Computer Science 16 Spring 2015 Prof. Çetin Kaya Koç Catalog Specification n n Fundamental building blocks for solving problems using computers Topics include basic computer organization and programming constructs: memory CPU, binary arithmetic, variables, expressions, statements, conditionals, iteration, functions, parameters, recursion, primitive and composite data types, and basic operating system and debugging tools Prerequisite At least one of the following: n CS 8 n Math 3A n AP Computer Science (in High School) n “Intro to CS” course at another college Computer Science 16 – Spring 2015 n n n n n n Instructor: Çetin Kaya Koç Koç is pronounced as “Coach” J Lectures: Tue, Thu 5:00-6:15pm Lecture Hall: Harold Frank Hall 1104 Office Hours: Tue, Thu 1:30-3:00pm Office: Phelps 1314 (TMP) Email: [email protected] Course Tools n n n n Course web site: Course material is under “docx” folder Programming and Homework Assignments The deadlines and other dates specificed Course Tools n n n n n Piazza Page: Join Piazza for class related discussion Please post your questions instead of e-mailing to the Instructor or the TAs We will continuously monitor the Piazza and answer the questions for everyone to see Check the class web site, the Piazza page, and/or your email once a day Teaching Assistants n n n n n Keith Avery (kpavery@cs) - Coordinating TA Bingzhe Liu (bingzheliu@cs) Izzeddin Gür (izzeddingur@cs) Anis Haron (anisharon@umail) Pradeep Govindaraju (pkg@umail) - Reader The Labs & Schedule n The Lab: Phelps 3525 n The Lab Schedule n n n Morning Labs: Wed 9:00-11:50am Afternoon Labs: Wed 12:00-2:50pm Attend the Lab section you are registered for The TA Office & Hours n n n n n n The TA office: Trailer 936 Room 104 Keith: Wed 3:00-5:00pm Bingzhe: Mon 3:30-5:30pm Izzeddin: Tue 2:00-4:00pm Anis: Mon 12:00-2:00pm Pradeep: Tue 12:00-2:00pm Delivery and Due Dates n 10 Programming Assignments: n n n 5 Homework Assignments: n n n Due Saturdays Midnight (No late PA is accepted) Deliver via Due Thursdays (No late HW is accepted) Due even weeks of the Term Midterm Exam: n n During the 7th week of the Term The exact date is to be announced Grade Distribution n n n n Programming Assignments: 40% Homework Assignments: 20% Midterm Exam: 20 % Final Exam: 20 %
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