venue (Whole day training 9.30-4.30) 2 July 2015 | 20 November 2015 | 26 February 2016 Venue | central Croydon, venue will be confirmed upon booking Course facilitators | Oretha Wofford, Delivery Manager (CSE and Looked After Children, Social Care Croydon Council and Beth Matthews, Project Manager, Safer London Foundation How to book Click here to complete the booking form Any questions? [email protected] Page 13 C S C B L E A R N I NG & DE V E L O P ME NT P R O G R A M M E 2 0 1 5 — 2 0 1 6 Critical Thinking in Risk Assessments Who should attend? All experienced safeguarding professionals who have direct contact with children and young people Learning aims Understanding the importance of reflecting within a critical mindset is expected with complex risk assessment. This training will promote complexity and analysis. Holding the picture for the child in mind and using professional meetings to critically evaluate a child or young person’s life is essential if we are to provide safety in professional decision making. This course aims to provide the tools to support and develop a critical mindset when dealing with complex risk assessment and is for staff who work predominately with children, young people and parents. Learning objectives To provide a framework for assessing complex risk and harm to children and young people To support competent professional judgements to work out how worried professionals need to be about the child or young person To develop an opportunity for reflecting within a ‘critical mindset’ To develop tools to assist reflection and thinking, leading the assessor to a decision that creates safety for the child and young person To consider how to create professionals forums where the whole picture for the child can be considered and where plans can be made that ‘hold the child in mind’ To use professional meetings not only for information sharing and planning but also analytical meetings where the analysis informs the plan—working it out as a team To clarify the child protection process 2015 Training Dates and Venue (Whole day training 9.30-4.30) 14 October 2015 Venue | central Croydon, venue will be confirmed upon booking Course facilitators | Sarah Roberts an experienced Social Work Manager with experience of undertaking training and audits for Safeguarding Boards and Social Services. How to book Click here to complete the booking form Any questions? [email protected] Page 14 C S C B L E A R N I NG & DE V E L O P ME NT P R O G R A M M E 2 0 1 5 — 2 0 1 6 Managing Allegations & the role of the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) Who should attend? This course is designed for managers in voluntary, independent and statutory agencies who manage staff who are working predominantly with children, young people and/or their parents/carers Learning aims To advise those employing adults to work with children in a paid or unpaid capacity of their duties in respect of dealing with child protection allegations against staff or volunteers Learning objectives By the end of the session attendees will; Have awareness of process and procedures for managing allegations and serious concerns about professional practice and standards of care Have an understanding of national and local guidance in relation to managing allegations Consider the employers role and responsibilities and be clear about what to do if an allegation or concern is received about a member of staff or volunteer Have knowledge of the help and support available to staff/volunteers and carers in relation to allegatiions made against staff Have knowledge of the process of implementing policies and strategies for staff/volunteers/carers in relation to minimising the risk of allegations and strategies for coping if they occur 2015 Training Dates and Venue (1/2 day training 9.30-1.30) 11 June 2015 | 21 October 2015 | 26 January 2016 Venue | Leon House, 233 High Street, CRO 9XT Course Facilitators | Steve Hall, LADO, Croydon Council How to book Click here to complete the booking form Any questions? [email protected] For more information on what your organisation needs to know about managing allegations and the role of the LADO click here, or visit Page 15 C S C B L E A R N I NG & DE V E L O P ME NT P R O G R A M M E 2 0 1 5 — 2 0 1 6 Impact of Substance Misuse on the Family Who should attend? Practitioners undertaking direct work with children and families. It is suggested that Participants undertake the on-line e-learning course on Substance Misuse before attending this training, for access to e-learning course, email [email protected] Learning aims To enhance and develop knowledge and skills in working with children and families affected by problematic alcohol and drug use. Learning objectives Understand why different people might use drugs Identify the potential impact of parental use on children across a range of ages, including young carers Explore the cycle of change and how this may impact on an assessment Identify sources of further support for parents and the professionals working with them Have greater clarity about the thresholds for