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are CrumblingTT
Once again, Gov. Cuomo'sbudget proposal fails to make investments
to our communities crumbling infrastructure and will actually pit
r_egionagainst region in order to get any funding.
1) The Budget proposes a 0% increase in Aid & Incentives to Municipalities
(AIM) funding for local governments. CSEA opposes flat funding AIM. Rather
than pushing $150 million for shared services programs and mergers, this funding
should be used for an AIM increase in order for local governments to continue to
provide needed services.
2) The Executive Budget proposes $1.5 billion in economic
development funding that is really just an Upstate Hunger
Games-style competition. Only 3 out of 7 regions in Upstate
would be awarded funding. CSEA opposes this proposal. This
funding should be distributed to local governments to make
investments in our aging infrastructure. These investments will
create jobs and spur economic development throughout the
whole state, not just certain areas.
3) The Property Tax Cap needs more flexibility and exemptions to account for
disaster relief, emergencies, capital expenditures and PILOTs.
Call your State Senator and Assemblymember and tell them
"Our Communities Need Real Help, Not Just Gimmicks"
(877) 255- 9417