Cruxifusion’s Annual General Meeting Wellington Square United Church, Burlington, Ontario AGENDA April 27, 2015 4:00 PM (EST) As Cruxifusion is a registered Canadian charity, it is required that we hold annual general meetings each year to approve financial matters, appoint Board members and officers, etc. Please print these pages or save them to your electronic device and bring them with you to the Conference for our brief annual general meeting. 1. Constitution of the Meeting 2. Welcome 3. Opening Prayer (Anne Dionisio) 4. Adoption of this Agenda 5. Adoption of Minutes of our last Annual Meeting, April 29, 2014 (pages 2-4) also see file of appendices for additional materials 6. Business Arising from the Minutes: Our by-laws were submitted to the government following their ratification last April. 7. Financial Report & 2015 Budget (pages 5-6) 8. Election of Board Members & Officers (page 7) 9. Prayer for Board Members and Officers 10. Other Business that may properly come to the Meeting 11. Closing Statements 12. Prayer & Adjournment Minutes of Cruxifusion’s 2014 Annual General Meeting April 29, 2014 Martin Grove United Grove, Toronto ON Roll call: See Appendix 1 1. Constitution of the Meeting 1 Greg Brawn constituted the meeting in the name of Jesus Christ the only head of the church. 2. Welcome Greg Brawn welcomed everyone to the meeting, and commented on the change in the fiscal year from September 1 - August 31 to January 1 – December 31. 3. Bible Reading & Opening Prayer Kim Heath read from Hebrews 12 (selected verses) and opened the meeting in prayer. 4. Adoption of this Agenda Moved by John Maich, seconded by Greg Smith-Young, that the agenda be adopted as circulated.CARRIED. 5. Adoption of Minutes of our last Annual Meeting, Nov. 29, 2013 Moved by Lorraine Hill, seconded by Blair Paterson, that the minutes of the last annual meeting on November 29, 2013 be adopted as circulated.CARRIED. 6. Financial Report Tony Wilson introduced and explained the financial statement for the fiscal year Sept 1-Dec 31. (Appendix 2) Moved by Anne Dionisio, seconded by John Maich that the financial statements of December 31, 2013 be accepted.CARRIED. Moved by Tony Wilson, seconded by Kim Heath that Jay Thomblison CPA, CA from Burlington, Ontario be appointed to complete the Notice to Reader engagement for Cruxifusion Inc. for the fiscal year end December 31, 2014 and that his remuneration for this work be set by the board. CARRIED. 7. Budget Presentation & Approval Tony Wilson presented the budget for 2014. (Appendix 2) Moved by Phil Spencer, seconded by Margie Wood that the budget for 2014 be adopted.CARRIED. Greg Smith-Young noted that the line Other Expenses in the budget should be separated because it is so large. Sally Budge noted that Cruxifusion is on PAR so that is a possibility for fundraising. Other fundraising options were discussed. Tony Wilson explained the year-to-date finance statement for the first three months of 2014. (Appendix 3) 8. Adoption of Our Revised Bylaws Moved by Don Graham, seconded by Stephen Barbour that the revised by-laws of Cruxifusion Inc. (see Appendix 4) be accepted. CARRIED. 2 9. Election of Board Members & Officers Greg Brawn noted the resignations of board members Scott Boughner in Oct 7/13 and Orville James as of the end of this meeting, April 29/14. Greg Brawn called for further nominations to the board from the floor, three times. Hearing none, Greg Brawn presented the following slate of Board members. (continuing) Rev.Gregory Brawn Rev. Michael Goodfellow Rev. Kimberly Heath Rev. Lorraine Hill Anne Dionisio Rev. Deb McMillan Rev. Blair Paterson Rev. Nick Phillips Rev. Greg Smith-Young Rev. Phillip Spencer London Conference Maritime Conference Bay of Quinte Conference Toronto Conference Candidate: Hamilton Conf.; Serving in London Conf. Toronto Conference Montreal-Ottawa Conference Maritime Conference Hamilton Conference British Columbia Conference (new) Rev. Stephen Barbour