March 2015 The League’s Monthly E-newsletter "Lent comes providentially to reawaken us, to shake us from our lethargy." -- Pope Francis 1|Page We Catholics are truly blessed! Throughout the year, we are reminded on numerous occasions to look more closely at ourselves and to be the person God calls us to be. Lent is one of those times, with love at the centre of this season. Love ourselves and love others. Be League is one way members can share this love for others, to enjoy and learn. The national executive recently returned from its winter meeting that included many moments of love, all tied directly or indirectly to the love of the League. That love is shown by members at all levels, through the stories shared in this issue of Be League and by the comments made on the forum and Facebook. Show this love! It is not to be hidden, especially when the world is in a state where showing love to all could not be more important. April 2, 2015, will be special in three ways. First, it is Holy Thursday; second it is Canada’s first commemoration of Pope John Paul II Day; and third it is the 10th anniversary of the death of Saint Pope John Paul II. Washing of the feet on Holy Thursday is a symbol of love that we witness with humility, and who doesn’t remember the chant, “John Paul II we love you” that pops into our heads at the very mention of Saint Pope John Paul II? I am pleased to announce the winner of the recent Facebook challenge! Brenda SamsonMarchand (St. Louis Parish Council, Louisdale, Nova Scotia) was sent her prize of a $25.00 Tim Hortons gift card, two CWL mugs and three packages of theme cards. She won the draw from those who shared the new theme image on Facebook. If you still want to win, don’t fret! Another $25.00 Tim Hortons gift card will be given to anyone submitting an article for Be League on how her council is celebrating the new theme. A schedule has been set for the months that provincial councils are designated to submit articles for Be League. Check with my latest communique (communique #3) on the national website for the list. Many articles are needed to continue having an electronic newsletter that is informative and fun to read. If it is not your province’s month to submit, but you exciting news to share, please send it in as well. The deadline for submissions for the next issue of Be League is March 31st. Happy Lent! Fran Lucas 2nd Vice President and National Chairperson of Communications Table of Contents President’s Message ...................................................................................................................................... 3 Catch the Fire! ............................................................................................................................................... 4 Manitoba Provincial Council ......................................................................................................................... 5 Holy Family Parish Council ........................................................................................................................... 6 Immaculate Conception Parish Council ........................................................................................................ 6 Pro-Cathedral of the Assumption Parish Council .......................................................................................... 7 Edmonton Diocesan Council ......................................................................................................................... 7 Church of the Ascension Parish Council ........................................................................................................ 8 St. Joseph Parish Council .............................................................................................................................. 8 Holy Redeemer Parish Council ...................................................................................................................... 9 St. Martin de Porres Parish Council............................................................................................................... 9 Manitoba Provincial Council ....................................................................................................................... 10 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Council ................................................................................................. 10 Anniversaries and Service Awards ............................................................................................................... 11 March Quiz.................................................................................................................................................. 11 2 | February P a g e Quiz Answer and Winner ............................................................................................. 12 “Those who walk righteously and speak uprightly, who despise the gain of oppression, who wave away a bribe instead of accepting it, who stop their ears from hearing of bloodshed and shut their eyes from looking on evil, they will live on the heights; their refuge will be the fortresses of the rocks; their food will be supplied, their water assured” (Is. 33:15-16). Blessed is [she] who walks in justice and speaks what is true! I was so moved by Isaiah’s words I took the liberty of adapting them to suit the League. With Lent in full swing, the arrival of daylight savings time and the promise of spring in full view, is it any wonder my thoughts are filled with hope? I came back from the recent national executive meeting in Toronto filled with joy and gratitude. It was a time of great hope. Members can be assured they are represented by dedicated, passionate and caring women. It is clear to me that we are on the right path and working hard to stay on course. Using our God-given talents and wealth of knowledge, we addressed many serious concerns. The euthanasia and assisted suicide issue was discussed with heavy hearts but was guided by prayer. You will hear more in due course. We welcomed the news that the Catholic Women’s League Leadership Foundation has Barbara Dowding National President 3|Page received its charitable status and now has a board of directors. What is wonderful about this is we can begin in earnest to find ways to fund the foundation. You may recall, the purpose of the foundation is to train Catholic women to assume leadership roles in church and society. The foundation began with a pledge of $500,000 from the Sisters of Service in 2011, with the addition of $100,000 from the League in 2012 and the intention that the League would raise an addition $400,000 through pledges and donations from councils and individuals. Look for information and ideas on how to reach this target to ensure the foundation is financially ready to open— exciting times indeed! Pope Francis reminds the faithful in his 2015 message for Lent, “A merciful heart does not mean a weak heart. Anyone