P Teamsters Seek Foothold In Poultry Market The Teamsters Union sought a l i n g e r foothold in agriculture last month when union boas James Hoffa conferred with jjew Jersey poultry farmers. Key »opk on the agenda of the ting was the possibility that e g g producers would join up with H of fa's group. In the meantime, the leaders f Dairy Farmers Local 69 of •he TV.misters Union, fresh from g strategy meeting in New York minded the call for a new Cit3 ,Tship dr've among dairy ii southern New York :md northern New Jersey. S As on past occasions, all-out support of the Washington, D. C. leaders of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters was promised. Questioned about the possibility of another strike (there have been three by so tailed splinter groups in the past two years, all unsuccessful), Local 69 president Frank Chalupa only commented: "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it But, we have a program all mapped out." Different kinds of alfalfa are recommended in New York because many research trails show no one variety is best under all conditions of soil, climate, and management. DARLING DELIVERS! BUY A USED CAR AT DARLINGS WITH CONFIDENCE — THEY 'DELIVER' WHAT YOU 'BUY' — -v' * 9 Just A Few Of The Select Used Cars Now Available! • 1960 DATSUN 4-door Green 4 cyl. 40 Miles to a Gallon of Gas Intricacies for Whitney Point Enjoys Wide Reputation But Is Very, Modest BY LYNN SWAN A quiet, almost reticent man is Dwight M. Wooster but his work speaks volumes. Taking a lifeless animal skin and recreating it into an alert, realistic mounted trophy, truly an artistic triumph, is a daily accomplishment at the D. M. Wooster Studios in Whitney Point. One is inclined at first to think of taxidermy as a rather "stuffy" business, conducted on a small scale by an individual in the back room of a store, garage, basement or barn. Such is not the case with Mr. Wooster whose modest beginnings began on the farm but grew to such proportions that his business is now housed in a three story brick building, the former Whitney Point schoolhouse in town. Starting in 1926 when he first became interested in mounting his own trophies, he learned his trade through a correspondence course and developed it so well that today he is known throughout tfie^#ittap pk ^ttae> "WqelleBce of hirf w&Hfr*"* r •*" - f**" What makes this particular business so unusual ' and outstanding? Mr. Wooster, while cradling a new-born Japanese Sitka deer fawn trophy in his arm, explained that to excel in this field one must be inclined toward the arts. From the initial clay model he sculptures, producing every muscle and See • 1958 CHEVY 2-door PG 6 Cyl. Ivory <& Tan Radio - Heater [All Cars Carefully Inspected by our Trained Mechanic We Service all makes of Cars, Large or Small Our Jeep is always 'On Call' We will pick up, Service and return your car at your convenience D A R L I N G ' S Used Car Sales PI 9-2551 Taxidermy Is Art with Numerous HOMER, N. Y. (RANDALLS Re: REAL ESTATE PI 9-2213 • .SSSWflV.WttAU.' Posing Among Trophies DWIGHT W. WOOSTER, OWNER OF THE WELL KNOWN Wooster Taxidermy studio in Whitney Point, poses with some of the rare and common birds he has restored over the years. Mr. Wooster who is assisted in his work by all local-help, receives orders for his restoration work from almost every state in the country as well as from overseas. See story adjoining this picture. —STAFF PHOTO wrinkle as in real life, to the last daubs of paint around the eyes and mouth of the finished specimen, natural abilities and talent are prime requisites. In addition to some 250 deer heads .turned out last year, Mr. Wooster is constantly busy making rugs of bear, lynx, lion, leopard and