CHRIST THE KING COMMUNITY 199 Brandon Road, Pleasant Hill, CA 925-682-2486 SCHEDULE OF MASSES Daily Masses: Monday-Friday, 6:30 am, 8:00 am Saturday Masses: 8:00 am & 5:00 pm Sunday Masses: 7 am, 8 am, 9:15 am, 10:45 am, 12:15 pm, 6:30 pm CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm Parish Office: 682-2486 Religious Ed: 686-1017 Youth Ministry: 676-0979 CTK School: 685-1109 Facebook: Christ the King Catholic Community of Pleasant Hill WEEK AT A GLANCE Sunday, 4/19 Children’s Liturgy of the Word 9:15 3 yr.olds Rm D 9:15 mass PreK; parish hall 9:15 mass K; school 9:15 mass RE Gr. 3: 1st Euch Mass 10:45 RE Gr. 4-8: 1st Euch Mass 12:15 Youth Mass 6:30 pm Youth Group 7:30 pm Parish hall Monday, 4/20 Bible Study A & B, 8:30-10:30 am Tuesday, 4/21 RE Grades 1-3 school Grades 4-5, parish hall Knights of Columbus Min.Ctr 7:30 pm RE Grades 7/8; 7 pm Parish Hall Tuesday, 4/21 cont. Rosary & Perpetual Help,Church 7pm Spanish Prayer, Church, 7:30pm Wednesday 4/22 RE Grades 1-3 school Grades 4-5; parish hall RE Grade 6; 7 pm parish hall SVdPaul; Min Ctr-Chapel 7pm Thursday, 4/23 RE Grades 1-3; School Grades 4-5 ; Parish Hall Centering Prayer; Min Ctr 10:00 am 2nd Gr. Euch Practice 3:45 Church 2nd Gr. Euch Practice 5:00 Church RCIA Min Ctr -Chapel, 7pm Friday, 4/24 Garden Café 7:30 am Saturday, 4/25 Men's Fellowship Chapel 7:30am Secular Franciscans 9 am Min. Ctr First Eucharist Masses 9:30, 11:00 ICF Tea, parish hall Inform Night after 5:00 mass-Gym Sunday, 4/26 Children’s Liturgy of the Word 9:15 3 yr.olds Rm D 9:15 mass PreK; parish hall 9:15 mass K; school 9:15 mass RE Older Sacs RE office 10:30 Confirmation 11:00 Parish Hall Youth Mass 6:30 pm Youth Group 7:30 pm Parish hall To Hear the Gospel and Make a Difference Dear friends, Over the last several weeks, we have been working hard as the Campaign Leadership Team under the direction of Andrew Poole, our consultant. I am happy to report that right now we have over 100 volunteers leading this campaign to make a difference at Christ the King. We have begun praying together for God’s blessings and guidance in these important days. As the beginning of our campaign draws near, I wanted to be sure that each of you, valued parishioners and friends, have as much information about the campaign as possible. I also want you to know that I, along with the Campaign Chairs, welcome your questions, and will answer all questions with as much detail as possible. In order to accelerate our communications and make this process as transparent as possible, the Campaign Leadership team has developed this Information packet, which will be distributed on this weekend. Please make sure to take an envelope today. In this Information Packet you will find: The Parish Brochure that details for you the urgent needs of our parish. Reclaiming Christ’s Mission Together – The diocesan capital campaign A Question and Answer sheet that will provide more detailed answers to your questions. An I Have a Question form for submitting questions at Mass or to the parish office. These questions will be answered in bulletins or in homilies. Our campaign prayer that we will be praying daily in order to know God’s will for us. After a time of information gathering, reflection, and prayer for God’s guidance, our parish family will come together on Commitment Weekend on May 9 – 10 to respond to God’s blessings through a gift to the campaign. Please begin to pray and reflect on God’s call to you. Please put this date on your calendar and plan to join the entire parish family for this day of commitment and celebration. After much prayer and discernment, I have made my own personal pledge of $ $10,000.00 to the parish campaign. I am deeply grateful to God for my new family of Christ the King parish and school. God has great things planned for Christ the King. These things will only come to pass through prayer, active participation and generous giving. Yours in Christ, Fr. Paulson Mundanmani Reflections on Sunday Readings: First Reading: Acts 3:1315, 17-19 Chapter three of the Acts of the Apostles describes how Peter and John healed a lame man who sat begging each day at the gate of the temple. The people were astonished at this miracle. Peter used the opportunity to give a sermon encouraging the people to believe in Jesus. We hear a portion of that sermon in today’s passages. Second Reading: 1 John 2:1-5 During this Easter season, we are reading from the first letter of John. It was written for the community from which the fourth Gospel emerged. At the time, this community was seriously divided. Some members believed that as long as you had faith in Jesus, it didn’t matter what you did in daily life. Today’s passage refutes that opinion. PARISH STAFF CONTACTS Fr. Paulson Mundanmani 682-2486 [email protected] Fr. Vince Cotter 682-2486 [email protected] Fr. Brian Timoney, Deacon John Ashmore, Fr. Michael Dibble, and Fr. Tom Burns 682-2486 Sr. Joanne Gallagher, CSJ 682-2486 [email protected] Sr. Dominic Bonnici OP 682-2486 [email protected] Kate Doherty 682-2486 [email protected] Religious Education Director Sr. Maureen Viani , SNJM 686-1017 [email protected] Assoc. Director: Joan Smits 686-1017 [email protected] Youth Minister, Rick Lejano 676-0979 [email protected] Chris Caban, Principal 685-1109 [email protected] Al Garrotto: RCIA/faith share 849-6319 [email protected] Save the Date! St. Vincent de Paul will hold its annual collection for used clothing on May 2nd/3rd. This collection will be for CLOTHING ONLY. Donations should be cleaned and gently