BUNDLING FOUNDERS: BENEFITS Raise Co-Chair of the National Finance Committee $500K VIP Republican National Convention Package – Includes Invitation to a special retreat with Heidi & Senator Ted Cruz Hospitality Suite and VIP Reception at the Convention Regular reports from Campaign Leadership Host Committee receptions at events held in home state Invitation to quarterly dinner with Heidi & Senator Ted Cruz at Cruz home STATESMEN: Raise Membership on the National Finance Committee VIP Republican National Convention Package – Includes Invitation to a special retreat with Heidi & Senator Ted Cruz Hospitality Suite and VIP Reception at the Convention Regular reports from Campaign Leadership GENERALS: Host Committee receptions at events held in home state Raise Co-Chair of your State Finance Committee Invitation to a special retreat with Heidi & Senator Ted Cruz Regular reports from Campaign Leadership FEDERALISTS: Membership on your State Finance Committee Regular reports from Campaign Leadership $250K $100K Special event(s) at the Republican National Convention Host Committee receptions at events held in home state Commemorative Ted Cruz 2016 pin Raise $50K Host Committee receptions at events held in home state Commemorative Ted Cruz 2016 pin Special event(s) at the Republican National Convention Paid for by Cruz for President BUNDLING BENEFITS ACCEPTANCE $500,000 FORM Founder Yes, I would like to sign up as a FOUNDER and commit to raise $500,000 $250,000 Statesman Yes, I would like to sign up as a STATESMAN and commit to raise $250,000 $100,000 General Yes, I would like to sign up as a GENERAL and commit to raise $100,000 $50,000 Federalist Yes, I would like to sign up as a FEDERALIST and commit to raise $50,000 Signature: Date: Name: Title: Company: Email: Assistant’s Email: Daytime Phone: Mobile Phone: Address: Fax: City, State, Zip: Tracking Number: You may not solicit funds for Cruz for President until you have received a notice making you an authorized fundraiser of the campaign and until you have read the FEC rules which you must agree to abide by. TO CONTRIBUTE: Please contact Lila Ontiveros at [email protected], 713-353-4342 or mail form to: P.O. Box 25384, Houston, TX 77265 The maximum contribution an individual may make to Cruz for President is $5,400 ($2,700 to the primary election; $2,700 to the general election). A couple may contribute up to $10,800 from a joint account as long as both individuals sign the check or sign above. A multicandidate federal PAC may contribute up to $10,000 ($5,000 to the primary election; $5,000 to the general election). Contributions to Cruz for President are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from corporations, foreign nationals and federal government contractors are prohibited. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions exceed $200 in an election. Paid for by Cruz for President CONTRIBUTION FORM $10,800 Couple ($5,400 per primary and $5,400 per general election cycles) $5,400 Individual ($2,700 per primary and $2,700 per general election cycles) Name: Address: City, State, Zip: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Office Phone: Fax: Email: Employer: Occupation: Spouse’s Employer: Spouse’s Occupation: Tracking Number: Enclosed is my check payable to “Cruz for President” or please charge my: □ Amex □ Discover □ MC □ Visa Total $: Cardholder Name: Card Number: Expiration Date: CVV: Required Signature(s): I certify this contribution is drawn on my personal checking account or credit card, represents my personal funds, and is not drawn on an account maintained by a corporate entity: Signature of Contributor Signature of Spouse (if joint contribution) TO CONTRIBUTE: Please contact Lila Ontiveros at [email protected], 713-353-4342 or mail form to: P.O. Box 25384, Houston, TX 77265 The maximum contribution an individual may make to Cruz for President is $5,400 ($2,700 to the primary election; $2,700 to the general election). A couple may contribute up to $10,800 from a joint account as long as both individuals sign the check or sign above. A multicandidate federal PAC may contribute up to $10,000 ($5,000 to the primary election; $5,000 to the general election). Contributions to Cruz for President are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from corporations, foreign nationals and federal government contractors are prohibited. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions exceed $200 in an election. Paid for by Cruz for President
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