many other skins that come from such far off parts of the world as Africa, Alaska and British Columbia as well as mounting birds, fish and a variety of animals. REMAIN POPULAR Asked to what uses these specimens were being put in these days of much contemporary design in which rooms for housing trophies seem to be a thing of the past, Mr. Wooster answered that they were still used extensively in dens, game rooms, offices and camps. This year he had the pleasure of executing a polar bear rug for Governor Furcolo of Massachusetts. In touring his studio of a dozen rooms, one is fascinated by many things. On display in lighted showcases among hundreds of samples of his work, one's eye is caught by the Alaskan Ptarmigan, similar to a grouse. A snowy white bird, dove like in appearance, it is unusual in that when alive it changes color with the seasons, white in summer, brown in winter. Most prized of all his feathered family is the Golden Eagle, being extremely rare in New York State. This particular one was injured when caught and a special permit was required to mount it. The studios retail department in addition to wildlife, handles many accessories, end products of the animals. Smartly styled, fine leather coats, jackets and vests for men and women, leather bags, belts, gloves, moc- casins, wallets and jewelry all handsomely crafted, may be purchased. Lamps and footstools fashioned of leather, some with deer foot bases are also among the many attractive items on display. Mr. Wooster's wife, Celia joins him occasionally in the leather handwork on the bags and belts. A separate room for this work contains shelves for bag cutting dies, colored leathers, and tools. His father, Herman Wooster, pitches in when needed. Some of the ten employees include two men who intricately perform such tasks as setting in deer eyes. A number of these eyes are of beautiful imported glass from Germany, the backs of which are convexly out to add to their glowing depth. Dwight Woosters employees are all local residents he has trained in various steps of taxidermy. THE HOMER INDEPENDENT Homer, N. Y. Thurs., March 31, 1960 Page 11 for these from the jet black sleakness of the bear to the fluffy Whiteness of the mountain goat. One can certainly visualize the fitness of these in .modern decor. These skins are first tanned, then the* head is mounted on to it, followed by a dampening and stretching process. Holes are then repaired and artistic touch ups are added to the head. Borders of black or colored felt are sewn on and h r t h e final step, the underside/of the skin is lined with felt 0/ other material. Continued on Hate 5 IMPORTANCE OF FORMS One of the most important asIspects of the business is the making of the forms for mounting, both for the studios' use and for other taxidermists. The process begins with the making of a wire or wood frame over which clay is modeled into the likeness of the animal. It is then greased and a substance similar to, but harder than plaster of paris covers it, making the mold. This mold is then split in half and paper forms, expertly compressed are made from it. The methods employed on birds are slightly different in that the cores are generally made of a ball of excelsior, balsa wood or other materials. Particularly appealing are the rugs ranging in size up to ten feet. A variety of skins are used Rubber Base Wall Paint 3 3 1 / 3 to 5 0 % Discount Outside Housepaint and Trim 2 5 % Discount Barn and Roof Red KNIFFEN-OLIVER PI 9-3171 HOMER, N. Y. 4x8xy2" Good 1 Side Reg. $8.32 Sheet Sale $ 6 . 2 4 Gcod 1 Side Reg. $10.56 Sheet 4x8x*/ 2 Sheathing Grade Reg. $5.44 Sheet Sale |4.32 Hardwood Flooring 2 5 | 3 2 " x 2 ' / 4 " Select Red Oak Reg. $ 2 * 0 0 100 Sq. Ft. Sale $ 2 3 . 