2015 GLOBAL AND NATIONAL TRENDS central policy decisions and impacts on IN S T I T U T E O F T EC H N O LO G Y GLOBAL TRENDS HIGHER EDUCATION GLOBALISATION vocational education and higher education HIGHER EDUCATION CHALLENGES EMERGING SOLUTIONS CHALLENGES Hosted by the Centre for Training Excellence and the LH Martin Institute Lecture Theatre S127, Level 2, 25 Aberdeen Street Northbridge, Western Australia OVERVIEW HIGHER EDUCATION GLOBAL TRENDS HIGHER EDUCATION GLOBALISATION The symposium addresses the impacts of global trends and national policies on vocational education and higher education by providing a series of interactive presentations from a select group of distinguished keynote speakers. The expert speakers will share their unique perspectives on the Australian tertiary education sector and in depth understanding of current policy debates. The symposium will highlight the impact and implementation challenges of past and present decisions of State and Federal governments, and offer insights into the emerging solutions proposed by governments and policy makers. The symposium will provide an understanding of the increasing globalisation of tertiary education and the establishment of major international education providers. The impact of mass participation across the world and the rise of Asia as a major provider of education services will be considered, as well as the threats and opportunities for Australia. The symposium will address national and historical perspectives of funding models and new thinking on tertiary entitlements from Certificate 3 upwards. The advocacy role of TAFE Directors Australia will be outlined with a special focus on the emerging common consensus between TDA and ACPET around quality provision, and the opportunities for vocational education providers to deliver higher education. The Victorian experience of major VET reforms will be explored along with initial findings and recommendations of the VET Funding Review. Finally the impact of the Western Australian reforms and the future challenges for WA will be discussed. The symposium will provide opportunities for considered debate and exploration of the real questions facing providers in the current environment. PROGRAM AIMS The Symposium will provide the attendees with: - An overview of the complex external factors influencing the vocational education and higher education sector in Australia; - An understanding of the historical and proposed funding models for a tertiary entitlement model across vocational education and higher education; - A perspective on the impact of national policy and its implication for TAFE and the VET sector across the States; - An insight into current developments shaping TAFE and the VET sector in Victoria and Western Australia. CHALLENGES EMERGING SOLUTIONS CHALLENGES PROGRAM Wednesday, 27th May 2015 09.00 09.30 Registration tea and coffee Welcome & Introductions Neil Fernandes Managing Director, Central Institute of Technology Assoc. Professor Ruth Schubert Assoc. Director, LH Martin Institute 09.45 Global trends in tertiary education • Increasing participation and the consequences • Globalisation – the integration of markets and engagement with Asia • Technology transforming the business and experience of tertiary education 10.30 Morning Tea 11.00 Alternative perspectives on funding models for a tertiary entitlement • Historical perspectives and the Bradley Review • Funding shifts in the last 10 years • A new model for funding a tertiary entitlement • Progress on the modelling Professor Peter Noonan Mitchell Institute for Health and Education Policy Victoria University 11.45 National policy debates and impact - a view from TAFE Directors Australia • Common challenges for TDA and ACPET • What is happening in TAFE and VET across the States • The importance of quality and higher education in TAFE/VET Mr Malcolm White A/CEO TAFE Directors Australia 12.30 Lunch - Central Gallery Courtyard, 12 Aberdeen Street 13.15 The Victorian experience and implications for other jurisdictions • Impact of the reforms on TAFE and the VET sector in Victoria • Initial findings of the VET Funding Review Mr Bruce Mackenzie Chair – VET Funding Review Former CEO Holmsglen and Chair TDA 14.00 The WA experience and direction • The challenges for WA • Future Skills WA • Progress of the reforms Mr Simon Walker, Executive Director, Policy Planning and Innovation 14.45 Afternoon tea 15.15 Panel Q@A • Where to from here a short statement from the panel members • Interactive panel and audience discussion and debate 16.15 Reflections and what next… Professor Leo Goedegebuure Director, LH Martin Institute Professor Leo Goedegebuure Professor Peter Noonan Mr Malcolm White Mr Bruce Mackenzie WA Department Rep TBC Dr Derek Swarts - A/Executive Director Strategy and Development Central Institute of Technology Assoc. Professor Ruth Schubert Assoc. Director, LH Martin Institute 16.30 Program concludes - Networking with light refreshments Central Gallery Courtyard, 12 Aberdeen Street PRESENTERS Ruth Schubert joined the LH Martin Institute