CUMNOR PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting of the Cumnor Parish Council held at the United Reformed Church Hall on Monday 2 March 2015 at 7.30pm Present: Brian Stops, Chairman, Philip Hawtin, Vice-chairman, Ian Bridge, Vanessa Cheel, Harry Dickinson, Bryan Goudman, Dudley Hoddinott, Judy Roberts, Steve Viner, Stefan Wynne-Jones and Tina Brock, Clerk. 66/15 Apologies for Absence. Peter Bowell (family illness), Richard Clarke (unwell), Gerald Frost (prior commitment), John Griffin (unwell), Pauline White (unwell), County Councillor Janet Godden (prior commitment), County Councillor Melinda Tilley (prior commitment) and District Councillor John Woodford (unable to attend). These apologies were received. 67/15 Declarations of Interest. Personal interests for: Minute 89/15 iii Philip Hawtin lives nearby. 68/15 Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 2 February 2015 with minor corrections were agreed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record. 69/15 Matters Arising: i. Clerk's Newsletter and Addendum. Received. a) Payment of Accounts. Approved as per minute 70/15. ii. Matters not otherwise on the agenda. None. 70/15 Payments of Accounts. It was resolved to authorise the payments specified in the Clerk's Newsletter and Addendum and reproduced below: Net cost VAT Sub total Total Payments now due: 137a &b D/D S/O 139 140 141a 141b 142 143 144 Salary related costs BT Thames Water Utilities Ltd Fogwell Road Pavilion The Bin Cleaner Total Pest Control (UK) Ltd Total Pest Control (UK) Ltd Paul Jovanovic Oxford Glass & Glazing Systems Ltd T Brock Notes. 1. 2. 3. 4. Monthly phone bill Annual ground rent – Mayfield Road 30.65 2,106.53 36.78 6.13 25.00 15.00 Room booking – R&PF Committee 17/02/2015 Cleaning of 12 bus shelters Quarterly mole control – Mayfield Road 100.00 20.00 120.00 420.00 Quarterly mole control – Appleton Road 63.83 12.77 76.60 196.60 Garden of Remembrance maintenance Sept/Oct/Nov 2014 Re-glazing of panels to bus shelter at Glebe Road Clerk’s reimbursement 120.00 572.26 113.67 114.45 4.83 686.71 118.50 After all payments are made the Santander Community Account will be in credit at £82,805.94. The Council has the following debtor for 2014/15: HMRC (Reclaimable VAT) £4,473.91. A cheque for invoice 137a was signed between meetings. As at 17 February 2015 the Santander Corporate Notice account had a credit balance of £71,287.64. . REPORTS 71/15 Report from County Councillor(s). CC Godden sent a report requesting Council’s comments regarding the arrangements during the Friedswide Square, Oxford road works. Vanessa Cheel commented that it was lethal for cyclists and pedestrians as directions were not clear and that traffic was moving fairly slowly as no one appears to know where they were going. These comments would be passed to CC Godden. 72/15 Report from District Councillor(s). DC Hoddinott reported: The busy B4044 at Farmoor is dangerous for pedestrians trying to cross. A pedestrian or pelican 22 crossing is needed. Problems of on-street parking by staff of Warburton Building Services (WBS), Cumnor Road, Farmoor are causing local residents problems. Vans are parking both sides of the road obstructing the path and driveways. WBS are aware of the problem but say there is little they can do. When planning permission was given to extend the office a condition was made ‘that the on street parking of vehicles associated with the application site on the adjacent highway, the B4017 shall not cause obstruction of the adjacent footway, or/and the adjacent highway and neighbouring properties’ driveways’. The Clerk would inform the Enforcement Officer, VWHDC. COUNCIL 73/15 Standing Orders. Council approved the Resolution to modify the model agenda in Standing Order 5.20 as follows: i. To amend sub clause r to read ‘Review of the Council’s policies and procedures’ ii. To amend sub clause s to read ‘Review of the Council’s information and guidance information’ iii. Delete sub clause t and renumber the following sub clause. 74/15 Oxfordshire County Council Draft Local Transport Plan 4 Consultation runs until Thursday 2 April 2015. The Council appointed Peter Bowell, Vanessa Cheel and Judy Roberts to draft a response to the consultation. 75/15 VWHDC Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule Consultation runs until Monday 23 March 2015. The Council appointed John Griffin to draft a response to the consultation. 76/15 Annual Meeting of the Parish Council would take place on Monday 18 May 2015. 77/15 Annual Parish Meeting. This item fell as information received was incorrect. 