D.A.V PUBLI C SCHOOL, EAST OF LONI ROAD, DELHI-110093 SYLLABUS 2015-16 CLASS I ENGLISH Worksheet I L-1 The Pet L-2 The naughty cat L-3 A funny funny zoo L-4 Neha in a jeep L-5 The big bell Poem- One thing at a time. Practice Book- Pgs- 1 to 14 Grammar1. Punctuation (capital letters, small letters and full stop) Activity: Draw and paste the pictures of five pets and five wild animals and write 3-4 lines on your favourite pet and speak it out. Worksheet II L-6 The hot spoon L-7 A shop in the ship L-8 Chintu and chicks Practice Book- Pgs- 15 to 23 Grammar1. Punctuation (revision) 2. Noun- identification of noun words Activities: 1. Make a family tree and write one sentence about each member of your family. 2. Show and identify the pictures of sound words and tell the spelling of the word. 1 Worksheet III L-9 The thief and the thorn L-10 The puss in the class L-12 Vicky and Nicky L-13 The king’s ring L-15 Anil and Geeta Poem- My mummy. Practice Book- Pgs- 24 to 42 Grammar1. Pronouns (He, She, It, They) 2. Numbers (singular and plural) 3. Verbs (is, are) Activity: Categorization of sentences into past and present. Worksheet IV L-16 Out of the cage L-18 Clever chicks l-19 Tommy- The pet L-20 A picnic L-21 Raju’s bunny Practice Book- Pgs- 43 to 61 Grammar1. Articles (a & an) 2. Pronouns (his, her, my, your) Activity: Learn any short story of 5-6 lines and tell it in front of the class. 2 Worksheet V L-22 kitty’s birthday L-23 The ants L-24 The greedy monkey L-25 Golu’s shop L-26 Neha in the forest Poem- Tiny ball. Practice Book- Pgs- 62 to 79 Grammar1. Verbs (has & have) , revision (is & are) 2. Adjectives (this, that, these, those) Activities: In a given story they will punctuate the same using capital letters, small letters and full stop and fill the noun, pronoun, articles and verb grid. MATHEMATICS Worksheet I S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Activities: Topic Comparison Number concept Counting (1-99) Reverse counting (50-1) Number names (1-50) Page no. (1 -16) (17 -42) Measurement (between lunch box and pencil box), height (with the children and the teacher). Activity based on number cards. Ascending and Descending order (with the help of children of varying heights/using the swings, rides etc.). 3 Worksheet II S. No. Topic Page no. 1. Addition and subtraction (0-20) (43-53) 2. Shapes (54-63) 3. Table of 2 and 3 Activities: Abacus will be used to demonstrate the place value of ones, tens and hundreds as well as for ascending and descending order. Students will be shown different objects and then they will be asked to identify the shapes in the object. Worksheet III S. No. Topic Page no. 1. Number concept (0-100) (64-77) 2. Length (78-80) Activities: Worksheets based on number exercises will be given to the students. Articles of different lengths will be shown to the students. Students will be asked to compare them by considering length. Worksheet IV S. No. Topic Page no. 1. Add and Subtract (81-83) 2. Weight (84-87) 3. More on Addition (0-99) (88-92) 4. Capacity (93-94) 5. Table of 4 Activities: Abacus and bindies will be used to solve the problem of addition and subtraction. Number line will be used to clear the concept of Addition and Subtraction. Worksheet V S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Topic More on subtraction Time Money Tables of 2-5 Page no. (95-99) (100-105) (106-114) ACTIVITIES : Different type of clocks including wrist watch will be shown to the students and they will be told how clock helps us to know time. Children will imprint the coins of different denomination with the help of a pencil. 