in Mr Malcolm White commenced his TAFE career as a teacher at Launceston Technical College in 1980. After 6 years teaching he returned to industry working in senior engineering roles with Hamersley Iron and Optus Communications. In 1998 Malcolm returned to TAFE as General Manager and then Chief Executive Office of TAFE Tasmania. In 2008 he was appointed by the Tasmanian Government as the inaugural CEO of the Tasmanian Skills Institute, a role he continued in until 2013. Joining TAFE Directors Australia in 2013 Malcolm has assisted the organisation in strategic and operational roles and is currently acting Chief Executive Officer. Malcolm holds a Cert. Comm Eng (RMIT), a Grad Dip Management (Deakin) and an MBA (UTAS). April 2014. Prior to that, Ruth was the Director, Business Transformation with TAFE SA; a role responsible for the complete change process bringing together the three separate South Australian TAFE Institutes. This reinvention of TAFE SA as a Statutory Corporation has enabled TAFE SA to compete more effectively in the newly established commercial training market of Skills for All. Ruth has worked in the education sector for over 30 years, with experience in private RTOs, the schooling sector, and universities, and most recently 15 years in executive positions in TAFE institutes in South Australia. Ruth was instrumental in the process of TAFE SA Regional winning the State and National 2011 Large Training Provider of the year. Ruth has a PhD and Masters of Educational Management from Flinders University, and was awarded a Premier’s Award for Postgraduate Research into Lifelong Learning 2001. Ruth is a Graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD). of Holmesglen Institute. Bruce’s involvement in TAFE goes back to 1981 when he was a member of a four-person unit that designed the TAFE system for Victoria which was implemented in 1982. He was a founding member of TAFE Directors Australia, its deputy chair for 9 years and chair in 2010. His contribution to the vocational education and training sector was formally recognised in the selection for the 1994 National AUSTAFE award for educational leadership. In the 2005 Australia Day Honours list, he was awarded the public service medal for outstanding services to vocational education. In 2013 he was made an honorary Doctor of the University of Canberra for his work in vocational and tertiary education. Bruce is currently undertaking a review of VET in Victoria for the state government to be concluded in September 2015. Simon Walker, Executive Director, Policy Prof Peter Noonan Peter Noonan is Professor of Tertiary Education Policy and a Professorial Fellow of the Mitchell Institute for Health and Education at Victoria University in Melbourne. Peter has played a major role in shaping policy in VET, Higher and Post Compulsory Education in Australia for over 25 years as a senior public servant, consultant, adviser to national and state Ministers and as a researcher. He has held senior roles in the Victorian and Queensland VET systems and was General Manager and Acting CEO of the former Australian National Training Authority. He was a member of the Expert Panel for the Review of Australian Higher Education (Bradley Review) and in 2010 undertook a review of Post Secondary Education and Training in Queensland. Peter was given a special award by TAFE Directors Australia in 1999 in recognition of his outstanding contribution to Australia’s national VET system. Mr Bruce Mackenzie is a former Chief Executive Planning and Innovation Prof Leo Goedegebuure is a Director of the LH Martin Institute and a former Executive Director of the Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS), at the University of Twente, Netherlands. He is an auditor for the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Council and has been a member and rapporteur for the OECD tertiary education review of New Zealand. Leo has worked as an expert on governance and management in Central and Eastern Europe, the Russian Federation, Africa, South East Asia and South America on projects initiated by the European Commission, the World Bank and UNESCO. Leo’s research interests are in the areas of governance and management, system dynamics, universityindustry relationships, and institutional mergers. Simon began his career in the public sector as a financial analyst for Central TAFE after starting his career in the private sector. Simon joined the Department of Training in 1997 and has since worked in a variety of senior roles with a particular focus on VET sectoral planning, policy and resourcing. Simon represents Western Australia on the national Senior Skills Officials Network as well as being a member of the Curtin University School of Economics and Finance Advisory Board, ex-officio member of the Western Australian State Training Board and a director of the board of the National Centre for Vocational Education and Research (NCVER). Simon is also Chair of the State Government Workforce Development Advisory Group.
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