CV M A VO ICE Today’s Voice, Tomorrow’s Vision • How to Successfully Pre-book Appointments • CVMA Practice Diagnostic Report: A National Comparison • BIG Ideas Explores Veterinary Dentistry 2013, ISSUE #2 CVMA Voice 201 3: 2 | PAG E 1 “W e were very pleased with the attention given to our expansion, and we are extremely satisfied with the overall outcome. Carr Healthcare Realty was able to get us twice the space at a lower cost per square foot than we had anticipated. We would not hesitate to utilize their services in the future.” Colin Carr President Denver Metro 303.817.6654 [email protected] Don Gretter, Business Manager High Plains Veterinary Hospital At Carr Healthcare Realty… We provide experienced representation and skilled negotiating for veterinarians’ office space needs. Whether you are purchasing, relocating, opening a new office, or renewing your existing lease, we can help you receive some of the most favorable terms and concessions available. Every lease or purchase is unique and provides substantial opportunities on which to capitalize. The slightest difference in the terms negotiated can impact your practice by hundreds of thousands of dollars. With this much at stake, expert representation and skilled negotiating are essential to level the playing field and help you receive the most favorable terms. Roger Hernandez Colorado Springs Southern Colorado 719.339.9007 [email protected] Kevin Schutz Boulder • Northern Colorado Western Slope • Wyoming 970.690.5869 [email protected] If your lease is expiring in the next 12 – 18 months, allow us to show you how we can help you capitalize on your next lease or purchase. Lease Negotiations • Office Relocations • Lease Renewals • Purchases CV M A VO ICE TABLE OF CONTENTS Inside President’s Post . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Briefings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Of Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 9 9PetCheck Continues to Help Hundreds in Colorado CVMA Convention 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Understanding Your Business Better: CVMA Practice Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 CVMA Practice Diagnostic Report: A National Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 9PetCheck Continues to Help Hundreds in Colorado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Veterinary Peer Health Assistance Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Government Affairs . . . . . . . . 12 12 Measures to Minimize Influenza Transmission at Swine Exhibitions Measures to Minimize Influenza Transmission at Swine Exhibitions . . . . . . . . 12 CVMA Events and Deadlines August 1 Convention Early Bird Registration deadline September 1 Convention Advanced Registration deadline September 18 Laser Therapy Symposium Loveland, CO September 19–22 CVMA Convention 2013 Loveland, CO October 25–26 Medical Massage for Animals Fort Collins, CO November 1–2 BIG Ideas Forum | Fall 2013 Legislative Update (cont’d ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Science Update . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Orthotics and Prosthetics in Veterinary Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Vector-Borne & Zoonoses Update . . . . . . . . 16 In Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 14 Orthotics and Prosthetics in Veterinary Practice PetAid Animal Hospital Referral Program Making a Difference . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Having a Plan Can Help Drive Preventive Pet Healthcare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 How to Successfully Pre-book Appointments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Avoid Jumping to Conclusions Regarding Animal Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 National Veterinary Accreditation Renewal Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 It Can Be an Ethical Dilemma . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 CVMA News . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 20 PetAid Animal Hospital Referral Program Making A Difference BIG Ideas Forum Explores Veterinary Dentistry: Part I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 CVMA Auxillary Launches Food Animal Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Colorado Science & Engineering Fair 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Welcome New CVMA Members! . . . . . . . . . . 31 Our Mission CVMA exists to enhance animal health and welfare, promote the human/ animal bond, protect public health, advance the wellbeing of veterinarians, and foster excellence in veterinary medicine through education, advocacy, and outreach. 2 013 , I ssue #1 Colorado Veterinary Medical Association PRESIDENT’S POST 191 Yuma Street Denver, Colorado 80223 303.318.0447 or 800.228.5429 Fax 303.318.0450 [email protected] Managing Editor Cami Cacciatore Publisher Ralph Johnson The CVMA Voice is published quarterly to members and once a year to nonmembers free of charge. Information and advice presented in this publication do not necessarily represent the views of CVMA. Deadlines for Submission All articles, contributions, and display ads must be received in the CVMA office by the dates reflected below. For more information or to obtain a rate schedule, contact the CVMA office at 303.318.0447 or [email protected]. Issue Issue Issue Issue #1 — January 15 #2 — April 15 #3 — July 15 #4 — October 15 Randa McMillan, DVM president I have been a member of our CVMA since I graduated from veterinary school, and if someone had asked me what the most important thing CVMA provided to its members was, I would have answered “quality continuing education programs.” And while those offerings are always top notch, I have now come to realize that no other entity advocates for and protects our profession on the state level like our Colorado VMA. In my mind, that is the most important offering we give to you, our members—the assurance that somebody “has your back.” Advocacy is defined as “the act of arguing in favor of something such as a cause, idea, or policy.” Advocacy can mean “grassroots” advocacy, which comes from educating a base of supporters about your cause. It also can mean going to the state capitol and meeting with the governor or legislators to educate them about your cause, or regularly attending the State Board of Veterinary Medicine meetings to provide support for our profession. CVMA does all of these things. Through the annual CVMA district visits and regular board meetings, we build support and consensus on various important policies and concepts. CVMA hosts an annual advocacy training session to educate our membership not only on what is in the works, but also on the correct protocol and procedures to use when addressing the State Board or the legislators. CVMA has been active this year at the State House, either defending or arguing against various bills. Our thanks go out to many members of our board for testifying, including Dr. Curtis Crawford for helping defeat the animal control bill and Dr. Apryl Steele for her testimony on the tail docking in dairy cattle bill. I testified in favor of the dog protection bill, and Ralph helped get the unwanted horse tax check-off passed. We also owe a big thank you to Dr. Barb Powers for her role as chair of the Commission on Advocacy and Outreach and her tremendously beneficial relationship with the agricultural community. On the regulatory side, we need to thank Dr. Bill Fredrillgill for his unwavering attendance at the State Board meetings. CVMA’s presence here is important, not only as a watch dog, but also as a source of collaboration with the SBVM. One of my favorite quotes is from David Berstein in How to Change the World: “An idea is like a play. It needs a good producer and a good promoter, even if it is a masterpiece. Otherwise the play may never open, or it may open but, for lack of an audience, close after a week. Similarly, an idea will not move from the fringes to the mainstream simply because it is good; it must be skillfully marketed before it will actively shift people’s perception and behavior.” This concept of being a “skillful marketer” for the ideas CVMA supports falls on the shoulders of the Executive Committee. We, by election, are the point people for our profession here in Colorado—but every member needs to be an advocate. So when should we do advocacy? All the time! We should never miss an opportunity to sing the praises of our profession. We should try to have a presence at community events where people gather. Every practitioner should invite elected officials to tour your hospitals and get to know you. How should we advocate? We need to develop message points on important causes. You know the image you want to create, so it’s important that every practitioner uses the same message. The key to effective advertising is seeing the same message over and over, and it’s no less important with advocacy: 1.Be polite, be prepared, and be persistent. 2.Make advocacy part of your culture, and work at it daily. 3.Don’t stop doing advocacy because the answer to your request is no. It often takes time to get the desired result. 4.Be sure to say thank you, even if you don’t get the answer or support you sought. It is up to all of us to advocate for our profession. Help out whenever and wherever you can. CVMA has your back—but it takes all of us, working together, to protect and promote the profession. n CV M A VO ICE BRIEFINGS CVMA Executive Committee Dr. Randa MacMillan President Dr. Peter Hellyer President-elect Ralph Johnson executive director CVMA and CACVT Collaborate In an effort symbolic of how cooperation by members of the veterinary team advances the effective delivery of veterinary healthcare, CVMA and CACVT are collaborating to enrich opportunities for continuing education for members of the healthcare team. In particular, CACVT is merging its standalone Fall conference with the CVMA annual convention as a result of a mutual commitment to bringing healthcare teams together for joint learning experiences. In addition to having full access to all CE sessions at the convention, veterinary technicians will also have the opportunity to access wet labs and interactive lecture sessions designed to provide technicians practical techniques for immediate implementation back at the practice. Additionally, the CACVT and CVMA luncheons have been combined at convention, and will provide the venue for celebrating mutual recognition through presentation of the CACVT Team of the Year Award and the CVMA Veterinary Technician of the Year Award. We look forward to a much greater presence of and participation by veterinary technicians in all facets of the annual convention—because learning, laughing, and celebrating together will enrich the sense of community and underscore the mutual commitment of veterinarians and veterinary technicians to the best possible patient care. Legislative Update As Dr. MacMillan stated so well in her column (page 4), no other entity advocates for and protects the veterinary profession on the state level like CVMA. Of the many benefits membership offers, the most important is that assurance that “somebody has your back.” We spend time advocating for or against legislation that affects you, your practice, and the profession as a whole. During the busy legislative sessions, countless hours are spent reviewing and negotiating, working with our Dr. Erin Epperly Secretary/Treasurer lobbyist, finding the right people to question and comment and testify, making trips to the capitol—in short, we spend the time and resources to protect your practice setting so you don’t have to. This year was especially active, and CVMA was involved with several pieces of legislation. Impound Livestock Veterinarian Determination (HB13-1125) – OPPOSE Defeated by a vote of 7–6 on February 18 SUMMARY: This bill prohibits the impoundment of livestock unless a licensed veterinarian determines in writing based on an inspection of the livestock that the impoundment is necessary to preserve the life of the animal. CVMA opposed HB 1125 because of the unintended consequences on both people and livestock. In testimony presented on February 18 to the House Agriculture, Natural Resources and Energy Committee, CVMA Secretary/Treasurer-elect Dr. Curtis Crawford presented concerns including lack of definition, personal safety, timeliness, and compensation. Extend Unwanted Horse Tax Checkoff (HB-1164) – SUPPORT Signed by the Governor on March 22 SUMMARY: The bill extends by five years the period during which state income tax return forms include a line that allows an individual taxpayer to make a voluntary contribution to the unwanted horse fund. CVMA took the lead in getting this bill sponsored and moving through the legislature. An increasing number of Colorado’s horses face an uncertain future and taxpayer donations received through the state income tax checkoff program are channelled to the Colorado Unwanted Horse Alliance (CUHA), which works to reduce the number of Colorado’s unwanted horses and to promote public and private collaboration and education concerning their welfare, ownership, and disposition. Briefings continued on page 13 Dr. Curtis Crawford Secretary/Treasurer-elect Dr. Apryl Steele Immediate Past President Dr. John Rule AVMA Delegate Dr. Melanie Marsden AVMA Alternate Delegate Mr. Ralph Johnson Executive Director* District Representatives 1 –Dr. Christina Peters 2 –Dr. Sara Ahola 3 –Dr. Merideth Early 4 –Dr. Adam Tempel 5 –Dr. Jenelle Vail 6 –Dr. Mac Griffin 7 –Dr. Cor VanderWel 8 –Dr. Dale Davis 9 –Dr. Virginia Stout 10 –Dr. Marguerite Flett 12 –Dr. Randal Hays 13 –Dr. Connie Stapleton 14 –Dr. Matt Braunschmidt 15 – TBD 16 –Dr. Mark Cowan 17 –Dr. Leon Anderson Student Chapter Representatives Fourth year – Ms. Julialea Donnelly Third year – Mr. Nathaniel Vos Second year – Mrs. Julia Herman First year – Mr. Kevin Lavelle * Ex-officio, non-voting 2 01 3, I ssue # 2 story CVMAcover Convention 2013 Where Will YOU Be September 19–22? Summer has just arrived, and while the last thing on your mind is the turning of leaves, September will be here before you know it—and with it CVMA Convention 2013 in Loveland! With easy access from much of Colorado, the CVMA convention is a great place to meet up with old friends and to make new ones. Veterinarians, technicians, support