Central Scenes A Joint Publication of the NCHS Staff and the Home and School Association It’s the “Principal” of the Thing MARCH 2015 Naperville Central High School Greetings from NCHS! Naperville Central is grateful to have a community of terrific parents. A special “thank you” is owed to those parents who recently volunteered to help organize the senior party, mother/son brunch, and father/daughter dance. All three of these events are an important part of the culture and tradition of NCHS, and due to the volunteer efforts of our parents. In particular, the Home & School leadership deserves much of the credit. If you’ve never volunteered to help with one of the many opportunities offered, please consider getting involved. District 203 schools have been closed three days due to cold weather conditions. Our final day of school for students is projected as June 2nd. Student attendance during final exams is mandatory. Families should always recognize the five “emergency days” listed on the district calendar, and avoid making plans that conflict with those five days. To protect the integrity of final exams and to assist in the logistics of proctoring final exams for 3,000 students, it is an expectation that all students will be in attendance on the dates of final exams (May 29, June 1, and June 2nd). In the event of a conflict that cannot be avoided, please contact my office to be considered as an exception to this policy. Any student who is excused and absent during one of the final exam periods will need to make up the exam or final responsibility according to the teacher’s recommended plan. I continue to be impressed by the accomplishments of our students. I regularly visit classrooms where I see students invested in their learning and growth. I regularly attend extracurricular events where I see our students doing incredible things. Please continue to encourage your student(s) to do their best and work towards improving themselves. Effort and determination are the critical ingredients of success. When your student runs into an obstacle, or faces a significant challenge, continue to persuade your student to keep trying. Persistence is something that we all need. Best wishes for a great “home stretch” of the school year. Go Redhawks! - William Wiesbrook, Principal Attendance Line Phone Number 630-420-6966 The parent/guardian, NOT STUDENT, must telephone the Attendance Office before 11:00 am for late arrival, early dismissal (includes leaving and returning during school hours) and all day absences. You can phone NCHS 24/7 using the above number. When parent/guardian is out of town, they are expected to contact the Attendance Office prior to leaving and designate an adult responsible for their student. Students may not report their own absence. Hello Redhawk families! The first Day of Spring is just a couple of days away. We were all recently “teased” with that warm 70 degree air, which made me excited to get outdoors without the snow blower. Good bye Snow, hello Spring Sun! In a flash the second half of our 2014-15 school semester is actually almost half over and our volunteers have already been in full swing. The Senior Party was a wonderful and fun send off to our Seniors. A BIG thank you to all the parent volunteers and committees that helped plan, create and implement that fun “cruising on” night. Special thanks go to the Cruise Director and Senior Party Chair, Sandy Seaman, and her teams for their many hours spent to make the evening a success. Our February and March events; Winter Dance, Mother/Son Brunch, and Father/Daughter Dance were attended by many and enjoyed by all. Thanks to ALL of the committee chairs for coordinating these events. Thanks to: Dance Decorations: Janet Hurd, Michelle DeNeve, Lory Watson, Nichole Suchevits Dance Photography: Kitty Klute-Krabbenhoft Dance Coat Check: Christina Kasper Sonia Harmon, and Laura Carpenter Dance Refreshments: Billie Gerlach and Sherri Sonner Mother/Son Brunch: Maureen Barker Father/Daughter Dance: Deb Del Grosso and Judy Koziol Thanks also to all of the parent and student volunteers that helped these committees plan and implement these endeavors. I know that all the attendees also appreciate your efforts. Our Volunteers Committee is also very busy in the spring. Yard signs, Cap and gown distribution, and Yearbook distribution are just a few events that this team coordinates in the spring. Thank you to Committee chairs; Denise Kelly Metcalfe, Karen Pinnella, Gay Lynn Wons, and Maureen Satterlee, for ALL of your awesome work with our volunteers this year. You make every event run smoothly and look easy! The School Store is open daily for purchases during student lunch periods. There are many many volunteers