WEEKLY BULLETIN THIS WEEK Catholic Church of Mary Immaculate and St Gregory the Great Sunday 25th January 2015 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B / Week 3 A warm welcome is extended to everyone And Jesus said to them, "Go into all the world and proclaim the Good News to all creation”. This is the great commission which the risen Christ gives to the whole Church. All believers have been given a share in this task -‐ to be heralds of the good news and ambassadors for Jesus Christ, the only saviour of the world. We have not been left alone in this task, for the risen Lord works in and through us by the power of his Holy Spirit. We also remember this weekend the conversion of St. Paul who became an apostle to the Gentile nations. Pope Benedict XVI wrote about the significance of Paul's conversion for the whole Christian people: "Paul's conversion matured in his encounter with the Risen Christ; it was this encounter that radically changed his life. What happened to him on the road to Damascus is what Jesus asks in today's Gospel: Saul is converted because, thanks to the divine light, "he has believed in the Gospel". In this consists his and our conversion: in believing in Jesus dead and risen and in opening to the illumination of his divine grace. In that moment Saul understood that his salvation did not depend on good works fulfilled according to the law, but on the fact that Jesus died also for him the persecutor and has risen. This truth by which every Christian life is enlightened thanks to Baptism completely overturns our way of life. To be converted means, also for each one of us, to believe that Jesus "has given himself for me", dying on the Cross (cf. Galatians 2: 20) and, risen, lives with me and in me. Entrusting myself to the power of his forgiveness, letting myself be taken by his hand, I can come out of the quicksands of pride and sin, of deceit and sadness, of selfishness and of every false security, to know and live the richness of his love." (from address given on January 25, 2009) Fr John McKenna Please take this bulletin home PA R I S H N O T I C E S Funeral Mass for Vicentinho Leitao is on Thursday 29th January, 10.00am. Please keep the family and friends in your prayers. May he rest in peace. Pastoral Assistant: Mary Boland Mass Mary Doherty + Mass Peter Ryder (int) Mass Parish & People (Children’s Liturgy) Holy Communion Session (3) -‐ PH Mass O’Connell Family (int) Evening Prayer & Benediction Mass David Isaac + Monday 26 Sts Timothy & Titus 09.30 Morning Prayer 10.00 Mass Nicholas SinnoL + 11.00 MeditaMon -‐ P (all welcome) 19.30 HC Parents’ Session -‐ PH 20.00 RCIA -‐ JP Room Friends of St Martha/Jeanne Antide meet on Sunday 8th February, Tuesday 27 2.45pm in the JP Room. 09.30 Morning Prayer St Gregory’s Football Club needs boys born between January 2001 and December 2002 to represent the parish football club’s under 14 team for the 2015 season. Registration takes place on 7th February, between 2pm and 3pm in the church hall. If you need any details before then, please contact Paul on 07810378719. 10.00 Mass Vincent Gallagher ann + 18.00 Youth of Barnet -‐ PH 19.45 Plugged In -‐ PH Wednesday 28 St Thomas Aquinas 09.30 Morning Prayer 10.00 Mass John McDonnell ann + (followed by AdoraMon & BenedicMon Mll 11.30) 17.15 Novena: Mother of Perp’ Help (BSC) 18.00 AdoraMon -‐ C The teenagers’ music group is rehearsing this Thursday (29th) from Thursday 29 6.30pm-7.30pm in church. 09.30 Morning Prayer Funeral Mass Vicentinho Leitao + 10.00 Year 9 Plugged In: starts this Tuesday (27th) at 7.45pm in the parish hall. Application forms are available in the porch. Please bring the completed form, together with the money contribution, to the first session on the 27th. Friday 30 09.30 10.00 18.00 Morning Prayer Mass Peter Sexton ann + AdoraMon -‐ C Saturday 31 St John Bosco 09.30 RE Class -‐ JP Room 10.00 Mass Lisa Marcangelo (int) 18.00 Sac of ReconciliaMon 18.30* Mass Louise Ho Yuen + Churches Together for Chipping Barnet Churchwardens and Parochial Church Council invite you to The Rev’d Jane Kraft’s Farewell Eucharist at 5.00pm at St John the Sun 1st Fourth in Ordinary Time Baptist Church on Saturday 31st 08.00 Mass Carmeno & Carmena Vassallo (ann +) January 2015. 