Skaters, Coaches and Parents from all areas of the U.S. & South Atlantic Region are welcome to join us! Register via Entryeeze through the club links below: Club Education, NC Figure Skating Super Camp & Lunches for all programs, Foundations of Coaching registration links: PSA Foundations of Coaching: PSA Deadline March 23, 2015 Lunch orders for all programs: The North Carolina Figure Skating Super Camp: Skate Dance DreamTM Performance Camp U.S. Figure Skating Parent Ed & Club Ed PSA Foundations of Coaching Sunday April 12, 2015 Raleigh IcePlex 2601 Raleigh Road Raleigh, NC 27604 Spaces in all camps & private lesson spots will be limited so register soon! Final registration deadline March 30th, 11:59 PM NC Super Camp Commi ee Members: Beth Campbell, Commi ee Chair, TFSC Denys Hare, Facili es Coordinator & SCNC Interim President Helen DeFazio, SCNC Treasurer Shannon McNeill, Private Lessons, SCNC Tami Bell, Lunch and Travel Coordinator, TFSC Karen McClure & Tara Robinson, PSA Founda ons of Coaching volunteers, CCSC Liaisons. Ques ons? Contact Beth Campbell at [email protected] Registration: Deadline: March 23, 2015 Time: 7 AM –4:30 PM, April 12th. Fee: $60 for PSA members, $75 NonMembers Includes: Coaching manual, 12 PSA educational credits, Basic Accreditation exam completion. Lunch: $7 through Super Camp Entryeeze The Professional Skaters Association Foundations of Coaching Course is a professional development course for both new and experienced coaches. This one-day course is a recommended resource to provide introductory strategies to successfully navigate the world of coaching and optimize your teaching potential. On and off ice sessions will give a foundation of resources and tools for your business of professional coaching. Upon successful completion of this course, the coach receives a certificate of completion and equivalency for the Basic Accreditation Exam. Coaches age 16 and up may enter directly to the registered level of the PSA Rating System. Previously rated coaches can apply the hours to their continuing education requirements. For more information, please visit the PSA website or contact Barb Yackel at [email protected] (507) 281-5122. Tentative Schedule: 7-7:30 AM Registration 7:30-11:00 AM Classroom 11 AM– 1 PM On-Ice 1 PM Lunch — Bring own or order through Super Camp Entryeeze 1:45-4:30 PM Classroom Topics include: Roles and Responsibilities of the Coach Basic Technique and Lesson Planning Effective Communication & Dealing with Parents Teaching Methods Equipment and Safety Business Practices Coaching Ethics Safe Sport Understanding the Sport System & Conclusion Page 2 Rachael Fla : Guest Faculty 2010 U.S. Na onal Champion and Olympi-‐ an, three- me U.S. Silver Medalist and 2008 World Junior Champion. Member of Stan-‐ ford University Class of 2015. Rachael is available for Saturday private lessons. Ashley Cain: Guest Faculty Two- me Senior Interna onal Bronze Medalist and 2015 U.S. Championship Ladies Compe tor in Greensboro, NC. 2012 U.S. Junior Silver Med-‐ alist and 2010 Novice Ladies Silver Medalist in singles and 2011 World Junior Pewter Medalist in pairs with former partner Joshua Reagan. Member of the U.S. Figure Ska ng DREAM Team and Athlete Advisory Commi ee. Ashley is available for private lessons. Erynn Komes: Guest Faculty and Choreog-‐ rapher Erynn Komes is a double Gold Medalist in freestyle and Moves in the Field, Silver medalist in Dance and has training in ballet, modern dance and jazz. She was the Grassroots Division Runner-up in Audrey Weisiger’s 2011 G2C Young Ar st Show-‐ case na onal choreography compe on and has appren ced with the Ice Theater of New York. Erynn is available for private lessons in primary or enhanced choreography. Marissa Diaz: SDD Execu ve Director and Assis-‐ tant Producer Marissa is a double Gold Medalist in Moves in the Field and Free Skate and passed Silver Dance tests. She also has trained in diverse dance disci-‐ plines from ballet to hip hop. She has competed at the na onal level in synchronized ska ng and placed 4th at the 2010 Adult Na onal US Figure Ska ng Championships. She has been a team leader for the 2011, 2013 and 2014 U.S. Figure Ska ng Program Components Camp. Learn more: Page 7 Registration: Entryeeze links through club websites (p. 8) SDD Faculty Biographies Paula Wagener: PSA Master Rated Choreography and Style Coach Paula has training in classical ballet and developed the U.S. Figure Ska ng Ar stry in Mo on Badge Program for Basic Skills. She also has served as a consultant in cho-‐ reography and style for compe ve skat-‐ ers. She has been a presenter at many na onal conferences including the Pro-‐ gram Components Camp. Your skater will have an unforge able experience under her energe c tutelage! Logan Giulie -Schmi : Guest Faculty A triple Gold Medalist in freestyle, dance and Moves in the Field, Logan and his partner Lynn Kriengkrairut finished fi h at the 2014 U.S. Championships and sixth at the 2014 Four Con nents Championships. He has since skated in several of Parker’s Skate Dance Dream events and is now coaching footwork, transi ons and musi-‐ cal expression. He has enjoyed passing his knowledge along to developing skaters and will be available for private lessons. Parker Pennington: Founder and Execu ve Pro-‐ ducer of Skate Dance DreamTM. The only skater to hold U.S. Na onal tles at the Juvenile, Intermediate, Novice and Junior levels, he