that staff this store. Thank you to all volunteers who take time to “man” the store. I know that students really appreciate the convenience of the store during their lunch time. Thank you to the School Store Chairs, Kim Ramey, Lisa Schelli and Tonya Roberts. Awesome job! Parent Awareness is for YOU. You don’t have to pay, volunteer or do anything except attend and listen. The Parent Awareness team, Neveen Michael and Hannah Koo, coordinate with NCSH Student Services to bring you very informative presentations. The topics are relevant and informative to us as parents. Don’t miss your opportunity to attend one in the coming months. Please check out the articles in this newsletter regarding the dates, topics, and times of these not to be missed evening events. Thanks to Naveen and Hannah for their coordination of these valuable presentations. Parent Coffees are also for YOU! Small groups of parents congregate at a parent home and enjoy an informative, informal question and answer evening with Principal Wiesbrook. If you have not attended one, please consider doing so. This year we also held a parent coffee at NCHS for incoming 8th grade parents. It, too, was successful and very informative. Thanks to our Parent Coffee Committee Chairs, Bonnie Ranieri and Lori Halldow, for coordinating attendees and making these parent coffees successful. Thank you to our Staff Appreciation Chairs, Debbie Jones, Jamie Nelson, and Amy Callahan for “appreciating” our NCHS staff throughout the year. Our NCHS staff continually goes above and beyond. We, as parents, thank you for recognizing them for their big efforts in little ways. Your recognition of them with notes, fruit, and various other things throughout the year is greatly appreciated. Our Nominations Committee is hard at work. Thank you to Joan Tanck and Cindy Meier for their big effort to fill the many positions for next year. They are currently preparing our slate for the Executive Board 2015-16 as well as assembling committee chairs for the new school year. IF YOU have always wanted to be a chair on one of our boards, NOW is the time to tell us. Please contact me if you are interested. Continued from previous page….. Throughout the year you have been contacted by our Committees to volunteer. Our committees have been able to reach out to you easily because of the efforts of our Data Base Coordinator, Hillary Miller. We thank you so much, Hillary, for your many hours of data entry to make our jobs easier. I am sure you have enjoyed receiving and reading the information contained in the Central Scenes newsletters. We will be publishing one more before the end of this school year. This publication would not be possible if not for Our Newsletter Chair, Carol Verrey. Thank you so much for your time and skills utilized to coordinate and publish these newsletters. Thank you to our entire NCHS administration for continually supporting Home and School this year. The synergy that is created when parents staff and students work together is amazing. That chemistry has been apparent many time this year. Thank you all for your ongoing support. As always, please feel free to contact me directly should you have any questions or comments at [email protected] or by phone at 630-862-6420. Also, you are always welcome at our meetings. Our next meeting is Thursday, March 26, at 9am in the Principal’s conference room. If you have a chance please shoot me an email if you are planning on attending. Happy Spring Break and Happy Spring! Janet Kraft President, NCHS Home and School 2014-2015 The Home and School Nominations Committee is actively preparing the committee chairs for next year's board. IF YOU have an interest in possibly co-chairing a committee for next year we want you! We are a fun, collaborative group and love volunteering at NCHS! Home and school meetings are at 9 a.m. on the 3rd Thursday of each month. We ask that at least 1 person for each committee attend. (generally there are 2-3 co-chairs) So, if YOU are interested please email or call: Joan Tanck at: [email protected] or Janet Kraft at: [email protected] or 630-862-6420. We look forward to talking with you The Teen Brain and Addiction. Why do some people become addicted while others do not? Risk for addiction is influenced by a combination of factors that include individual biology, social environment, and age or stage of development. Check out the March Parents use your Power Newsletter to learn more. SENIOR NEWS NCHS SENIOR ATHLETIC SCHOLORSHIPS ($1000 each) are now available in the athletic office. All seniors who have participated or supported (eg, athletic training staff) in the athletic program, including club sports, and cheer squad are encouraged to apply. Applications