09.30 Mass Parish & People Annual Mass in honour of Our Lady of Lourdes will take place in the Cathedral on Saturday 7th February, 2.00pm. Sacrament of the Sick will be administered during the Parish Priest: Fr John McKenna 82 Union Street Barnet EN5 4HZ 18.30* 08.00 09.30 10.30 11.15 17.45 18.30 T: 020 8449 3338 10.30 11.15 14.00 17.15 18.30 (Children’s Liturgy) Holy Communion Session (4) -‐ PH Mass Timothy O’Toole + ConfirmaMon Session (9) -‐ PH Holy Hour Mass Jim Teeling (int) Hospital Chaplain: Fr Voltair Dimol E: [email protected] PA/Parish Secretary: Janet Nestor (office: mon-fri 9.15-15.00) W: www.barnetrc.org.uk Music Co-Ordinator: Frances Novillo Mass by the bishops and priests. The sick and infirm in our parish are invited to attend, along with our Hospital Chaplains and those who work in health care. If parishioners attending are in a wheelchair, please notify the presbytery by the 29th January. Please note there is no need to notify the presbytery if you are not in a wheelchair; just turn up at the Cathedral. Saturday Classes: is for children attending non-catholic schools from Reception to Year 6. New Children are warmly welcomed to join our friendly group! Dates: 31 January, 14 & 28 February and 14 & 28 March 2015. APF Mill Hill require a volunteer secretary for this parish. This person will look after the Red Box members in our parish, organising the distribution of the free quarterly magazine, Mission Today. Volunteers have the support of the Missio team. If you would like to find out more, please contact the presbytery. +++ Cockfosters Ecumenical Prayer Group: meet at 8pm every Monday for praise & worship, intercession, a talk and for personal prayer. People of all ages and denominations find both encouragement and fellowship, whilst others find physical, emotional or spiritual healing. Christ the King, 29 Bramley road, N14. All welcome! Life in the Spirit Seminars starting in our parish on Friday 20 February at 12.30pm and 7.30pm Six week course Fridays, 12.30pm lunchtime and again at 7.30pm ‘A wonderful way to journey through Lent’ Speakers include David Payne, Jenny Baker & John Pridmore Cardinal’s Mass of Thanksgiving for the Sacrament of Matrimony Westminster Cathedral, Saturday 23 May 2015 at 3.00pm. The Archbishop will be inviting to this Mass all couples in the Diocese who are celebrating their 10th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th and 60th (and every year over 60) wedding anniversary of Catholic marriage in 2015. If you are celebrating an anniversary, please hand in to the presbytery the following details: husband and wife’s names, wedding dates, full postal address and email (or telephone number, if no email). Day for Church Musicians and singers in Potters Bar, Saturday 21st February ‘songs to build bridges between worship and world ’ with Frances No vil lo and Stephen Dean. 11am-3pm Our Lady and St Vincent’s Church, Potter’s Bar, 243 Mutton Lane, EN6 2AT. To book a place, email Vicky [email protected] 07934 651491, cost £5 singers and instrumentalists welcome. u16s must be accompanied, please bring a packed lunch. FOR YOUR PRAYERS The Sick & Homebound: Jane-‐Rose Azemi, Thomas Houlihan, Don & Ann Lewis, Liz Clarke, Janet Bennett, Anne-‐ Marie Nowell, David Brown, Tony Costello, Thomas Geiger, Linda Quilter, Margaret Trehy, Emanuele & Elisa Brunelli, Michael Mulvaney, Pat Lucid, Pauline Purdue, Michael Ball, Helen Day, Niamh Easton, Jeanne Ellis, Stephen Carey, Stasia Ryan, Bishop John Crowley, Theresa Mordue, Doreen Bernas, James Brown, Nancy Dillon, Bridget Allin, Stephen Connor, Amelia Simon, Kate Waters, Donna Morrision, Linda Atkinson, Dominic Buckmire, Judith Townsend, Christopher & Clifford Browne, Michael Wildsmith, Shelley Rowan, Alex Mayer, Troy Hopkins, Arthur Spikes, Segun Balogun, Tommy Watkins, Annabel Nnochiri, Elio Marcangelo, Fr Fred De L’Orme, Diana Faller, Pat Cosgrove, Stuart Atkinson, Jim Teeling, Evelyn McManamon, Mary O’Toole, Irene Jones, Eleanor Rooney. Recently Departed: MUSIC FOR THE LITURGY 09.30 Mass +++ Thank you for the money you raised at your coffee morning every Thursday. We cannot thank you enough for the support and time you have given over the years. Your gift is truly appreciated. Richard Bailey, North London Hospice Thank you for the generous donation you have made to the Foodbank. All the food that comes in is weighed and your total was 141g. In the current climate of austerity and recession it is gratifying to know that groups and individuals are willing to give generously to help local families in crisis when they need it most. Martine Whitaker, Project Co-Ordinator. Entrance 934 Offertory: 871 Communion: We will follow you, Lord, follow you. 865 Going Forth: 855 11.15 Mass Entrance 934 Gospel acc: 543 Univ Prayer: Lord, hear our prayer. Offertory: 871 Communion: I follow my Lord, to Jesus I cling; I’ll follow my Lord, my love I will bring! Weekly collection: Envelopes £915 (exc standing orders). Loose £790. Going Forth: 820 Thank you for your generous contributions. Music Co-Ordinator Frances Novillo: 07714 204201 * More details to follow * C-Church, JP -John Paul II Room, Westminster Diocese PH-Parish Hall, P-Presbytery, BSC-Blessed Sacrament Chapel, S-Summerhill Convent, Leecroft Rd Registered Charity No: 233699 We are a Fairtrade Parish
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