LMU | Seaver SPRING 2015 cse.lmu.edu 8 7 A Commitment to Serving Students 4 Frank R. Seaver College of Science and Engineering renews its decades-long commitment to innovation in education and to the ultimate success of its students. vision Seaver College provides a student-centered educational experience in an intellectually vibrant and socially just environment. Graduates develop intellectual and practical skills that enable life-long learning, post-graduation success, and an appreciation for personal and social responsibilities. Faculty are highly engaged with students, leading to strong, long-lasting relationships. mission Seaver College provides outstanding student-centered disciplinary and interdisciplinary educational and research experiences in science, engineering, and mathematics within a Catholic university emphasizing intellectual vibrancy, excellence, citizenship, service, and social justice. values Seaver College is dedicated to serving students through transformative teaching, hands-on mentoring, and opportunities for research, service, and community engagement. The college values a diverse population in its students, faculty and staff. The college’s commitment to the Jesuit principle of whole-person education creates a stimulating environment that fosters creativity leading to innovation in the discovery of truth and problem solving for the global benefit of humanity. environment that enhances creativity and thought, inspiring the best in scientific innovation and study. 10 6 contents 2 message from the dean 3 by the numbers 4 improving the lives of cancer survivors 6 designing the future 7 connecting with the community 8 putting skills to work in service 10 growing science complex 12 12 A statistical look at Seaver College IMPAACT, a Seaver College Health and Human Sciences research program, assists cancer survivors in strength and mobility Alumna Dorota Bytnerowicz Shortell puts her LMU education to work running a high-tech design firm First-year engineering students in the PEEC living-learning community are implementing hands-on engineering projects with elementary school students A group of Seaver engineering students help a developmentally challenged fifth-grader answering the call of Jesuit service A two-year wait is nearing an end as the state-of-the-art Life Sciences building nears completion working more efficiently A new Graduate Certificate in Lean Healthcare Systems will help bring down the cost of health care ON THE COVER: THE LIFE SCIENCES BUILDING WILL OPEN FOR CLASSES IN FALL 2015. AS STUDENTS WATCHED THE BUILDING GO UP, SOME ENGINEERING STUDENTS HAD A HAND IN ITS CONSTRUCTION AS INTERNS WITH BUILDER C.W. DRIVER. AT LEFT: HEAVY MACHINERY WORKS ON THE INNER COURTYARD OF LMU’S NEW LIFE SCIENCES BUILDING. A MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN Making Changes and Moving Forward This past year has been an exciting time of progress and transition, deepening our roots and building a stronger foundation for Seaver College. We have watched with eager anticipation the new Life Sciences building move into the home stretch of construction. We also bid farewell to Dean Richard Plumb, who served the college for nine years. One thing you may notice in this edition is that we renamed this publication “LMU|Seaver” to reflect who we are, the Frank R. Seaver College of Science and Engineering. As you read through this issue, two themes that speak to the essence of who we are as a college will emerge: our student-centered education and our commitment to our Jesuit and Marymount traditions. Students are at the core of everything we do. A featured article in this issue highlights our livinglearning community for first year engineering students. This program provides a fully integrated learning experience that positions students for success in college and beyond. Another example of our commitment to student engagement is our research-based approach to undergraduate education, which is highlighted in the article about how exercise can help improve the health of cancer survivors. “As we embrace the past and prepare for the future, we build upon our heritage and tradition to educate academically ambitious students committed to lives of meaning and purpose.” FRANK R. SEAVER COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2014 - 2015 UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS S.W. Tina Choe, Ph.D. Female INTERIM DEAN Curtis Bennett, Ph.D. ASSOCIATE DEAN FOR FACULTY DEVELOPMENT AND GRADUATE STUDIES Philippa Drennan, Ph.D. INTERIM ASSOCIATE DEAN FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES FOR SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS STUDENTSS William Trott, Ph.D. PE INTERIM ASSOCIATE DEAN FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS Fred Brown, Ph.D. DIRECTOR, SYSTEMS ENGINEERING LEADERSHIP