staff, and guests are all welcome— the more the merrier! Whether you put the dates in your phone, on your calendar, or on a post-it note on the refrigerator, block these dates for education, reconnection, and relaxation: September 19–22 at the Embassy Suites in Loveland. But why wait? You can book your hotel room or spa treatment today at www.embassysuites Hands-on CE To everything there is a season… And autumn in Colorado is the perfect time to learn. CVMA Convention 2013 offers exceptional CE opportunities, all in one place. Wet Labs Practical Laparoscopic Procedures for General Practitioners Off–property (transportation will be provided) Sponsored by BioVision Dental Radiology Wet Lab Dr. Jan Bellows (for DVMs and veterinary technicians) On-site (space is limited) PAG E 6 | CV M A Vo i ce 2013: 2 Dental Extraction Lab Dr. Jan Bellows (for DVMs only) On-site (space is limited) Sponsored by Patterson Vet and Bleed-X And be sure to join Dr. Bellows for an additional 5 hours of small animal dental topics during convention! Social Media Dr. Michael Warren is a practicing veterinarian and online strategist. He will show you how to improve client communication and engagement through online media. This all-day presentation offers everything: what makes an effective website, social media 101, reputation management, and a two-hour online marketing essentials workshop. Veterinary Forensics Dr. Melinda Merck will walk you through forensic testing, how to collect evidence, and the special considerations that must be given when writing a forensic report. Technicians Welcome! CACVT is pleased to announce that it is partnering with CVMA to provide a more in-depth education experience for the veterinary team! The two associations are working together to offer technicians a Fall education opportunity at CVMA Convention 2013 with 8 hours of biomedical continuing education specifically designed for technicians to provide practical techniques for immediate implementation back at the practice. This is the perfect opportunity for technician-specific training— and to take advantage of all the great opportunities CVMA Convention 2013 has to offer. With your full convention registration, you are eligible to attend any of the 136 available hours of CE sessions offered Thursday through Sunday, as well as attend the Membership Luncheon and Awards Celebration, the Steak Fry and Shirley Clark Project Auction, and many more social and networking events throughout the convention. And Don’t Forget the Fun! But all work and no fun make for a dull weekend, so CVMA Convention 2013 has plenty of social activities to bring everyone together for food, fun, and festivities! President’s Reception Join CVMA president Dr. Randa MacMillan in a celebration of CVMA and its efforts to support and further the profession! Every one is welcome to attend this special event. Join your colleagues while enjoying appetizers and a cocktail. Student/Mentor Meetup Students, take a break from your studies and have some fun. Members, consider sharing your experience with a CSU student who faces the same questions and challenges you once faced. Spend some time with the next generation of veterinary medicine, and join us for a unique creative experience! Great minds don’t always think alike, but art can often get you on the same page. Mix and mingle with fellow colleagues and students and Convention continued on page 7 CV M A VO ICE OF NOtE Understanding Your Business Better: CVMA Practice Diagnostics Wendy Hauser, DVM “M ost people don’t recognize opportunity when it comes, because it’s usually dressed in overalls and looks a lot like work.” — Thomas Alva Edison Such was the case that presented itself while I was attending a pre-conference leadership training course at AAHA’s 2007 Annual Meeting. Fellow participants in this round table format were bright, inquisitive, and clearly experienced in the art of not only leadership, but the business of veterinary medicine. As we prepared to leave for lunch, opportunity knocked! The gentleman sitting next to me invited me to participate in the North American Business Association (NABA), a by-invitation group of veterinarian/practice owners that function as each others’ board of directors in providing veterinary business support and guidance. Key to the premise of NABA is the need to be able to clearly evaluate each hospital’s individual performance as well as their performance against the NABA group as a whole. Prior to my involvement with NABA, I appreciated the need to look at key metrics, but truly did not understand how to apply those metrics to better my hospital. Enter the OVMA practice diagnostic tools and fee guides, utilized as “the standard” by NABA. These tools, now offered by the CVMA (see page 8), were the basis of truly understanding my business. There is tremendous value in critically dissecting the financials of your practice in any given year. Wonder why your net revenue is lower than it should be? The process of completing the reports and analyzing the results highlights profitdraining areas such as staffing expenses and overstocking of inventory items. Or perhaps the problems are related to a lack of new clients and declining client visits. This knowledge allows practices to focus their attention on problem areas that, when rectified, result in increasing practice profitability, stability, and success. We all understand that to help animals be healthy, our businesses need to be healthy, too. While there is no lack of resources regarding practice financial management, there is a lack in application of these practices. I resigned in late March from the hospital where I worked as an owner and later managing DVM. Since then, I have spoken with many veterinarians that are eager to successfully transition from practice ownership.Yet, in evaluating their practices, few owners can reliably provide even basic practice metrics such as active client numbers, average number of visits per year per patient, and average client transaction (ACT) fees. These owners have put in years of “sweat equity” that is immeasurable, unrecognizable, and will be unrewarded. As a profession, I truly thought we were doing a better job of educating our owners! The CVMA Perfornamce Analytics tools allow each practice to compare itself to fellow Colorado participants. Utilization of this information will allow practices to strategically implement short- and long-term goals for improved practice performance. The true value of these tools are realized when practices commit to using them annually. While I have appreciated many benefits from Practice Diagnostic Reports, the most valuable has been the trending information gained over the extended time frame. The data comparison has provided concrete ways to evaluate the impact of business decisions and new program implementation. The Client Satisfaction Survey establishes a means to measure how your offerings are meeting the needs of your clients, as well as what your differentiators are. I applaud fellow CVMA members who are taking advantage of these phenomenal tools and challenge each hospital to embrace this as a necessary business practice. And for those of you who aren’t using the tools, I strongly encourage you to recognize this opportunity, roll up your sleeves, and have your “sweat equity” rewarded. Dr.Wendy Hauser is a co-collaborator and co-facilator for CVMA’s Power of Ten. She is one of three facilitators for AAHA’s newly formed NABA groups and is on the AAHA Board of Directors. She may be reached at [email protected]. To learn more about the CVMA Performance Analytics, visit and click on “Economic and Personal Well being” under the Programs tab. n Convention continued from page 6 engage in an art-inspired activity designed to bring members and students together. Make your mark. Make an impression. Create a connection. CVMA/CSU Reception and Steak Fry Enjoy some toe-tapping music from the Blue Canyon Boys, offer- ing pitch-perfect harmonies and sweet sounding bluegrass music to entertain you during the reception as you warm up for the Steak Fry. Shirley Clark Project Auction And what would CVMA Convention 2013 be without its signature event? Raise your hand and raise the roof, all in support of CVMA Auxiliary projects. You never know what treasure you may find—or friendly rivalry you can further as you bid on all kinds of items. From works of art to oneof-a-kind handmade items, it’s always an action-packed and entertaining evening! n CVMA Voice 201 3: 2 | PAGE 7 2 01 3, I ssue # 2 OF NOtE CVMA Practice Diagnostic Report: A National Comparison Darren Osborne, MA OVMA Director of Economic Research CVMA introduced the Practice Diagnostic Survey to help members better manage their practices. The resulting Practice Diagnostic Report (PDR) provides management information for veterinarians to make up budgets, critically assess staff levels, gauge production, compare fees, and measure practice profit to estimate the value of their practice. It could not have come at a better time. Never before has there been such a strong need and desire for improved management. The post-recession headwind has forced many veterinarians to change the way they practice. The time has come for CVMA members to dig deep into their management bag of tricks and protect the bottom line. This is the opportunity for change. This report shows the results from the 2012 survey year with feedback from 42 hospitals from Colorado. More than one hundred hospitals have signed up for the service and we will be updating figures as data becomes available. This preliminary data provides CVMA members with an opportunity to see how their practice compares to the average and take note of what to change moving forward. Figures for the U.S. Average come from the Veterinary Hospitals Managers Association 2012 Practice Diagnostic Report. Preface to the Data To account for differences in the number of DVMs per hospital, much of the material is presented on a per full time equivalent (FTE) DVM. A FTE represents 2,000 hours of veterinary time. To determine the number of FTE DVMs in your practice, add all the veterinary hours and divide by 2,000. For example, if there was one veterinarian working 2,000 hours per year, then this practice would have 1 FTE DVM. If a practice had two veterinarians annually working 1,500 hours each and two veterinarians working 500 hours each, then the number of FTEs would be determined by taking the total number of hours (1,500+1,500+500+500) and dividing by 2,000 hours – 2 FTEs. Comparing Clients To effectively measure the quantity and quality of clients, there are five client statistics examined: active clients, new clients, visits per client, revenue per transaction, and revenue per client. The number of active clients per FTE is a good benchmark since it measures clients who have been to the veterinary hospital in the last year but it does nothing to measure the quality of clients. Since 2008, many hospitals around the country have reported that their number of active clients has been falling. Data from those hospitals shows that while the number of clients has been falling, revenues per client have been steady or growing. This means that many hospitals are able to keep revenues steady by generating more revenue from fewer clients. Colorado veterinary hospitals had slightly fewer active clients per FTE in 2012 compared to the rest of the country. The average companion animal hospitals in Colorado had 1,238 active clients PAG E 8 | CV M A Vo i ce 2013 : 2 compared to an average of 1,284 for the country. A 4% difference is not significant but revenue per client figures shows an alarming 17% difference between revenue per client in Colorado and the rest of the country. Pet owners in Colorado spend 17% less than pet owners around the country. This is even more striking when the cost of living difference is taken into account; there is a 7% cost of living premium for Colorado. With a higher cost of living, consumers in Colorado pay an average of 7% more than the rest of the country, so it stands to reason that revenue per client in Colorado should be 7% higher as well. Revenue per client is driven by the level of fees, range of services offered, and number of transactions. Colorado veterinary hospitals have lower revenue per transaction and fewer client visits per year. These two factors work together to draw down revenue per client. CLIENT STATISTICS Clients per FTE seen per year New clients per FTE per year Annual visits per client Average revenue per transaction Annual revenue per client CVMA National Average Average Change 1,238 231 3.7 $119.37 $424 1,284 209 4.5 $125.80 $511 –4% 11% –20% –5% –17% Now What? Better Metrics Continue to track the obvious figures like revenue per transaction and revenue for the month, but start tracking the number of active and new clients per month to see if demand is dropping off. Measuring clients can be a better predictor of future revenue; looking at revenue figures alone can be dangerous. For example, a two-doctor hospital can have three big surgeries in one month that can hide the impact from a drop in demand—demand could be falling but with $10,000 extra surgery dollars, the revenue per transaction looks great, revenue per client is skewed up, and revenue for the month looks fine. All the while, the practice is shrinking. Better Revenue The easiest road to improved client revenues is with higher fees. The average Colorado hospital has fees that are 2% below the national average. Given the cost of living surplus for the state, fees could go up 9% and even with that aggressive increase, it would only bring them in line with the national figures. There are possibilities to increase fees even more in many hospitals. Better Compliance Veterinary hospitals that have maintained or increased their active client numbers have done so by changing their communication policies. Two postcards and a phone call (voicemail message) does not work as well as it did five years ago. Successful hospitals are pre-booking all clients before they leave from their appointment. Just like your dentist, book the appointment for the next visit. Even if that next visit is a year away, pre-booking makes it easier Diagnostic continued on page 9 CV M A VO ICE OF NOtE 9PetCheck Continues to Help Hundreds in Colorado The 