Welcome! In the Spotlight California Veterinary Medical Association

California Veterinary Medical Association May 2015
Assembly Bills
Senate Bills
The CVMA is following
Contact Information
35 bills that are relevant to
the veterinary community.
The CVMA at the Capitol newsletter
outlines the bills the CVMA is following
in the current legislative session and
our positions. This year more than
1,200 bills were introduced in our state
legislature. The CVMA’s legislative
team monitored each bill to determine
if it might have an impact on
veterinary medicine. Legislation
affecting the veterinary profession, the
welfare of animals, and labor law in
California were further reviewed by
the CVMA’s Legislative Committee and
then by the CVMA’s Board of Governors, which established the CVMA’s
official positions on each bill at its
meeting on April 18.
SB 27 (Hill) Antibiotics: Livestock
Senator Hill introduced SB 27 in
response to Governor Brown’s veto
last year of SB 835 which included his
directive that “more needs to be done
to understand and reduce our reliance
on antibiotics.” The CVMA strongly
supports the provisions
requiring that all medically important
antimicrobial drugs should only be
available by veterinary prescription
pursuant to a valid veterinarianclient-patient relationship. CVMA
President Dr. Dayna Wiedenkeller and
CVMA Agriculture Committee Chair
Dr. Mike Karle testified on April 21 in
front of the Senate Agriculture
Committee on the CVMA’s behalf. We
will continue to work with all
stakeholders on amendments to the
bill. Read CVMA’s Position Letter.
At the direction of its board, the CVMA
concentrates its lobbying resources
towards measures of most importance
to the veterinary profession. The CVMA
is following 35 bills that are relevant to
the veterinary community.
In the Spotlight
SB 8 (Hertzberg) Taxation
This bill will serve as a significant
disincentive for individuals seeking
veterinary care for their animals.
Veterinary clients will not be able to
afford treatments for their animals
which will be detrimental to animal
health and to the health of the public
at large. As in the 2010 legislation,
veterinary services are included in a
proposal to tax services that also
exempts health care services. The
CVMA is strongly opposed to this
legislation and will seek an
amendment that exempts veterinary
services. Read CVMA’s Position Letter.
CVMA At the Capitol | May 2015
In the Spotlight
AB 316 (Maienschein) Veterinarians and AB 317 (Maienschein)
Veterinary Medicine: Temporary Shelter Facility Both of these bills allow unlicensed veterinarians to be called into California for
forensic assistance and during disasters. The CVMA believes that exemptions to
licensure should only be allowed under very limited circumstances and that there licensed California veterinarians available to meet the needs of the state as outlined
in both AB 316 and AB 317. The CVMA is opposed to both bills.
SB 482 (Lara) Controlled Substances: CURES Database
The CVMA was successful in getting this bill amended to exempt veterinarians. SB
482 would require prescribers to consult a patient’s controlled substance usage
history in the CURES database before prescribing or dispensing the controlled
substance to the patient for the first time or at least annually when the prescribed
controlled substance remains part of the patient’s treatment.
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1400 River Park Drive, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95815 | p: 800.655.2862 | f: 916.646.9156 | staff @ cvma.net
CVMA At the Capitol | May 2015
Assembly Bills
AB 46
AB 49
AB 67
AB 147
AB 247
AB 316
AB 317
AB 333
AB 483
AB 485
AB 494
AB 611
AB 788
AB 794
AB 976
AB 1038
AB 1060
AB 1073
AB 1121
AB 1149
AB 1363
AB 1386
AB 46 (Lackey) Controlled Substances PDF HTML
Current Text: Amended 4/23/2015
Last Amend: 4/23/2015
Status/location: 4/29/2015--From Appropriations Committee to suspense file.
Summary: Would make it a felony, punishable by imprisonment in the state prison
for 16 months or two or three years, to possess Ketamine, GHB, or flunitrazepam
with the intent to commit sexual assault.
CVMA Position: Approve
AB 49 (Mullin) Livestock Drugs: Antibiotics PDF HTML
Current Text: Introduced 12/1/2014
Status/location: 12/2/2014--Died in committee.
Summary: Would make various legislative findings and declarations relating to
the non-therapeutic use of antibiotics in livestock, and would declare the intent of
the Legislature to enact legislation that would address the overuse of antibiotics in
livestock production.