PROGRAM The stories we’ve brought together represent just a brief look at the excellent programs in Seaver College. With the fall 2015 opening of the Life Sciences building, we look forward to all the exciting new opportunities for students, faculty and the community. African-American Hispanic/Latino Multirace Carl Urbinati, Ph.D. CHAIR, DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY James Landry, Ph.D. CHAIR, DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY DIRECTOR, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE PROGRAM White/Non-Hispanic International 45.4% 0.1% 15.7% 5.0% 21.9% 8.6% 0.2% 41.5% 7.2 % Michael Manoogian, Ph.D. CHAIR, DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE; DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING CHAIR, DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS Average class size Number of degree-seeking students Full-time faculty Average GPA of admitted students Jeff Sanny, Ph.D. (weighted high school GPA for UG Fall 2014) Nazmul Ula, Ph.D. CHAIR, DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE Hawley Almstedt, Ph.D., R.D CHAIR, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SCIENCES The Jesuit and Marymount traditions of the encouragement of learning, the education of whole person, and the service of faith and promotion of justice shine through as well. You’ll read how mechanical engineering students built an assistive technology device for a special-needs boy that improved his quality of life. You’ll also see how students in the Systems Engineering program identified ways health care providers can improve patient care by streamlining processes. We are also proud to feature one of our alumna in this issue. American Indian/Alaska Native Asian COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Suzanne Larson, Ph.D. CHAIR, DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS LMU|SEAVER, SPRING 2015 EDITOR: TIFFANY JONICK ASSISTANT EDITOR: NAKESHA MAYFIELD WRITER: ERIN JOHNSON COPY EDITOR: JOHN KISSELL PHOTOGRAPHERS: JON ROU, DEVIN FEIL, NEIL HILKEN ‘14, THOMAS IRETON ‘14, COREY HAMBLY ‘18, CHRIS DELGADO ‘16, DESIGN: TORNADO CREATIVE, LA Admit rate (Fall term only) 4-Year Graduation Rate 6-Year Graduation Rate 22.6 1,090 88 3.96 49.6% 74.3% 78.9% STUDENTS RECEIVING FINANCIAL AID – FALL 2013 All aid S.W. Tina Choe, Ph.D. PROFESSOR AND INTERIM DEAN 2 FRANK R. SEAVER COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LOYOLA MARYMOUNT UNIVERSITY 1 LMU DRIVE, MS 8135 LOS ANGELES, CA 90045-2659 cse.lmu.edu Grants and scholarships 93.1% 88.0% $20,105 CSE.LMU.EDU 3 HEALTH AND HUMAN SCIENCES Improving the Lives of Cancer Survivors Life saving. Live changing. Best program around. These are words being used to describe a collaborative research project underway at the Frank R. Seaver College of Science and Engineering that is identifying ways exercise can help cancer survivors strengthen their bodies and promote improved survival prognosis. “This past Thanksgiving I went to Boston with my family and was able to make it to the top of the Bunker Hill Monument,” recalled Ann Cortez, a cancer survivor and participant in the program since it began in 2013. “I made it up the full 300 steps with my family, something I couldn’t enjoy with them before. This is the impact of the program.” The program is called IMPAACT, Improving Physical Activity After Cancer Treatment. Cancer survivors participate in one-hour supervised exercise sessions consisting of aerobic and resistance training three times a week at Loyola Marymount University’s Applied Physiology Lab. Initial results showed that body fat and waist circumference decreased, bone density improved and participants made noticeable gains in flexibility and strength. “What we’ve found so far is that the program is improving the overall health of the participants,” said Heather Tarleton, an assistant professor in the Health and Human Sciences Department who leads the study. The finding that exercise improves health may not appear groundbreaking, but for cancer survivors — who often suffer fatigue, pain, nausea and other side effects of their treatment — the results are encouraging. “They are feeling more fully engaged in life,” Tarleton said of the participants. “That will improve their chances of staying healthy for a longer time.” PROACTIVELY ADDRESSING CANCER “When you get cancer, you are immediately awash in the process of having cancer. It’s all pretty passive for the patient and really terrifying,” explained participant Linda Jacobson, who joined IMPAACT last August. “This program gives some concrete ways to address the cancer in a proactive way.” Fay Lyons, who participated in a similar program at Cedars-Sinai, compares IMPAACT to “circuit training at an expensive gym.” Since joining, Lyons has noticed an improvement in her endurance, muscle