4 E.V.S TEXTBOOK - MY LIVING WORLD Worksheet 1 Lesson 1 – More about me. Activities – Make a badge of yourself. Guess and tell using your sense organs. Lesson 2 - Keeping Clean Activity – Bring and paste wrappers of any five items which help us to remain clean and maintain health and hygiene. Lesson 3 – Our Food Activity- Bring a healthy and vegetarian breakfast for school. Worksheet II Lesson 4 – Keeping Healthy Activity – Catch and throw ball game activity. Lesson 5 – Clothing Activity- Draw the picture of a boy or a girl and decorate it with any one kind of clothes we wear in any one kind of season. Lesson 6- A house is a must Activity– Speak five sentences on the significance and need of a house. Worksheet III Lesson 7 - Who are they? Activity - Make a family tree. Lesson 8- We are a happy family Activity – How many members are there in your family and what do you and your family do for each other? Click some photographs and paste them. 5 Lesson 9 – Fairs and Festivals Activity - Collect pictures of any two religious places and historical places. Worksheet IV Lesson 10 – Know your Surroundings Activity – Collect and paste pictures explaining difference between mountains, forests , deserts and plains. ( Any 2 places) Lesson 11 – Plants Activity – Paste the things on a picture of a tree which we get from different parts of tree. Lesson 12 – The animals and kingdom Activity – The students will be shown pictures of different animals and they will Classify them into domestic and wild animals. Worksheet V Lesson 13 - Water Activity- Draw the pictures of different sources of water. Lesson 14 - Important places Activity- Students will make a collage of important places of their neighbourhood. Lesson 15 – Let us meet them. Activity - Guess who am I? G.K Worksheet I L- ho’s good and who’s not Unit- I Nature Around Us L-1 Parts of a tree L-2 In the zoo L-3 Fun and Food 6 L-4 Vegetables and Fruits Model Test Paper 1 Worksheet II Unit II World Around Us L-5 Places L-6 What’s that? L-7 Where do they live? L-8 Vrrrrrroom….. It goes L-9 Teddy knows them L-10 Tool table Worksheet III Unit II World Around Us L-11 In my city L-12 My India L-13 Flag of India Model Test Paper 2 Unit III Science Around Us L-14 How do they work? L-15 To be healthy and wise L-16 A Good Belly…. A Bad Belly Model Test Paper 3 Worksheet IV Unit IV World Around Us L-17 Vowel castel L-18 Comic time! l-19 The right time L-20 Opposite attracts Model Test Paper 4 7 Worksheet V Unit V Action Around Us L-21 Sports star L-22 Play time L-23 Music mania Model Test Paper 5 COMPUTER Worksheet I Ch-1 Know your Computer Activity: Collect pictures of different types of computers (Laptop, desktop with CRT and LCD Monitor) Worksheet II Ch-2 What Computer can do Activity: Collect any one computerized bill and paste it in note book. Worksheet III Ch-3 Parts of Computer Ch-5 Knowing the Keyboard Activity: 1. Draw a keyboard and colour all alphabet keys with red and number keys with green. 