CVMA Position: Watch
AB 67 (Gonzalez) Double Pay Holiday Act of 2015 PDF HTML
Current Text: Introduced: 12/17/2014
Status/location: 4/15/2015--In committee: Set, first hearing. Referred to suspense
Summary: Would enact the Double Pay on the Holiday Act of 2015 that would
require an employer to pay at least two times the regular rate of pay to an employee for work on a family holiday.
CVMA Position: Watch
AB 147 (Dababneh) Postsecondary Education: Animal Research PDF HTML
Current Text: Amended 3/16/2015
Last Amend: 3/16/2015
Status/location: 4/9/2015--In Senate. Read first time. To Rules Committee for
Summary: Would require any campus of the University of California, California
State University, California community colleges, an independent institution of
higher education, or an employee or student, that confines dogs or cats for science
or research purposes, if the institution determines, after the completion of any testing or research, that an animal’s destruction is not required and the animal is no
longer needed and if the institution’s existing procedures for adopting the animal
do not result in an adoption, to offer the dog or cat to an animal adoption organization or animal rescue organization prior to euthanizing the animal.
CVMA Position: Watch close
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1400 River Park Drive, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95815 | p: 800.655.2862 | f: 916.646.9156 | staff @ cvma.net
CVMA At the Capitol | May 2015
Assembly Bills
AB 247 (Waldron) Animanl Control Officers PDF HTML
Current Text: Amended 3/24/2015
Last Amend: 3/24/2015
Status/location: 4/29/2015--From Appropriations Committee to suspense file.
Summary: Would require every person appointed as an animal control officer
prior to July 1, 2016, to complete a course in the exercise of the powers of arrest
no later than July 1, 2017. It requires every person appointed as an animal control
officer, and every person appointed as a director, manager, supervisor, or any
person in direct control of the officers employed by an animal control agency, on
or after July 1, 2016, to complete a course in the exercise of the powers of arrest
within one year of his or her appointment.
CVMA Position: Watch
AB 316 (Maienschein) Veterinarians PDF HTML
Current Text: Amended 4/23/2015
Last Amend: 4/23/2015
Status/location: 4/27/2015-- Re-referred to Appropriations Committee.
Summary: It is unlawful for any person to practice veterinary medicine in this
state unless he or she holds a valid, unexpired, and unrevoked license issued by
the Veterinary Medical Board. This bill would specifically exempt from these
licensing requirements a regularly licensed veterinarian who is called from
another state by a law enforcement agency, animal control department, or a
humane officer to attend to cases that are part of an investigation of an alleged
violation of federal or state animal fighting or animal cruelty laws within a single
geographic location when the law enforcement agency, animal control
department, or humane officer determines that it is necessary to call the
veterinarian to conduct the investigation in a timely, efficient, and effective
CVMA Position: Oppose
AB 317 (Maienschein) Veterinary Medicine: Temporary Shelter Facility
Current Text: Amended 4/27/2015
Last Amend: 4/27/2015
Status/location: 4/28/2015--Re-referred to Appropriations Committee.
Summary: It is unlawful for any person to practice veterinary medicine in this
state unless he or she holds a valid, unexpired, and unrevoked license issued
by the Veterinary Medical Board, except under specified circumstances. This bill
would exempt from the premises registration requirements an organization that
establishes a temporary shelter facility during a state of emergency to provide
veterinary medical care by a veterinarian who is regularly licensed in another
state or territory of the United States if the temporary shelter facility meets
specified requirements.
CVMA Position: Oppose
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1400 River Park Drive, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95815 | p: 800.655.2862 | f: 916.646.9156 | staff @ cvma.net
CVMA At the Capitol | May 2015
Assembly Bills
AB 333 (Melendez) Healing Arts: Continuing Education PDF HTML
Current Text: Amended 3/26/2015 Last Amend: 3/26/2015 Status/location: 4/28/2015--Re-referred to Appropriations Committee.
Summary: Would allow specified healing arts licensees to apply one unit of
continuing education credit towards any required continuing education units for
attending a course that results in the licensee becoming a certified instructor of
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or the proper use of an automated external
defibrillator (AED), and would allow licensees to apply up to two units of
continuing education credit towards any required continuing education units for
conducting CPR or AED training sessions for employees of school districts and
community college districts in the state.
