D.A.V PUBLIC SCHOOL uppal’s southend, Sector-49, Gurgaon My Photo My name is____________ I study in class II- __ Holidays Homework General Instructions Go for a morning walk with your parents, talk about things you can see around. Spend some time to practice Yoga Asanas and stretching exercises in the morning time. Help around the house doing small jobs like dusting, cleaning the table, filling water bottles, watering the plants, etc. Avoid playing out in the sun. Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. Avoid drinking soft drinks, instead consume drinks like lemonade, Jal- Jeera, Lassi, Fruit Juices, Shakes, etc……… Continue with your daily reading habit. Enjoy reading new stories or activity books with puzzles and brainteasers. Watch informative T.V channels like Discovery Kids, History channel, National Geographic, etc……… Converse in English with your parents and brothers and sisters. Stay happy and healthy throughout the holidays. Instructions for Home Task Make a beautiful cover to keep the worksheets neat and clean. Use colour pencils or sparkle pens for colouring and decorating the worksheets. Use your worksheets. imagination and show creativity in your Let us be creative: ACTIVITY -1 Wow what an amazing thing to do with old buttons! So children do you like this scene with buttons? If yes create your own scene (different from the one given above) on a pastel sheet with different kinds of buttons and put those old buttons to some good use! Material required: old buttons, pastel sheet, fevicol, colours Activity-2 Yummylicious This macaroni salad has the perfect balance of chewy, crunchy, creamy textures, and gives a refreshing burst of herby flavor. Enjoy this Salad with a refreshing drink!!! Ingredients DRESSING: 1/2 cup mayonnaise 2 tablespoons sour cream 1 tablespoon mustard sauce 1 tablespoon sherry vinegar 2 teaspoons sugar salt and freshly cracked black pepper PASTA: 1/2-pound macaroni pasta, cooked and rinsed (about 4 cups cooked) some cabbage finely chopped 1 small red bell pepper, seeded and diced 1/2 small red onion, diced and rinsed in cold water Kosher salt and freshly cracked black pepper Directions: For the dressing: Whisk the mayonnaise, sour cream, mustard, vinegar and sugar together in a small bowl or glass measuring cup. Season with salt and pepper. For the pasta: In a large mixing bowl, combine the macaroni, cabbage, bell pepper and red onion. Drizzle the dressing over the salad and toss to combine. Season with salt and pepper. Serve immediately. Activity- 3 Greenery under your platter So children, as the summer vacations are approaching you must be excited to enjoy it to the fullest! This may include visits to nearby gardens, parks etc. Observe carefully how leaves of one tree or plant are different from other. Collect different kinds of leaves and get ready to have some fun. Instructions Choose leaves that are still fresh and pliable Lay newspapers down to protect your work surface Take an A-4 size sheet for your leaf print. Paint the surface of the leaf with paint. Gently flip the leaf paint side down onto the paper Peel the leaf from the paper and you should have a printed mirror image of your leaf. Repeat with the same leaf and different leaves. Add more leaves of different sizes and in different colors. For the other side of the table mat write a poem on Importance of trees in our lives Now when both sides are done, get the sheet laminated and your table mat is ready to be used in school during recess time. Here are some examples for you: Activity -4 African Mask Masks were in african tribal war dances to make the wearer look more dangerous. You can make your own African mosaic mask using using small squares and triangles of thin coloured high density foam. Material Required: Coloured Foam Sheets Hole punch Glue Shearing Elastic Instructions: Cut out the basic shape of the mask on the foam as shown in the picture. Also cut the eye hole with the help of scissors. Choose different colour foam and cut it squares, triangles and wedge shapes. Paste the pieces on to