2. Enhancing the keyboard mouse handling skills. 3. Visit your computer lab and type your name, address and age in computer. Worksheet IV Ch-4 Computer Room Manners Ch-6 Knowing the Mouse Activity: 1. Enhancing the mouse handling skills. 2. Visit your computer lab and type your name, address and age in computer. Worksheet V Ch-7 Computer at Work Ch-8 Let us Draw Activity: 1. Draw different shapes in MS-Paint. 2. Write the names of 10 paces where you find computers 3. Collect some pictures of different place where computer is used 8 ART & CRAFTWorksheet I Step By Step Book 1. Clock-School Bag 2. Elmira-Fridge 3. Cap-Arrow 4. Tortoise- Deepak Worksheet II 1. Ball-Apple 2. Brinjal –Pineapple 3. Raddish-Vegetables 4. Orange-Fruits Worksheet III 1. Flower-Flowers 2. Flower Pot 3. Hut-Rocket 4. Bird-Flying Bird Worksheet IV 1. Rabbit-Dog 2. Face-Girl Face 3. Woman-Girl 4. Boy-Man Art Activity Book 1.Boat-Ship 2.Bird-Tiger 3.Leves 1.Magic Lamp-Dog 2. House-Umbrella 3.Rabbit-Cactus 1.Face-Tree 2.Train-Bird 3.Fish-Truck 1.Stencil Work 2.Watches-Tent 3.Turtle-Fish. Worksheet V 1. Tree-Landscape 2. Scene-Duck 3. Cartoon-Fish 4. Kite-Collage 1.Fox-Dress 2.Apple -Boat 3.Book Mark-Boy हहन्दी पाठ्य पुस्तकें : भाषा माधुरी भाग-१ भाषा अभ्यास-१ कायय प्रपत्र- १ १. अमन २. आ की मात्रा समझदार अजय ३. इ की मात्रा रहििार का ददन 9 कहिता: १. राजा बेटा भाषा अभ्यास:- पेज१से१५तक कायय प्रपत्र- २ १. ई की मात्रा दीपािली आई २. उ की मात्रा गुहिया की शादी ३. ऊ की मात्रा जादूगर का जादू कहिता: १. शाम हुई भाषा अभ्यास:- पेज१६से३१तक कायय प्रपत्र- ३ १. ए की मात्रा मेला २. ऐ की मात्रा शैला की मैना ३. ओ की मात्रा होली का ददन कहिता:- १. पररयों की रानी भाषा अभ्यास:- पेज३२से४४तक कायय प्रपत्र - ४ १. औ की मात्रा कौशल की सालहगरह २. अं की मात्रा संजय की पतंग ३. अँ िाले शब्द ताँगे िाले की मूँछें कहिता:- १. नन्हीं हिहिया भाषा अभ्यास:- पेज४५से५४तक कायय प्रपत्र - ५ १. मस्त कलंदर २. अच्छी परी ३. योग शाला कहिता:-- गुब्बारे िाला भाषा अभ्यास:- पेज५५से६६तक 10 रिनात्मक कायय--१. स्िर एिम व्यंजनों को हित्र से हमलाना। २. पेि बनाकर आकी मात्रा के शब्द हिपकाना। ३. इं जन बना कर इ की मात्रा के शब्द हलखना। ४. बरखा की बूँदों में ददए अक्षरों से शब्द बनाना और हलखना। ५. ददए गए अनुच्छेद को ध्यान से पढ़ना और अनुच्छेद में से उ और ऊ की मात्रा िाले शब्द ढू ँढ्कर हलखना। ६. बच्चों को अहभनय द्वारा हिहभन्न दियाओं को समझाना और हलखने का अभ्यास करिाना। ७. हित्र रिना—हित्र को देखकर पाँि िाक्य हलखिाए जाएँगे। ८. उन िीजों के हित्र बनाकर नाम हलखना जो परीरानी ढेर सारी िीजें लेकर आने िाली है। ९. पतंग का हित्र हिपकाते हुए उसमें प्रयोग की जाने िाली सामग्री के नाम हलखना। १०. सही शब्द िुनकर खाली स्थान में हलखना और कहानी को पूरी करना। ११. अपना हखलौना जो सबसे ज्यादा पसंद है, उसके बारे में पाँि िाक्य हलखना। १२. हिहभन्न पशु –पहक्षयों के मुखौटे लगाकर जंगल का दृश्य तथा हिहभन्न यौहगक दियाएँ। धर्म शिक्षा वर्म िीट - १ पाठ १ से ६ तर् र्ौशिर् टेस्ट होगा । वर्म िीट - २ पाठ ७ से १२ तर् र्ौशिर् टेस्ट होगा । वर्म िीट- ३ पाठ १३ से १८ तर् र्ौशिर् टेस्ट होगा । वर्म िीट - ४ पाठ १९ से २४ तर् र्ौशिर् टेस्ट होगा । वर्म िीट - ५ पाठ २५ से ३० तर् र्ौशिर् टेस्ट होगा । 11
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