safeguarding children Address your own attitudes and beliefs regarding parenting and substance misuse Develop an understanding of how to make an effective assessment with reference to the national assessment framework and identify good practice methods 2015 Training Dates and Venue (Whole day training 9.30-4.30) 23 September 2015 Venue | Leon House, 233 High Street, CRO 9XT Course Facilitators | Lee Avery, Specialist Social Worker, CIN, Adult Mental Health and Substance Misuse How to book Click here to complete the booking form Any questions? [email protected] Page 16 C S C B L E A R N I NG & DE V E L O P ME NT P R O G R A M M E 2 0 1 5 — 2 0 1 6 Impact of Adult Mental Health on the Family Who should attend? Practitioners undertaking direct work with children and families. Learning aims To give an increased understanding of the impact of parental mental health problems on children and the parenting ability of adults Learning objectives To be aware of common diagnoses and underlying issues/symptoms To understand the impact on children of Parental Mental Health on Children To have an understanding of the risks involved To gain knowledge of the services, thresholds and processes To be able to undertake and support joint working; opinions, barriers to working well together 2015 Training Dates and Venue (Whole day training 9.30-4.30) 7 October 2015 Venue | central Croydon, venue will be confirmed upon booking Course Facilitators | Lee Avery, Specialist Social Worker, CIN, Adult Mental Health and Sub- stance Misuse How to book Click here to complete the booking form Any questions? [email protected] Page 17 C S C B L E A R N I NG & DE V E L O P ME NT P R O G R A M M E 2 0 1 5 — 2 0 1 6 Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence and the Family Justice Centre role and services Who should attend? All professionals working from a multi-agency approach who are a point of contact for the public—including Child and Family Social Workers, Health, Education and EISS who have concerns and those who conduct initial assessments Learning aims This course is designed to increase the knowledge and competence and to provide participants with awareness and practice knowledge of Domestic abuse and sexual violence and how to identify high risk and what services are available to support victims. Learning Objectives What is Domestic Abuse Risk Assessing Understanding and Role of MARAC Sexual Violence Facts and Myths Impacts and Responses to Sexual Violence Response Based Therapy and Empowerment Model Support for Professionals Working with Survivors of Sexual Violence 2015 Training Dates and Venue (Whole day training 9.30-4.30) 25 June | 24 September | 3 December | 11 February 2016 Venue | Leon House, 233 High Street, CRO 9XT Course Facilitator | Alison Kennedy, Family Justice Centre and the Rape Crisis South London (RASAC) How to book for the Full Day training: Click here to complete the booking form __________________________________________________________________________ Plus 1/2 day bite-size workshops (10-12) are available for Domestic Abuse on:28 May | 23 July | 27 August | 22 October | 26 November Please apply directly to [email protected] ___________________________________________________________ For more information and resources on working to support victims of domestic abuse, visit Co-ordinated Action Against Domestic Abuse: Page 18 C S C B L E A R N I NG & DE V E L O P ME NT P R O G R A M M E 2 0 1 5 — 2 0 1 6 Engaging Men in Assessment and Interventions Who should attend? All practitioners who are directly involved with families, undertaking assessments where there may be the presence of a male figure; father, step-father, partner Learning aims Engaging men is often one of the most challenging issues practitioners face when undertaking assessments. Research has consistently shown that all to often fathers and other men in families are absence in the assessment process. This one day course seeks to explore our expectations of men and fathering and to consider how we can engage men more effectively in our work. Learning Objectives Explore the role of fathers/partners in the families they work with Discuss the issues that arise when we attempt to engage men in work with families Considered the messages from research in this area of practice Explore strategies and ways of working that can help practitioners engage with men more effectively 2015 Training Dates and Venue (Whole day training 9.30-4.30) 17.09.15 | 03.02.16 Venue | Room 1.18, Bernard Weatherill House, Mint Walk, Croydon, CRO Course Facilitator | Gavin Swann, Head of Safeguarding Croydon Council How to book Click here to complete the booking form Any questions? [email protected] For more information and resources about safeguarding children visit Croydon Safeguarding Children Board Page 19 C S C B L E A R N I NG & DE V E L O P ME NT P R O G R A M M E 2 0 1 5 — 2 0 1 6 Fabricated or Induced Illness Conference Who should attend? Managers and front line practitioners who work directly with children and families located in Croydon. Learning Aims Fabricated or induced illness (or Munchausens by proxy) is generally seen as a rare occurrence and the rates of reported incidences are not as high as other forms of abuse. As incidences are growing, more professionals are becoming aware of its occurrence. The purpose of this training is to bring professionals together to raise an awareness and knowledge of the signs and symptoms of this under reported and rare form of child abuse. This is an essential area of knowledge for managers and practitioners in order to know what to look for and what to do when this occurs. Learning objectives By the end of the session participants will: Have the ability to recognise Signs and Symptoms of FII Thresholds for Reporting Concerns What Steps to Take—Raising an Escalation What is the Longer Term Psychological Damage How to communicate with families and other professionals when dealing with fabricated and induced illness Have an increased awareness of national guidelines and local procedures in relation to fabricated or induced illness Date and Venue 6th May 2015—Morning only (9.30-1) Venue | Leon House, 233 High Street, Croydon, CRO 9XT Guest Speaker | Dr Danya Glaser MB BS, DCH, FRCPsych, hon FRCPCH is a visiting Professor at UCL and Honorary Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrict at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children. She is currently working on the early recognition of fabricated or induced illness. Dr Glaser Chairs the Coram Adoption Panel. Page To book a place email: [email protected] Places will be limited. CSCB Safeguarding Children in Partnership A Systemic Approach Who should attend? Managers and Practitioners from local agencies involved with safeguarding children. Learning Aims In line with the Munro report Social Care and Family Support are undertaking a new approach to working with children and families: A Systemic Approach. A systemic approach focuses on the system: The relationships between people and events. So, rather than locating problems in people and individuals it views dilemmas as arising in relationships, interactions, language and behaviour patterns that develop between people. These 2 half day conferences are designed to inform partners of: Learning objectives The overarching principles of systemic practice and how Croydon is using these when working with children and families The implications of the approach for you as partners The differences in practice you will see across social care Opportunity to reflect on your position in the system Date and Venue (2 half day events) 17th April 2015 (one morning session, one afternoon session) 9.30-12.30/1.30-4.30 Venue | 8th Floor, Leon House, 233 High Street, Croydon, CRO 9XT Speakers | Morning Lane Associates How to book a place | email stating preference for morning or afternoon session to [email protected] Page 21 C S C B L E A R N I NG & DE V E L O P ME NT P R O G R A M M E 2 0 1 5 — 2 0 1 6 Safeguarding Children training for Housing teams (Level 1 and 2) Who should attend? This Safeguarding course has been designed for Croydon Housing teams. Learning Aims To give participants the ability to recognise signs of neglect and abuse and to gain an understanding of what safeguarding is. It will offer the opportunity to develop their knowledge, skills and the ability to work together on the process of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, including those who are suffering, or at risk of suffering, or significant harm, and how to report concerns. Learning objectives Provide awareness of relevant legislation, guidance and procedures Inter-agency roles and responsibilities for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children Develop skills in recognising situations where abuse may be occurring and be able to take appropriate action Understand what information can be shred Understand the role of the Local Authority Designated Officer Understand the Early Help Pathways and the role of the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) Date and Venue (2 hour session) To be confirmed Venue | will be confirmed once booked Course Facilitators : Members of the Early Intervention and Support Team, LB Croydon Members of the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub Any questions email us at [email protected] Page 22 C S C B L E A R N I NG & DE V E L O P ME NT P R O G R A M M E 2 0 1 5 — 2 0 1 6 Elected Members Safeguarding Children training Who should attend? Croydon Elected Members Learning Aims This course is designed to provide Members with the knowledge and information to support their communities at an individual and community level to effectively safeguard children and young people. Learning objectives The role Members can take in safeguarding children in their community The changing and priority needs within local areas and the response from the Safeguarding Children Board Strategic and Legislative frameworks The differences between Safeguarding and the Corporate Parenting The role of Local Safeguarding Boards (LSCBs) and its priorities What to do when you are worried about a child or young person, how to make a referral