2013 9PetCheck was held Saturday and Sunday, April 6 and 7, and CVMA is proud to announce that 51 clinics across Colorado provided nearly 800 complimentary wellness exams and rabies vaccinations to pets of people in need. The media attention the event received was outstanding and CVMA wants to thank 9News for being a valuable contributor to the publicity of not only the event, but in educating the public on the importance of preventive care and public health. This year’s successful 9PetCheck would not have been possible without the veterinary clinics that opened their doors and volunteered their time and staff to provide the wellness exams and rabies vaccinations.You allowed CVMA to promote messages about the importance of preventive care and rabies vaccinations. Thank you to all of the veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and support staff that stepped up to make a difference in the community. The clients the 9PetCheck helped were truly in need of these services and were profusely grateful to everyone who participated. “It’s been a wonderful experience to be a part of the 9PetCheck because this dog is part of my family and his good health means the world to me,” said Tony Bachicha, who brought his beloved Bo, an 11-year-old husky/chow mix, to PetAid Animal Hospital for his wellness exam and rabies vaccinations. “Thank you to everyone who is involved in this program!” “It has been very expensive to keep my two puppies healthy so we are so, so thankful to everyone who volunteered for this event. We want our babies to stay healthy so this couldn’t have come at a better time. Thanks everyone!” said Latosha, who brought her pooches Milo and Swiss for their wellness exams and rabies vaccinations. Both dogs received a clean bill of health! Not only have the participating CVMA members provided a great community service, they also helped to educate the public about the importance of preventive care and public safety. Thanks to 9News and other media outlets across the state, even people who couldn’t get an appointment learned how crucial regular veterinary visits are for the health of their pets. Diagnostic continued from page 8 to remind clients a year from now and it makes the client’s life easier because they have one less thing to worry about. There will be some resistance from staff because this is new, but feedback from all hospitals that have adopted the pre-booking strategy is that it works. (See page 22.) In addition to pre-booking, increasing phone calls to clients is bringing more clients back to the practice. Curiously, we have more ways than ever before to communicate with each other, but we can never get a hold of anyone. One reminder call is not enough. People are busier than ever with more distractions than ever. Three reminder phone calls can increase the number of appointments by a noticeable amount immediately. Here are some of the media outlets that helped to spread the word about this initiative (visit www. for the full clips): 9News, Colorado & Company, My Windsor Now, Broomfield Enterprise, Denver Post, Pueblo Chieftain, Greeley Tribune, and Steamboat Pilot. The appointments could not have filled so efficiently and effectively without the 14 volunteers who donated their time to the 9PetCheck phone bank. They booked almost every slot and felt a great sense of pride after the twoand-a-half hour event. Thank you to Brad Bettale, Bonnie Yordy, Cami Cacciatore, Carolyn Gravit, Emily Yocom, Jennifer Beierle, Jenny Ivy, Melissa Angel, Michelle Armstrong, Ralph Johnson, Sarah Rumple, Tara McChesney, Tamara Fox, and T.J. Schreiter. Here is what one of the phone bank volunteers had to say about her experience with the event: “Thank you for this AMAZING experience! It was truly touching how grateful these people were for the opportunity to take their animals to see a veterinarian!” — Jennifer S. Beierle, Member Service Center Assistant, American Animal Hospital Association For a full wrap-up, including photos, videos of clients the 9PetCheck helped, and a list of media clips, go to Thank you to ALL veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and support staff that made this event possible. n Practices in Colorado and practices across the nation are facing some tough economic times. Many pet owners are struggling financially and this is creating a reluctance to go to the veterinarian. It is time to change the way you practice and the way you manage. The results from the first CVMA Practice Diagnostic Survey show there is work to be done. CVMA has the tools to help practices succeed. In addition to the Practice Diagnostic Survey, CVMA has a Client Satisfaction Survey to help practices identify what clients like and dislike, and the Personalized Fee Guide to help practices find creative ways to increase fees. Look to the next issue of the CVMAVoice, where we will continue the discussion in the article “Comparing and Controlling Expenses.” n CVMA Voice 201 3: 2 | PAGE 9 2 01 3, I ssue # 2 Veterinary Peer Health Assistance Program Peer Assistance Services, Inc. (PAS) provides services to veterinarians who may be experiencing physical, emotional, psychological, or substance use problems. The Colorado Board of Veterinary Medicine contracts with PAS and the program is funded by license fees. The program accepts self-referrals and calls from persons who may be concerned about themselves or others.The referral may come from a friend, family member, colleague, supervisor, self, or the Colorado Board of Veterinary Medicine.The calls are confidential and you do not need to give your name or the name of the individual. PAS works to ensure that veterinarians get the help that is needed so they can either remain in the workforce or re-enter the field safely. Staff is available during business hours as well as after hours and weekends by calling our 24-hour information line (720.291.3209).You can contact us with general questions, concerns about yourself or a colleague, or to obtain community resources.You may also contact PAS because you have some questions around behaviors you have observed while working with a veterinarian, but you are not sure of what to do or what to say. If you are concerned about someone or yourself and would like information and help, please contact PAS confidentially at 303.369.0039 for information or to schedule as assessment. For more information, visit the CVMA website at www and click on “Concerned Colorado Veterinarians & Peer Assistance Services” under the Programs tab. n Stability since 1962 Solutions for your practice Business Property/Liability • Data Breach • Flood • Umbrella Liability • Workers’ Compensation • Commercial Auto • Employment Practices Liability Solutions for your livelihood Professional Liability • Veterinary License Defense • Professional Extension (Animal Bailee) • Embryo and Semen Transfer Services Coverage • Safety and Risk Management Resources Solutions for your home Personal Auto • Homeowners • Renters • Excess Liability Call 855.228.PLIT (7548) today for an evaluation of your insurance portfolio and a free premium quotation. 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Smarter, Together.™ Source code: ADHL0613TP 2 01 3, I ssue # 2 government affairs Measures to Minimize Influenza Transmission at Swine Exhibitions Nick Striegel, DVM, MPH Colorado Assistant State Veterinarian Colorado Department of Agriculture In response to a significant increase in the number of human influenza-A cases associated with exposure to swine at exhibitions during 2012, the National Assembly of State Animal Health Officials (National Assembly) and the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians (NASPHV) co-chaired the Swine Exhibitions Zoonotic Influenza Working Group. Representatives of the swine industry, swine exhibitions, swine veterinarians, academia, 4-H, state and federal animal health agencies, and public health entities met to develop the document “Measures to Minimize Influenza Transmission at Swine Exhibitions.” The suggested mitigation measures have been organized to address activities before, during, and after swine exhibitions; they are further divided into actions that may minimize risk to swine and risk to humans. Here is an excerpt from the paper: It is estimated that 150 million people visit agricultural fairs each year in North America. Agricultural exhibitions provide valuable educational venues for the public. Equally important, the exhibition of swine is an important learning opportunity for thousands of youth exhibitors, 4-H, and FFA members across the United States. Showing swine for these youth at their county or state fair is the culmination of many months of work dedicated to the care and training of their animal. Pigs can be infected with human, swine, and avian origin influenza A viruses. While rare, influenza A viruses can spread from pigs to people and from people to pigs, but it usually requires close contact between pigs and people. This has happened in different settings, including agricultural fairs. When people are infected with swine origin influenza A viruses, it is termed as a variant virus infection and denoted with a “v” after the subtype (e.g. H3N2v). In the past 5 years, cases of influenza A H1N1v, H1N2v and H3N2v have been associated with swine exhibitions. In 2011 there were 12 cases of H3N2v reported from 5 states. In 2012 there were a total of 309 cases of H3N2v identified in 12 states. The majority of cases reported exposure to pigs prior to onset of illness and were exhibitors and others in close contact with pigs at agricultural fairs. Sixteen of these individuals were hospitalized and one death was reported. Eleven of the 16 hospitalized cases, as well as the person who died, were people considered to be at high risk for complications from influenza infections. People at high risk include children younger than 5 years of age, people 65 years of age and older, pregnant women, and people with certain long-term health conditions (like asthma, diabetes, heart disease, chronic respiratory disease, weakened immune systems, and neurological or neurodevelopmental conditions.) PAG E 12 | CV M A Vo ice 2013 : 2 These cases led to the formation of the Swine Exhibitions Zoonotic Influenza Working Group that has developed a set of measures to minimize influenza virus transmission between swine, from people to swine, and from swine to people at swine exhibitions. Influenza viruses are unpredictable and their impact and circulation can vary by year. It may not be possible to prevent all transmission of influenza viruses at swine exhibitions. The measures described here are offered for careful consideration depending on the needs of the specific exhibition and can be implemented in part or in total. They are not intended to supersede federal, state, or local regulations. These measures were formulated based on current evidence and the collective knowledge of the Swine Exhibitions Zoonotic Influenza Working Group. It is expected that this document will be updated regularly as additional information becomes available. The suggested measures have been organized to address activities before, during, and after swine exhibitions. Measures are further divided into actions that may minimize risk to swine and risk to humans, although there is significant overlap between those two groups.” The paper highlights the importance of building a communication network that includes the state animal health agency, state and local public health officials, exhibition organizers and managers, veterinarians, Extension educators, vocational agriculture instructors, and other stakeholders. In addition, a key component to an effective response to influenza related to swine exhibitions would be developing a complete roster of all participants with contact information such as cell phone numbers and email addresses. Swine exhibitions can also limit the risk by doing some creative scheduling of swine events to reduce risk, such as scheduling terminal pig shows after the breeding shows with time to disinfect between those particular classes of pigs. Exhibitions should also have a veterinarian who is on call for the duration of the exhibition to perform daily monitoring of all swine for clinical signs of influenza, examination of any sick pigs, and testing when necessary. A preparedness plan should also address the isolation and treatment protocols of sick pigs and the necessary increased biosecurity once influenza has been diagnosed. Influenza education for exhibitors and their families will increase awareness, help in the early recognition of influenza, and certainly help to prevent outbreaks of the virus at swine exhibitions. Another area of education should be in the area of bio security, which will reduce transmission. Education of the public is also essential. Some of this can be done with good signage, but there also needs to be other communication on influenza awareness. People need to know more about the influenza virus, how to mitigate risk by good hand washing and sanitation, not eating and drinking in the animal areas, and not taking strollers, sipping cups, and pacifiers in the animal areas. In addition, the public should be advised on which individuals are at higher risk for influenza, who to contact if influenza symptoms arise, and when to seek medical care. To access the entire document, go to animals and click on the tab for Livestock Health and then click on Forms and Publications on the left hand side of the page. n CV M A VO ICE government affairs Briefings continued from page 5 Prohibit Routine Dairy Cattle Tail Docking (HB13-1231) – SUPPORT Postponed indefinitely SUMMARY: The bill would prohibit the practice of docking the tail of any dairy cattle; however, it allows tail docking if the following conditions are met: a licensed veterinarian performs the tail docking; the tail docking is performed for a therapeutic purpose; anesthesia is used on the animal during the procedure; and the veterinarian conducts the procedure in a manner that minimizes the animal’s long-term pain and suffering. CVMA supported HB 1231 for a number of reasons, including CVMA’s Principles of Animal Welfare, because animal welfare science indicates negative outcomes result from the practice, and because organizations such as the American Veterinary Medical Association, the