tone and sleep. “I feel like I have 10 personal trainers in the room.” 4 FRANK R. SEAVER COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Participants have target goals customized to the individual, explained Tarleton. This aspect is something participants have valued, as each has experienced the effects of cancer treatment to differing extents. “Anything I struggled with, they modified for me,” said Cortez. “Any cancer survivor should know they can come to the program and take it one step at a time, based on what their body needs.” BEYOND PHYSICAL BENEFITS The benefits of IMPAACT go beyond the physical, as participants point to the camaraderie that’s developed from exercising with other cancer survivors. “The anecdotal sharing of stories and experiences with another person who ‘gets it’ is healing,” said Jacobson. “For me it became more than just a regular program. It was a place I could go and feel comfortable while I was recovering with others in a similar situation. The help I received from all the staff and students, and the support I received from the other participants, were a big bonus,” said Deanna Schultz. IMPAACT is a collaborative project among several faculty members. Tarleton is the lead investigator and focuses on blood biomarkers and body composition. Hawley Almstedt, chair of Health and Human Sciences and associate professor, studies bone health and body composition. Silvie Grote, a part-time professor, looks at cardiovascular health and balance. Stephanie Perez, clinical assistant professor, hones in on the neurological assessment and neuropathy, as well as balance. Todd Shoepe, assistant professor, focuses on musculoskeletal health. Sarah Strand, associate professor, carries out the orthopedic assessment and also studies balance. A cadre of undergraduate student research assistants — 34 since IMPAACT started — also supports the program by monitoring participants and collecting data. At left: Professor Heather Tarleton, left, who leads the IMPAACT study, talks with a participant. Opposite page: Participants in the IMPAACT study run through their exercises at the Loyola Marymount University facilities. CSE.LMU.EDU 5 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING COMMUNITY SERVICE Designing the Future Dorota Bytnerowicz Shortell works in product design, the arena where ideas are made tangible. As the president of Simplexity, based in San Diego, she oversees day-to-day operations from Portland, Oregon, while personally managing some of the company’s development projects. “I enjoy creating something new, where there hasn’t been anything like it before,” she says. Hewlett-Packard turned to Simplexity to create the world’s fastest desktop printer. Another customer asked the company to create a sensor device that could tell if students learning CPR were applying the correct chest pressure. A third customer wanted a machine to custom shape high-performance golf clubs. “I didn’t want to be just a number. LMU focused on undergraduates and teaching. And I liked the fact that LMU was Catholic.” 6 FRANK R. SEAVER COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING To engineer such products, Shortell and her staff ask questions consumers might never consider: Can the product work better with fewer parts? Can it be engineered to gobble less energy? Can it be designed in a way that facilitates assembly, making it cheaper to build? valedictorian honors at her California high school and acceptances from MIT, Stanford and Cal Tech. She chose instead LMU, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering in the Frank R. Seaver College of Science and Engineering. The decision was in part financial; LMU offered a hefty scholarship. But she adds: “I didn’t want to be just a number. LMU focused on undergraduates and teaching. And I liked the fact that LMU was Catholic.” LMU offered what she needed to win admission to Stanford’s graduate program in mechanical engineering. Along the way, she got a particularly useful lesson in Professor Frank Fisher’s seniorlevel design class. “You’re not going to get it right the first time,” Fisher told his students. “You’ve got to build it, try it, and then improve on it.” That’s one of the mantras that govern Simplexity. “We’ll get it pretty close the first time,” says Shortell. “But there are always iterations as we get the product in our hands and interact with it. Then we see other things that can be done to improve it. These issues must be resolved under tight deadlines. “Our customers often have to get the product out fast,” she says. “You don’t want to set up your factory and start building something and then discover there are big problems,” Shortell says. “If you don’t take the upfront time in design, you have to rebuild things.” Shortell was born in Poland and immigrated with her family to