used. Donation bags will be available at CTK next weekend, April 26th, as well as on the weekend of the 3rd; or clothes may be brought to the church in ordinary plastic bags. Capital Campaign Information Night. Join us after the 5:00 pm mass, this Saturday April 25th for a Capital Campaign Information Night. Join us in the gym for wine, cheese and campaign information. Earth Day Interfaith GatheringWednesday, April 22, 10am - 1pm at Our Savior Lutheran Church 1035 Carol Lane, Lafayette. Faith Leaders, laity, and all concerned about the climate crisis are invited to attend and join in small group discussions. Fr. Paulson will give a brief summary of Catholic social teaching on earth stewardship. Meditation by Rev. Sally Bingham of Interfaith Power and Light. Suggested donation of $10.00 includes a buffet lunch featuring local, season, organic food. Contact Gwen at [email protected] with any questions. Taize Prayer Around the Cross will be at Resurrection Episcopal Church, 399 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill, April 19th at 7:30 pm. Join us for an hour of devotional prayer in the spirit of Taize (the ecumenical community in southern France). Plan on joining us for a prayerful, refreshing service. Hoping you will help! Religious Education is sponsoring the wine booth for the Festival. Once again we call upon your generosity. Plsse help by donating bottles of wine. You may drop the wine off at the RE office (facing Gregory Lane) Mon-Thurs., 9:30 am- 5:30 pm or you may leave the wine at the Parish House. On the weekends of April 25/26 and May 2/3 we will collect wine after all the masses outside the church Thanks for your support Sr. Maureen PRAYER MARATION - 24 hour s of Continuous Prayer! Please contribute 15 minutes to one half hour of prayer during the weekend of May 2nd/3rd for the needs of our parish. Sign up today at the table outside after all Masses. Youth Mass has started! J oin us on Sundays at 6:30 pm for mass featuring Christ the King’s dynamic youth band and teen choir. Experience a liturgy planned, lead, and inspired by the young people of our community. All are welcome to attend. Winter Nights Clean Up and Thanks! Thank you to the many volunteers and donors for this years Winter Nights visit. It was an extremely successful visit, and everyone who stayed felt welcomed, well fed and truly as if this were their home for two weeks. That is all thanks to you. There is one last item where we will need your help. On Monday, April 20th at 10 am, we will clean the gym and pack away all the supplies used. Volunteers who can help move tables, and clear out the kitchen will be very much appreciated. Contact Kate at [email protected] if you can help. In case you missed it last week, Fr. Joyce has available a DVD of his retirement and farewell mass. It begins with a five minute summary of the mass edited by Tim Manning, followed by his sister’s comments, and then brief homilies given by Bishop Barber and Bishop Cummins and a brief introduction by Fr. Joyce of the pictures through the years and the closing song sung by the whole congregation. Thanks to our Youth Minister, Rick Lejano for compiling all the information into one DVD. All this for a very inexpensive $10 with all proceeds going to our youth group and its planned trip this year to New Orleans. May Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Please join us in celebrating the Crowning of our Blessed Mother on Saturday, May 2nd at Queen of Heaven Cemetery. We will begin at 11:00 am, with a procession followed by the crowning We invite you and your families, all the little ones as well. Located at 1964 Reliez Valley Rd., Lafayette. Light refreshments will be served afterwards. Questions: 925-932-0900. The Office of Vocations with the help of the Department of Faith Formation and Evangelization, will be hosting a Quo Vadis Days, July1215th at the Oakland Diocesan Youth Retreat House, Casa San Felipe in Lafayette. Quo Vadis (Latin for Where are you going?) aims to assist young men to recognize and respond to their own vocation invitation from our Lord and grow in their relationship with Christ. Young men, ages 13-18 years old are invited to join this event. Activities will include a great deal of fun, prayer, games, music, discussions and talks. The fee is $50.00 and financial assistance will be available. Call 510-893-4711 for more information. Church Support 4/12/15 $20,154 Bldg. fund $1,877.00 Online Giving $8,073.85 CTK Combined Capital Campaign S che dule of Eve nt s Saturday, April 18th Inspiration Weekend begins Coffee House – Youth Group Talent Open Mic & Performances Information Packet Distribution after all Masses Sign-ups for Prayer Marathon after Mass Sunday, April 19th Inspiration Weekend continues Information Packet Distribution after all Masses Coffee & Donuts after morning Masses Sign-ups for Prayer Marathon after all Masses Saturday, April 25th/Sunday April 26th Inspiration Weekend resumes Sign-ups for Prayer Marathon after Mass Reception in Gym - Booths & Light Refreshments Saturday May 2nd/Sunday May 3rd Inspiration Weekend resumes Information Reception in Gym. Children’s Poster Art Show, Booths & Light Refreshments Prayer Marathon – 12PM – 12PM May 3rd Saturday May 8th/Sunday May 9th Inspiration Weekend resumes Commitment Weekend begins I f yo u wi s h to a t te n d a n i n f o r m a t i o n ga t h e r i n g n i gh t o n Ap r i l 2 3 rd , p l ea s e c a l l t h e p a r i s h h o u s e a t 92 5 - 68 2 - 2 4 86
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