American Association of Bovine Practitioners, and the National Mastitis Council have all created public position statements opposing tail docking in diary cattle. Dog Protection Act (SB13-226) – SUPPORT WITH CHANGES Signed by the Governor on May 13 SUMMARY: The bill would require police officers in municipalities and Sherriff’s Offices to receive training from a licensed veterinarian on canine behavior in order to reduce the number of incidents where household pets are shot by law enforcement. Wells Fargo Practice Finance CVMA worked with the bill sponsor, Senator David Balmer, to make significant changes to the bill in order to address CVMA concerns. As a result, CVMA will co-chair the Dog Protection Task Force comprised of representatives from professional communities including law enforcement, animal care and control, legal, and animal behavior. The task force is responsible for developing a training curriculum that helps police officers understand canine behavior, identifying the skill sets and knowledge base necessary for an individual to present the training curriculum in person, and creating an online video to present the curriculum in a way that can be accessed by law enforcement throughout the state. Indirect Supervision (HB-1311) – SUPPORT Signed by the Governor on May 28 SUMMARY: The bill would provide a clarification of the definition of the veterinary premises in the Colorado Veterinary Practice Act. CVMA supported the following change: “Veterinary premises” or “premises” means any A veterinary office, hospital, clinic, or temporary location in which veterinary medicine is being practiced by or under the direct or immediate supervision UNDER THE DIRECTION AND SUPERVISION of a licensed veterinarian. This change is necessary to allow the State Board of Veterinary Medicine to adopt a rule that allows indirect supervision in certain narrow circumstances (e.g. a veterinary technician administering medications overnight to a hospitalized patient, without the direct supervision of a veterinarian as presently required by statute). n Award Winning Architecture We’re here to help you take the next step Whether you’re preparing for ownership or planning for growth, we can help you achieve your practice goals. • Acquire or start a new practice • Expand, relocate, or upgrade your office • Finance equipment • Consolidate debt To get started, call today and ask for your free Practice Success Planner. Kent Murphy 855-631-1920 Or visit us at All Pets Animal Hospital Veterinary Economics 2013 Merit Award Winner architecture All practice financing is subject to credit approval. © 2013 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. Wells Fargo Practice Finance is a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. • animals • people 800.332.4413 CVMA Voice 2013: 2 | PAG E 1 3 2 01 3, I ssue # 2 science update Orthotics and Prosthetics in Veterinary Practice Patrice M. Mich, DVM, MS, DABVP, DACVAA, CCRT OrthoPets Center for Animal Pain Management and Mobility Solutions The popular press has reported several interesting cases in which prosthetic limbs have been successfully applied to veterinary species including a sea turtle, an elephant, a dolphin, an eagle, cats, and dogs.1 Once considered a novelty, these devices are increasingly available. Our clients are seeking innovative options for their animal companions with limb injury or loss. As of this writing, there at least 12 companies offering prosthetics as well as orthotics (braces) for veterinary species in the U.S. and Canada.2 These devices are available via website ordering (with or without veterinary consultation) although some companies see patients directly. Devices available include prosthetic limbs, orthoses, and assistive devices (wheels, slings, support wraps, etc). Our clients have recognized there is a gap in veterinary services in terms of managing limb dysfunction and loss, a gap that has long been filled in human medicine. While it is true that techniques and materials used in human orthotics and prosthetics (H-OP) can be translated to veterinary patients, specific modifications for quadruped ambulation and the significantly greater magnitude of force generated by these patients must be considered. A thorough understanding of the biomechanics and health issues of animals is essential to avoid injury, delayed healing, or delayed use of more appropriate therapies. The veterinarian is the key player in this process. Orthotics Basics Orthoses provide protected motion within a controlled range, prevent or reduce severity of injury, prevent or relieve contracture, allow lax ligaments and joint capsules to shorten, and provide functional stability for an unstable limb segment (Prokop, 2006; Deshales, 2002). These devices should not be seen as a replacement for surgery, but complementary. Orthoses can be utilized as pre-op, post-op or “no-op” solutions. In cases where surgery must be delayed, they can provide interim support, protect the limb, and minimize disuse atrophy; for example, a stifle orthosis may be used to limit instability in a dog undergoing chemotherapy for lymphosarcoma pending definitive surgical repair of cranial cruciate injury. In a post-op situation, orthoses can provide a safe, effective, and dynamic alternative to serial casting; a good example of this is a dynamic motion-limiting Achilles orthosis. This device safely reloads the tendon as well as protects from re-injury as a sports brace (see Figure 1). Additionally, it can be used for nonsurgical Achilles injuries as mentioned by Dr. Preston Stubbs in the last issue of the CVMA Voice. Orthoses are also used when surgery is not an option or is not appropriate; some examples include patients for whom there is no surgical repair, who are poor candidates for anesthesia, whose advanced age is of concern, or where finances are an issue for the owner. Importantly, these devices do not create dependency or atrophy unless intended or is an unavoidable consequence of severe injury. PAG E 14 | CV M A Vo ice 2013 : 2 Prosthetics Basics In veterinary school we are taught that animals do well on three legs. This position would seem to obviate the need for prosthetic limbs relegating this technology to novelty. While it is true that many patients adapt quickly, this is functional adaptation and not necessarily the highest quality of life. The short and long-term structural consequences of a missing limb or limb segment are now being recognized and defined in part through the efforts of pain management veterinarians (the American College of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia and the International Veterinary Academy of Pain Management), sports medicine specialists (the American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation), and rehabilitation therapists (the American Association of Rehabilitation Veterinarians). Their efforts enable us to understand clearly the biomechanics of quadruped locomotion and the implications when it is lost. In terms of limb absence or total limb amputation, these include limited mobility and endurance, increased metabolic demand, weight gain, support limb breakdown (e.g. carpal hyperextension), chronic neck and back pain, and premature euthanasia3 (see Figure 2) Because of these significant consequences consideration must be made for the re-establishment of quadruped structure whenever possible. Prostheses, like orthoses, are readily accepted by veterinary patients with congenital limb deformities as well as by those requiring amputation. In human medicine, amputation at the hip Continued on next page CV M A VO ICE science update Continued from previous page for a catastrophic ankle injury would be unthinkable.Yet this is standard of care in veterinary medicine. Why is this? In the past prosthetics were not available and therefore concern for injury to the remaining limb segment was valid. Fortunately, prosthetics coupled with subtotal amputation, standard of practice in human medicine, are recent and successful developments in veterinary medicine (see Figure 3) Given the consequences of limb loss in the short and long term it seems appropriate to “contemplate before we amputate” an entire limb when only the distal segment is beyond salvage. Examples include neoplasia, trauma, and partial agenesis. Preservation of at least 50% of the radius/ ulna or tibia/fibula allows ready application of a prosthetic limb in species including dogs, cats, goats, llamas, alpacas, and others. V-OP and the Role of the Veterinarian Veterinary orthotics and prosthetics are custom-made from a fiberglass impression of the patient’s limb after a diagnosis, complete biomechanical evaluation, and therapeutic plan are established. Device design is unique based on the individual corrective needs, conformation, abilities, and environment of the patient. Manufacturing requires a firm understanding of quadruped biomechanics and skilled modification to accommodate limb topography and create appropriate corrective forces. V-OP is a hands-on therapy; each case should be managed carefully from diagnosis to device application to physical rehabilitation using a cohesive team approach. The ideal team includes the pet owner, the family veterinarian, a certified rehabilitation therapist, and a V-OP specialist skilled in custom design, fabrication, and fitting of devices for the intended species. The advantages afforded by custom orthoses and prostheses include 1) prevention of cast-related wounds; 2) management of primary pain generators associated with functional impairments; 3) improvement of biomechanics, allowing for greater activity and a significant decrease in compensatory pain; 4) return to active lifestyle, resulting in decreased obesity and associated co-morbidities; 5) improvement in quality of life and functional independence, both of which can prevent premature decision to euthanize; and 6) the availability of treatment options where none existed before. We are witnessing the development of a new and exciting therapeutic option for our patients; and, as in the past for oncology, advanced dentistry, and rehabilitation, veterinarians are the medical professionals to assess, diagnose, prescribe and manage therapy with the assistance of professionals knowledgeable in V-OP specifically. Importantly, V-OP is significantly different from H-OP. Knowledge of veterinary species is paramount and the role of the veterinarian cannot be over-stated. There are opportunities to learn about V-OP at local and national veterinary meetings including at the 2013 CVMA convention and a continuing education course is offered through the Canine Rehabilitation Institute (www.caninere n References 1. -animals-that-use-prosthetics/bionic-animals. 2. 3.Prokop LL. 2006. Upper extremity orthotics in performing artists. Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am 17:843-852. 4.Deshales LD. 2002. Upper extremity orthoses. In: CA Trombly, MV Radomski editor(s). Occupational Therapy for Physical Dysfunction. 5th ed. pp313–49. Baltimore: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. 5.Borghese I., Fair, L., Kaufmann, M., and Mich, P.M. 2013. Assistive devices, orthotics, prosthetics, and bandaging. In Zink, MC and VanDyke, JB (eds) Canine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation.Wiley-Blackwell) Introducing Acupuncture Services Stacey Anstaett, DVM, CVA is now offering acupuncture services at our hospital to treat: Neurologic injury, such as IVDD Musculoskeletal pain Cancer pain GI motility disorders Urinary bladder dysfunction Chronic bronchitis/asthma Lick granulomas & wound healing Dr. Stacey Anstaett, CVA (Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist) Upper respiratory issues Adjunctive post operative pain relief Dry eye 24-hour Emergency · Internal Medicine · Surgery Oncology · Radiology/Ultrasound · Rehabilitation Acupuncture · Cardiology · Dermatology 17701 Cottonwood Drive, Parker, CO 80134 (720) 842-5050 · (720) 842-5060 (FAX) CVMA Voice 201 3: 2 | PAGE 1 5 2 01 3, I ssue # 2 science update Vector-Borne & Zoonoses Update Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) A Veterinarian’s Role in Prevention and Control of Rabies As rabies continues to spread in skunks in Colorado, the disease thought of as a “zebra” by most veterinarians suddenly becomes a major concern. Most veterinarians become aware of the need for awareness by their clinic’s staff once a client brings a dog or cat into the clinic that has played with a rabid or un-testable bat or tangled with a skunk or fox that has tested positive or was not available for testing. Ensuring that the client is given correct information on what is required of the owner at the onset of this situation is key to a smooth response to a domestic animal exposed to rabies. Telling the owner that just a 10-day quarantine is required leads to immense confusion for the owner once they speak to local or state public health officials. Since the quarantine of a domestic animal possibly exposed to rabies is based on the incubation period of rabies (which ranges from two weeks to six months or longer), the quarantine is much longer: 45 to 180 days depending on the vaccination status of the animal. (An explanation of the 10-day quarantine/observation period is provided at the end of this article*). This conflict of information that the owner receives from veterinary clinic staff, animal control, and public health officials, causes an increase in tense, complicated communications and time spent by veterinary staff and public health officials in clarifying the situation for the owner. This conflict can cause the owner to become noncompliant with the requirements, which can ultimately lead to endangering the public. The Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) is designated by statute to maintain a policy on how domestic animals shall be managed after a potential exposure to rabies. This policy is enforced by local public health officials and animal control agencies. The policy and accompanying algorithm are available on the CDPHE rabies webpage and also included within the Colorado Rabies Resource Guide, which was created to improve coordination by all professionals involved to prevent and control rabies in animals and humans. Please share this guide widely among your staff and perhaps discuss at a future staff