78/15 Elections 2015. Nomination papers would be available from the Clerk by the end of March 2015. The final time and date for submission of nomination papers will be 4pm on Thursday 9 April 2015. Nominations must be submitted by hand. FINANCE 79/15 Expenditure. i. Council approved expenditure not exceeding £3,000 for the purchase of two man-made noticeboards and installation costs at Deanfield Road, Dean Court and outside Farmoor Stores. ii. Council approved funds being taken from the Highways Dedicated Reserves. 80/15 Councils’ Santander Business Account. Council noted that the account would automatically change to a Treasurer’s Current Account from 1 June 2015. Account details would remain the same. 81/15 Grants: i. Botley Boys & Girls Football Club (Open Spaces Act 1906 s10). After discussion the Council agreed to support the application and to discuss with the club the most effective way of providing support. 82/15 Transfer of Funds. This item fell. 83/15 Update on Other Current Matters. None. RECREATION AND PLAYING FIELDS 84/15 Draft Minutes of the Recreation and Playing Fields Committee held on Tuesday 17 February 2015 were received. 85/15 Commemorative Bench in memory of Barbara Shuttleworth. The Chairman reported that the bench would be made by Hill End Centre out of wood taken from the estate: design to be approved by Council. The bench would be installed by MRH Services at a location agreed by the Chairman in The Glebe play park (CPC minute 335/14). The bench and plaque would be ordered and paid for by funds collected by Kate Elliott and colleagues. The ‘opening’ of the bench would 23 take place on May bank holiday Monday 4 May 2015 at 2.30pm. 86/15 Update on Other Current Matters. Judy Roberts requested that the Recreation and Playing Fields Committee members present confirm which quote they approved (emailed to members 26 February 2015) to re-surface the car parking area at Fogwell Road Pavilion. All members present approved recommending the White Horse Contractors quote to the next Council meeting. Playground monitors were reminded to send completed monthly inspection sheets to the Clerk. HIGHWAYS 87/15 Update on Current Matters. Steve Viner reported that foliage had been dumped into the Eynsham Road to Cumnor Hill footpath in North Hinksey Parish. The Clerk would report this to North Hinksey Parish Council. Council commented on the amount of litter strewn around the parish and along the A34. Volunteers would be litter picking Cumnor Saturday 7 March and Dean Court and Farmoor Sunday 8 March 2015. BURIAL 88/15 Update on Current Matters. None. ENVIRONMENT AND CONSERVATION 89/15 Update on Current Matters. The Chairman asked what progress was being made regarding hydrogeological surveys on Cumnor Hill. Vanessa Cheel said that some developers were carrying out surveys and that OCC were finally taking the problem seriously and were investigating slightly more thoroughly. A Cumnor Hill resident would be sending the Clerk historical documentation pertaining to run off and surface water drainage at the lower end of Cumnor Hill for Councils records. Ian Bridge reported that the gorse on Cumnor Hurst had grown high and was obstructing west way views. Volunteers cut back vegetation twice a year and this was thought to be due soon. PLANNING 90/15 Submitted Planning Application. The Council would submit the following observation: i P14/V2891/FUL The Mount, Cotswold Road, Cumnor, Oxford OX2 9JG Demolition of existing side extension and erection of new single-storey extension, additional extension to northwest elevation to provide en suite bathroom to bedroom and study accommodation. Demolition of existing carport and garage. NO OBJECTIONS to this application. ii P15/V0192/FUL 20 Cumnor Hill, Cumnor, Oxford Demolition of existing bungalow. Erection of new 5 bedroom detached dwelling and garage. (Revised scheme to planning permission P14/V1131/FUL.) FULLY SUPPORTS this application for the following reasons: CPC sees this proposal as an improvement on the previous application as do the neighbours. iii P14/V2857/HH iv P15/V0104/FUL 93 Eynsham Road, Dean Court, Oxford OX2 9BY Variation of condition 2 of planning permission P14/V1440/FUL, to revise internal floor layouts and additional windows to side elevations. Demolition of existing 4 bed, two storey detached dwelling. Erection of building on three floors containing 3 x 1 bed and 4 x 2 bed flats. Parking spaces for 9 cars, secure storage for 14 cycles and bin store. NO OBJECTIONS to this application, v P15/V0146/LB 25 Bertie Road, Cumnor, Oxford OX2 9PS Extension 4th bedroom over the garage, and extension along the back of the property NO OBJECTIONS to this application.. Bear & Ragged Staff, 28 Appleton Road, Cumnor, Oxford OX2 9QH 24 vi P15/V0144/A Erection of new business signage. NO OBJECTIONS to this application. vii P15/V0218/HH 137 Cumnor Hill, Cumnor, Oxford OX2 9JA Removal of condition 6 on application ref P14/V1746/HH. Proposed new double garage. NO