CVMA Position: Approve
AB 483 (Patterson) Healing Arts: Initial License Fees: Proration PDF HTML
Current Text: Amended 4/9/2015 Last Amend: 4/9/2015
Status/location: 4/29/2015--From Appropriations Committee to suspense file.
Summary: Current law requires that licenses issued to certain licensees,
including architects, acupuncturists, dental hygienists, dentists, occupational
therapists, physical therapists, physicians and surgeons, psychologists, and
veterinarians, expire at 12 a.m. on either the last day of the birth month of the
licensee or at 12 a.m. of the legal birth date of the licensee during the second
year of a two-year term, if not renewed. This bill would require that the fees
imposed by these provisions for an initial license, an initial temporary or
permanent license, or an original license be prorated on a monthly basis.
CVMA Position: Support
AB 485 (Williams) Personal Income Taxes: Voluntary Contributions:
Prevention of Animal Homelessness and Cruelty Fund PDF HTML
Current Text: Amended 4/22/2015
Last Amend: 4/22/2015
Status/location: 4/29/2015--Action from Appropriations Committee to consent
Summary: Would allow an individual to designate on his or her tax return that a
specified amount in excess of his or her tax liability be transferred to the
Prevention of Animal Homelessness and Cruelty Fund, which would be created
by this bill. The bill would require the Franchise Tax Board to revise the tax return
form to include a space for the designation of contributions to the fund when
another voluntary designation is removed from the form or there is space,
whichever occurs first.
CVMA Position: Watch
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1400 River Park Drive, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95815 | p: 800.655.2862 | f: 916.646.9156 | staff @ cvma.net
CVMA At the Capitol | May 2015
Assembly Bills
AB 494 (Maienschein) Restraining Orders: Protection of Animals PDF HTML
Current Text: Amended 4/13/2015
Last Amend: 4/13/2015
Status/location: 4/16/2015--In Senate. Read first time. To Rules Committee for
Summary: Would authorize the court to include in restraining orders or protective
orders, an order granting the petitioner or applicant exclusive care, possession,
or control of an animal that is held by the petitioner or a person protected by a
restraining order or that resides in the same residence or household and an order
for the respondent or restrained person to stay away from the animal and refrain
from taking or harming the animal. The bill would include the provision relating to
the protection of a ward of the court.
CVMA Position: Approve
AB 611 (Dahle) Controlled Substances: Prescriptions: CURES Reporting
Current Text: Amended 4/15/2015
Last Amend: 4/15/2015
Status/location: 4/21/2015--In committee: Set, first hearing. Hearing canceled at the
request of author.
Summary: Current law requires the Department of Justice, upon approval of an
application, to provide the approved health care practitioner or pharmacist the
history of controlled substances dispensed to an individual under his or her care.
This bill would also authorize an individual designated to investigate a holder of a
professional license to apply to the Department of Justice to obtain approval to
access information contained in the CURES PDMP regarding the controlled
substance history of an applicant or a licensee for the purpose of investigating the
alleged substance abuse of a licensee.
CVMA Position: Watch close
AB 788 (Chu) Prescriptions PDF HTML
Current Text: Amended 3/26/2015 Last Amend: 3/26/2015
Status/location: 4/14/2015--In Assembly Health Committee: Set, first hearing.
Hearing canceled at the request of author.
Summary: Would require that every prescription include a legible, clear notice of
the condition or purpose for which the drug is prescribed, and would authorize the
prescriber or patient to request that this information not be included in the
prescription container label. This bill would, similarly, require that every
prescription container be correctly labeled to include that information, unless
omission of that information has been requested by the prescriber or patient.
CVMA Position: Oppose unless amended
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1400 River Park Drive, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95815 | p: 800.655.2862 | f: 916.646.9156 | staff @ cvma.net
CVMA At the Capitol | May 2015
Assembly Bills
AB 794 (Linder) Criminal Acts Against Law Enforcement Animals PDF HTML
Current Text: Amended 4/8/2015
Last Amend: 4/8/2015
Status/location: 4/23/2015--Read second time. Ordered to Consent Calendar.