meeting. (The Guide is available on the CDPHE website or through links on the Rabies page of the Issues section on the CVMA website.) While the Colorado Rabies Resource Guide is helpful when utilized, the only way that truly effective coordination occurs in the effort to prevent and control rabies is when the various stakeholders know each other and when to call each other. We ask that all veterinarians become aware of how to reach, and when to call, your local public health agency and animal control agencies in your area. If you are practicing in a community where there is a current rabies epizootic in skunks, please take it one step further and take the opportunity to speak and hopefully meet with your local public health and/or local animal control officials. Some local public health agencies host a spring time meeting with groups of veterinary staff, animal control, wildlife, and local health officials in one PAG E 16 | CV M A Vo ice 2013 : 2 room. These are great opportunities to get to know the key players and first responders to rabies in your area. For those veterinarians who are already assisting local agencies with the fight against rabies, we thank you profusely. Some veterinarians in Colorado are already helping their local agencies with one of the following: • Donating time to administer rabies vaccine at mass vaccination clinics organized by local animal control or animal shelters. Vaccine is usually donated by a manufacturer, or distributor, or provided by the animal control agency or shelter. • In areas where animal control does not exist or does not have the training or facility, removing heads of skunk, raccoons, foxes, and other wild carnivores that need to be submitted for rabies testing • Making shelter space available for dogs or cats that may have been exposed to rabies and must be confined in a facility for the first 90 days of a 180-day quarantine. In recent months, some clinics have been able to set up a memorandum of understanding between their veterinary clinic and the local public health agency in exchange for rabies vaccination of a couple of your staff**. * In contrast to the long quarantine period times for domestic animals exposed to rabies, the 10-day quarantine/observation period of a dog or cat that has bitten a person is based on the end stage of rabies and on studies in which dogs and cats were infected and saliva samples were collected prior to onset of clear neurologic signs until death. The studies determined that most dogs and cat are already showing neurologic signs once the rabies virus is being shed in the saliva; a small proportion of animals were shedding rabies up to three day prior to onset of neurologic signs. All of the dogs and cats in the study died by 8 days after the rabies virus was being shed in the virus. Since both studies were relatively small studies, the quarantine/observation period was nationally set at 10 days. Thus, if a dog or cat is still alive 10 days after the date of bite, the bite victim is reassured that there was no rabies virus in the saliva at the time of the bite. ** At this time, there is limited supply of human rabies vaccine for pre-exposure vaccination. The supply of human rabies vaccine is expected to improve in June. Rabies Update for Colorado From January 1 through April 16, CSU and CDPHE laboratories confirmed rabies infection in 39 animals: 1 bat, 34 skunks, 1 fox, 1 raccoon, 1 horse, and 1 domestic cat. Through investigation by local public health and animal control officials, 4 humans and 75 domestic animals were considered exposed to these laboratoryconfirmed rabid animals. Three rabid skunks that were collected in late February and March originated from the Brighton area of Adams County. The only other laboratory-confirmed rabid skunk documented from Adams County was reported in May of 2010 in a rural area of Continued on next page CV M A VO ICE science update Continued from previous page extreme northeastern Adams County. This finding heralds a large geographic movement of this skunk rabies virus in Colorado. Tri County Health Department issued a press release to increase awareness among Brighton area residents and to encourage rabies vaccination of domestic animals. Most of the recently laboratory-confirmed rabid animals originated in Larimer County, including in Loveland, Masonville, an area north of Carter Lake, and Berthoud, which indicates a slight southwest movement of this rabies virus in that portion of Colorado. Larimer County Department of Health and Environment issued a press release to increase awareness among area residents and to encourage rabies vaccination of domestic animals. The press release included a link to a map of rabies in Larimer County ( In early April, a skunk from the southern edge of Berthoud near the Boulder County boundary was confirmed with rabies infection. Boulder County Public Health has issued a press release in early April to warn residents in northern Boulder County. Please visit the CDPHE rabies webpage for more information about rabies in Colorado, including educational materials for your clients, the latest statistics, and maps ( cdphe/rabies). Plague/Tularemia Update As of April 12, no domestic animals in Colorado tested positive for plague or tularemia positive this year. CDPHE Laboratory has tested a total of 7 samples from a dog, 3 squirrels, a rabbit, and fleas from two sites of prairie dog colonies. All of these samples were negative for plague and tularemia via PCR. n Ureteral Obstruction. Treatable. interventional radiology at alameda east Conditions previously thought to be untreatable or to require major surgery can now be treated with minimally invasive techniques. In some cases, vascular access can be obtained percutaneously, eliminating the need for an incision. Less tissue trauma • speedier recovery • superior outcomes i.r. interdisciplinary specialty approach: SURGERY: RyanCavanaugh,DVM,DACVS,ACVSFoundingFellow,SurgicalOncology CARDIOLOGY: SarahScruggs,DVM,MS,DACVIM(Cardiology) INTERNALMEDICINE: JenniferMessinger,DVM,DACVIM ONCOLOGY:AnneSkope,VMD,MS(PracticeLimitedtoOncology) DIAGNOSTICIMAGING: JasonArble,DVM,MS,DACVR Referrals&Information:720-975-2804 CVMA Voice 2013: 2 | PAGE 1 7 It’s Not Just An I-131 Treatment – We CURE Feline Hyperthyroidism! Over 95% Effective – There simply is no comparison. Thyroid surgery requires anesthesia in an already compromised senior patient. Y/D is not palatable, and is difficult to feed in a multi-cat household. Methimazole does nothing but temporarily control symptoms. Radio-Iodine (I-131) is over 95% effective in completely CURING the cat with one injection! It’s the gold standard in human medicine, and the gold standard in feline medicine. Your clients have endless questions, we have the resources to answer them! Clients with newly diagnosed cats have endless questions. Our brochure is optimized to answer most questions, and the personal interaction with our nurses answers the rest. We help by educating your client and scheduling the appointment. We know how busy you are! James K. Olson, DVM Dipl ABVP (Feline Specialty) (303) 663-CATS (2287) e-mail: [email protected] e Sports Medicin n & Rehabilitatio “We have a large veterinary facility with 24-hour critical care and surgery and recommend that all our veterinary staff use the Oquendo Center for their continuing education. 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LAS VEGAS, NV 2 01 3, I ssue # 2 in practice PetAid Animal Hospital Referral Program Making a Difference Julie Smith, DVM, Hospital Director PetAid Animal Hospital As announced in March via a mailing to Colorado veterinarians, PetAid Animal Hospital is once again accepting referrals from veterinarians statewide to support practitioners in providing services to pets in need. The referrals started coming in almost immediately, and by mid May, we have seen 47 cases that have spent about $15,000 on services. Another $15,000 in donations from PetAid Colorado donors has been used to cover the discounts these clients have received. Four of these cases have come from practices outside of the Denver metro area—two from the Front Range and two from mountain communities. We have had discussions with many other clinics about referrals that were for services we couldn’t provide due to their nature or our current caseload, and a few referred clients never followed up to schedule appointments with us. One great example of the program at work was Beau, a seven-year-old neutered male cat who had eaten a string. His owner had taken Beau to his regular veterinarian after he began vomiting and acting painful, and they discovered the probable intestinal obstruction with their diagnostics. When presented with the estimate for surgery, the owner was unable to afford the full amount due to her current economic circumstances. She was referred to us, and we were able to perform abdominal surgery and remove several inches of string from the stomach and small intestine. Beau did well after surgery, and his owner was incredibly grateful for the opportunity her veterinarian gave her through the referral to PetAid. If you are considering referring a client to us, here are a few reminders as to how this program will work best for the clients, you as the practitioner, and our practice: • If you are not sure if we perform a certain procedure and/or also want to confirm if we can see an urgent case, please call us at 303.722.5800. Any of our client specialists can connect you with a doctor or relay a message as needed. • The referral form will help us get the client set up and give us the best information to make an appointment and provide PAG E 20 | CV M A Vo ice 2013 : 2 an estimate. Our client specialists can send you a blank one if needed, or go to and enter password DVM2013. • Clients should be told to wait for your practice to give them more information or for us to call them for an appointment. We can’t handle walk-in cases and need to be able to set appointment times to give all clients the best service. • We can usually provide estimates after receiving the referral form and getting any other clarifying information. This will allow your client to determine if they can even afford the services we can provide. • These referrals should be your clients that you know are having tough economic times and really can’t afford what is needed for their pet at this time. If you are finding this program meaningful to your practice, or believe you will in the future, please consider supporting the continued success of the referral program.You may make a donation through our website at, or contact Sharon Brown, Director of Development, at 303.539.7635 to find out about other methods of support, including becoming a Safety Net Partner (a program created exclusively for veterinary practices). n Introducing the NEW Cash Register Ent’s Mobile Payment Processing from Newtek* will enhance your iPhone®, Android™ or Blackberry ® device to accept payments from your customers securely and cost effectively. And there are no upfront costs, no monthly minimum and no cancellation fees! To get started with Mobile Payment Processing, contact Ent Business Banking today. 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When it comes to preventive care, there are ways to make sure pets stay healthy while also making it easier for pet owners to afford that care. Dogs and cats are visiting the veterinarian less frequently, and their health status shows it. A recent report indicated that preventable and treatable health issues such as diabetes, dental disease, heartworm disease, and flea infestations in both dogs and cats are on the rise. This problem is no doubt a source of great frustration to you and other veterinarians. But there is a promising solution that has solid appeal among many pet owners: preventive healthcare plans. A preventive healthcare plan is a comprehensive package of annual veterinary services aimed at keeping a pet healthy that includes a little extra pet-owner incentive that you can provide—the choice between a monthly payment plan or lump-sum payment. These plans typically include one or more complete physical exams for routine well care, essential vaccines, certain diagnostics such as heartworm tests and blood work, and internal parasite control. While the use of preventive healthcare plans may represent a significant change in your business approach, it also pays dividends to everyone involved—you, the pet, and the pet owner. First, pets get better, more dependable care. Instead of the current hit-or-miss approach by many clients, pet owners commit to a program, so pets get the care they need, when they need it. The frequency of visits also increases, so you have an opportunity to see pets more often and catch problems early. Don’t underestimate the importance of how much consumers like a plan, and that includes pet owners. Monthly payments for preventive pet care can be worked into their household budget, eliminating the pain and strain associated with a “big ticket” hit to the pocketbook. Preventive pet healthcare plans spell out both the treatment plan and the payment plan. Thirdly, preventive healthcare plans bond clients more closely to the practice. Because they have a plan and agree to pay for the year’s services, they are more diligent and conscientious about scheduling required services. A nice added bonus is that clients differentiate your practice as a more client-friendly business, willing to reach across the counter with a show of understanding and patience when it comes to paying that bill. To some pet owners, it seems like there’s never a good time to squeeze a veterinary visit into their regular expenses, especially when they may feel that the service is somewhat discretionary. With a preventive healthcare plan, you can help change that, making it easier on pet owners and making it better for the pet. Among the valuable practice tools available to you through Partners for Healthy Pets is guidance on the evaluation, selection, and implementation of preventive healthcare plans. These plans, as well as the other components of the Partners’ Practice Resources Toolbox, will help enhance both the overall vitality of pets and your veterinary practice. Visit www.partnersforhealthypets today to learn about the Preventive Healthcare Plans tool.You’ll find a helpful overview