The 7th International Conference on Computer Sci- March 18—19, Amman — Jordan ence and 2015 | 2015 | [email protected] Conference will include a special trip to PETRA and WADI RUM on the 20th of March 2015 CSIT2015 is the 7th international conference on Computer Science and Information Technology. It will be held in March in Amman, Jordan. It is a peer reviewed technical scientific conference that is sponsored by Applied Science University (ASU), Amman, Jordan and technically co-sponsored by Universities from different countries. CSIT2015 will include presentations of accepted papers, posters, and state-of-the-art lectures by invited keynote speakers. Moreover, the program will include exhibits for the latest technologies and sessions on hot areas of computer science and information technology. The aim of CSIT2015 is to obtain a good perspective into the current state of practice to address important Computer Science and Information Technology problems. Some topics relevant to this conference include, but are not limited to: Communications and Networking, Database Systems, Data Warehousing, Data Mining, Information Assurance, Web Services and Technologies, Software Engineering, Multimedia Processing, Mobile and Cloud Computing, Human-Centered Computing, Distributed and Parallel Computing, Programming Languages, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, E–Systems and Computer Systems. Submission & Publication: Prospective authors are invited to submit an original full-length paper (10-point font) in IEEE format via the EasyChair submissions system at CSIT2015 ( Note that the maximum number of pages is 10. Submitted papers must represent original material that is not currently under review in any other conference or journal and has not been previously published. Extended versions of the top selected papers will be published in Jordanian Journal of Applied Science (JJAS), ISSN 1605-2587 Registration is required for all participants. To be published in the proceedings, every accepted paper MUST have at least one registered author. The registration for the conference includes the cost of the conference proceedings, attendance to all sessions and talks, lunches, banquet dinner and a trip to Petra. More details about the registration can be found at ORGANIZING COMMITTEE General Chair: Dr. Hesham Abusaimeh Jordan Program Chair: Dr. Omar Alsheiksalem Jordan Program Co-Chairs: Dr. Ron Poet UK Dr. Ibrahim Al-Oqily Jordan Publicity Chair: Dr. Hazem Qattous Jordan Publicity Co-Chairs: Dr. Mohammed Khader Jordan Dr. Akram M Z Khader Malaysia TPC Chair: Dr. Yousef Al Qasrawi Jordan TPC Co-Chairs: Dr. Mohammad Hammoudeh UK Dr. Huanjia Yan UK Publication Chair: Mr. Omar Ali Jordan Sponsorship Chair: Dr. Yousef Elsheikh Jordan Exhibits Chair: Dr. Mohammad Shkokani Jordan Financial Chair: Dr. Mohammad Hijjawi Jordan Important Dates Full Paper Submission Notification Date Camera Ready Conference
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