are due on Monday, April 6 (noon). Applicants are expected to attend the senior banquet on Sunday, April 19 (5pm) when the awards will be announced. For more info contact Alice Fong [email protected] NCHS SENIOR ATHLETIC BANQUET The NCHS Athletic Booster Club invite you to join our athletes, families, coaches and the Athletic staff to celebrate their high school years of training, competition, and achievement, at the 21st Annual Senior Athletic Banquet. The banquet will be held on Sunday, April 19, 2015 (5-7 p.m.), at Naperville Central High School Cafeteria. Senior Athletes are invited to attend compliments of the NCHS Athletic Booster Club. The cost is $25 for parents and other guests. Registration and payment can be completed on line at www.nchsathleticbooster.com or by using the form below. All registrations are due by Monday, April 13, 2015. Senior athletes must still register to attend. This year’s featured speaker is Jeronn Walker. Jeronn is the founder of B.I.G. Baseball Academy, a non-profit baseball training program for inner city youth in Chicago, and the head baseball coach at the University of Chicago Lab School. Jeronn has been involved with sports since his little league days in Hyde Park, as a 2 sport athlete (baseball/football) at De La Salle Institute, and eventually professionally with the Kansas City Royals. B.I.G. has been featured on Channel 5, Fox News and the Chicago Sun Times. We look forward to recognizing ALL our senior athletes involved with our athletic program on Sunday, April 19th, at 5:00 p.m. at Naperville Central High School. For more information please feel free to contact me at [email protected]. Sincerely, Alice Fong NCHS Athletic Banquet Coordination/Executive Board Please detach and drop off at the Athletic Director’s Office or mail to the NCHS Athletic Booster Club, 440 Aurora Ave, IL 60540 by Monday, April 13th. Checks should be made to the NCHS Athletic Booster Club. NAME OF STUDENT (sport): _______________________________________ NAME OF PARENT/GUESTS: _______________________________________ Number of parents/guests (Sr. Athletes are free)______X $25= ________total Student email: _____________________________________________________ Parent/guest email: _________________________________________________ THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! For the first time, Coffee with the Principal offered an opportunity for 8th Grade parents to meet with Mr. Wiesbrook on a very cold Monday February 23rd. We had a great turn out in Central's LRC where Mr. Wiesbrook walked through the school day with parents, and with Karen Lemanski (Director of Student Services) discussed extra curricular activities and the important roll of counselors. There was a Q&A with a large variety of questions and answers, and some wonderful discussions among parents. Based on the turn out, we believe this event will become a regular part of the Coffee with the Principal series. Thanks you to Mr. Wiesbrook and Ms. Lemanski for a fantastic evening! NCHS ANNUAL ATHLETIC BOOSTER GOLF OUTING FUNDRAISER Help us celebrate the first ever NCHS All-School Read Friday, June 12th, at Tamarack by reading one of our featured texts, sign up for give-a-ways in the LRC, and sign up to meet renowned young adult author Sharon M. Draper on Tuesday, April 21. Non golfers are invited to join us for a wine tasting, dinner, and auction. Register on line at www.nchsathleticbooster.com THEATER CENTRAL Theatre Central is still going strong this month, they just performed their Spring Mainstage, The Children’s Hour, and they recently held auditions for Experimental, a show with a twist. This year the Experimental show will be The White Liars and Black Comedy, two one-act plays, The White Liars is a show that involves best friends, flirting, and a fortune teller, and Black Comedy- a show with a twist when it comes to lighting. 18th Coming up in March Theatre Central has One Acts auditions on March 23rd, 24th and 25th in room 240. One Acts is a very welcoming show to newcomers and has the best audience turn out as well, and anyone is welcome to audition. March will be Theatre Centrals fourteenth meeting in the auditorium. In April, Theatre Central starts off their month with their fifteenth meeting in the auditorium. Later, they will have Experimental performances on April 16th at 7:30 pm, and the 17th and 16th at 8pm. Tickets are $5 so come to the Blackbox and enjoy a wonderful show! April 22nd will be the sixteenth TC meeting. May 6th will be the seventeenth TC meeting. The 4th, 5th and 6th will be the One Acts dress rehearsal. One Acts will be performed the 7th at 7:30 pm and 8pm on the 8th and 9th. One Acts shows are all student written and the One