Summary: Would make specified criminal acts against law enforcement
applicable when those acts are carried out against a horse or dog being used by,
or under the supervision of, a volunteer who is acting under the direct supervision
of a peace officer in the discharge or attempted discharge of his or her assigned
volunteer duties. The bill would also require a defendant convicted of those acts
to pay restitution for a horse or dog that is used by, or under the supervision of, a
volunteer who is acting under the direct supervision of a peace officer.
CVMA Position: Approve
AB 976 (Steinorth) Personal Income Tax: Deductions: Qualified Pet
Adoption Costs PDF HTML
Current Text: Amended 4/16/2015 Last Amend: 4/16/2015
Status/location: 4/27/2015--Died in Assembly Revenue and Tax Committee.
Summary: Would have, for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2016,
and before January 1, 2021, allowed a deduction, not to exceed $100, under that
law for the qualified costs paid or incurred by a taxpayer for the adoption of a pet
from a qualified animal rescue organization.
CVMA Position: Support
AB 1038 (Jones) Employment: Flexible Work Schedules PDF HTML
Current Text: Introduced 2/26/2015 Status/location: 4/22/2015--In Assembly Labor & Employment Committee.
Failed passage.
Summary: Would permit an individual nonexempt employee to request an
employee-selected flexible work schedule providing for workdays up to 10 hours
per day within a 40-hour work week, and would allow an employer to implement
this schedule without the obligation to pay overtime compensation for those
additional hours in a workday, except as specified. The bill would require that the
flexible work schedule contain specified information and the employer’s and the
employee’s original signature.
CVMA Position: Support
AB 1060 (Bonilla) Professions and Vocations: Licensure PDF HTML
Current Text: Amended 3/26/2015 Last Amend: 3/26/2015
Status/location: 4/29/2015--Passed from Appropriations Committee to consent
Summary: Current law authorizes a board within the Department of Consumer
Affairs to suspend or revoke a license on the grounds that the licensee has been
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1400 River Park Drive, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95815 | p: 800.655.2862 | f: 916.646.9156 | staff @ cvma.net
CVMA At the Capitol | May 2015
Assembly Bills
convicted of a crime, if the crime is substantially related to the qualifications,
functions, or duties of the business or profession for which the license was issued.
Current law requires the board, upon suspension or revocation of a license, to
provide the ex-licensee with certain information pertaining to rehabilitation,
reinstatement, or reduction of penalty. This bill would require the board to provide
that information through first-class mail and by email if the board has an email
address on file for the ex-licensee.
CVMA Position: Watch close
AB 1073 (Ting) Pharmacy: Prescription Drug Labels PDF HTML
Current Text: Amended 4/28/2015 Last Amend: 4/28/2015 Status/location: 4/28/2015--In Assembly Appropriations Committee. Read second
time and amended.
Summary: The Pharmacy Law requires a standardized, patient-centered,
prescription drug label on all prescription medicine dispensed to patients in
California. This bill would require a dispenser to use a standardized direction for
use on the label of the prescription container from a list in existing regulations. The
bill would require the board to make available translations, in a minimum of 5
languages other than English, of those standardized directions for use and post the
translated standardized directions for use on its internet website.
CVMA Position: Oppose
AB 1121 (Calderon) Personal Information PDF HTML
Current Text: Introduced 2/27/2015 Status/location: 3/2/2015--In Assembly. Read first time.
Summary: Current law requires a business to take all reasonable steps to destroy,
or arrange for the destruction of, a customer’s records within its custody or control
containing personal information that are no longer to be retained by the business.
Current law defines business, records, and personal information for these
purposes. This bill would make technical, non-substantive changes to the
definitions described above.
CVMA Position: Watch close
AB 1149 (Wood) Public Health Emergencies: Funding PDF HTML
Current Text: Introduced 2/27/2015 Status/location: 4/27/2015--Passed Assembly Appropriations Committee.
Re-referred to consent calendar.
Summary: Current law provides that procedures that govern the allocation to,
and expenditure by, local health jurisdictions, hospitals, and long-term health care
facilities apply only when the specified entities are designated by a federal or state
agency to manage the funds for public health preparedness and response to
public health emergencies, pursuant to a specified federally approved plan. This
bill would expand these provisions to apply to public health emergency
preparedness and response by trade associations of those entities or facilities.