and to which services The role of Serious Case Reviews and Independent Management Reviews Date and Venue (2 hour evening session) Thursday 17 September 2015 | Wednesday 23 September 2015 Venue | To be confirmed Facilitators | Gavin Swann, Head of Safeguarding and Quality Assurance, London Borough of Croydon How to book a place | Any queries please email [email protected] Alternatively call Ilona on 020 87266000 ext 62683 Page 23 C S C B L E A R N I NG & DE V E L O P ME NT P R O G R A M M E 2 0 1 5 — 2 0 1 6 CHILD TRAFFICKING Who should attend? This is for practitioners who have regular contact with children, young people or families and will help to identify whether or not individuals are subject to child trafficking Learning Aims This course has been designed to introduce participants to the subject of child trafficking and to develop their skills to improve awareness, identification and safeguarding of child victims. To improve understanding of National and international legislation and how to refer and protect victims. Learning objectives By the end of the session participants will: Have knowledge of the work of CFAB and the Barnados’ Project in a local context Have greater definition of child trafficking Understand different types of child trafficking Recognise the indictors of child trafficking Have understanding of the referral process Understand how to work with victims and reintegration Training Dates and Venue (Whole day training 9.30-4.30) 4 June 2015 Venue| Fairfield Halls, Park Lane, Croydon, CR9 1DG Course Facilitators CFAB, Children and Families Across The Borders Georg Stahl and Bina Godhina, Barnardo’s Trafficking Project, Croydon How to book: Click here to complete the CSCB Booking form Any questions email us at—[email protected] Visit Practitioner Space for all the help and guidance needed for working with families: Page 24 C S C B L E A R N I NG & DE V E L O P ME NT P R O G R A M M E 2 0 1 5 — 2 0 1 6 CSCB Annual Conference Safeguarding Young People 23rd June 2015 The annual conference of the Croydon Safeguarding Children Board will be taking place on 23rd June 2015 at Croydon Conference Centre. The theme for the conference is Safeguarding Young People. Together we will be exploring a range of issues affecting young people in Croydon, and in particular those issues which impact our most vulnerable young people. Themes to be covered will include identifying the early signs and understanding the long term impact of early trauma, Child Sexual Exploitation, Children who go Missing and Preventing Violent Extremism. Speakers and Presentations for the day will include: Dr Crispin Day, Head of The Centre of Parent and Child Support, SLAM Carlene Firmin, MsUnderstood Partnership Met Police on Croydon Missing Children ‘Fico’ - A film prepared by Croydon Street Based Youth Team Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) and Lorin LaFave, Mother of Breck Bednar and founder of PLAY Virtual LIVE Real There will be a range of workshops available for delegates to attend covering: CSE, Missing Children, Gangs and PREVENT. Details on how to book your place at this event will be available soon Pag C S C B L E A R N I NG & DE V E L O P ME NT P R O G R A M M E 2 0 1 5 — 2 0 1 6 KEY CONTACTS TO HELP YOU! - This programme is about being able to CSCB Board Manager: support you in your practice to make a difference to Maureen Floyd | 0208 7266400 the children and families you help and care for. [email protected] TALK TO US! - Once you have attended the training, your experience and how you are applying it to your role Multi-Agency Safeguarding Learning & Development Co-ordinator: Sharon Parkes | 0208 2394350 [email protected] is information we will be ask you about. This will help us make the programme better—so when we contact you please get back to us— it’ll be quick and easy! GET INVOLVED! —This programme has been developed in ANY QUESTIONS? Email us response to the needs of local practice. If you have ideas, know of a really good trainer, or want to share your ex- safeguardingchildrentraining@ pertise—get in touch with us! CHARGES FOR NON-ATTENDANCE— CSCB training is free to all professionals and volunteers who work directly or indirectly with children, young people and families in Croydon. There is a very high demand for these courses, if Useful resources Croydon Safeguarding Children Board contains more information on multi-agency training Practitioner Space for all the help and guidance needed for working with families: London Safeguarding Children Board: Working Together 2013: https:// working-together-to-safeguard-children you can’t attend you must let us know. If a delegate is allocated a place and fails to attend without giving a minimum of 5 working days notice a one-off £ 50.00 nonattendance charge will be incurred - this applies to all agencies and organisations. A substitute can be nominated, but you must notify us of the change otherwise a charge will be applied. This programme was published March 2015— for the most up to date training offers visit http://
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