0 0 i 25 3 2 x 2 % " # 1 Com. Oak Reg. $25.50 Per 100 eq. f t . lb 8 ozJBox " A L L " Sale 1 2 1 . 0 0 25 lb. Box " A L L " • <m ft al • V * 10 lb. Box " A L L " .39 4 boxes 1.00 Zonolite Insulating Fill Reg. $1.60 Bag Calganlte (for dish washer) .50 4 boxes 1.00 Sale $1.29 Sollax 11/ 2 lb. box .35 .75 .69 .19 .39 .39 .15 .98 .98 .75 .59 .59 .39 Electra-sal (for dish washer) Soliax 5 lb. box Glasswax Wood Cream furniture polish Hep Insect Spray Hep moth proofer Puritan dry rug shampoo 3 " Thick Foil Faced Fiberglas Reg. $7.00 Roll Sale $5.65 • 3 " Thick Regular Fiberglas Reg. J6.30 Roll Sale $5.05 2 " Thick Regular Fiberglas Reg. 7.00 Sale $5.65 I White Ceiling Tile 12 m x 1 2 in - 1 2 in x 24 in - 1 6 In x 16 in reg. 10.24 box 1.99 12.95 Sale $8.19 12 in x 24 in Random Acoustical Tile Reg. 113.44 Box Sale $9.98 8.95 Lumber Specials Selected Knotty Pine Paneling 1 in 8 in 8 ft. Reg. $26.00 Per 100 Sq. Ft. g a l e $ 2 1 . 0 0 1x12 #3 Spruce Shelving Boards Reg. 18 1 / 2 c Lin. f t . Sale 15c F I S H I N O supplies I $8.00 ^ Southbend casting reel Southbend rod and reel comp. 7.95 4.79 65' Smooth Roll Roofing Reg. $4.00 Roll Trout nets 2.25 - 125 Sale $3.20 Trout nets 1.00 .59 55* Smooth Roll Roofing Reg. $3 50 Roll H. I. Spinning: reel 9.98 595 , 215# Asphalt Shingles Reg. $3.10 Bundle Sale $2.75 - Enamels Plastic Laundry Basket Extra Special 12 inch Skillet and cover Seeds GE Portable mixer GE Portable mixer With Every Purchase GE Steam and Dry Iron GE Steam dry & spray iron HOMER GE Dry Iron Hardware •6 James St. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com Sale $3.75 .30 Best Household Stepladder 2' $2.25, 4 ' $3.90, 6 ' $5.85 pts. .65 .20 Cabinet Hardware 3 3 1 / 3 % Discount ,3.95 2.77 REG. 13.50 19.95 2995 14.95 21.95 10.95 SALE TRIPLE PICTURE WINDOW UNITS Thermopane Center — Casement End Sash 6 ' | 9 " x 4 ' | 6 Reg-$165.19 Sale $123.90 Pre-hung Aluminum Comb, deors 3 2 " x W " Reg. 39.95 ea 8.10 Sale $31.95 15.95 Orangeberg Pipe 4 M x « ' Reg. 3.04 U n g t h 22.95 Sale $3^5 12.50 At Least 1 0 % Discount on Any Hem In Our Complete 16.95 Building Supply Stock i 7.95 Mc K A Y ' S PI 9-3302 Sale $2.80 qts. 1.00 One Third OH on All Reyereware of Gardening Tools and • Red Brick Design Roll Siding Reg. $4.95 RoJI . Paint Close Out Batteries) 4 Roofing Specials SALE 3.40 4 H REG. 6.95 We Carry a Complete Line Homer, N. Y. Sale $ 3 . 3 6 - Sale $7.92 Quivers priced from 1 2 5 to $19.95 S & H Green Stamps Choice of Gas or Diesel for less than $200 Difference Reg- $4.4S Sheet Arrows priced from .29 to $1.20 I/I6-I/9 in high speed Drill set $16.50 Hack Saws .75 Flashlights .98 (Complete with 4x8xW Good 1 Side 4x8x3 ;4 Bows priced from $10.95 to $65.00 ]/16-i/> iii Drill 2-3 Plow Oliver Model 500 Tractor, Low Cost Gasoline and Diesel, with Differential Lock and All-Purpose Hydraulics and Life PT0. Sale $3 # 35 Fir Plywood Specials 40% Of f On Archery Equipment Fully Equipped Diesel for $2900! Reg. $4.46 Ga. Pure Bristle Paint Brushes 3 3 1 / 3 % Discount CRAZY DAY PRICES Bernzamatic Stoves KRAZY-DAZED" KNIFFEN OFFERS NEW Co Portland Duco EnameT33 1 / 3 % Discount Picnic and Camping Supplies ii 18 Main St. COMPLETE STOCK OF DUP0NT PAINT REDUCED FOR THIS SALE •mp 8 Gal. Garbage pail with locking cover 310 Set in box STEFAN'S Jewelers STAFFORD LUMBERS 4 Ignition Wrench Set .75 l/Ub Tire Tape .39 1 foot Level .39 10 hack saw .39 Blades FINE ART WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIR Select Quality Watches By Stefan's Custom Made Jewelry —To Your Specifications Replating - Diamond Setting Engraving Telephone PI 0-3041 STAFFORD COAL LUMBLR CO. N N PULTON rr ' HOMLR — . ^ ^ 1 P< t I
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