CVMA Position: Support
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1400 River Park Drive, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95815 | p: 800.655.2862 | f: 916.646.9156 | staff @ cvma.net
CVMA At the Capitol | May 2015
Assembly Bills
AB 1363 (Salas) Animals: Estrays: Livestock Animals PDF HTML
Current Text: Amended 3/26/2015 Last Amend: 3/26/2015 Status/location: 4/6/2015--Re-referred to Assembly Committee on Agriculture.
Summary: Current law prescribes requirements for the seizure, management, and
care of estrays. Current law, for purposes of those provisions, defines “estray” to
mean any impounded or seized bovine animal, horse, mule, sheep, swine, or
burro whose owner is unknown or cannot be located. This bill would include any
other livestock animal within that definition of “estray,” and would instead require
that any animal that is seized by, or comes into the possession of, an inspector
pursuant to those provisions be managed in accordance with specified
requirements. The inclusion of other livestock animals within the definition of
“estray” would expand the definition of a crime, thereby imposing a
state-mandated local program.
CVMA Position: Watch close
AB 1386 (Low) Emergency Medical Care: Epinephrine Auto-Injectors
Current Text: Amended 4/16/2015 Last Amend: 4/16/2015 Status/location: 4/28/2015--In Assembly Business & Professions Committee.
Hearing postponed by committee.
Summary: This bill would authorize a pharmacy to furnish epinephrine
auto-injectors to an authorized entity. It would also require an authorized entity to
submit a report to the State Department of Public Health for incidents related to
the administration of epinephrine auto-injectors, and for the department to issue
an annual report summarizing and analyzing the reports submitted to it.
CVMA Position: Watch Close
ACR 9 (McCarty) Pet Care Education Month PDF HTML
Current Text: Introduced 1/16/2015 Status/location: 1/26/2015--Referred to Assembly Rules Committee.
Summary: This measure declares the month of January 2015 as Pet Care
Education Month and would request Californians to observe the month by ensuring
that their companion animals receive the proper preventative care by establishing
a financial plan for pet health emergencies and by contributing to charitable
organizations that provide low-cost spay and neutering services and vaccinations
or funds to help low-income individuals pay for veterinary care.
CVMA Position: No position- FYI only
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1400 River Park Drive, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95815 | p: 800.655.2862 | f: 916.646.9156 | staff @ cvma.net
CVMA At the Capitol | May 2015
Senate Bills
SB 8
SB 27
SB 259
SB 333
SB 368
SB 423
SB 482
SB 587
SB 619
SB 656
SB 671
SB 716
SB 770
SB 8 (Hertzberg) Taxation PDF HTML
Current Text: Amended 2/10/2015 Last Amend: 2/10/2015
Status/location: 2/19/2015--Re-referred to Senate Governance & Finance
Committee. Hearing postponed.
Summary: Would state legislative findings regarding the Upward Mobility Act, key
provisions of which would expand the application of the Sales and Use Tax law by
imposing a tax on specified services, would enhance the state’s business climate;
would incentivize entrepreneurship and business creation by evaluating the
corporate tax; and would examine the impacts of a lower and simpler personal
income tax.
CVMA Position: Oppose unless amended
SB 27 (Hill) Livestock: Use of Antibiotics PDF HTML
Current Text: Introduced 12/1/2014 Status/location: 4/24/2015--Set for hearing May 4 with Senate Appropriations
Summary: Would prohibit the administration of medically important antimicrobial
drugs to livestock unless prescribed by a veterinarian pursuant to a
veterinarian-client-patient relationship. The bill would make it unlawful to
administer a medically important antimicrobial drug to livestock solely to cause
an increased rate of weight gain or improved feed efficiency. The bill would also
require the Department of Food and Agriculture to develop a program to track the
use of medically important antimicrobial drugs in livestock and to track
antibiotic-resistant bacteria and patterns of emerging resistance.
CVMA Position: Watch close, work with author
SB 259 (Bates) Health Care Professionals PDF HTML
Current Text: Introduced 2/18/2015 Status/location: 2/26/2015--Referred to Senate Rules Committee.