Acts get judged by guest judges and people are awarded various prizes from best chemistry to best shoes; so come see the show and experience the excitement! The Volunteer Committee would like to thank in advance all of the parents who will be helping with our end of the year distributions. We will be passing out graduation yard signs in March and caps & gowns in April. We will finish up the year passing out yearbooks in May. We will need many volunteers again in August to assist with student school registration that will take place Aug. 11th, 12th, and 13th. Many of you indicated you might be able to help with this event on the summer Home & School form. If you did not sign up to be contacted last summer, but would like to be included on our email list, you can send an email to [email protected]. These events wouldn’t run smoothly without parents volunteering their time. Thank you, thank you ! PARENT AWARENESS Home & School Parent Awareness and the NCHS Social Workers are proud to present the last Parent Program which will be held on Monday, March 23, 2015 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm in the NCHS Library Resource Center (LRC). The speaker will be Doug McKinley and the topic is Discover What Motivates Your Teen. Find out what you can start doing to motivate your teen. You can walk away with practical ideas of what to say, when to say it and how to say it. This is open to all parents and students in District 203. Earlier this month, we heard from speaker, Deb Koopmann, on the topic, Teenage Depression and Anxiety. This presentation covered signs and symptoms, coping strategies, various techniques and resources. If you missed this and/or other session, you can link into the school website to watch all of these presentations. http://d203.schoolwires.net/domain/886. If you have any questions, please contact the NCHS Social Workers at 630-420-6435/6437. Hannah Koo Neveen Michael Naperville Central High School DECA students earn recognition at the Illinois Career Development Conference Over 1,300 students from around the state of Illinois compete for state awards and scholarships as emerging leaders and entrepreneurs Naperville Central High School DECA chapter members earned the organization’s highest honors at DECA’s 70th annual Illinois Career Development Conference in Decatur, IL, March 12-14, 2015. During the school year, approximately 120,000 of DECA’s 200,000 student members take part in the organization’s competitive events program, allowing them to compete for local and regional titles. The competitions are designed to simulate real-life business scenarios and test students’ academic understanding and skills development. The top state and provincial winners will put their talents to the test during the program’s final round of competition to be held in Orlando, Florida at the end of April. The DECA International Career Development Conference is the pinnacle of competition where nearly 16,000 students will vie for international honors. NCHS DECA members, Taken after opening session, IL CDC, March 12, 2015 DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management. DECA enhances the preparation for college and careers by providing co-curricular programs that integrate into classroom instruction, apply learning, connect to business and promote competition. Heidi Hannenberg 4th Place Apparel & Accessories Marketing Alec Bakker 3rd Place Automotive Services Marketing Akshay Punukollu 3rd Place Hotel & Lodging Management Casey Novak nd Principles of Business Management rd 2 Place Ellery Kemner 3 Place Personal Financial Literacy Amanda Schumacker 5th Place Quick Serve Restaurant Management Jimmy Kaeppel 5th Place Restaurant & Food Service Management Hailey McHugh 3rd Place Financial Consulting Hailey McHugh 3rd Place Retail Merchandising Series Paige Leyden rd Professional Selling th 3 Place Madison Cahan & Emily Miller 4 Place Hospitality Services Team Decision Making Sara Legg & Gloria Korpas 2nd Place Travel and Tourism Team Decision Making Joe Kallikadan, Ashlyn Bell, and Emily Miller Drew Quiriconi & Maneesh Sommisetty 3rd Place Financial Literacy Promotion Project 3rd Place International Business Plan Naperville Central High School DECA students earn recognition at the Illinois Career Development Conference Other awards and recognition went to the following students who placed in the top 10 in their events: Allie Charmoli & Catherine Chang Marketing Communication Team Decision Making Eric Zhang Business Finance Series Rick Li Business Services Marketing Series Bryce Maxwell Human Resources Management Series Samantha Clements Sports and Entertainment Marketing Tori White Professional Selling Drew Quiriconi and Joe Kallikadan