Big MACs attacks Unconditionally secure MACs CS349 Cryptography Department of Computer Science Wellesley College Message Authentication Codes o Message authentication codes are keyed hash functions satisfying certain security requirements. o These requirements are different from those required by unkeyed hash functions. Unconditionally secure MACs 16-2 1 A common approach to MACs* *Attempts to turn an unkeyed hash function into a MAC. Unconditionally secure MACs 16-3 Recall the main steps of an iterated hash Preprocessing Given input string x, where |x| ≥ m+t+1, construct string y = y1 || y2 || . . . || yr, where |yi| = t for 1 ≤ i ≤ r using a public algorithm. Processing Let IV be a public initial bitstring of length m. Compute z0 ¨ IV z1 ¨ compress(z0 || y1) ... zr ¨ compress(zr-1 || yr). Optional output transformation Define h(x) = g(zr), where g : {0,1}m Æ {0,1}l is a public function. Unconditionally secure MACs 16-4 2 Turning our hash into a MAC o Assume that h does not have a preprocessing step or an output transformation. In this case, the message x is a multiple of t, where compress : {0,1}t+m Æ {0,1}m is the compression function. o Let IV = K be the secret key bitstring of length m. Compute z0 ¨ IV z1 ¨ compress(z0 || x1) ... zr ¨ compress(zr-1 || xr). Return hK(x) = zr. o Let x’ be any string of length t, and consider the message x || x’. Unconditionally secure MACs 16-5 Unconditionally secure MACs 16-6 Forgery o The adversary obtains a list of valid pairs (x1,y1), (x2,y2), . . ., (xq,yq), by querying the oracle. Later, the adversary outputs the pair (x,y), where x œ {x1, …, xq}. o If (x,y) is a valid pair, it is said to be forgery. o An adversary that produces a forgery with probability e, is said to be an (e,q)-forger. 3 Nested Macs o Suppose (X, Y, K, G) and (Y, Z, L, H) are hash families. o The composition is the hash family (Y, Z, M, G o H) in which M = K x L and G o H = {g o h : fŒG, hŒH}, where g o h(K,L)(x) = hL(gK(x)) for all x Œ X. Unconditionally secure MACs 16-7 Attacks on nested MACs Big MAC attack The adversary is allowed to choose value for x and query a big MAC oracle for values of hL(gK(x)). The adversary attempts to output a pair (x’,z) such that z = hL(gK(x’)). Little MAC attack The adversary is allowed to choose value for y and query a little MAC oracle for values of hL(y). The adversary attempts to output a pair (y’,z) such that z = hL(y’). Unknown-key collision attack The adversary is allowed to choose values for x and query a hash oracle for value of gK(x). The adversary attempts to output a pair x’, x’’ such that x’ ≠ x’’ and gK(x’) = gK(x’’). Unconditionally secure MACs 16-8 4 Probability of a big MAC attack Theorem. Suppose (Y, Z, M, G o H) is a nested MAC. o Suppose there does not exist an (e1, q+1)-collision attack for a randomly chosen function gK Œ G, when the key K is secret. o Further, suppose that there does not exist an (e2, q)-forger for a randomly chosen function hL Œ H, where L is secret. o Finally, suppose there exists an (e, q)-forger for the nested MAC, for a randomly chosen function (g o h)(K,L) Œ G o H. then e ≤ e1 + e2. Unconditionally secure MACs 16-9 Unconditionally secure MACs 16-10 HMAC o HMAC is a nested MAC algorithm constructed from an hash function (in e.g., SHA-1) using a secret