Summary: The Health Care Professional Disaster Response Act states findings of
the Legislature regarding the shortage of qualified health care practitioners during
times of national or state disasters, and allows a physician and surgeon, whose
license has been expired for less than five years and who meets specified criteria,
to obtain a license without paying fees. This bill would make a non-substantive
change to those provisions.
CVMA Position: Watch close
SB 333 (Galgiani) Controlled Substances PDF HTML
Current Text: Amended: 4/20/2015
Last Amend: 4/20/2015
Status/location: 4/28/2015--Pass and re-referred to Appropriations
Summary: Would make it a felony, punishable by imprisonment in the state prison
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1400 River Park Drive, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95815 | p: 800.655.2862 | f: 916.646.9156 | staff @ cvma.net
CVMA At the Capitol | May 2015
Senate Bills
for 16 months, or two or three years, to possess Ketamine, flunitrazepam, or GHB,
with the intent to commit sexual assault, as defined for these purposes to include,
among other acts, rape, sodomy, and oral copulation.
CVMA Position: Approve
SB 368 (Berryhill) Employment: Work Hours PDF HTML
Current Text: Amended 4/16/2015 Last Amend: 4/16/2015
Status/location: 4/22/2015--Re-referred to Labor and Industrial Relations
Summary: Would enact the California Workplace Flexibility Act of 2015. The bill
would permit an individual nonexempt employee to request an employee-selected
flexible work schedule providing for workdays up to 10 hours per day within a
40-hour work week, and would allow the employer to implement this schedule
without the obligation to pay overtime compensation for those additional hours in
a work day. It would prescribe a method for calculating the payment of overtime
for hours worked in excess of the permitted amounts and would establish
requirements for termination of these agreements. The bill would exempt from its
provisions those employees covered by collective bargaining and public employees.
The bill would require the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement in the
Department of Industrial Relations to enforce this provision and adopt regulations.
CVMA Position: Support
SB 423 (Bates) Pharmaceutical Waste: Over-the-Counter Drugs and
Nutritional Supplements PDF HTML
Current Text: Introduced 2/25/2015 Status/location: 3/26/2015--April 15 set for first hearing. Canceled at the request of
Summary: Would exclude from the definition of “pharmaceutical waste,” for
purposes of regulation under the Medical Waste Management Act, any
over-the-counter human or veterinary drug or dietary supplement that is
characterized and managed as a hazardous or solid waste and, with respect to an
over-the-counter human or veterinary drug, is not disposed of on land within the
CVMA Position: Watch
SB 482 (Lara) Controlled Substances: CURES Database PDF HTML
Current Text: Amended 4/16/2015 Last Amend: 4/16/2015
Status/location: 4/28/2015--Pass as amended and re-referred to Appropriations
Summary: Veterinarians were recently exempted from this bill. It requires all
prescribers prescribing a Schedule II or Schedule III controlled substance, and all
dispensers dispensing a Schedule II or Schedule III controlled substance, to consult
a patient’s electronic history in the CURES database before prescribing or dispensing the controlled substance to the patient for the first time.
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1400 River Park Drive, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95815 | p: 800.655.2862 | f: 916.646.9156 | staff @ cvma.net
CVMA At the Capitol | May 2015
Senate Bills
The bill would also require the prescriber to consult the CURES database at least
annually when the prescribed controlled substance remains part of the patient’s
treatment. The bill would prohibit prescribing an additional Schedule II or Schedule
III controlled substance to a patient with an existing prescription until the prescriber
determines that there is a legitimate need for the controlled substance.
CVMA Position: Watch
SB 587 (Stone) Pharmacy: Drug Regimens: Hypertension and
Hyperlipidemia PDF HTML
Current Text: Amended 4/9/2015 Last Amend: 4/9/2015
Status/location: 4/16/2015--Re-referred to Senate Business & Professions and
Appropriations Committees.
Summary: The Pharmacy Law authorizes a pharmacist to perform listed
procedures or functions as part of the care provided by specified health care
entities, including initiating or adjusting the drug regimen of a patient pursuant to
a specific written order or authorization made by the individual patient’s treating
prescriber, and in accordance with the policies, procedures, or protocols of the
health care entity. This bill would specifically include the treatment of hypertension
and hyperlipidemia in the authorized initiation or adjustment of a patient’s drug
CVMA Position: Watch close
SB 619 (Morrell) Pharmacy: Outsourcing Facilities: Licensure PDF HTML
Current Text: Amended 4/6/2015 Last Amend: 4/6/2015
Status/location: 4/28/2015--Passed and re-referred to Appropriations Committee.
