Software for Complex Robotics Systems — The Composition Pattern Herman Bruyninckx Eindhoven University of Technology KU Leuven April 29, 2015 The Composition Pattern for complex robotics systems Herman Bruyninckx April 29, 2015 1 Overview of this lecture I design = first modelling, then implementation. This lecture is about modelling of system of systems. I systems have “Structure”, “Behaviour” & “Activity” I model for Structure = Composition Pattern model for Behaviour = Task-Skill-Motion model for Activity = Port-based containers I to develop functionality = to decouple according to “5Cs”: Computation, Communication, Coordination, Configuration, Composition I to develop systems = to couple functionalities: I I map Task-Skill-Motion on Composition Pattern (architecture) map Composition Pattern on operating system (deployment) The Composition Pattern for complex robotics systems Herman Bruyninckx April 29, 2015 2 Structure, Behaviour & Activity Behaviour: “reacting to stimuli” I as seen from the “outside” I software systems: interact via events and data I hardware systems: interact mechanically, electrically,. . . Activity: “executing the code” I how behaviour is realised “internally” I software: CPU + RAM + bus I hardware: mechanical, electrical,. . . , impedance Structure: I interconnection of Behaviours and Activities = system architecture The Composition Pattern for complex robotics systems Herman Bruyninckx April 29, 2015 3 Behavioural model: Task-Skill-Motion GUI context developers Task context Task control feedback users operators Skill context (RSAL) Skill_1 Task control feedforward Motion App Skill_2 Task Monitor ... Environment context Semantic world model Skill_k Robot context ... Robot_1 Robot HW Abstraction (RHAL) Robot_n The Composition Pattern for complex robotics systems Herman Bruyninckx April 29, 2015 4 Connection "contains", "connects" Composition Where is something computed, and communicated to/from? Decouple behaviour: the 5Cs Coordination When must components change their behaviour? Configuration What parameters define the behaviour of all components? Computation What functionality is computed? Communication How are results of computations being communicated? Coordination event handling, decision making Configuration parameter setting, behaviour monitoring Computation data + algorithms + scheduling Communication data + patterns + protocols The Composition Pattern for complex robotics systems Herman Bruyninckx April 29, 2015 5 Compute behaviour: the 5COPs Constrained Optimization Problem FSM, configuration, monitoring, events (“COP” = constrained optimization problem) objective functions ∑i wi fi(X,y) optimization variables minX constraints g(X,y) ⩽ 0 tolerances dist(X,Xmin) ⩽ δ Advantages of a constrained-based design: I I composable! monitorable! I I tolerant! configurable! The Composition Pattern for complex robotics systems Herman Bruyninckx April 29, 2015 6 Structural model: Composition Pattern (focus on “roles”, not on “functionalities”!) Configurator connection functional Computation message Composer objective function, QoS,...) transaction container broadcast connection (data, constraint, container Composer connection Configurator connection connection functional Computation monitor monitor Scheduler Coordinator Scheduler Coordinator events events Composer monitor Coordinator Logger Configurator Logger Scheduler events container (context, event, policy, knowledge, deployment,...) The Composition Pattern for complex robotics systems Herman Bruyninckx April 29, 2015 7 Structural model: Composition Pattern (2) —Where does “knowledge” fit in?— Context_A: device capabilities and constraints Context_B: quality inspection capabilities and constraints motion control subsystem Composer quality classification subsystem Composer Configurator connection functional Computation connection connection monitor Configurator functional Computation connection monitor Scheduler Coordinator Coordinator events Composer Scheduler events monitor Logger Configurator Context_C: system capabilities and constraints Logger The Composition Pattern for complex robotics systems Herman Bruyninckx April 29, 2015 8 Integration of TSM and CP I every Task, every RHAL, every World Model is a separate CP. every Skill too, but it couples the CPs above, at various levels of hierarchy: Skill composition, exploiting domain knowledge I I Mission gives context to Tasks selects trade-offs & tolerances in the production Task coordinates & configures capabilities by adding artificial constraints & artificial optimums Capability uses resources to realise a process via control Resource physical capabilities physical constraints physical optimums ⇒ a Skill adds a knowledge context to a composition. several Skills can be active at the same time. The Composition Pattern for complex robotics systems Herman Bruyninckx April 29, 2015 9 Application Your composition; possibly a framework for others... Activity model: port-based interaction Domain framework MoveIt, HDF5, Simulink,... to hide domain complexity SW framework Containers, OSGi, 0MQ,... middleware components to hide OS variability Operating System process, virtual memory, IPC,... for behaviour containers for deployment on hardware resources HW framework CPU, bus, storage HW resource components Dangers of ROS: I Domain = SW = OS ⇒ component = process = activity! I Communication = only publish-subscribe via TCP/IP! I Too “fat” components/nodes ⇒ too heavily coupled 5Cs! I No dynamics or control ⇒ mechatronics “abstracted away”! The Composition Pattern for complex robotics systems Herman Bruyninckx April 29, 2015 10 Single-threaded execution of Composition Pattern in an Activity Common (but not absolute!) policy to serialize the execution of Behaviour in an Activity as follows: when triggered do { communicate() coordinate() configure() schedule() coordinate() communicate() log() } % by OS, or other CP % % % % % % get latest events react to them possibly requiring reconfiguration now do one’s Behaviour execution could trigger new events that others might want to know about The Composition Pattern for complex robotics systems Herman Bruyninckx April 29, 2015 11 Conclusions I what do all the arrows in (y)our diagrams mean. . . ? I I I I I I communication via data messages? communication via shared memory? knowledge integration via Configuration? communication via observation? decision making via reasoning? ... I monitor everything you expect to happen. . . . . . and be ready to react if it doesn’t! I skills = monitoring & coordination & configuration The Composition Pattern for complex robotics systems Herman Bruyninckx April 29, 2015 12
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