key, K. o ipad and opad are 512-bit constants defined in hexadecimal to be ipad = 3636…36 opad = 5C5C…5C 5 Unconditionally secure MACs o o Assuming each key is used only once, we construct a MAC for which there provably does not exist either an o (0,e)-forger, known as an impersonation; or o (1, e)-forgers, known as a substitution. Define the deception probability Pdq to be the maximum e such that an (e, q)-forgery exists. Unconditionally secure MACs 16-11 Unconditionally secure MACs 16-12 Authentication matrix o Consider the hash family (X, Y, K, H) where X = Y = Z3 and K = Z3 x Z3. o For each K = (a, b) Œ K and each x Œ X, define h(a,b) (x) = ax + b mod 3 and define H = {h(a,b) : (a,b) Œ Z3 x Z3}. 6 Impersonation and payoff o Let K0 denote the chosen key. For x Œ X and y Œ Y, define payoff(x, y) to be the probability that the pair (x, y) is valid. o payoff(x, y) = Pr[y = hK 0 (x)] = |{K Œ K : hK (x) = y} | |K | and Pd0 = max{payoff(x,y) : x Œ X and y Œ Y}. † Unconditionally secure MACs 16-13 Substitution and payoff o Define payoff(x’, y’ : x, y) to be the probability that (x’, y’) is a valid pair, given that (x, y) is. Then, payoff(x', y': x, y) = Pr[y'= hK 0 (x') | y = hK 0 (x)] = = o † Pr[y'= hK 0 (x') Ÿ y = hK 0 (x)] Pr[y = hK 0 (x)] |{K Œ K : hK (x') = y', hK (x) = y} | |{K Œ K : hK (x) = y} | Pd1 = max{payoff(x’,y’; x,y) : x,x’ Œ X; y, y’ Œ Y; (x,y) Œ V; x≠x’’} where V = {(x,y) : K Œ K : hK(x) = y}| ≥ 1}. Unconditionally secure MACs 16-14 7 Strongly universal hash families Definition An (N, M) hash family (X, Y, K, H) is strongly universal if and only if for all x, x’ Œ X such that x ≠ x’, and for every y, y’ Œ Y: |{K Œ K : hK (x) = y, hK (x') = y'} | = |K | M2 † Unconditionally secure MACs 16-15 Secure hash families Lemma. Suppose that (X, Y, K, H) is a strongly universal (N, M)-hash family. Then |{K Œ K : hK (x) = y} | = |K | M for every x Œ X and for every y Œ Y. † Theorem. Any strongly universal (N, M)-hash family (X, Y, K, H) is an authentication code with Pd0 = Pd1 = 1/M. Unconditionally secure MACs 16-16 8 Sum of the payoffs is 1 o Suppose that (X, Y, K, H) is an (N, M)-hash family. Fix x Œ X. Then |{K Œ K : hK (x) = y} | |K | y ŒY  payoff(x, y) =  y ŒY |K | |K | =1 = o Hence, for every x Œ X there exists an authentication tag y such that payoff(x, y) ≥ 1/M. † Unconditionally secure MACs 16-17 Pd0 optimal hash families Theorem. Suppose that (X, Y, K, H) is an (N, M)-hash family. Then Pd0 ≥ 1/M. Further, Pd0 = 1/M if and only if |{K Œ K : hK (x) = y} | = |K | M † Unconditionally secure MACs 16-18 9 Turning to substitution o Fix x, x’ Œ X and y, y’ Œ Y, where x ≠ x’ and (x, y) Œ V. |{K Œ K; hK (x') = y', hK (x) = y} | |{K Œ K : hK (x) = y} | y ŒY  payoff(x', y': x, y) =  y ŒY |{K Œ K : hK (x) = y} | |{K Œ K : hK (x) = y} | =1 = o † Hence, for every (x, y) Œ V and each x’ such that x’ ≠ x, there exists an authentication tag y such that payoff(x,y’ ; x,y) ≥ 1/M. Unconditionally secure MACs 16-19 Strongly universal hash families are Pd1 optimal Theorem. Suppose that (X, Y, K, H) is an (N, M)-hash family. Then Pd1 ≥ 1/M. Theorem. Suppose that (X, Y, K, H) is an (N, M)-hash family. Then Pd1 = 1/M if and only if the hash family is strongly universal. Unconditionally secure MACs 16-20 10
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