the mask in different patterns using glue. Cut out the nose from another piece of foam and glue it into position. Cut out two circles for the nostrils and glue them on to the nose Leave the glue to dry for half an hour. Use a Hole punch to make a hole on either side of the mask, approximately 1 cm in from the edge. Cut a piece of shearing elastic so that it is long enough to fit around your head Tie each end through the holes in the mask. Your African mask is ready. Activity-5 B Bo oo ok klleett o off N Naam miin ngg w wo orrd dss W Wiitthh tthhee hheellpp ooff yyoouurr ppaarreennttss,, uussee yyoouurr ccrreeaattiivvee hheeaaddss ttoo ccrreeaattee aa bbooookklleett ooff nnaam miinngg w woorrddss ccoonnssiissttiinngg ooff ppiiccttuurreess ooff aallll ttyyppeess ooff nnaam miinngg w woorrddss ii..ee nnaam meess ooff tthhiinnggss,, ppeerrssoonnss,, aanniim maallss//bbiirrddss,, ppllaacceess aanndd aallssoo tthhee ssppeecciiaall nnaam miinngg w woorrddss ii..ee nnaam meess ooff rriivveerrss,, m moouunnttaaiinnss,, ffaam moouuss m moonnuum meennttss eettcc.. T Thheerree sshhoouulldd bbee aattlleeaasstt ffoouurr ppiiccttuurreess ooff eeaacchh ttyyppee ooff nnaam miinngg w woorrdd.. M Maatteerriiaall R Reeqquuiirreedd:: PPaasstteell sshheeeettss (( S Siizzee:: hhaallff ooff A A44 sshheeeett)) B Brriigghhtt aanndd ccoolloouurrffuull ppiiccttuurreess G Glliitttteerr ppeennss ,, sskkeettcchh ppeennss aanndd ootthheerr ddeeccoorraattiivvee m maatteerriiaall.. D Deessiiggnn aa nniiccee aanndd aattttrraaccttiivvee ccoovveerr ppaaggee aanndd ggeett iitt ssppiirraall bboouunndd.. E Exxaam mppllee:: Animals Country Snake India MATHS LAND Weighing Balance Activity 6 - For Roll no. 1 to 20 Make a working weighing balance Material required - Plastic hanger, four equal length strings, 2 same size plastic jars or cups. Items 1 cup sugar and 1 cup salt 1 cup sand and half cup water 1 packet of chips(10 Rs) and 1 dairy milk chocolate of 10 Rs Heavy Light Creative hands Lets work on weighing balance, measure the things given below in the table and mention in the table which one is heavy and which one is light Activity- 6 My 3-D World For Roll no. 21 to 40 Instructions: Children will use different colour chart paper to roll and make 3-D shaped robot. Children will use following 3 D shapes Cylinder , Cube ,Cuboid,Cone Sphere COME ON.....LET US MAKE YOUR OWN GROWTH ALBUM....... ACTIVITY 7: THIS IS HOW I AM GROWING Material required: Pastel sheets ( Size : A4 sheet, folded ) Pictures of your childhood when you were 3 months old, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years old and so--on Glitter pens, pencil colours etc. for decoration. How to do : Take 5-6 pastel sheets. Fold them and arrange them one inside the other so as to make it look like an album. Paste a picture of different stages of your growth as mentioned above and write the stage , and the activities you used to do at that stage . Get all the pages punched and tie them with a beautiful ribbon. Prepare a nice cover page with your name, class and THIS IS HOW I AM GROWING written on it. ACTIVITY 8: MILK MAGIC Some food change when cooked. Try this experiment with the help of an adult to see how milk becomes curd. After setting the curd, write a few lines on how it was done. Material I took: A bowl of milk. One teaspoon of curd. How I did: In a bowl, I put some lukewarm ____________. Then I added one teaspoon of _______________to it . I _______________________ it undisturbed for 3-4 hours. When I removed the cover after _____________ hours, I saw that the milk has set into ________________. What I understood: Curd has ___________________ bacteria. When I added a spoonful of curd in the luke warm milk, the bacteria present in the _____________had grown and changed ____________ into curd. Worksheet 1 I have black and yellow stripes I roam in forest with pride On seeing me, all animals hide Guess my name and write on the side I am a ______________ I love honey For it I do not pay money My fur is thick Tell my name quick I am a ___________ Isn’t funny? Now let us create more funny riddles about animals and birds and ask others and see whether they will be able to answer them or not? Worksheet 2 Worksheet 2 Write a word in the crosspatch that rhymes. Across 1. pit 2. map 3. fan 4. bent 5. row 7. ink 1. H 2. t 3. b 4. s 5. g 6. Down 7. d 8. 