OBJECTIONS to this application. Councils’ decision was divided and the Chairman had the casting vote. 91/15 Permitted Planning Applications. Noted. i P14/V2659/HH 10 Hids Copse Road, Cumnor, Oxford OX2 9JJ Proposed new entrance gates and wall. ii P14/V2815/FUL Sabine Valley Farm Barns, Cumnor Road, Farmoor, Oxford OX2 9NS Conversion of existing store building to fully disabled bed and breakfast accommodation. iii P14/V2828/FUL 100 Eynsham Road, Dean Court, Oxford OX2 9BX Erection of dwelling and formation of vehicular access access (amendment to previously approved application P14/V0297/FUL) (as amended by drawing number 1417_01Rev A Received 24 February 2015). iv P14/V2584/HH 43 Meadow Close, Farmoor, Oxford OX2 9PA Erection of extension to garage, including new roof on existing garage. (Amended by drawing number 14-FA-2A received 2 February 2015: pitched roof over garage removed and length of extension reduced.) 92/15 Tilbury Lane Development Update. The Chairman and 5 members of the Council attended a photo shoot at Tilbury Lane organised by the Oxford Mail, to highlight the problems caused by construction vehicles and staff using Tilbury Lane as an access point. Council discussed in full the problems arising from the development and agreed that a letter requesting that drainage at the site be investigated as all swales are full. The points discussed would be agenda items for the meeting with Persimmon on Wednesday 25 March 2015. A letter would be sent to the Vale setting out the Council’s concerns. Council agreed that the response from Adrian Duffield, Head of Planning, VWHDC to the Councils letter regarding the failure of the developers to adequately implement condition 6 (preventing vehicular access to Tilbury Lane) was inadequate. A formal letter of complaint would be sent. 93/15 Naming of Street for the Development at 66 Cumnor Hill. Council agreed that Peter Bowell would be asked to suggest some suitable names for the developer to choose from. 94/15 Update on Other Current Matters. i VWHDC Planning Committee Notifications. Noted. i P14/V2140/FUL 40 Cumnor Hill, Cumnor, Oxford Ox2 9HB Demolition of existing house and erection of one 5 bed detached two-storey house with integral garage and forecourt parking. Provision vehicular access to land at rear. The meeting will take place on 4 March 2015 at 6.30pm at Wantage Civic hall. The officer’s recommendation is to grant planning permission. Harry Dickinson would attend the meeting to speak objecting to the recommendation. ii P14/V2200/FUL 79 Cumnor Hill & 1 Delamare Way, Cumnor, Oxford OX2 9HX Erection of five detached houses (as amended by plans and documents submitted on 12 January 2015). The meeting will take place on 4 March 2015 at 6.30pm at Wantage Civic hall. The officer’s recommendation is to grant planning permission. Harry Dickinson would attend the meeting to ensure that a conditions was made regarding future alterations to the winter gardens. ii i Permitted Discharge of Conditions of Planning Application(s). Noted. P15/V0045/DIS 62 High Street Cumnor Oxon OX2 9QD Discharge of condition 5 (dormer details) on application ref. P14/V2195/HH Erection of a two storey rear extension, conversion of existing garage to games room, additional dormer windows to north and east elevations and new entrance porch. 25 iii i Notification of Permitted Development Rights Planning Application(s). Noted. P15/V0382/PD H Chestnut Place, 2 Faringdon Road, Cumnor, Oxford OX2 9QY Erection of a single-storey rear extension. iv West Way. The Chairman reported that he had attended a private meeting on Friday 27 February 2015 in Seacourt Hall with Cllr Matthew Barber, Leader of VWHDC and Huw Griffiths, Mace to discuss the next steps in the redevelopment. The meeting came to no particular conclusion. A further meeting would take place on Tuesday 10 March 2015 at 6.30pm. Council agreed that the Chairman should attend. DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS 95/15 The final meeting of the present Parish Council would take place at 7.30pm on Monday 13 April 2015 in the United Reformed Church Hall, Leys Road, Cumnor. The first Annual Meeting of the new Parish Council is due to be held in 2015 at 7.30pm in the United Reformed Church Hall, Cumnor, on Monday: 18 May. The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Tuesday 5 May 2015 at 7.30pm in Farmoor Village Hall, Farmoor. 96/15 ANY OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR DISCUSSION. Due to the lateness of the hour the Cumnor Public Purposes Charity would be postponed and re-scheduled for Monday 16 March 2015. The meeting closed at 10.15pm. Signed.......................................................... Date................................2015 26
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