introducing you to the concept, as well as some pretty powerful testimonials from veterinarians just like you who have already implemented the plan and like the results.You’ll learn how to design a plan best suited for your individual practice, and the Preventive Healthcare Plan Implementation Manual will take you through a step-by-step process of setting up plans, integrating them into your practice, marketing them to clients, and training your staff. Partners for Healthy Pets is dedicated to ensuring that pets received the preventive healthcare they deserve through regular visits to a veterinarian and is committed to working with you to enhance the health of your patients and your practice. Learn more about Partners for Healthy Pets and explore the Resources Toolbox at n CVMA Voice 201 3: 2 | PAG E 2 1 2 01 3, I ssue # 2 in practice How to Successfully Pre-book Appointments Terra Shastri, OVMA Manager of Business Development When a client brings his/her pet in for an appointment, consider pre-booking the client’s next appointment (such as the next annual wellness exam) before the client leaves the practice. This is a great way to improve client compliance and fill up the appointment book with a minimal investment in staff time. Dentist offices have been doing it for years and there is a reason—it works. When? You can pre-book the next appointment anytime the client is at the front desk—following an appointment or when the client is in purchasing food or medication. Once you have a pre-booking system in place, work towards getting the client into the habit of booking the date and time for next year’s wellness exam before they leave the practice following this year’s wellness exam. Once the client arrives at reception to pay, schedule the next appointment prior to reviewing the invoice. Clients are accustomed to this process, and it is important to do it before settling their balance. Why Pre-book? The question really is, why not? Pre-booking the next appointment for a client is an easy way to remove a couple of steps in the process. Rather than trying to get in contact with a client through postcard, phone, or email and convince them that they need to bring Fluffy in for an exam, you have them—and the opportunity to book—right in front of you. Once the client has pre-booked, the only task left is to confirm the appointment two weeks ahead of time. If there are scheduling issues, they can be dealt with at that time. The key is that the client has committed to the next appointment and confirmation is the only step that follows. In addition to being a more efficient process, pre-booking also sends the message to clients about how important appointments and exams are for their pet. Waiting until “that time of year again” to book does not emphasize that it is a priority for your client’s pet. How? Initiate the conversation about the next wellness exam appointment booking before settling the client’s bill by saying: “Mary, we’d like to get Fluffy booked for her next annual wellness exam. I can schedule you for the same day next May, does this time usually work for you? We will send you a confirmation notice two weeks ahead of your appointment.We can take care of any scheduling issues you might have at that time.” Or use this for pre-booking a follow-up visit: “Dr. Lisa would like to see Fluffy six weeks from now as a follow-up. Does Wednesday December 27 at 5:00 PM or Thursday December 28 at 6:00 PM work better for you? We will call you a day or two ahead of time to confirm.” PAG E 22 | CV M A Vo ice 2013 : 2 Determine a reasonable confirmation timeframe for each appointment. If a client has pre-booked a year out, confirm two weeks prior to the appointment versus when a client books four to six weeks ahead of time where a confirmation call could be made two to three days ahead of time. What if? There may be some staff resistance to pre-booking because it may be something they would never do as a client, because of variances in veterinarians’ schedules, or fear that clients may say no. If a decision has been made that the practice will now pre-book appointments for all clients, introduce it to staff and give them the tools (scripts). It is also beneficial to appoint a team lead to show the rest of the team how it is done. When staff insist that they would never book a year ahead, encourage them to at least try it (using the script) so they can see how easy it really is. While doctor schedules may not be set in stone, there are usually certain days of the week that they are available. Follow this pattern when pre-booking appointments and if an appointment time has to be rescheduled the following year because the client’s preferred veterinarian is working a different schedule, this is still easy to do. The client is still committed to the appointment, and it is merely a matter of rescheduling. There will be some clients that ask why or say no to pre-booking one year ahead of time. When a client asks why they need to pre-book, equip staff with the following script: “We’ve realized that all of our clients are busy so it can be challenging to get their pets in for their next exam. By booking now, you know well in advance when Fluffy needs to come in, it saves you the extra step of calling to book an appointment, and keeps all of us on track with keeping Fluffy happy and healthy.” When clients refuse to book a year or six months ahead, continue following the same process of booking them just before their pet is due. Why not make pre-booking appointments the “norm” in your practice? It is easy to do, it promotes better pet health, it fills the appointment book, and it is something you can start today. n CV M A VO ICE in practice Avoid Jumping to Conclusions Regarding Animal Behavior Suzanne Hetts, Ph.D., CVJ and Dan Estep, Ph.D. Certified Applied Animal Behaviorists We’ve all had cases—medical or behavioral—in which we think we know what the problem is just by listening to a voicemail from the owner or reading an entry in the appointment book. But jumping to conclusions about causation can result in wrong conclusions, especially if we haven’t taken advantage of all the sources of information available to us. We encountered this when advising a trainer in another state who, at their request, had accompanied the owners to a veterinary visit. The dog (we’ll call him “Smitty”) had bitten the male owner “Ray” when Ray was petting Smitty as the two lay on the bed together. Because this behavior was out of character for Smitty, our trainer friend “Susan” correctly recommended that Smitty be fully evaluated by his regular veterinarian “Dr. Jones” for any conditions that could be influencing this sudden behavior change. The veterinarian, apparently because of the context of the bite (on the bed while petting) began to talk to the owners about Smitty having a “dominance problem.” What the trainer knew— and the veterinarian did not—was that for the previous two years that Smitty had lived with Ray and his wife Laura, there had been no problems with Smitty acquiescing to his owners. They could take food and toys away, Smitty did not object to any sort of body handling, and would willingly move from or shift position on the furniture or bed when asked. All this is inconsistent with a “dominance problem.” Smitty was a bit fearful, especially toward men, and in fact after the bite jumped down from the bed immediately and ran to Laura, cowering. Ray was so surprised by the entire event he hadn’t had a chance to react at all, so Smitty’s fear was not related to any sort of punishment from Ray. Smitty was reluctant to approach Ray for several days after the event, and the confrontational approaches the veterinarian was recommending to deal with the purported “dominance problem” would have made this fearful dog even worse. The take-home message here is that veterinarians, dog trainers, degreed behaviorists, and non-degreed behavior consultants all have important information in their own area of expertise, which if shared with one another, can result in a better outcome for pets and for clients. How could communication have been improved in this case and the unfortunate result of the owners receiving conflicting behavior information from the veterinarian and trainer been avoided? We have three recommendations, although there are likely more possibilities. First, Susan could have called the veterinarian (with the owners’ permission) prior to the appointment to give her a summary of the behavior and training work she’d been doing with Smitty and his owners. Ideally, Susan could have been sending Dr. Jones regular progress/behavior reports about Smitty, using the veterinarian’s preferred method of communication (written report via mail or email, or telephone updates). Second, Dr. Jones could have asked Susan during the appointment about what Smitty’s behavior problems were, what sort of behavior and training work she’d done with Smitty, and for Susan’s opinions regarding possible behavioral/non-medical reasons for the bite. The owners had obviously developed a good deal of trust in Susan, as they asked her to accompany them to the veterinary appointment, and that relationship deserved respect. The current state of certification for dog trainers and nondegreed behavior consultants presents problems for veterinarians and other pet professionals needing to refer clients. There are no minimum academic degree requirements for attaining any of the trainer certification credentials, which is one factor that contributes to the enormous variability in knowledge and skill level among these individuals. Because of that, our third recommendation (not mutually exclusive from the previous two) is that veterinarians must have a means to evaluate the knowledge and skill set of non-degreed individuals they are considering referring behavior and training problems to. Credentials are important, but by themselves are not sufficient. The most information can be obtained by watching the person work. For that reason, asking a trainer or consultant to deliver one or more in-service presentations to your practice on a behavior or training related topic can be invaluable. One might be a straight forward training demonstration, while another might be a case study on a particular type of problem. Another relatively easy approach is to share the AVSAB (American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior) position statements on dominance and punishment (available at and ask the person you are considering to comment on them. AVSAB also has a good handout on choosing a trainer that includes sound basic guidelines, but very often you need additional information to decide who is best suited to refer different types of behavior and training issues to. Trainers and behavior consultants vary in their areas of expertise just as, say, board certified surgeons vary in their experience with different surgical procedures.To help pets, clients, and veterinarians, we are working on a free Trainer/Behavior Consultant Evaluation Kit containing questionnaires, suggestions for in-service trainings, and policies and procedures to look for, and guidelines for evaluating the information you receive when interviewing a trainer or behavior consultant. If you are interested in receiving a free kit via email when they are completed, email us at Info@ n CVMA Voice 201 3 : 2 | PAGE 2 3 2 01 3, I ssue # 2 in practice National Veterinary Accreditation Renewal Procedures In 2011 the National Veterinary Accreditation Program (NVAP) was updated to include continuing education requirements for accredited veterinarians and renewal of accreditation every three years. A renewal date is provided to each accredited veterinarian upon initial accreditation, or upon the completion of the “elect to participate” process for accredited veterinarians. For veterinarians that elected to participate, initial renewal dates have been randomly assigned throughout 2013, 2014, and 2015 so that renewal activities do not occur all at the same time. If the NVAP has your correct e-mail address in your accreditation records, an e-mail reminder of your renewal will be sent to you at six (6), three (3), and one (1) month prior to your renewal date. Please note it is essential that if you change your e-mail address, you notify the Area Office so that we can update your record to ensure you receive all NVAP correspondence in a timely manner. If you did not provide an e-mail address, the NVAP will send a reminder notice via USPS three (3) months prior to your renewal date. If you do not know your accreditation renewal date contact the Area Office at 303.231.5385. There are two options for you to utilize to renew your accreditation: AAST for accreditation renewal is available in several formats: 1. On the NVAP website under Training Modules at: http:// .shtml You must know your 6-digit National Accreditation Number (NAN) to access each module Certificate of Completion. If you do not know your NAN, please contact the Area Office. At the conclusion of each module, be prepared to print your Certificate of Completion or save it in PDF format to a secure file.You must retain your Certificates of Completion as the information contained on the certificates will be needed for accreditation renewal when you submit your application.You may also be requested to display your Certificates of Completion during periodic training audits. 