Cumnor Parish Council Tina Brock Clerk of the Council Tel: 01367 240407 E-mail: [email protected] 8 Sand View Faringdon Oxon SN7 7UT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the ANNUAL MEETING of CUMNOR PARISH COUNCIL to be held at the UNITED REFORMED CHURCH HALL, LEYS RD, CUMNOR on MONDAY 18 MAY 2015, commencing at 7.30pm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 (Planning applications will be available for inspection from 7.15pm) 11 May 2015 Election of Chairman. To receive the Chairman’s and Councillors’ declaration of acceptance of office forms Election of Vice-Chairman. To receive the Vice-Chairman’s declaration of acceptance of office. To co-opt four members to the Council and receive their declaration of acceptance of office forms. Apologies for absence. Members are invited to note that under the Council’s Local Code of Conduct, Members have an obligation to register any gifts and hospitality over the value of £25, which are received in their capacity as a Parish Councillor. All Members must register any receipt of gifts and hospitality within 28 days. A form can be obtained from the Clerk who can also provide advice if any Member is uncertain as to the exact requirements Declarations of interest. Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary interest and the nature of that interest which they may have in any items under consideration at this meeting. To appoint members as signatories to the Council’s bank accounts. To appoint a Councillor (excluding the Chairman, Vice-Chairman or bank signatories) to verify the reconciliation of the Council’s various bank accounts quarterly. Committee Terms of Reference. To confirm that a review had been carried out and approved at meetings held on 17 November 2014, 1 December 2014, 12 January 2015 and 2 February 2015. Council Procedures. To confirm that issues had been prepared and approved at meetings held on Monday 12 January 2015 and Monday 2 February 2015. Council Information & Guidance Documents. To confirm that documents had been prepared and approved at meetings held on Monday 12 January 2015 and 2 February 2015. Committee/Working Group Appointments: i. Burial ii. Finance & General Purposes iii. Highways iv. Planning a) Plan receivers v. Recreation & Playing Fields vi. Staffing vii. Appeals viii. Ad-hoc Cumnor Parish News writing group To consider making arrangements with a view to the Council becoming eligible to exercise the general power of competence in the future. (Clerk’s Note: Any arrangements that can be made at this stage have been made.) Standing Orders (SO). To confirm that a new set of SO to replace the Council’s existing SO had been approved meetings held on Monday 29 September 2014 and Monday 3 November 2014 and modified on 2 March 2015. The new SO are consistent with the relevant model Orders prepared by NALC. Financial Regulations. To confirm that a new set of regulations to replace the Council’s existing had been approved at meetings held on Monday 20 September 2014 and Monday 3 November 2014. The Financial Regulations are consistent with the relevant model Regulations prepared by NALC. Register of Assets. To confirm that a review had been carried out and approved at meetings held on Monday 29 September 2014 and Monday 3 November 2014. Risk Assessment – Insurance. To confirm that a review had been carried out and approved meetings held on Monday 29 September 2014 and Monday 3 November 2014 1 20 Review of representation on or work with external bodies and arrangements for reporting back Representation on External Bodies: i. Cumnor Conservation Group – next meeting Tuesday 7 June at 7.30pm ii. Cumnor Minors FC & Closes Field Pavilion iii. Cumnor Old School Charity Trust (4 year term) iv. Cumnor Village Hall v. Dean Court Community Centre Association vi. Farmoor Village Hall vii. Botley Traffic Advisory Committee viii. Fogwell Road Pavilion Management Committee ix. Neighbourhood Action Group (NAG) x. Parish Transport Representative – next meeting Wednesday 20 May 21 To review the Council’s and/or staff subscriptions to other bodies. 