who wishes to be merciful must have a strong and steadfast heart, closed to the tempter but open to God. A heart which lets itself be pierced by the Spirit so as to bring love along the roads that lead to our brothers and sisters. And, ultimately, a poor heart, one which realizes its own poverty and gives itself freely for others.” I trust your Lent is proving to be spiritually productive, filled with good encounters and bringing you to the joy of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday! Catch the Fire! in Saskatchewan: Top: Marlene and Wanda getting ready for the next module during break. Middle: Craft session! Attendees making paper chains. Bottom: Attendees sing a campfire song. 4|Page The council spent a few fun-filled hours making Valentine’s Day cards for a local senior’s home. Ten members brought paper, stickers, cutters, punches, envelopes and their creativity to make and distribute 167 valentines. They were distributed to the seniors as the council’s way of reaching out to those who are sometimes left out on special occasions. On January 11th, in conjunction with its annual recruitment effort, the council gathered with the faith community for the regular Sunday celebration of the Eucharist. Fr. Francesco Pirise was celebrant and, as a means to make the League more visible to the community, all lay ministries were filled by CWL members. Following the reception, the council hosted a reception with tea, coffee and cake. Members were available to provide interested women from the parish with information about the League. They were quite successful—a number of new members joined the council! 5|Page At the council’s installation of officers’ ceremony, three generations of members were sworn in. Among them were (pictured left to right) Noelle Sharpe (daughter of Maudena and mother of Shelby), Maudena Farnsworth (mother of Noella and grandmother of Shelby) and Shelby Sharpe (daughter of Noelle and granddaughter of Maudena). “Each time this incredible group of ladies comes together for a common goal I am amazed,” Noelle Sharpe said. “It only takes a drop in the bucket to make a change, but these women make the bucket overflow.” For several months, the council has been involved with Transformation Textiles, a Canadian charity that provides feminine hygiene kits to young women in developing countries. The money to support this charity is raised from selling glass ornaments, alabaster candle holders and other small decorative items made in Egypt. To see examples of the hygiene kits and the alabaster, please visit 6|Page Communications chairperson Sandra Digras reported the council held its annual baby shower for the pregnancy crisis centre in the community. Many churches and organizations donated baby items and a lunch was hosted. Pictured L to R: members Carol Low, Carmen Tellier and Penny Cowan pose with a colourful cake at the baby shower The council celebrated a special occasion with a Dessert Tea. All members and many nonmembers who helped the council with receptions were invited. Twenty-nine members (pictured, below) enjoyed a variety of tasty teas and desserts! 7|Page The council held a Senior Appreciation Tea in the Whitney Pier community. Lunch and entertainment were provided, and everyone had a great time! Seated L to R: Pamela Roberts, Margaret Tucker, Connie Fudge, Fran MacNeil Standing L to R: Cathy Penman, Beverly Slade, Dorothy Murphy, Peggy MacNeil, Beverly Young, Claire Briggs, Peggy Margetti, Mary Magis and Marilyn Roberts. As part of a special celebration, the council’s first spiritual advisor from 1989, Fr. Michael Gillissie, concelebrated mass. Deacon Paul Soucie delivered the homily that was based on the parable of the workers in the vineyard, followed by a speech on the contributions the council makes. All members present stood to receive a blessing from the congregation, a truly moving tribute. The council was blessed to have eight past-presidents still very active in the council. Pictured from L to R: Helen Bissonnette (2002-2005), Nicole Kohlman (1995-1997), Vi Dobson (1989-1991, Patricia Moore (2006-2009), Carolyn McStravick (1991-1995), Rosanne Nadon (2010-2013), Christine Beelan (current), Thresea Schopf (former military CWL president). Missing from the photo is Barbara Devine (1997-2001). 8|Page Observers from St. Boniface and Winnipeg diocesan councils, the Ukranian Catholic Women’s League of Canada and the Knights of Columbus met on February 4, 2015, with Premier Greg Selinger and 16 cabinet ministers to present and discuss adopted national and provincial resolutions from 20132014. The resolutions were well received and valuable feedback was given. Seven parish council past presidents experienced the wonderful milestone of being present together at a parish council luncheon. “We felt that it was quite amazing to have all these ladies at our CWL luncheon” writes Diane Poirier, current council president. Pictured from L to R (representing presidential terms from 1969 to 2015): Dot Miller, Ruth Anderson, Doris Rankin, Jutta Zeisler, Rita Ferris, Anita Clarke and Diane Poirier 9|Page 60th Anniversary ........... Holy Redeemer Parish Council, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island 60th Anniversary ................................. Our Lady of Loretto Parish Council, Edmonton, Alberta Pat Clarke 60-Year Pin St. Peter Parish Council Nanaimo, British Columbia Doreen Metson Grada Vlemmix 50-Year Pin Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Council Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Council Grand Bend, Ontario Grand Bend, Ontario Mathilda Manders Corrie Reloux 40-Year Pin Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Council Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Council Grand Bend, Ontario Grand Bend, Ontario 25-Year Pin Lillian Martens Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Council Mary Edwards-Metcalfe Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Council Anny Michielsens Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Council Grand Bend, Ontario Grand Bend, Ontario Grand Bend, Ontario Marian Anderson Maria Bossert Yolanda Gilbert Angela Kuntz Lilian Reeves 10-Year Pin St. Peter Parish Council St. Peter Parish Council St. Peter Parish Council Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Council St. Peter Parish Council Saint Can you name all the one-syllable words that rhyme with “saint”, “priest”, and “pope”? (Note: only fill in the coloured cells!) *quiz from 10 | P a g e Nanaimo, British Columbia Nanaimo, British Columbia Nanaimo, British Columbia Grand Bend, Ontario Nanaimo, British Columbia Priest Pope The next deadline for submissions is March 31st. Please submit your stories and photos to [email protected], by mail or fax to (888) 831-9507. C-702 Scotland Ave Winnipeg, MB R3M 1X5 Phone: (204) 927-2310 Toll Free: (888) 656-4040 Fax: (888) 831-9507 E-mail: [email protected] 11 | P a g e
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