2. Lectures at veterinary meetings and conventions updated at the NVAP Presence at Upcoming Conferences website: http:// upcoming_conf.shtml If neither of these options provides sufficient opportunity for you to complete the modules, please contact the Colorado Area Office or your local Veterinary Medical Officer for further assistance. n 1)Online renewal can be found at the following link: http:// downloads/renewal_online_process.pdf 2)Alternatively, you may print a copy of the VS Form 1-36A and forward it to the VS Area Office at 755 Parfet Street, Suite 136, Lakewood, CO 80215. The VS Form 1-36A can be found at the following link: animal_health/vet_accreditation/downloads/vs1-36a.pdf If you perform accredited duties in more than one state, it is only necessary to renew your accreditation in the state in which your business address is located. This option can be completed at any time within six (6) months prior to your renewal date. Please do not submit anything related to your accreditation renewal prior to six (6) months before your renewal date. Category I Accredited Veterinarians must complete 3 units of APHIS-approved supplementary training (AAST) anytime within their three-year renewal period to renew their accreditation. Similarly, Category II Accredited Veterinarians must complete 6 units of AAST anytime within their three-year renewal period. Each module of AAST represents one unit of training, and takes approximately one hour to complete. The Colorado Board of Veterinary Medicine has also approved many of the modules as continuing education for veterinary license renewal. Contact the Area Office for information on which modules have been approved by the Board. Please do not submit copies or originals of any AAST Certificates of Completion to APHIS. PAG E 24 | CV M A Vo ice 2013 : 2 24/7/365 Emergency Care Emergency Services ~ Critical Care ~ Surgery ~ Oncology Neurology ~ Dentistry ~ Internal Medicine 303-740-9595 5640 County Line Place ~ Highlands Ranch, CO 80126 Erin Arnold, DVM DACVIM-Oncology CV M A VO ICE in practice It Can Be an Ethical Dilemma Rebecca Rose, CVT Your veterinary technicians, your team members who have graduated from an AVMA-accredited program, are not taught how to perform a veterinary dental extraction while in college. In one of the textbooks for veterinary technician programs, Principles and Practices of Veterinary Technology, the sentence related to dental extractions states this: “Most states consider extractions oral surgery that must be performed by the veterinarian.” While attending an AVMA-accredited program for veterinary technicians, it is explained that veterinarians are educated and licensed to diagnose, prescribe, and perform surgery. When a veterinarian delegates the extraction of a tooth to a veterinary technician within the state of Colorado, this is when the ethical dilemma may occur. “Veterinary technicians are placed in the middle of the equation when their veterinarian asks them to perform a dental extraction,” said CVMA president, Dr. Randa MacMillan, while speaking to a room full of veterinarians and a few healthcare team members at the BIG Ideas Forum | Spring 2013 (see page 27). The office of the Colorado Association of Certified Veterinary Technicians (CACVT) often receives phone calls from its members asking about this specific dental extraction issue—and they are informed that dental extractions are considered surgery. The CACVT encourages technicians asked to perform such procedures to have a conversation with their veterinarian. I personally know of veterinary technicians who have chosen not to work at a hospital because during the interview process they were informed that veterinary technicians perform the dental extractions during dental procedures. That’s a tough place to be, in need of a job and making a conscious choice not to work because of an ethical dilemma. Here is yet another statistic to consider. There are roughly 80,200 veterinary technicians within the United States (Bureau of Labor Statistics 2010). Less than 50 veterinary technicians throughout the U.S. are credentialed as a Veterinary Technician Specialist in Dentistry. (To learn more, visit the Academy of Veterinary Dental Technicians at When asking Dr. Ed Eisner (Advisory Committee member on the AVDT) about the training of dental extractions within the specialty, he stated, “Extractions are considered surgery and are not within the scope of practice for veterinary technicians.” According to the State Board of Veterinary Medicine, only a veterinarian can perform the following: diagnosis, prescription, surgery, or initiating treatment. The Veterinary Practice Act clearly states that “veterinary medicine” includes veterinary surgery, obstetrics, dentistry, and all other branches or specialties of animal medicine and that “no person may practice veterinary medicine in this state if the person is not a licensed veterinarian.” The point is this: before you place your veterinary technician in a compromising position of performing a veterinary dental extraction, ask yourself the following: Who is properly educated and licensed to perform this oral surgery? And, even more importantly, who is liable and responsible for that procedure being done in your practice? n Personalized Specialty Surgical Care Compassion. Communication. Collaboration. 3640 Walnut Street • Boulder, CO 80301 303-443-GLOW (4569) • CVMA Voice 201 3: 2 | PAG E 2 5 Lasting Relationships Often Begin With A Handshake. There is a special relationship between pets and their families. The same is true about the relationship we have with our referring veterinarians. We strive to be an extended part of your practice by working as a team with you and your clients. We provide the most advanced technology and personalized care in the Rocky Mountain region. Our specialists at the Veterinary Referral Center of Colorado are a resource that you can depend on. • Cardiology • Dermatology/Allergy • Emergency & Critical Care • Internal Medicine • Neurology/Neurosurgery • Oncology/Radiation • Ophthalmology • Surgery 3550 S. Jason St. • Englewood, CO 80110 • 303 874 PETS (7387) • FA VRCC CVMA Ad.indd 1 TWO Incredible Opportunities to Maximize The Effectiveness of Your1/25/13 Practice and Take Your Career to the Next Level proven effective VMC presents the most & veterinary management training available! Principles of Veterinary Practice Management September 25th • Denver, CO “The cost is ‘pennies’ compared to the return on investment! I will definitely attend more VMC seminars!” ~Justin Powell, Oubre Animal Clinic “Good, practical information you can use at work tomorrow! A great combination of ‘broad strokes’ and specifics.” ~Mary Weeks, Creekside Pet Care Center Monica Dixon Perry, CVPM proven & effective take-aways: • • • • • • 6NewWaystoManagePeople Delegation&TeamLeverageTechniques MotivatingPerformanceEvaluations Law&EthicsManagement UnderstandingIndustryBenchmarks WhatItTakestobeanEffectiveLeader 1:24 PM VMC School of Veterinary Practice Management (VHMA Approved 40 Hours CVPM Continuing Education) 5 days of intense training, workshops, & wetlabs + 6 months of support coaching EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW TO EFFECTIVELY MANAGE A VETERINARY PRACTICE! Topics Include: Financial Management Effective Marketing 5 Technology “Wet Labs” Internal Controls Common HR Mistakes & How To Avoid Them .... And Many More! October 14th-18th, 2013 Denver, CO TEAM VMC: Sheila Roe Grosdidier, RVT, PHR Mark Opperman, CVPM Monica Dixon Perry, CVPM REGISTER TODAY! Space is limited! For More Information: Call 303-674-8169 or Visit CV M A VO ICE CVMA NEws BIG Ideas Forum Explores Veterinary Dentistry: Part I On Saturday, April 27, CVMA welcomed over 100 attendees to the BIG Ideas Forum | Spring 2013 session in Denver on Veterinary Dentistry: Is there a standard of care? Frustration, false claims, and murkiness characterize several aspects of veterinary dentistry, fostering a Wild West frontier mentality where anything goes. As a result, animals large and small are failing to receive the level of dental care they need. The involvement of non-veterinarians who deliver dental services— ranging from anesthesia-free scaling for dogs and cats to sedation of horses for teeth floating with power tools—underlie the problem. Further complications include lack of clarity in regulations governing the practice of veterinary medicine, under-reporting of violations by unlicensed providers coupled with inadequate resources for prosecuting them, and differing views within the veterinary profession about what constitutes appropriate dental care in animal patients. CVMA gathered an “all-star” cast to probe deeply into this issue to address the current landscape, divergent opinions about the standard of care, and implications for change: • Tony Woodward, DVM, DAVDC • Ed Eisner, DVM, DAVDC • Kate Knutson, DVM, and AAHA president • Scott Marx, DVM • Bruce Whittle, DVM, and AAEP Scope of Practice Task Force • Maulid “Mo” Miskell (panelist), program director for the Colorado Board of Veterinary Medicine Tony Woodward DVM, DAVDC Dr. Woodward addressed “The State of Companion Animal Dentistry in Colorado: How to Improve It” as he described his past experience and how it was quite typical for a long time: Scrape the crowns, extract mobile teeth (easy), and “go fast” to avoid anesthetic risks. Dentals were easy money because techs could do a lot of it while he did “doctor stuff ” and “scrape and yank” dentistry was considered the standard of care. But the reality was that he was doing a poor job and sending most of his patients home in pain: abscessed teeth rarely swell or drain and complicated crown factures cannot heal. Mobility takes years to develop, and extractions are surgical, dealing with flaps, bone removal, cutting tissues, vital structures in fields, and closure. He realized that clinical signs are rare, and dental x-rays are required to truly see issues—and that his education was incomplete, leading to “unconscious incompetence” as he put it. Even now, he claimed, half of practices provide poor dental services, half have no dental x-ray, many leave patients in pain, and half or more let technicians do extractions. Adding to the issue is that anesthesia-free cleanings are growing and owners can’t tell the difference in the quality of care. Dr. Woodward says practitioners have to ask why the issue persists, in order to fix it. He offered four reasons: ignorance, apathy, cost of equipment/training, and greed. To improve pet dental care in Colorado, he believes education is key in three broad areas: educate students, educate veterinarians and staff, and educate the public. He then circled back to the four reasons for issues, encouraging a tailored approach to each: Ignorance—Assume practitioners are willing to learn, enlighten them, show them the opportunity, then show them the path. Apathy—Try to educate, empathize, tell them it’s “the right thing to do” and show them what they are missing; resort to embarrassment if necessary. Fear of investment—Show the positive economics of low investment cost and rapid payback and how it can substantially boost the practice (15 to 20% of a small animal practice should be dentals). Greed—Offer no sympathy, expose them for what they are doing, report them to the State Board, and educate the public to ask who does the oral surgery and if dental x-rays are done on all patients. He concluded with the message that there are many practices providing excellent care, those that try usually succeed, the opportunity truly is staggering, and education is key. While it may take ruffling some feathers, in the end, everyone wins: practitioners, patients, and clients. Ed Eisner DVM, DAVDC Next to speak was Ed Eisner DVM, DAVDC, discussing the recent veterinary State Board updates to the rules pertaining to dentistry. In response to a call from attorneys, veterinarians, technicians, and other interested parties for more clarity in the rules defining dentistry, the State Board updated its rule. While Dr. Eisner urges CVMA to support the updated rule, he asks that it also advocate for a strengthening of the rule. According to the updated rule, “Dentistry means the diagnosing, treating, correcting, changing, relieving, or preventing abnormalities of the oral cavity or associated structures, including surgical, nonsurgical, or related procedures, and includes: a. The application or use of any instrument or device to any portion of an animal’s tooth, gum, or any related tissue for the prevention, cure, or relieve of any wound, fracture, inury, or disease of an animal’s tooth, gum, or related tissue; and b. Preventive dental procedures including, but not limited to the removal of calculus, soft deposits, plaque, stains, or the smoothing, filing, or polishing of tooth surfaces. The issue, Dr, Eisner says, is the second part of the rule that says “The practice of dentistry may be delegated to veterinary personnel under the direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian.” Dr. Eisner would argue that “direct supervision” means that a licensed DVM be readily available on premises. At the center of the debate is the proliferation of those offering “anesthesia-free” scaling for dogs and cats, often done without a veterinarian on premise (e.g., at grooming facilities). While the rules state that the practice of dentistry requires establishing and maintaining a veterinarian-client-patient relationship and creating BIG continued on page 28 CVMA Voice 201 3: 2 | PAGE 27 2 01 3, I ssue # 2 CVMA NEws BIG continued from page 27 and maintaining an animal patient record and documenting that informed consent from the owner, agent, or responsible party was obtained, this is rarely happening. Dr. Eisner stated that most clients are innocent about disease and they present their pets for “tooth cleaning” which is done mostly to improve cosmetics and esthetics. However, complete dental care is meant to improve oral health, which requires intra-oral radiographs, subgingival proving and charting, and treatments such as fluoride, root planning, extractions and other oral surgery for traumatic, neoplastic, and auto-immune reasons. Dr. Eisner turned the conversation to the legalities of having anyone other than a licensed veterinarian performing dental procedures. Legally, there are four tasks a licensed veterinarian cannot delegate, except to a veterinary student: diagnosis, prescription, surgery, and initiating treatment. He emphatically reminded the attendees that tooth extraction is a surgical procedure, referring to both the American Animal Hospital Association Dental Guidelines and an American Veterinary Dental College position statement. He argues that the State Board’s decision in April that veterinarians can delegate extractions to non-veterinarian personnel because, if only a dental elevator is used, it is not considered surgery, is inaccurate and needs to be corrected. He compared it to human dentistry in Colorado, where law prohibits altering of the structural anatomy of a patient by dental hygienists and expanded chairside assistants; only dentists can extract teeth. Shouldn’t the same parameters apply to veterinary dentistry as well? He then shared several slides of actual cases that showed the