1. top 2. hen 4 thing 6. seed 8. Sit Worksheet -3 Tongue Twister Say this sentence to your friend. Let him/her repeat it a number of times. “ Great green grapes grew in the grass” Does it twist your tongue? Speak slowly first and then faster. Try saying it five times without stopping in between. Here are some more tongue twisters for you. Try them ! The snow snail slipped down the slide. She sells sea shells on the sea shore. Sam saved seven shy sheep. Try to make a tongue twister of your own. Worksheet 3 Worksheet- 4 How many small words can you make out of one big word? For example, Elephant – ant, help, pant etc. 1. delighted 2. crater 3. brain 4. caterpillar 5. butterfly 6. postman 7. rhinoceros .प्र1)नीचे लिखे शब्दों के वर्ण आपस में झगड़ पड़े हैं| इस झगड़े के कारर् सब इधर-उधर मुँुह फुिाकर बैठ गए हैं| उन्हें ककसी प्रकार अपने सही स्थान पर वापस िे आइए| रधगिर राहाजम रातशर किडाया सारतब प्र2) शब्द के आखखरी अक्षर से नया शब्द बनाइए और आगे बढ़ते जाइए: खिलौने प्र२) सूय,ण चंद्रमा और दीपक अंधकार को दरू भगाते हैं| हमारे आस-पास ऐसी कौन सी वस्तुएुँ हैं जो अुँधेरे को दरू भगाती हैं? सोचचए और लिखखए| प्र3) इन गुब्बारों में उिटे अथण वािे शब्द इधर-उधर बबखर गए हैं| इन्हें सही ढं ग से लिखखए| मोटा रं ि िरम नीचे अच्छा अंदर ऊपर ठं डा पतला बुरा बाहर राजा राजा प्र4) बच्चों आपके द्वारा पढ़ी गई ककसी एक कहानी में से संज्ञा शब्द चन ु कर उनको नीचे ददए गए पेड़ में सजाकर लिखो और एक संज्ञा पेड़ बनाओ| िहानी िा नाम: Worksheet -8 Math Gym 1 6 5 Add along each line 2 1+6+2=9 3 Sum along each line Sum along each line 17 12 5 2 5 Sum along each line 18 1 6 4 3 Sum along each line 11 6 2 7 3 Sum along each line 8 Sum along each line 19 5 9 1 5 6 8 8 2 1 3 6 7 Worksheet -9 Trace the path Help the pirate get to his treasure. He can only move to the next circle by doubling the number he is on each time. He can move up, down, across or diagonally. Colour his path. 1 66 18 16 40 50 1 2 20 100 80 2 4 60 64 120 180 25 14 8 12 28 22 30 36 28 16 56 10 60 12 66 51 10 32 Worksheet -10 Colourful Art In the picture given below colour the pond according to the given colour code Add the numbers to get the desired sum and than colour the picture according to the colour code 55 55 45 9 Figure 1 73 25 42 99 88 99 41 39 66 21+20 R 33+33 71 Orange Blue 22+23 Red 23+16 Mustard 5+4 Yellow 22+33 Light blue 51+20 White 11+31 Black 22+3 Peach 52+21 Grey 40+59 54+34 Brown Pink Worksheet -11 Children, do you ever wonder, what do animals eat? Yes, animals also eat the food of their liking as we do. Come; let’s find out what these animals like to eat. Paste the pictures of their favourite food in the box provided along it. Worksheet -12 BODY MAZE Find the correct word in the word search from the clues given below and colour them . B L O O D F S E A R P E K X F M O M E E E U S U L R E S T R E C U C U L T I R L R T O S K E E U N E N S Y E J O I N T P T O N G U E ACROSS 1. ______________ is the bony framework inside our body. 2. Correct _____________keeps our body in proper shape. 3._____________ is the longest bone in our body. 4.______________ help in the movement of different parts of our body. 5. We should ________________ to make our muscles strong. DOWN 1._________ is the sense organ that helps us in hearing. 2.____________ is the strongest muscle in our body. 3. ___________ is the red coloured liquid that circulates throughout our body. 4. Our body needs ___________ when it is tired. 5. Bones are joined at a ___________. Worksheet -13 FOOD FUN Children, you like to eat a variety of food items. Did you ever think what is present in them that gives us energy, builds our body and protects us from diseases? Those mystery friends are called nutrients. Now colour the given food items in their real colour and write the nutrients present in them.
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