the U.S. when she was 5. She earned Reprinted with permission, LMU Magazine ( magazine.lmu.edu) LMU students and Playa Vista Elementary School teachers explore hands-on engineering projects. LMU engineering freshman Christopher LeMieux measures the results of a design activity with teachers at Playa Vista. Connecting with the Community Twenty-five students in the Frank R. Seaver College of Science and Engineering are gaining practical experience teaching elementary students engineering concepts as a part of the Program for an Engineering Education Community (PEEC). Johnson explained how PEEC students conducted an in-service training with teachers about the engineering design process. While the subject matter was familiar to the teachers, they became attuned to new aspects of the design process giving them a deeper understanding of the subject. First-year engineering students are heading to the front of the class this spring as they become teachers of engineering at Playa Vista Elementary School, in Los Angeles. “I can’t wait to be in a setting where I get to teach others about something I love,” said electrical engineering major Daniel McGrath. He and his classmates will be collaborating with teachers and implementing hands-on engineering projects with third-, fourth- and fifth-graders about geothermal heating and cooling, water filtration and solar energy. PECC students learned a lot about these and other sustainable engineering concepts and practices in the fall introduction to engineering course. PEEC students are also learning practical lessons. “We’re getting real world experience,” said McGrath. “I need to think about budget, who’s going to be doing what in our group, how to communicate the information and bring down the technical language.” In collaboration with Playa Vista teachers, PEEC students create the lessons, put the activities together and teach the concepts, explained Playa Vista Elementary School Principal Rebecca Johnson. This also helps to reinforce teachers’ understanding of the material. The PEEC program is Loyola Marymount University’s living-learning community for first-year engineering students that began in 2009. Before the start of the fall semester, PEEC students participate in a pre-college experience. PEEC students also live together and are enrolled in certain courses together. The project is in its second year and Johnson would like to see it expand to all grade levels. CSE.LMU.EDU 7 ENGINEERS FOR OTHERS Putting Skills to Work in Service When four mechanical engineering students from the Frank R. Seaver College of Science and Engineering began work on their senior capstone project last year, they had no way of knowing what a life-changing experience it would become — both for them and for the young boy they helped to stand. Jack Steinberg, then a fifth-grader at LMU Family of Schools partner WISH Charter, suffers from a neurological movement disorder that makes it difficult for him to stand on his own. “One of the things that’s so important for Jack is that he’s standing,” explained his mother, Ivey Van Allen-Steinberg. “The Achilles tendons start to shorten through time if they sit too much, and that requires surgery.” At the time, Jack was using a pediatric walker as a makeshift standing device, locked in place and weighted down to keep it from tipping over. The team from LMU knew they could do better. For their capstone design project, then-seniors Deanna Watson ’14, Taylor Chavez ’14, James Christiansen-Salameh ’14 and Connor Alvarez ’14 designed and built an assistive stander that Jack could use at school and at home. The MOBI-S, as the portable device is called, features rotating clamps that can be attached to a variety of surfaces. Vertical extension bars allow it to be height adjusted so Jack can use it into adulthood. Deanna Watson, James Christiansen-Salameh, Taylor Chavez and Connor Alvarez present the MOBI-S assistive standing device. 8 FRANK R. SEAVER COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING The yearlong project yielded hands-on engineering experience and an invaluable connection to community through service. “We learned how to deal with the companies themselves, the manufacturers, the people physically making the parts,” said Christiansen-Salameh. “But then we also got this personal side of the story in dealing with the person we were actually making it for.” “The first time we had him try it out, you could just see his eyes light up,” remembered Chavez. “It was a really awesome experience to see his reaction to the device.” LEARNING THROUGH SERVICE “We weren’t just using the skills we developed as engineering majors, we were also learning through service as well.” Ultimately, that’s what the course is all about, said Nader Saniei, professor of mechanical engineering who supervised the design projects