EDENHAM HIGH SCHOOL ‘A Foundation School 11-18’ AIM ASPIRE ACHIEVE Dear Parents/Guardians/Carers Year 11 will be sitting their Pre Public Examinations during a two week period, starting Monday 1st December 2014. Art students will actually start earlier by taking their exam during the week beginning 25th November 2014. All students will be expected to attend school as usual, in full school uniform and when they do not have an exam they will follow their normal timetable. Some exams may start at 8.30am and in the afternoon an exam may continue past 3.15pm finishing at 4.00pm. It is extremely important that students arrive in school on time, fully equipped for each exam. Spare pens and pencils will avoid unnecessary distractions and last minute problems for students and teachers alike. A calculator will be required for one of the two maths papers, the Maths dept do not provide students with calculators. The recommended calculator is a Casio fx-83GT . The Pre Public Exams are an important stepping stone in the process of preparing students for their GCSEs in May/June 2015 and we ask that your child prepares for the exams with genuine commitment and diligence. Revision should begin now, may I suggest a minimum two hours each night. A guest speaker specialising in revision techniques has been arranged to lead sessions during the next two weeks for all students. The sessions will encourage students to use their time at home in a productive and purposeful manner. After school revision will continue to take place and I would encourage all students to remain in school, attending a session of their choice. I cannot over emphasise the importance of these exams and parental support is a key element in providing a positive learning environment at home. Please check that your child comes to school with all the necessary equipment every day. Try to encourage a reasonable time to settle down for the night and eat sensibly throughout this period of time. Teachers are available to support and answer questions that might arise when revising at home. Finally, when students return to school after the Christmas break, an assembly will be arranged to hand out exam results. Many students will perform as expected, others will exceed expectations and there may be a very small number who may be left feeling disappointed with their results. It will be a time to reflect and move forward. Teachers will also evaluate and reflect upon the results enabling them to provide support for those who need help. If you have any questions concerning the information provided, please contact Mr Powell, Mr Webb, Mrs Worboys or Mrs Hyde school examinations officer via email or telephone. Regards A Powell Head of Progress Year 11 Orchard Way, Shirley, Croydon CR0 7NJ Email:[email protected] Tel: 0208 776 0220 Fax: 0208 777 3904 www.edenham.croydon.sch.uk
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