Summary: Would require the Board of Pharmacy to license an outsourcing facility
and would prohibit an outsourcing facility to be concurrently licensed with the
board as a sterile compounding pharmacy at the same location. The bill would
require an outsourcing facility to be licensed with the board before doing
business within or into the state, and would require an outsourcing facility to notify
the board of any disciplinary or other action taken by another state or the federal
Food and Drug Administration within 10 days of the action. The bill would require
the board to inspect the location of an outsourcing facility to ensure that it is in
compliance with all laws and regulations before issuing or renewing an
outsourcing facility’s license. The bill would make a violation of any of these
provisions or regulations adopted thereto punishable by a fine of up to $5,000 per
occurrence. The bill would, on or after January 1, 2018, require the board to
provide a report to the Legislature regarding the regulation of nonresident
outsourcing facilities. The bill would also authorize the board to collect a fee of
$780 for the issuance and renewal of an outsourcing license and a fee of $715 for
a temporary license.
CVMA Position: Watch
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1400 River Park Drive, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95815 | p: 800.655.2862 | f: 916.646.9156 | staff @ cvma.net
CVMA At the Capitol | May 2015
Senate Bills
SB 656 (Anderson) Food and Agriculture: Production Forecasts PDF HTML
Current Text: Introduced 2/27/2015 Status/location: 3/12/2015--Referred to Senate Rules Committee.
Summary: Current law requires the Department of Food and Agriculture to supply
the Department of Water Resources with a specified forecast that estimates the
amount of production of food, fiber, livestock, and other farm products. This bill
would make non-substantive changes in the provisions relating to that forecast.
CVMA Position: Watch close
SB 671 (Hill) Pharmacy: Biological Product PDF HTML
Current Text: Amended 4/14/2015 Last Amend: 4/14/2015
Status/location: 4/29/2015--Heard in Senate Health Committee.
Summary: Would authorize a pharmacist, at his or her discretion, to select an
alternative biological product when filling a prescription order for a prescribed
biological product if the alternative biological product is interchangeable, and the
prescriber does not personally indicate “Do not substitute.”
CVMA Position: Watch close
SB 716 (Lara) Animal Cruelty: Elephants PDF HTML
Current Text: Amended 4/6/2015 Last Amend: 4/6/2015
Status/location: 4/28/2015--Passed and re-referred to Appropriations Committee.
Summary: Would, beginning January 1, 2018, provide that abusive behavior
toward elephants include the discipline, management, or training of elephants by
specified methods, including the use of a bullhook, ankus, guide, or pitchfork. By
expanding the scope of a crime, the bill would impose a
state-mandated local program.
CVMA Position: Disapprove unless amended
SB 770 (Mendoza) Department of Food and Agriculture: Medicated Feed
Current Text: Introduced 2/27/2015 Status/location: 4/8/2015--Read second time. Ordered to Senate for third reading.
Summary: Would require the Secretary of Food and Agriculture to continue to
be the primary regulatory agency over medicated feed, responsible for regulating medicated feed quality assurance and medicated feed safety, and enforcing
any handling and inspecting requirements that are imposed on medicated feed
suppliers. The bill would also vest with the department primary responsibility over
medicated feed ingredients and the sale of medicated feed that is subject to veterinarian oversight.
CVMA Position: Support
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1400 River Park Drive, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95815 | p: 800.655.2862 | f: 916.646.9156 | staff @ cvma.net
CVMA At the Capitol | May 2015
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Your opinion is important to us! If you have comments or information on specific
issues, contact Lori Gentner, the CVMA Legislative Coordinator at 800.655.2862.
California Veterinary Medical Association
1400 Riverpark Drive, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95815
Phone: 800.655.2862
Fax: 916.646.9156
Email: staff @cvma.net
Website: cvma.net
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1400 River Park Drive, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95815 | p: 800.655.2862 | f: 916.646.9156 | staff @ cvma.net
CVMA At the Capitol | May 2015