last year. “In addition to being a technical engineering project, this gave the students a sense of satisfaction beyond academic value,” he explained. “The driving force behind these projects is the fact that engineers can and should make a difference in people’s lives.” Choosing a service-oriented project was important to everyone on the team. “This project seemed the most real-world to me,” said Christiansen-Salameh. “What you’re making is directly affecting a person’s life.” That directive applies not only to the projects’ beneficiaries, but to the students as well. “After completing this project, these students graduated from LMU with a feeling that their contributions to society as mechanical engineers had already begun,” said Saniei. “I am really proud of them.” “I think our project was very unique in that we were able to make something for somebody that actually needed it,” added Chavez. “This project opened up a whole new world of engineering to me,” said Watson. “I feel like there’s no limit to what we could come up with.” Above left: Jack Steinberg, whose neurological movement disorder restricts his ability to stand on his own, uses the MOBI-S to stand at a counter. Above right: Jack and the LMU team of engineers work with the device. Below: Jack plays with his iPad while standing up. watch the documentary: bit.ly/mobi-s CSE.LMU.EDU 9 BUILDING THE FUTURE Growing Science Complex Loyola Marymount University’s new life sciences building is on track for completion in June 2015, completing a two-year construction process. Students, faculty and staff are eagerly awaiting the completion of Loyola Marymount University’s Life Sciences building, which has been under construction since spring 2013. Matthew Wilt, project manager with C.W. Driver, the company heading the construction of the building, confirmed that the project is on track for completion in June 2015 and the current focus is on the inside of the building. The project has made substantial progress in the last two years, and students in the Frank R. Seaver College of Science and Engineering have contributed to the efforts. According to Seaver College Interim Dean Tina Choe, various engineering students have engaged in internship opportunities. “C.W. Driver was very supportive and open to the idea and even encouraged its subcontractors to bring on Seaver interns,” she said. “There have been about 20 different interns working on various aspects of the Life Sciences building over the course of the project. Several job offers have been made, and employment opportunities have been secured.” Seaver’s Director of Operations Jessica Lyon has overseen the progress of the project on a daily basis, and she will help the LMU community move into the building upon completion. She stated that the building process has provided LMU students with a “once-in-a-lifetime learning opportunity” that will help them in the future. 10 FRANK R. SEAVER COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Alongside the building team, members of faculty were part of the design process of the labs, according to Jeremy McCallum, associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry. He explained that the new building focuses on themes such as displaying science to the larger community and conducting interdisciplinary research, noting that the new building will not be divided into departments. “I think the arrangement of labs and office spaces creates a good balance of keeping departments together while allowing for the mixing of faculty from different departments to further interdisciplinary research and collaboration,” McCallum said. The new building will be three stories high and will offer three levels of underground parking. There will be 24 teaching labs, 10 informal student study spaces, 16,000 square feet of faculty research space, a photovoltaic canopy to power the building with solar energy and a connected auditorium. He discussed a new “state-of-the-art classroom, called the TEC room,” which will include up-to-date technology for video conferencing and student-tostudent collaboration. “The design of the building allows for students to work on collaborative projects more easily and efficiently in a safe work environment,” McCallum said. “Additionally, students will be able to utilize more equipment and technology in the labs as compared to what is currently capable. Technology is integrated into many of the rooms, so I can teach more effectively.” Courses will be offered in the new building starting in fall 2015. Reprinted with permission, The Los Angeles Loyolan (laloyolan.com) The new building will meet Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards, “which signifies best-in-class building strategies and sustainable practices, taking into consideration resource management, health of occupants and promotion