has also competed interna onally and skated in many shows such as Sco Hamilton & Friends. He currently is a coach and choreographer in Cleveland, OH in addi on to his SDD du es and will be available for private lessons in choreo-‐ graphic enhancement and musical expression. Learn more: Page 6 Club Education Seminar Time: 10:30 AM-4:30 PM, April 12th. Fees: Individual 5 Club Members Mar 30 $45 $200 (Usual fees:* $75 $250) Lunch: $7 or provide own. When was the last time your Skating Club Board or Committee Members sat down together and discussed topics such as Risk Management, Board Member Conflicts of Interest or responsible Fiscal Management? Do you want more ideas about how to balance your club budget or implement Safe Sport practices? The Club Education Seminar is a key opportunity to workshop with your Club Board and Committee members to adopt best practices of successful figure skating clubs and avoid exposing the club to undue legal or financial risks! We will be joined by U.S. Figure Skating’s Senior Director of Membership Susi Wehrli-McLaughlin and Membership Committee Chair Alan Wolf who will discuss new tools available to clubs that will help your club thrive! The seminar is open to new and experienced board and committee members alike and since it is bundled in our NC Super Camp, we are able to offer you a significant discount over a standalone Club Ed Seminar.* Please also feel free to join our Parent Education Seminar from 8:3010 AM preceding the Club Education Seminar. Topics Included: Strong Club Governance — Do’s & Don’ts of Non-Profits, Legal Duties and Ethical Practices, Transparency, Managing Conflicts of Interest. Safe Sport Program — Implementation and Enforcement Revenue Generation — Protecting Club Assets —- Fiduciary Responsibilities, Staying out of Trouble, Responsible Fundraising, Strategic Thinking — Goal Setting Page 3 Registration: Entryeeze links through Club websites (p. 8) Fee: $145 Early Bird through March 8. $155 March 9-30th. Registration ends March 30, 11:59 PM Participants receive: souvenir T-shirt, 9 hours on and off ice instruction Parent Education session INCLUDED! Lunch: bring own or $7 The Skate Dance DreamTM organization was founded by 2000 U.S. Junior Champion and International Competitor Parker Pennington when he started coordinating his own charity benefit shows, directing and producing the successful Skate for Life benefit for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. He realized that there was a niche to inspire developing skaters by connecting them with U.S. and International competitors and helping skaters develop their artistry, musical and choreographic expression on the ice through benefit shows. SDD has recently developed a camp format with the assistance of Executive Director Marissa Diaz, a former coach, LTS director and U.S. Figure Skating Program Components Camp team leader. The NC Super Camp will be the second U.S. site to host this unique camp experience for skaters in the U.S. Figure Skating skate school Freestyle 1 through Senior Free Skate levels. Campers will be divided by skate school or Moves in the Field levels. On Ice sessions will cover Choreographic and Musical expression, Transitions and Footwork. Off the ice, skaters will have an entertaining time with the legendary Paula Wagener in Character Development, Dance and Interpretation. Through the cooperative work of three area clubs — Skating Club of NC, Triangle FSC and Central Carolina SC — we have worked to bring you an affordable and memorable camp experience that is not to be missed! Page 4 U.S. FIGURE SKATING PARENT EDUCATION PROGRAM We are excited to announce that representatives from U.S. Figure Skating will be present to host a seminar for parents! We have included the fee for this program in your skater’s SDD registration so please plan to stay from 8:30-10 AM after skater drop-off to benefit from their expertise. Topics will include supporting your skaters as they progress through the U.S. Figure Skating ladder and information on National skating programs such as Synchro, Showcase, Theater on Ice, Solo Dance and Collegiate events. Bring your questions and enhance your familiarity with the many opportunities in skating! Sunday April 12th, 2015 Sample Schedule (subject to change pending group assignment): 7-7:30 AM Registra on 7:45 AM Introduc ons for Parents & Skaters 8:30-10 AM U.S. Figure Ska ng PARENT EDUCATION PROGRAM 8:45 AM Off Ice — Crea ve Movement & Musical Interpreta on 10:00 AM On Ice — Transi ons/Footwork 11:00 AM Off Ice — Choreography 12:00 PM Lunch — bring your own or can purchase through Entryeeze 12:30 PM SDD Stars and Faculty Q&A/Meet & Greet 1:15 PM On Ice Character and Interpreta on 2:25 PM Off Ice Character and Interpreta on 3:30 PM On Ice Choreography 4:30 PM Full Group Performance 5:30 PM Camp Ends Monday April 13, 2015 Several faculty will be available on the day following the camp to provide onice private lessons in program enhancement, choreography, footwork and transi ons at the Raleigh IcePlex from 6:30 AM to 5:15 PM. Thirty Minute rate: $45. Register through Entryeeze “Prac ce Ice” module. Small group lessons (2-4 skaters, $30 each for 30 mins) may also be available pending volume of requests for private lessons. Email Shannon McNeill if you are interested in a small group lesson: [email protected]. Page 5
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