Rev. Emmanuel Ofori Newfoundland and Labrador Conference Montreal-Ottawa Conference Moved by Krista Elizabeth Vandersar, seconded by Erasmus Madimbuthat the slate of board members be adopted.CARRIED. Discussion was made about the composition of the board based on geography, ministry stream, and term of office. Greg Brawn presented the following slate of officers: Chair: Rev. Gregory Brawn Vice Chair: Rev. Debbie McMillan Secretary: Rev. Michael Goodfellow Financial Administrator: Tony Wilson Signing Officers: Tony Wilson, Rev. Orville James, Rev. Lorraine Hill, Rev. Greg SmithYoung Webmaster: Rev. Nick Phillips Moved by Richard Bowley, seconded by Brian Wilkie that the slate of officers be adopted. CARRIED 10. Prayer for Board Members and Officers 3 Diane Walker shared the history of the founding of Cruxifusion and the previous renewal/confessing groups that preceded it. She then led in prayer for the board and its work. 11. Other Business that may properly come to the Meeting Greg Brawn named some of the avenues of continued support. Facebook group Website “” Postcards, business cards, magnets Mentoring relationships Book study 12. Closing Statements Eric Stephanson offered thanks for the board chair and members, and encouragement for their continued work. 13. Prayer & Adjournment Michael Goodfellow closed the meeting in prayer. Greg Brawn declared the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Rev. Michael Goodfellow Secretary 4 5 Cruxifusion Inc 2014 Finances & 2015 Budget INCOME: Receipted Donations Congregation Donations Conference Fees Conference Store Other Revenue Total Income 2014 2014 BUDGET ACTUAL 15,600 4,800 22,500 600 0 43,500 6,403 5,750 22,248 795 0 35,196 6,600 6,000 30,000 600 2,650 45,850 1,500 12,000 500 3,150 4,500 12,375 34,025 1,149 13,950 500 2,500 4,952 13,043 36,619 1,500 15,000 500 3,000 7,600 19,200 46,800 400 1,000 600 1,620 0 300 3,000 0 6,920 316 0 555 723 0 0 3,000 4,594 400 0 600 720 0 600 3,000 0 5,320 4,382 0 4,382 3,638 0 3,638 5,855 0 5,855 45,327 44,850 57,975 -1,827 -9,654 12,125 Opening Bank Balance, start of period 31,246 31,246 21,593 Closing Bank Balance, end of period 29,419 21,593 9,468 EXPENSES : Conference: Advertising & Promotion Travel & Vehicle Occupancy Costs Wages & Honoraria Meals & Breaks Hotel Costs Total Conference Expenses Management & Admin: Advertising & Promotion Travel & Vehicle Bank & Service Charges Office Expenses Occupancy Costs Professional Fees Wages & Honoraria Other Expenses Total Management & Admin Other Expenses: HST Paid Other Expenses Total Other Expenses Total Expenses NET INCOME (LOSS) SLATE OF BOARD MEMBERS 6 2015 BUDGE T We operate with twelve (12) Board members, according to our By-laws. Resigning from the Board: Rev. Emmanuel Ofori from position of Chair: Rev. Greg Brawn (wishing to remain on the Board) from position of Vice-Chair: Rev. Debbie McMillan (wishing to remain on Board) Wishing to Continue Serving on the Board Rev. Stephen Barbour Newfoundland Conference Rev.Greg Brawn London Conference Rev. Michael Goodfellow Maritime Conference Rev. Kimberly Heath Bay of Quinte Conference Rev. Lorraine Hill Toronto Conference Anne Loucks Candidate from Hamilton Conference Rev. Deb McMillan Toronto Conference Rev. Blair Paterson Montreal-Ottawa Conference Rev. Nick Phillips Maritime Conference Rev. Greg Smith-Young Hamilton Conference Rev. Phillip Spencer British Columbia Conference Vacancies Chair: Nominated by the Board: Rev. Nick Phillips Vice-Chair: Nominated by the Board: Rev. Greg Smith-Young One Board member: No nominations to date Nominations for Chair, Vice-Chair, and the one vacant Board member position are welcome prior to and during the AGM. Continuing Positions/Roles Financial Administrator: Tony Wilson Signing Officers: Tony Wilson, Rev. Lori Hill, Rev. Orville James, Rev. Greg Smith-Young Recording Secretary: Rev. Michael Goodfellow Webmaster: Rev. Nick Phillips 7
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