of renewable, clean energy,” according to Lyon. She explained that the building has been guaranteed LEED Silver certification, but that LMU plans to reach LEED Gold status. McCallum touched on the positive impact that the new building will have on his teaching, as the labs and classrooms will be more efficiently organized. LMU students have watched the Life Sciences building grow piece by piece before their eyes. The state-of-the-art science building will have 24 teaching labs, 10 informal study spaces and 16,000 square feet of faculty research space. SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Could lean practices — as seemingly simple as reducing batch sizes, displaying visual checklists and changing laboratory layouts — effectively change the face of U.S. health care? Absolutely, said Bohdan W. Oppenheim, systems engineering professor, creator and academic project adviser for Loyola Marymount University’s innovative new program, Graduate Certificate in Lean Healthcare Systems. “Lean is the main tool for improving health care in the United States.” Originally developed as an operational model in the Japanese auto industry, the concept of lean thinking focuses on removing waste while maximizing value. “The word lean simply means removing waste — identifying and removing waste from operations, while at the same time promoting value to the customer,” explained Oppenheim, who has co-authored three books on the subject. “Just about anything imaginable can be improved — streamlined — using lean methodology.” The first cohort to earn a certificate in the threecourse graduate program was a group of 10 directors and managers from Kaiser Permanente’s Southern California Medical Group. In their final class last fall, Oppenheim and the students worked as a team to focus on streamlining operations in the centralized clinical laboratories that serve more than 200 of Kaiser’s medical centers in Southern California. 12 FRANK R. SEAVER COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING $15 MILLION IN PREDICTED SAVINGS PUTTING PATIENTS FIRST The team’s final report identified 139 best practices, called lean enablers that streamline operations, which are predicted to save Kaiser more than $15 million in operating expenses. The report notes that even though the enablers have been developed based on Kaiser laboratories, the vast majority of practices can be applied to any laboratory across the U.S. and abroad. With the dramatic potential for cost reduction, the benefits to the health care industry are readily apparent. But what does lean thinking ultimately mean for patients? “In lean, we always optimize things for the end customer,” Oppenheim said. “When you lower the costs, you automatically make health care more affordable, more accessible and fairer. That comes together as a package.” Participants at Kaiser are already seeing measurable results, including a 30 percent to 70 percent reduction in test throughput time. “The changes that our department has already implemented have been a great success,” said Chiemi Tabata, assistant director of laboratory services, Automated Chemistry, at SCPMG Regional Reference Laboratories. “We eliminated some traditional laboratory practices, streamlined workflow, broke down some of the interdepartmental barriers, and became more agile in quickly recognizing waste and removing it. I am truly a better laboratorian and manager because of my experience with the [certificate] program.” Several enablers focus on promoting continuous workflow. Instead of waiting for a cart of laboratory specimens to be full, for example, technicians now send samples straight to testing. “The traditional thinking is that here we have this expensive machine ... so we are not going to run it empty,” Oppenheim explained. “That’s suboptimization. It’s optimizing the machine operation, but it acts totally against the interest of the customer. The customers here are the patient and the doctor, and those two need to know the test results as soon as possible.” Oppenheim believes the certificate program puts LMU on the front lines of health care reform. “We now offer a very practical graduate certificate program for health care operations — serving not only laboratories, but also hospitals and clinics — and it uses the most powerful methodology for simultaneously lowering cost, improving quality, lowering throughput time, and improving morale,” he said. “We are helping the local community — we are helping the nation — with this program.” Above: Bo Oppenheim, professor of systems engineering at LMU, presents a lesson to the in Lean Healthcare Systems program. Left: Oppenheim and students walk through Kaiser facilities to access ways to streamline operations. CSE.LMU.EDU 13 LMU | Seaver SPRING 2015 cse.lmu.edu
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