Postter Presentation G Guidelinees Novem mber 2-4, 20115 Orrlando, FL Specifications fo or Poster Prresentation b 30”x 40” an nd materials m must be mounnted horizonttally. We will Poster Size: Must be provid de the 30” x 40” white foam m core board and mountingg supplies onnsite. de the title, author name(s),, and the instiitution(s) wheere the work w was completeed Includ in larg ge letters at the top of the poster. p dings approprriate to your pposter, (e.g., IIntroduction, Methods, Use APA style head Resultts, and Conclu usions). ns, charts, etcc. to be postedd should be prrepared in advvance as All datta, illustration materiials for these purposes p willl not be availaable at the meeeting site. Taables for otheer materiials such as co opies of the paper and brocchures will noot be providedd. m distribute business card ds for attendeees who wantt additional innformation. You may Tips for Poster Preparation P n Your poster is a visual presentattion you will use to show tthe highlightss of your project and encou urage discoursse. To make your y poster sttand out and iinvite people for a closer loook, its themee must immediately be clear, it must m look interresting and thhe essence of yyour messagee must be easily y understood in i a few minu utes. Conttent t to a minim mum, emphasize graphics , and make suure every item m in your Keep text poster is necessary. You want yo our poster to sstimulate disccussion. y viewed at a distance of 44-6 feet. Mateerials must bee easily read aat Posters are typically this distance. s be in vvery large typpe, 84 pt. or laarger. Your Text siize is importaant. The title should name and a school sh hould also be noted in largee type, considder 72 pt. Heaadings and sub-heeadings should be at least 36 3 pt. Text onn panels shoulld be betweenn 18 and 24 ppt. to be legible. e panel rellatively short and to the pooint. More thaan 25 lines woon’t get read, Keep each but 15-18 usually will. w Framing the text by puutting a box aaround it will emphasize importtant sections. her making yo our poster a siingle documeent or using a series of pannels, make surre Wheth your presentation p fllows in a logiical sequence.. (Introductioon, Body, and Conclusion).. Remem mber that read ders will natu urally read froom top to botttom, left to rigght. Desig gn Basics Make your messagee clear. Writee an outline annd draw a rouugh sketch to plan the layout of your posteer. nformation is important foor the overall llook and readdability of Properr spacing of in your poster. p Dividee your poster into i three or ffour columns and rows, annd place your materiials within theem. When choosing a background, reemember thatt this will be a frame for yoour panels, soo o grays ratherr than bright ccolors. Use off light colors will contrast use neutral colors or with dark d text and make m it easierr to read. nt, such as Tiimes, Helveticca, or Arial aand stick withh it. Do not use Choosse a simple fon more than t two fontss. Avoid overrly fancy fontts with outliniing, shadowinng, and other embelllishments, as it can be hard d to read and distract from m your messagge. To make a headlin ne stand out, use a larger font f size, boldd, or underlinee instead. At th he Poster Seession Your task as the prresenter will be b to answer questions q andd provide furtther details; too defend yourr projecct or accept co ompliments; and to convin nce others of iits merit. Youur fellow attenndees, as professsionals in thee field of stud dent success and a retention,, will be a valluable source of insight. It is ourr hope that you will use this feedback to o further develop your proggram and pressent a full paperr on it at the Symposium S in n the future. Past Award Win nners Winn ner—2014 NS SSR CSRDE E Best Poster Award Mand datory Supplemental Instru uction in Fund damentals off A Algebra: A P Program to Prromote Student Success in Developmental Mathemattics Jim Yard, Y Delawarre Valley College Winn ner—2013 NS SSR CSRDE E Best Poster Award Reten ntion and Reco overy of Fullyy Online Stud dents at Drexeel University Valerrie Delleville, Drexel University ner—2012 NS SSR CSRDE E Best Poster Award Winn Kudoss and Warnin ngs: Managing g 55,000+ Fllag Notificatioons to Supporrt Student Succcess Jaynee Geissler, Joh hn Trifilo, Eliizabeth Coghiill and Stevenn Asby at Easst Carolina Unniversity More Resources on Effect Poster Presentations Creating Posters in PowerPoint: Video Tutorials Deborah A. Sleight, Michigan State University Communicating Your Research and Results through a Poster Presentation Do’s and Don’ts of Poster Presentation Steven M. Block, Princeton University pdf Scientific Literature and Writing Poster Presentations Gary Ritchison, Department of Biological Sciences, Eastern Kentucky University
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