intricacies and possible dangers inherent in extractions and dental surgeries, further making the case that extracting teeth should be the responsibility of a licenses veterinarian and not be delegated. “Our clients would be shocked and angered if, after paying for professional service, were told that a doctor was not even in the room when their pet’s teeth were extracted, especially if the decision had been made (read as ‘diagnosis’) by someone other than the doctor!” Dr. Eisner concluded his presentation by saying that Colorado, which has more veterinarians and veterinary specialists per capita than any other state, should be an example of some of the best veterinary medicine practices in the United States. Kate Knutson, DVM, AAHA President The final speaker on the small animal side of the dental issue was Dr. Kate Knutson, current AAHA president. She referred attendees to the 2013 AAHA Dental Care Guidelines for Dogs and Cats, recently published in the March/April 2013 issue of the Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association. Dr. Knutdson began by asking attendees to picture their last dental procedure: the surroundings, the setup, the facility, instruments and equipment used, and patient assessment. Her point was that it should be approached like any other surgery, following the same strict protocols and preparation. As commented on by Dr. Woodward, general practitioners don’t necessarily like dental procedures and they often aren’t approached with the same attitude and concern as other surgical PAG E 28 | CV M A Vo ice 2013 : 1 and medical procedures. But they should be. One great first step is to stop referring to them as “dentals” and start talking about “oral surgery.” She presented a case study that showed how important it is to perform an awake oral exam, an asleep oral exam, full mouth radiology (because 40 to 60% of the tooth is below the gum), and to clean the teeth both supra and subgingivally. She stressed that like so many other medical conditions, a full procedure is necessary to really see and understand the full scope of any issues. Also part of the process is explaining to clients the need for full dental exams under the conditions described above, and how important it is to the overall health and wellbeing of their pets. Scott Marx, DVM To begin the discussion of equine dentistry, Dr. Scott Marx presented “Current Issues in Colorado Equine Dentistry.” He restated the Colorado Practice Act stipulation that veterinary medicine includes dentistry and that extractions and dental procedures should only be performed by licensed veterinarians. In addition, Colorado veterinary medicine rules and regulations state that “no veterinarian may advertise Specialty Board Certification without certification by the AVMA in that specialty area. It is unethical to allow one’s credentials to be used by any organization that engages in, or has members that engage in, the unauthorized practice of veterinary medicine.” Further, “No person may practice veterinary medicine in this state if the person is not a licensed veterinarian.” This was a preface to his discussion of the prevalence of equine non-veterinary dental care providers (NVDCPs) in Colorado that are providing services ranging from floating sharp enamel points to major dental surgery. Furthermore, Dr. Marx said, quoting a 2010 source, “Legal testimony given by NVDCPs clearly establishes that they admit to breaking state laws, that they have no desire to pursue professional education, and the majority of NVDCPs do not have, nor do they desire to have, a professional relationship with veterinarians.” Many claim certifications and professional titles or training from non-AVMA sanctioned “dental schools” when there are no such programs or titles. Another issue is that it is illegal for NVDCPs to sedate clients’ horses, yet they do. So the question becomes, who sold them the drugs to do so? Why are veterinarians selling them the drugs? And because NVDCPs are not veterinary professionals, often refer to veterinarians in a derogatory manner to clients, frequently and knowingly work in violation of the state practice act, make false and ridiculous claims, and often scam the public, Dr. Marx strongly urged attendees to report NVDCP violations to the State Board. So why do clients actually call on NVDCPs? Because veterinarians are not providing dental care or education to clients. Dr. Marx says that many clients believe that their veterinarians don’t care about teeth or don’t know anything about teeth. The bottom line? NVDCPs exist because of inadequate dental care provided by the veterinary community, forcing clients to seek the “best” dental care provider regardless of the practice act—and nothing will change until veterinarians make an effort to improve dental services. Continued on next page CV M A VO ICE CVMA NEws Continued from previous page So why are so many veterinarians resistant to doing equine dentistry? Dr. Marx suggested that veterinarians often overlook dentistry because they may not have been taught well in school, they do not think it is important, they think they can make more money doing something else, they don’t have the right instruments, and they do not sedate horses to appropriate depth. But there are important reasons for high-quality dentistry: it improves the quality of care provided for the horse, increases the services offered to the client, and establishes reliable and significant revenue for the practice. Dr. Marx concluded by saying that the veterinary community has a responsibility in providing proper equine dentistry, including veterinary practice act compliance and negating the NVDCP role in Colorado equine dental care. Bruce Whittle, DVM Dr. Whittle picked up where Dr. Marx left off with his presentation “Equine Dentistry: What is the big deal?” as he emphasized the fact that veterinarians have to either do a better job with equine dental care or “let it go.” He began by saying that no one is really clear on what equine dentistry is and who shold provide it. Everyone is confused, from the public to the horse industry to the veterinary profession. Feeding the confusion is superior marketing by “lay dentists” (NVDCPs), veterinarian complacency and division, uninformed veterinarians supporting NVDCPs, and the failure of the veterinary profession to educate and advocate. The result? Horses are suffering. So why are veterinarians confused? Dr. Whittle believes there are many reasons, including apathy, practitioners believing “floating teeth” is below the dignity of the veterinarian, a lack of understanding of dental principles and the importance of oral health to overall health, and being misled into believing the “credentials” of NVDCPs. He then went into an in-depth explanation of equine dentistry, explaining teeth floating and where it fits into the different dentistry disciplines. He also stressed why horses need dental care, the requirements for the performance of equine dentistry, and the different equine dentistry equipment. He then gave a review of equine dentistry’s basic principles of form and function, including the first “law” of equine dentistry: Horse’s teeth are living structures that can be inadvertently killed through indiscretion. He explained how equine teeth can be “killed” and the factors making the equine dentition unique, including brachydont vs. hypsodont dentition, anisognathism, cheek teeth table angles, the equine temporomandibular joint, enamel (mandibular vs. maxillary cheek teeth), molar/premolar cingula, and the equine pulp system. After explaining the complexities of equine dentition, he stated the many things that can go wrong: how the failure to diagnose a significant problem while floating teeth can delay proper treatment; overfloating of the teeth can result in indirect or direct pulpar exposure and pain; improper extraction technique can result in hemorrhaging or retained dental fragments, routine incisor reductions can result in pulpar exposures, and “underfloating” can result in potentially life-threatening malocclusions. Dr. Whittle showed slides of cases where improper dental diagnosis and treatment caused severe issues and death, noting how difficult it is to assess, diagnose, and treat without proper x-rays, exam techniques, and training. He urged for a set standard of care: • Examination facilitated by sedation, visual, probe and explorer, radiography • Diagnosis based on knowledge of pathology • Treatment based on knowledge of dental anatomy and physiology according to sound scientific principles The discussion then turned to the current legal status of teeth floating/equine dentistry in the U.S., including who should perform dentistry, states that have undergone legislative changes regarding equine dentistry, and poorly defined parameters and definitions. In Colorado, he said, the official Rule says that “No veterinarian may engage in acts that aid and abet the unlicensed practice of veterinary medicine.” Which means that a Colorado veterinarian “referring to” or sedating horses for a NVDCP that is not in their employ is violating Colorado state law. Unfortunately, there are very few official programs and certifications available and about half of the dentistry schools were started by veterinarians who decided to train lay people, the other half were started by lay people who wanted to do what veterinarians do—and there is no accrediting body such as the one that oversees colleges of veterinary medicine. Dr. Whittle mentioned two specific programs, the Equine Gnathological Training Institute and the American School of Equine Dentistry. He wrapped up his presentation by stressing the importance of veterinarians in the field, and that they should be working toward seeing the patient as a whole and not just some isolated set of teeth in a dark hole; following the progression of examination> diagnosis>treatment; and using prescription pharmaceuticals for ensuring humane care of patients. It is the responsibility of the veterinary profession to educate and advocate, and state VMAs can help forward legislative concerns, since almost all laws regarding the practice of veterinary medicine are determined at the state level. To that end, Dr. Whittle says, all veterinarians should be members of their state VMA—because ramifications of any legislation can affect everyone. Q&A Once the speakers finished their presentations, they were all convened for a Q&A panel that also included Maulid “Mo” Miskell, program director for the Colorado Board of Veterinary Medicine. That Q&A and follow-up discussion will be presented in the next issue of the Voice. Stay tuned! n CVMA Voice 201 3: 2 | PAGE 2 9 2 01 3, I ssue # 2 CVMA NEws CVMA Auxiliary Launches Food Animal Project Colorado Science & Engineering Fair 2013 Carolyn Rule, CVMA Auxiliary President The CVMA Auxiliary is pleased to announce the “Fare for Fairs” recipients at the April 11 Colorado Science and Engineering Fair held in the Lory Student Center at CSU. Two noteworthy Animal Sciences projects were selected. The Junior Division winner was Riley Meisner, a 7th grader from Sterling. Riley is 13 and attends Sterling Middle School. His project, “Does Feeding Time Affect Lambing Time” was devised to determine if the time at which pregnant ewes are fed affects the time at which they lamb. Riley fed two separate groups of nine ewes, one during the day from 4:30 AM to 4:30 PM and the other group at night from 4:30 PM to 4:30 AM. Both groups were fed sugar beet tailings and alfalfa hay. Because 82% of the ewes lambed according to his projected timeframes, Riley’s project proved that the ewes fed in the evening were the most likely to lamb during the optimum day time. The Senior Division winner was Montana Cook, a 9th grader from Walsh. Her project, “Artificial Insemination: Comparing Methods of Thawing Bull Semen” showed that thawing the straw of semen for 30 seconds in a water thermos at 36 degrees C was more successful than four other methods using longer times for thawing or colder water. Judges this year were Dr. Don and Echo Owen, who have been regulars for many years, and Dr. Ted Cohn and Jo Ostwald. With several good projects in both divisions, it took some deliberation to select the winners. Riley and Montana will receive $50 from CVMA and $50 from the Auxiliary, for a total of $100 each. n The Auxiliary to the CVMA is offering a new project for food animal medicine, created to encourage veterinarians to move to the under-served rural areas of Colorado. Our hope is that we can help clinics that are either trying to hire or sell by offering an additional incentive to help defray the costs of relocation. The new associate or buyer does not need to be a recent graduate and can be from anywhere, as long as s/he has an interest in food animal medicine and is willing to move into an under-served rural area in Colorado. The Auxiliary will offer $3,000 to be used as an incentive to help the new associate/owner with expenses occurred during relocation. The recipient will provide veterinary services in food animal medicine in a Colorado practice that is at least 20% food animal. The practice owner will apply for the funds after the veterinarian has a signed contract to either work for or to buy the practice. There will only be one incentive available per year. We will try to get more information to you as soon as possible either through CVMA eNews or future issues of the Voice newsletter. In the meantime, if you have any questions or need more information, please contact Carolyn Rule, president, at [email protected] or 970.879.2853, or Sharon Powell, chairman, at [email protected] or 719.346.7442. n We’re here to help you get world-class specialty care to your patients. More board certified specialists and diagnostic and treatment tools than anywhere else in the region. Appointments are readily available or just walkin and see our Urgent Care Service. Helping animals, people and the planet. 24/7 Emergency Service and Urgent Care Walk-In Service 300 W. Drake Road, Fort Collins • (970) 297-5000 PAG E 3 0 | CV M A Vo ice 2013 : 2 CV M A VO ICE Daniel C. Flanscha CFP®, CLU, ChFC, LUTCF President, Financial Advisor [email protected] Welcome New CVMA Members! Please help us welcome these new CVMA members to the association. 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