Business Law and Ethics Maneesh Somisetty & Quinton Gabriela Business Law and Ethics Umair Habib & Maneesh Karnati Financial Services Team Decision Making Autumn Eipers & Lindsey Holic Hospitality Services Team Decision Making Jack Hendricks & Michael Keenan Travel & Tourism Team Decision Making Ashley Maul & Megan Troke Entrepreneurship Innovative Plan Samantha Clements & Haily McHugh Fashion Merchandising Program Freshmen Members 2015 Seniors The NCHS L.I.F.E. Group (Leading and Inspiring Female Empowerment) will be celebrating Woman’s History Month in March by supporting the local chapter of Dress for Success. During Parent-Teacher Conferences, club members will be in the cafeteria by door number eight, selling raffle tickets for LUSH Beauty Products Bath and Body gift baskets. Tickets for the raffle are 4/$1.00. All cash proceeds will be donated to Dress for Success. In addition to the raffle, club members will also be collecting gently used career wear: suits, separates, shoes, and accessories, which will also be donated to Dress for Success. Walking in a Winter Wonderland The NCHS Dance DecoraƟons commiƩee would like to thank all those helped transform the large cafeteria into a Winter Wonderland for this year’s Winter Dance. Blue and white mixed with sparkly lights helped to create a wonderful wintery scene. A HUGE THANK YOU goes out to all the NaƟonal Honors Society students who stayed to lend a hand aŌer their Friday ended at noon. With the help of these students, our small but mighty group of parent volunteers were done decoraƟng in Ɵme for dinner! We all had a great Ɵme working together. If you are interested in being a part of the DecoraƟng CommiƩee, please contact [email protected] for more informaƟon. The commiƩee needs several more co-chairs to help this commiƩee run even smoother. You don't have to bean art major to parƟcipate. We have various areas for you to channel your experƟse! Our next dance will be next fall, Homecoming 2016 , so now’s the perfect Ɵme for you to join us. There is plenty of Ɵme to incorporate YOUR great ideas going forward! Thank you to all who helped make the 2015 Mother/Son Brunch an event to remember! Many thanks to all who helped to make the Father/Daughter Dance a huge success! We had close to 500 attendees who enjoyed the wonderful music of the Naperville Central Steel Pan band which was led by Ms. Yuko Asada. 728 smiling dads and daughters enjoyed each other's company and made many memories on Friday, March 13th. The dance floor was packed for 2 1/2 straight hours! Moms and Sons also enjoyed the musings of our guest speaker, Mr. Conor Cunneen, one of Chicago’s leading motivational speakers and “Humorous speaker of the year.” The day ended beautifully with our essay winner, Noah Cinzio reading his letter to his Mom, Keren Cinzio. Thank you so much to Mike Fabbri and his staff at the Abbington for a wonderful day. Thanks also to all the volunteers that helped with ticket sales, decorations and basket donations. Maureen Barker-Chairperson The "crowning" moment of the evening was when Bob Ross was named King Dad, based on a wonderfully touching essay written by his daughter Michelle, a senior. The other members of the King Dad Court were John Aemmer, nominated by Kathryn, and Lee Harrington, nominated by Cathy. We were so proud of the senior girls for their participation in the King Dad Essay contest ~ 28 girls honored their fathers with beautifully written essays! The dads were given printed copies of the essays to take home as a keepsake. Thank you so much to Mr. Mike Fabbri and his staff at the Abbington for a wonderful evening. Thanks also to all the volunteers that helped with ticket sales, decorations, and greeting on the night of the event. We are looking forward to next year's dance, currently scheduled for Friday, March 18th, 2016. Debbie DelGrosso & Judy Koziol, Co-Chairpersons " Winter Dance and Coat Check go hand in hand. Thanks to all the helping hands from parent volunteers at February dance. Whether you worked one shift or two, we are very grateful for your efforts. Thanks so much! WE NEED YOU AGAIN! Please remember to check "coat check" next year when the volunteer forms come in August. Your participation will help to make next year's Homecoming and Winter Dance a success! If you REALLY want to get more involved, why not be a Coat Check Committee Co-Chair? If you are interested or want to find out more contact Janet Kraft at [email protected] or 630-862-6420 by April 15. Naperville Central High School Senior class of 2015 and Sandy Seaman wish to say…. General Heads and Committee Chairs “Thanks for lending us a Hand” For Amazing Successful event
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