22 To approve the dates and venues of future Council and Committee meetings up to May 2016 PAPER 1 COUNCIL 23 To adopt the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 13 April 2015. PAPER 2 24 Matters Arising: i. Receive Clerk’s Newsletter and Addendum to the Agenda. PAPER 3 a) Payment of Accounts: To authorise the payments specified. ii. Matters not otherwise on the agenda. 25 To approve, if thought appropriate, the sending of agendas/summons electronically. (Clerk’s Note: Councillors must put their approval in writing.) 26 To appoint a Councillor to hold back up files for the Clerk's computer. 27 To approve, if thought appropriate, the Safeguarding Policy for Parish Councils 2014/2015. PAPER 4 REPORTS 28 Report from County Councillor(s). 29 Report from District Councillor(s). FINANCIAL 30♦ To report the Highways Budget 2014/15 overspent by £970.12 which was a result of vandalism reported to Council at the time. 31 To appoint signatories to the Councils bank accounts. (Clerk’s Note: there are no maximum number of signatories.) 32 Grants: i. Cumnor CE Primary School Governing Body (s137) PAPER 5 ii. Farmoor Village Hall – Defibrillator Project (s137) PAPER 6 iii. Cumnor Parish Big Picnic (s145) PAPER 7 33 To approve, if thought appropriate, expenditure to attend training sessions run by OALC 34 Update on other current matters. RECREATION AND PLAYING FIELDS 35 Commemorative Bench update. 36 Update on current matters. HIGHWAYS 37 Update on current matters. BURIAL 38 Update on current matters. ENVIRONMENT AND CONSERVATION 39 Update on current matters. PLANNING 40 To receive the draft Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Monday 27 April 2015 PAPER 8 41 To Consider Planning Applications Received. Available to see at the meeting: i P15/V0781/FUL SV 12-14 Cumnor Hill, Cumnor, Oxford OX2 9HA Demolition of the existing two properties and erection of eleven two-storey dwellings and garaging, together with associated access, parking, landscaping and all enabling and ancillary works. ii P15/V0940/FUL HD/ 86 Cumnor Hill, Cumnor, Oxford OX2 9HU SV Re-development of site to provide 3x3 bed apartments and 3x2 bed apartments along with external private amenity space, car parking and refuse and bicycle 2 storage. (Re-submission of previously withdrawn application P14/V2562/FUL.) 42♦ To Note Permitted Planning Application(s): i P15/V0593/HH 35 Mayfield Road, Farmoor, Oxford OX2 9NY Two-storey side extension and single-storey garage extension. ii P15/V0595/FUL Swinford Water Works, Swinford, Oxon OX29 4BZ Installation of a security cage. iii P15/V0468/FUL 3 Tilbury Lane, Botley, Oxford OX2 9NNB Change of use of 3 Tilbury Lane from C3 to C2. 43♦ To Note Refused Planning Application(s): i P15/V0479/FUL 2 Oaklands, Oxford Road, Farmoor, Oxford OX2 9NW Demolition of existing dwelling and detached garage. Erection of new three-bedroom dwelling. 44♦ To Note Permitted Development Rights Notifications: i P15/V0871/PAR Upper Whitley Farm, Leys Road, Cumnor, Oxford OX2 9QQ Change of use of existing agricultural building to a dwelling house. ii P15/V0760/LDP 71 Eynsham Road, Dean Court, Oxford OX2 9BU Formation of habitable room in roof space. 45♦ To Note Certificate of Lawful Development Application(s): i P15/V0784/LDP 1 Hurst Lane, Cumnor, Oxford OX2 9PR Loft conversion. 46 VWHDC Premises Licence Application Licensing Act 2003. To consider the application PAPER 9 made by The Sudio, 3 Swinford Cottages, Swinford, OX29 4BY. 47 Tilbury Lane Development Update. 48 Update on other current matters. DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS The next meeting of the Parish Council to be advised. The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Tuesday 3 May 2016 at 7.30pm in Cumnor Village Hall, Farmoor. ANY OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR DISCUSSION SIGNED: …..…………........... T Brock, Clerk NOTES ON REGISTERING AND DECLARING A DISCLOSABLE/PECUNIARY INTEREST i. Members are subject to paragraphs 16 through 19 of the Local Code of Conduct 2012 adopted by Council on 1 July 2012 and circulated to all. ii. Any member arriving after the start of the meeting is asked to declare a disclosable pecuniary interest as soon as practicable after their arrival, even if the item in question has been considered. ♦ Items for noting 3
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